!C99Shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13!

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/* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for 
 * full list of contributors). Published under the Clear BSD license.  
 * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the
 * full text of the license. */

 * @requires OpenLayers/Layer.js
 * @requires OpenLayers/Renderer.js
 * @requires OpenLayers/StyleMap.js
 * @requires OpenLayers/Feature/Vector.js
 * @requires OpenLayers/Console.js

 * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 * Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.Vector are used to render vector data from
 *     a variety of sources. Create a new vector layer with the
 *     <OpenLayers.Layer.Vector> constructor.
 * Inherits from:
 *  - <OpenLayers.Layer>
OpenLayers.Layer.Vector = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer, {

     * Constant: EVENT_TYPES
     * {Array(String)} Supported application event types.  Register a listener
     *     for a particular event with the following syntax:
     * (code)
     * layer.events.register(type, obj, listener);
     * (end)
     * Listeners will be called with a reference to an event object.  The
     *     properties of this event depends on exactly what happened.
     * All event objects have at least the following properties:
     * object - {Object} A reference to layer.events.object.
     * element - {DOMElement} A reference to layer.events.element.
     * Supported map event types (in addition to those from <OpenLayers.Layer>):
     * beforefeatureadded - Triggered before a feature is added.  Listeners
     *      will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
     *      feature to be added.  To stop the feature from being added, a
     *      listener should return false.
     * beforefeaturesadded - Triggered before an array of features is added.
     *      Listeners will receive an object with a *features* property
     *      referencing the feature to be added. To stop the features from
     *      being added, a listener should return false.
     * featureadded - Triggered after a feature is added.  The event
     *      object passed to listeners will have a *feature* property with a
     *      reference to the added feature.
     * featuresadded - Triggered after features are added.  The event
     *      object passed to listeners will have a *features* property with a
     *      reference to an array of added features.
     * beforefeatureremoved - Triggered before a feature is removed. Listeners
     *      will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
     *      feature to be removed.
     * beforefeaturesremoved - Triggered before multiple features are removed. 
     *      Listeners will receive an object with a *features* property
     *      referencing the features to be removed.
     * featureremoved - Triggerd after a feature is removed. The event
     *      object passed to listeners will have a *feature* property with a
     *      reference to the removed feature.
     * featuresremoved - Triggered after features are removed. The event
     *      object passed to listeners will have a *features* property with a
     *      reference to an array of removed features.
     * featureselected - Triggered after a feature is selected.  Listeners
     *      will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing the
     *      selected feature.
     * featureunselected - Triggered after a feature is unselected.
     *      Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property
     *      referencing the unselected feature.
     * beforefeaturemodified - Triggered when a feature is selected to 
     *      be modified.  Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* 
     *      property referencing the selected feature.
     * featuremodified - Triggered when a feature has been modified.
     *      Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing 
     *      the modified feature.
     * afterfeaturemodified - Triggered when a feature is finished being modified.
     *      Listeners will receive an object with a *feature* property referencing 
     *      the modified feature.
     * vertexmodified - Triggered when a vertex within any feature geometry
     *      has been modified.  Listeners will receive an object with a
     *      *feature* property referencing the modified feature, a *vertex*
     *      property referencing the vertex modified (always a point geometry),
     *      and a *pixel* property referencing the pixel location of the
     *      modification.
     * sketchstarted - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
     *      is started.  Listeners will receive an object with a *feature*
     *      property referencing the new sketch feature and a *vertex* property
     *      referencing the creation point.
     * sketchmodified - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
     *      is modified.  Listeners will receive an object with a *vertex*
     *      property referencing the modified vertex and a *feature* property
     *      referencing the sketch feature.
     * sketchcomplete - Triggered when a feature sketch bound for this layer
     *      is complete.  Listeners will receive an object with a *feature*
     *      property referencing the sketch feature.  By returning false, a
     *      listener can stop the sketch feature from being added to the layer.
     * refresh - Triggered when something wants a strategy to ask the protocol
     *      for a new set of features.
    EVENT_TYPES: ["beforefeatureadded", "beforefeaturesadded",
                  "featureadded", "featuresadded", "beforefeatureremoved",
                  "beforefeaturesremoved", "featureremoved", "featuresremoved",
                  "beforefeatureselected", "featureselected", "featureunselected", 
                  "beforefeaturemodified", "featuremodified", "afterfeaturemodified",
                  "vertexmodified", "sketchstarted", "sketchmodified",
                  "sketchcomplete", "refresh"],

     * APIProperty: isBaseLayer
     * {Boolean} The layer is a base layer.  Default is false.  Set this property
     * in the layer options.
    isBaseLayer: false,

     * APIProperty: isFixed
     * {Boolean} Whether the layer remains in one place while dragging the
     * map.
    isFixed: false,

     * APIProperty: isVector
     * {Boolean} Whether the layer is a vector layer.
    isVector: true,
     * APIProperty: features
     * {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} 
    features: null,
     * Property: filter
     * {<OpenLayers.Filter>} The filter set in this layer,
     *     a strategy launching read requests can combined
     *     this filter with its own filter.
    filter: null,
     * Property: selectedFeatures
     * {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} 
    selectedFeatures: null,
     * Property: unrenderedFeatures
     * {Object} hash of features, keyed by feature.id, that the renderer
     *     failed to draw
    unrenderedFeatures: null,

     * APIProperty: reportError
     * {Boolean} report friendly error message when loading of renderer
     * fails.
    reportError: true, 

     * APIProperty: style
     * {Object} Default style for the layer
    style: null,
     * Property: styleMap
     * {<OpenLayers.StyleMap>}
    styleMap: null,
     * Property: strategies
     * {Array(<OpenLayers.Strategy>})} Optional list of strategies for the layer.
    strategies: null,
     * Property: protocol
     * {<OpenLayers.Protocol>} Optional protocol for the layer.
    protocol: null,
     * Property: renderers
     * {Array(String)} List of supported Renderer classes. Add to this list to
     * add support for additional renderers. This list is ordered:
     * the first renderer which returns true for the  'supported()'
     * method will be used, if not defined in the 'renderer' option.
    renderers: ['SVG', 'VML', 'Canvas'],
     * Property: renderer
     * {<OpenLayers.Renderer>}
    renderer: null,
     * APIProperty: rendererOptions
     * {Object} Options for the renderer. See {<OpenLayers.Renderer>} for
     *     supported options.
    rendererOptions: null,
     * APIProperty: geometryType
     * {String} geometryType allows you to limit the types of geometries this
     * layer supports. This should be set to something like
     * "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point" to limit types.
    geometryType: null,

     * Property: drawn
     * {Boolean} Whether the Vector Layer features have been drawn yet.
    drawn: false,

     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
     * Create a new vector layer
     * Parameters:
     * name - {String} A name for the layer
     * options - {Object} Optional object with non-default properties to set on
     *           the layer.
     * Returns:
     * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>} A new vector layer
    initialize: function(name, options) {
        // concatenate events specific to vector with those from the base
        this.EVENT_TYPES =

        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

        // allow user-set renderer, otherwise assign one
        if (!this.renderer || !this.renderer.supported()) {  

        // if no valid renderer found, display error
        if (!this.renderer || !this.renderer.supported()) {
            this.renderer = null;

        if (!this.styleMap) {
            this.styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap();

        this.features = [];
        this.selectedFeatures = [];
        this.unrenderedFeatures = {};
        // Allow for custom layer behavior
            for(var i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {


     * APIMethod: destroy
     * Destroy this layer
    destroy: function() {
        if (this.strategies) {
            var strategy, i, len;
            for(i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
                strategy = this.strategies[i];
                if(strategy.autoDestroy) {
            this.strategies = null;
        if (this.protocol) {
            if(this.protocol.autoDestroy) {
            this.protocol = null;
        this.features = null;
        this.selectedFeatures = null;
        this.unrenderedFeatures = null;
        if (this.renderer) {
        this.renderer = null;
        this.geometryType = null;
        this.drawn = null;
        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);  

     * Method: clone
     * Create a clone of this layer.
     * Note: Features of the layer are also cloned.
     * Returns:
     * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Vector>} An exact clone of this layer
    clone: function (obj) {
        if (obj == null) {
            obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(this.name, this.getOptions());

        //get all additions from superclasses
        obj = OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);

        // copy/set any non-init, non-simple values here
        var features = this.features;
        var len = features.length;
        var clonedFeatures = new Array(len);
        for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
            clonedFeatures[i] = features[i].clone();
        obj.features = clonedFeatures;

        return obj;
     * Method: refresh
     * Ask the layer to request features again and redraw them.  Triggers
     *     the refresh event if the layer is in range and visible.
     * Parameters:
     * obj - {Object} Optional object with properties for any listener of
     *     the refresh event.
    refresh: function(obj) {
        if(this.calculateInRange() && this.visibility) {
            this.events.triggerEvent("refresh", obj);

     * Method: assignRenderer
     * Iterates through the available renderer implementations and selects 
     * and assigns the first one whose "supported()" function returns true.
    assignRenderer: function()  {
        for (var i=0, len=this.renderers.length; i<len; i++) {
            var rendererClass = this.renderers[i];
            var renderer = (typeof rendererClass == "function") ?
                rendererClass :
            if (renderer && renderer.prototype.supported()) {
                this.renderer = new renderer(this.div, this.rendererOptions);

     * Method: displayError 
     * Let the user know their browser isn't supported.
    displayError: function() {
        if (this.reportError) {

     * Method: setMap
     * The layer has been added to the map. 
     * If there is no renderer set, the layer can't be used. Remove it.
     * Otherwise, give the renderer a reference to the map and set its size.
     * Parameters:
     * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>} 
    setMap: function(map) {        
        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);

        if (!this.renderer) {
        } else {
            this.renderer.map = this.map;

     * Method: afterAdd
     * Called at the end of the map.addLayer sequence.  At this point, the map
     *     will have a base layer.  Any autoActivate strategies will be
     *     activated here.
    afterAdd: function() {
        if(this.strategies) {
            var strategy, i, len;
            for(i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
                strategy = this.strategies[i];
                if(strategy.autoActivate) {

     * Method: removeMap
     * The layer has been removed from the map.
     * Parameters:
     * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}
    removeMap: function(map) {
        this.drawn = false;
        if(this.strategies) {
            var strategy, i, len;
            for(i=0, len=this.strategies.length; i<len; i++) {
                strategy = this.strategies[i];
                if(strategy.autoActivate) {
     * Method: onMapResize
     * Notify the renderer of the change in size. 
    onMapResize: function() {
        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.onMapResize.apply(this, arguments);

     * Method: moveTo
     *  Reset the vector layer's div so that it once again is lined up with 
     *   the map. Notify the renderer of the change of extent, and in the
     *   case of a change of zoom level (resolution), have the 
     *   renderer redraw features.
     *  If the layer has not yet been drawn, cycle through the layer's 
     *   features and draw each one.
     * Parameters:
     * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} 
     * zoomChanged - {Boolean} 
     * dragging - {Boolean} 
    moveTo: function(bounds, zoomChanged, dragging) {
        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo.apply(this, arguments);
        var coordSysUnchanged = true;

        if (!dragging) {
            this.renderer.root.style.visibility = "hidden";
            this.div.style.left = -parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.left) + "px";
            this.div.style.top = -parseInt(this.map.layerContainerDiv.style.top) + "px";
            var extent = this.map.getExtent();
            coordSysUnchanged = this.renderer.setExtent(extent, zoomChanged);
            this.renderer.root.style.visibility = "visible";

            // Force a reflow on gecko based browsers to prevent jump/flicker.
            // This seems to happen on only certain configurations; it was originally
            // noticed in FF 2.0 and Linux.
            if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("gecko") != -1) {
                this.div.scrollLeft = this.div.scrollLeft;
            if(!zoomChanged && coordSysUnchanged) {
                for(var i in this.unrenderedFeatures) {
                    var feature = this.unrenderedFeatures[i];
        if (!this.drawn || zoomChanged || !coordSysUnchanged) {
            this.drawn = true;
            var feature;
            for(var i=0, len=this.features.length; i<len; i++) {
                this.renderer.locked = (i !== (len - 1));
                feature = this.features[i];
     * APIMethod: display
     * Hide or show the Layer
     * Parameters:
     * display - {Boolean}
    display: function(display) {
        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.display.apply(this, arguments);
        // we need to set the display style of the root in case it is attached
        // to a foreign layer
        var currentDisplay = this.div.style.display;
        if(currentDisplay != this.renderer.root.style.display) {
            this.renderer.root.style.display = currentDisplay;

     * APIMethod: addFeatures
     * Add Features to the layer.
     * Parameters:
     * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} 
     * options - {Object}
    addFeatures: function(features, options) {
        if (!(features instanceof Array)) {
            features = [features];
        var notify = !options || !options.silent;
        if(notify) {
            var event = {features: features};
            var ret = this.events.triggerEvent("beforefeaturesadded", event);
            if(ret === false) {
            features = event.features;
        // Track successfully added features for featuresadded event, since
        // beforefeatureadded can veto single features.
        var featuresAdded = [];
        for (var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; i++) {
            if (i != (features.length - 1)) {
                this.renderer.locked = true;
            } else {
                this.renderer.locked = false;
            var feature = features[i];
            if (this.geometryType &&
              !(feature.geometry instanceof this.geometryType)) {
                var throwStr = OpenLayers.i18n('componentShouldBe',
                throw throwStr;

            //give feature reference to its layer
            feature.layer = this;

            if (!feature.style && this.style) {
                feature.style = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, this.style);

            if (notify) {
                                            {feature: feature}) === false) {

            if (notify) {
                this.events.triggerEvent("featureadded", {
                    feature: feature
        if(notify) {
            this.events.triggerEvent("featuresadded", {features: featuresAdded});

     * APIMethod: removeFeatures
     * Remove features from the layer.  This erases any drawn features and
     *     removes them from the layer's control.  The beforefeatureremoved
     *     and featureremoved events will be triggered for each feature.  The
     *     featuresremoved event will be triggered after all features have
     *     been removed.  To supress event triggering, use the silent option.
     * Parameters:
     * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} List of features to be
     *     removed.
     * options - {Object} Optional properties for changing behavior of the
     *     removal.
     * Valid options:
     * silent - {Boolean} Supress event triggering.  Default is false.
    removeFeatures: function(features, options) {
        if(!features || features.length === 0) {
        if (features === this.features) {
            return this.removeAllFeatures(options);
        if (!(features instanceof Array)) {
            features = [features];
        if (features === this.selectedFeatures) {
            features = features.slice();

        var notify = !options || !options.silent;
        if (notify) {
                "beforefeaturesremoved", {features: features}

        for (var i = features.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // We remain locked so long as we're not at 0
            // and the 'next' feature has a geometry. We do the geometry check
            // because if all the features after the current one are 'null', we
            // won't call eraseGeometry, so we break the 'renderer functions
            // will always be called with locked=false *last*' rule. The end result
            // is a possible gratiutious unlocking to save a loop through the rest 
            // of the list checking the remaining features every time. So long as
            // null geoms are rare, this is probably okay.    
            if (i != 0 && features[i-1].geometry) {
                this.renderer.locked = true;
            } else {
                this.renderer.locked = false;
            var feature = features[i];
            delete this.unrenderedFeatures[feature.id];

            if (notify) {
                this.events.triggerEvent("beforefeatureremoved", {
                    feature: feature

            this.features = OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.features, feature);
            // feature has no layer at this point
            feature.layer = null;

            if (feature.geometry) {
            //in the case that this feature is one of the selected features, 
            // remove it from that array as well.
            if (OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(this.selectedFeatures, feature) != -1){
                OpenLayers.Util.removeItem(this.selectedFeatures, feature);

            if (notify) {
                this.events.triggerEvent("featureremoved", {
                    feature: feature

        if (notify) {
            this.events.triggerEvent("featuresremoved", {features: features});
     * APIMethod: removeAllFeatures
     * Remove all features from the layer.
     * Parameters:
     * options - {Object} Optional properties for changing behavior of the
     *     removal.
     * Valid options:
     * silent - {Boolean} Supress event triggering.  Default is false.
    removeAllFeatures: function(options) {
        var notify = !options || !options.silent;
        var features = this.features;
        if (notify) {
                "beforefeaturesremoved", {features: features}
        var feature;
        for (var i = features.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
            feature = features[i];
            if (notify) {
                this.events.triggerEvent("beforefeatureremoved", {
                    feature: feature
            feature.layer = null;
            if (notify) {
                this.events.triggerEvent("featureremoved", {
                    feature: feature
        this.features = [];
        this.unrenderedFeatures = {};
        this.selectedFeatures = [];
        if (notify) {
            this.events.triggerEvent("featuresremoved", {features: features});

     * APIMethod: destroyFeatures
     * Erase and destroy features on the layer.
     * Parameters:
     * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} An optional array of
     *     features to destroy.  If not supplied, all features on the layer
     *     will be destroyed.
     * options - {Object}
    destroyFeatures: function(features, options) {
        var all = (features == undefined); // evaluates to true if
                                           // features is null
        if(all) {
            features = this.features;
        if(features) {
            this.removeFeatures(features, options);
            for(var i=features.length-1; i>=0; i--) {

     * APIMethod: drawFeature
     * Draw (or redraw) a feature on the layer.  If the optional style argument
     * is included, this style will be used.  If no style is included, the
     * feature's style will be used.  If the feature doesn't have a style,
     * the layer's style will be used.
     * This function is not designed to be used when adding features to 
     * the layer (use addFeatures instead). It is meant to be used when
     * the style of a feature has changed, or in some other way needs to 
     * visually updated *after* it has already been added to a layer. You
     * must add the feature to the layer for most layer-related events to 
     * happen.
     * Parameters: 
     * feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} 
     * style - {String | Object} Named render intent or full symbolizer object.
    drawFeature: function(feature, style) {
        // don't try to draw the feature with the renderer if the layer is not 
        // drawn itself
        if (!this.drawn) {
        if (typeof style != "object") {
            if(!style && feature.state === OpenLayers.State.DELETE) {
                style = "delete";
            var renderIntent = style || feature.renderIntent;
            style = feature.style || this.style;
            if (!style) {
                style = this.styleMap.createSymbolizer(feature, renderIntent);
        if (!this.renderer.drawFeature(feature, style)) {
            this.unrenderedFeatures[feature.id] = feature;
        } else {
            delete this.unrenderedFeatures[feature.id];
     * Method: eraseFeatures
     * Erase features from the layer.
     * Parameters:
     * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} 
    eraseFeatures: function(features) {

     * Method: getFeatureFromEvent
     * Given an event, return a feature if the event occurred over one.
     * Otherwise, return null.
     * Parameters:
     * evt - {Event} 
     * Returns:
     * {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature if one was under the event.
    getFeatureFromEvent: function(evt) {
        if (!this.renderer) {
            return null;
        var featureId = this.renderer.getFeatureIdFromEvent(evt);
        return this.getFeatureById(featureId);

     * APIMethod: getFeatureBy
     * Given a property value, return the feature if it exists in the features array
     * Parameters:
     * property - {String}
     * value - {String}
     * Returns:
     * {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature corresponding to the given
     * property value or null if there is no such feature.
    getFeatureBy: function(property, value) {
        //TBD - would it be more efficient to use a hash for this.features?
        var feature = null;
        for(var i=0, len=this.features.length; i<len; ++i) {
            if(this.features[i][property] == value) {
                feature = this.features[i];
        return feature;

     * APIMethod: getFeatureById
     * Given a feature id, return the feature if it exists in the features array
     * Parameters:
     * featureId - {String}
     * Returns:
     * {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature corresponding to the given
     * featureId or null if there is no such feature.
    getFeatureById: function(featureId) {
        return this.getFeatureBy('id', featureId);

     * APIMethod: getFeatureByFid
     * Given a feature fid, return the feature if it exists in the features array
     * Parameters:
     * featureFid - {String}
     * Returns:
     * {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} A feature corresponding to the given
     * featureFid or null if there is no such feature.
    getFeatureByFid: function(featureFid) {
        return this.getFeatureBy('fid', featureFid);

     * Unselect the selected features
     * i.e. clears the featureSelection array
     * change the style back
    clearSelection: function() {

       var vectorLayer = this.map.vectorLayer;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.map.featureSelection.length; i++) {
            var featureSelection = this.map.featureSelection[i];
            vectorLayer.drawFeature(featureSelection, vectorLayer.style);
        this.map.featureSelection = [];

     * APIMethod: onFeatureInsert
     * method called after a feature is inserted.
     * Does nothing by default. Override this if you
     * need to do something on feature updates.
     * Paarameters: 
     * feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} 
    onFeatureInsert: function(feature) {
     * APIMethod: preFeatureInsert
     * method called before a feature is inserted.
     * Does nothing by default. Override this if you
     * need to do something when features are first added to the
     * layer, but before they are drawn, such as adjust the style.
     * Parameters:
     * feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} 
    preFeatureInsert: function(feature) {

     * APIMethod: getDataExtent
     * Calculates the max extent which includes all of the features.
     * Returns:
     * {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}
    getDataExtent: function () {
        var maxExtent = null;
        var features = this.features;
        if(features && (features.length > 0)) {
            maxExtent = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
            var geometry = null;
            for(var i=0, len=features.length; i<len; i++) {
                geometry = features[i].geometry;
                if (geometry) {
        return maxExtent;

    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Vector"

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0312 ]--