Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\nuevo\phpMyAdmin\js\openlayers\src\openlayers\lib\OpenLayers\Renderer\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: Canvas.js (15.76 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for * full list of contributors). Published under the Clear BSD license. * See for the * full text of the license. */ /** * @requires OpenLayers/Renderer.js */ /** * Class: OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas * A renderer based on the 2D 'canvas' drawing element.element * * Inherits: * - <OpenLayers.Renderer> */ OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Renderer, { /** * Property: canvas * {Canvas} The canvas context object. */ canvas: null, /** * Property: features * {Object} Internal object of feature/style pairs for use in redrawing the layer. */ features: null, /** * Constructor: OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas * * Parameters: * containerID - {<String>} */ initialize: function(containerID) { OpenLayers.Renderer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.root = document.createElement("canvas"); this.container.appendChild(this.root); this.canvas = this.root.getContext("2d"); this.features = {}; }, /** * Method: eraseGeometry * Erase a geometry from the renderer. Because the Canvas renderer has * 'memory' of the features that it has drawn, we have to remove the * feature so it doesn't redraw. * * Parameters: * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} * featureId - {String} */ eraseGeometry: function(geometry, featureId) { this.eraseFeatures(this.features[featureId][0]); }, /** * APIMethod: supported * * Returns: * {Boolean} Whether or not the browser supports the renderer class */ supported: function() { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); return !!canvas.getContext; }, /** * Method: setExtent * Set the visible part of the layer. * * Resolution has probably changed, so we nullify the resolution * cache (this.resolution), then redraw. * * Parameters: * extent - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>} */ setExtent: function(extent) { this.extent = extent.clone(); this.resolution = null; this.redraw(); }, /** * Method: setSize * Sets the size of the drawing surface. * * Once the size is updated, redraw the canvas. * * Parameters: * size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} */ setSize: function(size) { this.size = size.clone(); = size.w + "px"; = size.h + "px"; this.root.width = size.w; this.root.height = size.h; this.resolution = null; }, /** * Method: drawFeature * Draw the feature. Stores the feature in the features list, * then redraws the layer. * * Parameters: * feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} * style - {<Object>} */ drawFeature: function(feature, style) { style = style ||; style = this.applyDefaultSymbolizer(style); this.features[] = [feature, style]; this.redraw(); }, /** * Method: drawGeometry * Used when looping (in redraw) over the features; draws * the canvas. * * Parameters: * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} * style - {Object} */ drawGeometry: function(geometry, style) { var className = geometry.CLASS_NAME; if ((className == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection") || (className == "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint") || (className == "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString") || (className == "OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPolygon")) { for (var i = 0; i < geometry.components.length; i++) { this.drawGeometry(geometry.components[i], style); } return; } switch (geometry.CLASS_NAME) { case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point": this.drawPoint(geometry, style); break; case "OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString": this.drawLineString(geometry, style); break; case "OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing": this.drawLinearRing(geometry, style); break; case "OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon": this.drawPolygon(geometry, style); break; default: break; } }, /** * Method: drawExternalGraphic * Called to draw External graphics. * * Parameters: * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} * style - {Object} */ drawExternalGraphic: function(pt, style) { var img = new Image(); if(style.graphicTitle) { img.title=style.graphicTitle; } var width = style.graphicWidth || style.graphicHeight; var height = style.graphicHeight || style.graphicWidth; width = width ? width : style.pointRadius*2; height = height ? height : style.pointRadius*2; var xOffset = (style.graphicXOffset != undefined) ? style.graphicXOffset : -(0.5 * width); var yOffset = (style.graphicYOffset != undefined) ? style.graphicYOffset : -(0.5 * height); var context = { img: img, x: (pt[0]+xOffset), y: (pt[1]+yOffset), width: width, height: height, opacity: style.graphicOpacity || style.fillOpacity, canvas: this.canvas }; img.onload = OpenLayers.Function.bind( function() { this.canvas.globalAlpha = this.opacity; this.canvas.drawImage(this.img, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); }, context); img.src = style.externalGraphic; }, /** * Method: setCanvasStyle * Prepare the canvas for drawing by setting various global settings. * * Parameters: * type - {String} one of 'stroke', 'fill', or 'reset' * style - {Object} Symbolizer hash */ setCanvasStyle: function(type, style) { if (type == "fill") { this.canvas.globalAlpha = style['fillOpacity']; this.canvas.fillStyle = style['fillColor']; } else if (type == "stroke") { this.canvas.globalAlpha = style['strokeOpacity']; this.canvas.strokeStyle = style['strokeColor']; this.canvas.lineWidth = style['strokeWidth']; } else { this.canvas.globalAlpha = 0; this.canvas.lineWidth = 1; } }, /** * Method: drawPoint * This method is only called by the renderer itself. * * Parameters: * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} * style - {Object} */ drawPoint: function(geometry, style) { if(style.graphic !== false) { var pt = this.getLocalXY(geometry); if (style.externalGraphic) { this.drawExternalGraphic(pt, style); } else { if(style.fill !== false) { this.setCanvasStyle("fill", style); this.canvas.beginPath(); this.canvas.arc(pt[0], pt[1], style.pointRadius, 0, Math.PI*2, true); this.canvas.fill(); } if(style.stroke !== false) { this.setCanvasStyle("stroke", style); this.canvas.beginPath(); this.canvas.arc(pt[0], pt[1], style.pointRadius, 0, Math.PI*2, true); this.canvas.stroke(); this.setCanvasStyle("reset"); } } } }, /** * Method: drawLineString * This method is only called by the renderer itself. * * Parameters: * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} * style - {Object} */ drawLineString: function(geometry, style) { if(style.stroke !== false) { this.setCanvasStyle("stroke", style); this.canvas.beginPath(); var start = this.getLocalXY(geometry.components[0]); this.canvas.moveTo(start[0], start[1]); for(var i = 1; i < geometry.components.length; i++) { var pt = this.getLocalXY(geometry.components[i]); this.canvas.lineTo(pt[0], pt[1]); } this.canvas.stroke(); } this.setCanvasStyle("reset"); }, /** * Method: drawLinearRing * This method is only called by the renderer itself. * * Parameters: * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} * style - {Object} */ drawLinearRing: function(geometry, style) { if(style.fill !== false) { this.setCanvasStyle("fill", style); this.canvas.beginPath(); var start = this.getLocalXY(geometry.components[0]); this.canvas.moveTo(start[0], start[1]); for(var i = 1; i < geometry.components.length - 1 ; i++) { var pt = this.getLocalXY(geometry.components[i]); this.canvas.lineTo(pt[0], pt[1]); } this.canvas.fill(); } if(style.stroke !== false) { this.setCanvasStyle("stroke", style); this.canvas.beginPath(); var start = this.getLocalXY(geometry.components[0]); this.canvas.moveTo(start[0], start[1]); for(var i = 1; i < geometry.components.length; i++) { var pt = this.getLocalXY(geometry.components[i]); this.canvas.lineTo(pt[0], pt[1]); } this.canvas.stroke(); } this.setCanvasStyle("reset"); }, /** * Method: drawPolygon * This method is only called by the renderer itself. * * Parameters: * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry>} * style - {Object} */ drawPolygon: function(geometry, style) { this.drawLinearRing(geometry.components[0], style); for (var i = 1; i < geometry.components.length; i++) { this.drawLinearRing(geometry.components[i], { fillOpacity: 0, strokeWidth: 0, strokeOpacity: 0, strokeColor: '#000000', fillColor: '#000000'} ); // inner rings are 'empty' } }, /** * Method: drawText * This method is only called by the renderer itself. * * Parameters: * location - {<OpenLayers.Point>} * style - {Object} */ drawText: function(location, style) { style = OpenLayers.Util.extend({ fontColor: "#000000", labelAlign: "cm" }, style); var pt = this.getLocalXY(location); this.setCanvasStyle("reset"); this.canvas.fillStyle = style.fontColor; this.canvas.globalAlpha = style.fontOpacity || 1.0; var fontStyle = style.fontWeight + " " + style.fontSize + " " + style.fontFamily; if (this.canvas.fillText) { // HTML5 var labelAlign = OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas.LABEL_ALIGN[style.labelAlign[0]] || "center"; this.canvas.font = fontStyle; this.canvas.textAlign = labelAlign; this.canvas.fillText(style.label, pt[0], pt[1]); } else if (this.canvas.mozDrawText) { // Mozilla pre-Gecko1.9.1 (<FF3.1) this.canvas.mozTextStyle = fontStyle; // No built-in text alignment, so we measure and adjust the position var len = this.canvas.mozMeasureText(style.label); switch(style.labelAlign[0]) { case "l": break; case "r": pt[0] -= len; break; case "c": default: pt[0] -= len / 2; } this.canvas.translate(pt[0], pt[1]); this.canvas.mozDrawText(style.label); this.canvas.translate(-1*pt[0], -1*pt[1]); } this.setCanvasStyle("reset"); }, /** * Method: getLocalXY * transform geographic xy into pixel xy * * Parameters: * point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} */ getLocalXY: function(point) { var resolution = this.getResolution(); var extent = this.extent; var x = (point.x / resolution + (-extent.left / resolution)); var y = (( / resolution) - point.y / resolution); return [x, y]; }, /** * Method: clear * Clear all vectors from the renderer. */ clear: function() { this.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, this.root.width, this.root.height); this.features = {}; }, /** * Method: getFeatureIdFromEvent * Returns a feature id from an event on the renderer. * * Parameters: * evt - {<OpenLayers.Event>} * * Returns: * {String} A feature id or null. */ getFeatureIdFromEvent: function(evt) { var loc =; var resolution = this.getResolution(); var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(loc.lon - resolution * 5, - resolution * 5, loc.lon + resolution * 5, + resolution * 5); var geom = bounds.toGeometry(); for (var feat in this.features) { if (!this.features.hasOwnProperty(feat)) { continue; } if (this.features[feat][0].geometry.intersects(geom)) { return feat; } } return null; }, /** * Method: eraseFeatures * This is called by the layer to erase features; removes the feature from * the list, then redraws the layer. * * Parameters: * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} */ eraseFeatures: function(features) { if(!(features instanceof Array)) { features = [features]; } for(var i=0; i<features.length; ++i) { delete this.features[features[i].id]; } this.redraw(); }, /** * Method: redraw * The real 'meat' of the function: any time things have changed, * redraw() can be called to loop over all the data and (you guessed * it) redraw it. Unlike Elements-based Renderers, we can't interact * with things once they're drawn, to remove them, for example, so * instead we have to just clear everything and draw from scratch. */ redraw: function() { if (!this.locked) { this.canvas.clearRect(0, 0, this.root.width, this.root.height); var labelMap = []; var feature, style; for (var id in this.features) { if (!this.features.hasOwnProperty(id)) { continue; } feature = this.features[id][0]; style = this.features[id][1]; if (!feature.geometry) { continue; } this.drawGeometry(feature.geometry, style); if(style.label) { labelMap.push([feature, style]); } } var item; for (var i=0, len=labelMap.length; i<len; ++i) { item = labelMap[i]; this.drawText(item[0].geometry.getCentroid(), item[1]); } } }, CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas" }); /** * Constant: OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas.LABEL_ALIGN * {Object} */ OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas.LABEL_ALIGN = { "l": "left", "r": "right" }; |
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