Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\phpMyAdmin\js\openlayers\src\openlayers\lib\OpenLayers\Lang\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: en.js (4.65 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /** * @requires OpenLayers/Lang.js */ /** * Namespace: OpenLayers.Lang["en"] * Dictionary for English. Keys for entries are used in calls to * <OpenLayers.Lang.translate>. Entry bodies are normal strings or * strings formatted for use with <OpenLayers.String.format> calls. */ OpenLayers.Lang.en = { 'unhandledRequest': "Unhandled request return ${statusText}", 'permalink': "Permalink", 'overlays': "Overlays", 'baseLayer': "Base Layer", 'sameProjection': "The overview map only works when it is in the same projection as the main map", 'readNotImplemented': "Read not implemented.", 'writeNotImplemented': "Write not implemented.", 'noFID': "Can't update a feature for which there is no FID.", 'errorLoadingGML': "Error in loading GML file ${url}", 'browserNotSupported': "Your browser does not support vector rendering. Currently supported renderers are:\n${renderers}", 'componentShouldBe': "addFeatures : component should be an ${geomType}", // console message 'getFeatureError': "getFeatureFromEvent called on layer with no renderer. This usually means you " + "destroyed a layer, but not some handler which is associated with it.", // console message 'minZoomLevelError': "The minZoomLevel property is only intended for use " + "with the FixedZoomLevels-descendent layers. That this " + "wfs layer checks for minZoomLevel is a relic of the" + "past. We cannot, however, remove it without possibly " + "breaking OL based applications that may depend on it." + " Therefore we are deprecating it -- the minZoomLevel " + "check below will be removed at 3.0. Please instead " + "use min/max resolution setting as described here: " + "", 'commitSuccess': "WFS Transaction: SUCCESS ${response}", 'commitFailed': "WFS Transaction: FAILED ${response}", 'googleWarning': "The Google Layer was unable to load correctly.<br><br>" + "To get rid of this message, select a new BaseLayer " + "in the layer switcher in the upper-right corner.<br><br>" + "Most likely, this is because the Google Maps library " + "script was either not included, or does not contain the " + "correct API key for your site.<br><br>" + "Developers: For help getting this working correctly, " + "<a href='' " + "target='_blank'>click here</a>", 'getLayerWarning': "The ${layerType} Layer was unable to load correctly.<br><br>" + "To get rid of this message, select a new BaseLayer " + "in the layer switcher in the upper-right corner.<br><br>" + "Most likely, this is because the ${layerLib} library " + "script was not correctly included.<br><br>" + "Developers: For help getting this working correctly, " + "<a href='${layerLib}' " + "target='_blank'>click here</a>", 'scale': "Scale = 1 : ${scaleDenom}", //labels for the graticule control 'W': 'W', 'E': 'E', 'N': 'N', 'S': 'S', 'graticule': 'Graticule', // console message 'layerAlreadyAdded': "You tried to add the layer: ${layerName} to the map, but it has already been added", // console message 'reprojectDeprecated': "You are using the 'reproject' option " + "on the ${layerName} layer. This option is deprecated: " + "its use was designed to support displaying data over commercial " + "basemaps, but that functionality should now be achieved by using " + "Spherical Mercator support. More information is available from " + "", // console message 'methodDeprecated': "This method has been deprecated and will be removed in 3.0. " + "Please use ${newMethod} instead.", // console message 'boundsAddError': "You must pass both x and y values to the add function.", // console message 'lonlatAddError': "You must pass both lon and lat values to the add function.", // console message 'pixelAddError': "You must pass both x and y values to the add function.", // console message 'unsupportedGeometryType': "Unsupported geometry type: ${geomType}", // console message 'pagePositionFailed': "OpenLayers.Util.pagePosition failed: element with id ${elemId} may be misplaced.", // console message 'filterEvaluateNotImplemented': "evaluate is not implemented for this filter type.", // **** end **** 'end': '' }; |
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