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: Class ExecutionContext

Class ExecutionContext


public class ExecutionContext
extends java.lang.Object

An execution context provides the context in which executable sql operations are preformed. An execution context object contains a number of operations for execution control, execution status, and execution cancellation. Execution control operations modify the semantics of subsequent sql operations executed on this context. Execution status operations describe the results of the last sql operation executed on this context. Execution cancellation methods terminate the currently executing sql operation on this context.

Note that concurrently executing sql operations are expected to use distinct execution contexts. The execution context implementation is not expected to support multiple sql operations executing using the same execution context object. The client is responsible for insuring the proper creation of distinct execution context instance where needed, or synchronizing the execution of operations on a particular execution context. It is also assumed that generated calls to methods on this class appear within a schronized block to avoid concurrent calls. Re-entrant SQL execution calls on the same connection context instance are supported.

See Also:

Inner Class Summary
static class ExecutionContext.OracleContext
Field Summary
static int ADD_BATCH_COUNT
          Constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that a statement was added to the pending statement batch.
static int AUTO_BATCH
          Constant passed to setBatchLimit to indicate that implicit batch execution should be performed, and that the actual batch size is at the discretion of the SQLJ runtime implementation.
          Constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that an exeception was thrown before the last execution was successfully completed, or no operation has yet been attempted on this context.
          constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that a statement batch has been executed.
static int LIMITED_BATCH
static int NEW_BATCH_COUNT
          Constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that a new statement batch was created.
static int QUERY_COUNT
          Constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that the last execution produced a result set or iterator.
          Constant passed to setBatchLimit to indicate that no implicit batch execution should be performed upon reaching a certain batch size.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new ExecutionContext object with default settings.
ExecutionContext(ConnectionContext ctx)
          Creates a new ExecutionContext object that reflects the execution settings of a given ConnectionContext's ExecutionContext.
ExecutionContext(ExecutionContext ec)
          Creates a new ExecutionContext object that reflects the execution settings of a given ExecutionContext.
Method Summary
 void cancel()
          The cancel method can be used by one thread to cancel a sql operation that is currently being executed by another thread using this context.
 void close()
          This method closes execution context object and releases any underlying resources.
 boolean execute()
          Performs a generic execute on the currently registered statement.
 int[] executeBatch()
          Executes the pending statement batch contained in this execution context and returns the result as an array of update counts.
 sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet executeQuery()
          Performs an execute query on the currently registered statement.
 int executeUpdate()
          Performs an execute update on the currently registered statement.
 int getBatchLimit()
          The method getBatchLimit() Returns an int value indicating the current batch limit.
 int[] getBatchUpdateCounts()
          Returns an array of update counts containing one element for each command in the last statement batch to successfully complete execution.
 int getFetchDirection()
          Retrieves the direction for fetching rows from database tables that is the default for scrollable iterator objects generated from this ExecutionContext object.
 int getFetchSize()
          Retrieves the number of rows that is the current fetch size for iterator objects generated from this ExecutionContext object.
 int getMaxFieldSize()
          The max field size limit (in bytes) is the maximum amount of data returned for any column value for sql operations subsequently executed using this context; it only applies to BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR columns.
 int getMaxRows()
          The max rows limit is the maximum number of rows that any ResultSetIterator or jdbc ResultSet returned by sql operations subsequently executed using this context can contain.
 java.sql.ResultSet getNextResultSet()
          Moves to the currently registered statement's next result.
 ExecutionContext.OracleContext getOracleContext()
 int getQueryTimeout()
          The query timeout limit is the maxiumum number of seconds sql opeations subsequently executed using this context may take to complete.
 int getUpdateCount()
          Returns the number of rows updated by the last sql operation to complete execution using this context.
 java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings()
          Returns the first warning reported by the last sql operation to complete execution using this context.
 boolean isBatching()
          Returns true if batching is currently enabled for this execution context, false if batching is disabled.
static ExecutionContext.OracleContext raiseNullExecCtx()
 sqlj.runtime.profile.RTStatement registerStatement(ConnectionContext connCtx, java.lang.Object profileKey, int stmtNdx)
          Creates, registers and returns a statement.
 void releaseStatement()
          Releases the currently registered statement, signaling that all execution-related operations have completed.
 void setBatching(boolean isBatching)
          Enables or disbables batching for statements executed on the execution context.
 void setBatchLimit(int batchLimit)
          Sets the maximum batch size.
 void setFetchDirection(int direction)
          Gives the SQLJ runtime a hint as to the direction in which rows of scrollable iterator objects are processed.
 void setFetchSize(int rows)
          Gives the SQLJ runtime a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched when more rows are needed.
 void setMaxFieldSize(int max)
          The max field size limit (in bytes) is the maximum amount of data returned for any column value for sql operations subsequently executed using this context; it only applies to BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR columns.
 void setMaxRows(int max)
          The max rows limit is the maximum number of rows that any ResultSetIterator or jdbc ResultSet returned by sql operations subsequently executed using this context can contain.
 void setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
          The query timeout limit is the maxiumum number of seconds sql opeations subsequently executed using this context may take to complete.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int QUERY_COUNT
Constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that the last execution produced a result set or iterator.
See Also:


public static final int EXCEPTION_COUNT
Constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that an exeception was thrown before the last execution was successfully completed, or no operation has yet been attempted on this context.
See Also:


public static final int NEW_BATCH_COUNT
Constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that a new statement batch was created.
See Also:


public static final int ADD_BATCH_COUNT
Constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that a statement was added to the pending statement batch.
See Also:


public static final int EXEC_BATCH_COUNT
constant returned by getUpdateCount indicating that a statement batch has been executed.


public static final int UNLIMITED_BATCH
Constant passed to setBatchLimit to indicate that no implicit batch execution should be performed upon reaching a certain batch size.
See Also:
setBatchLimit(int), getBatchLimit()


public static final int AUTO_BATCH
Constant passed to setBatchLimit to indicate that implicit batch execution should be performed, and that the actual batch size is at the discretion of the SQLJ runtime implementation.
See Also:
setBatchLimit(int), getBatchLimit()


public static final int LIMITED_BATCH

Constant passed to setBatchLimit to indicate that implicit batch execution should be performed, and that the actual batch size is at the discretion of the SQLJ runtime implementation.

Note: this constant is deprecated in favor of AUTO_BATCH

See Also:
setBatchLimit(int), getBatchLimit()
Constructor Detail


public ExecutionContext()
Creates a new ExecutionContext object with default settings.


public ExecutionContext(ExecutionContext ec)
Creates a new ExecutionContext object that reflects the execution settings of a given ExecutionContext.


public ExecutionContext(ConnectionContext ctx)
Creates a new ExecutionContext object that reflects the execution settings of a given ConnectionContext's ExecutionContext.
Method Detail


public int getMaxFieldSize()
The max field size limit (in bytes) is the maximum amount of data returned for any column value for sql operations subsequently executed using this context; it only applies to BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR columns. These columns may be fetched into Java targets of type byte[], String, or stream. The limit effects both out and in-out parameters passed, and the result returned from any executable sql operation. If the limit is exceeded, the excess data is silently discarded.

By default, the max field size limit is zero (unlimited)

the current max field size limit; zero means unlimited


public void setMaxFieldSize(int max)
The max field size limit (in bytes) is the maximum amount of data returned for any column value for sql operations subsequently executed using this context; it only applies to BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR columns. These columns may be fetched into Java targets of type byte[], String, or stream. The limit effects both out and in-out parameters passed, and the result returned from any executable sql operation. If the limit is exceeded, the excess data is silently discarded. For maximum portability use values greater than 256.

By default, the max field size limit is zero (unlimited)

Note: max field size is an optional feature that may not be supported by some implementations. Setting max field size to a non-default value may cause an SQLException to be raised when an SQL operation is executed using this context.

max - the new max field size limit; zero means unlimited


public int getMaxRows()
The max rows limit is the maximum number of rows that any ResultSetIterator or jdbc ResultSet returned by sql operations subsequently executed using this context can contain. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.

By default, the max rows limit is zero (unlimited)

the current max rows limit; zero means unlimited


public void setMaxRows(int max)
The max rows limit is the maximum number of rows that any ResultSetIterator or jdbc ResultSet returned by sql operations subsequently executed using this context can contain. If the limit is exceeded, the excess rows are silently dropped.

By default, the max rows limit is zero (unlimited)

Note: max rows is an optional feature that may not be supported by some implementations. Setting max rows to a non-default value may cause an SQLException to be raised when an SQL operation is executed using this context.

max - the new max rows limit; zero means unlimited


public int getQueryTimeout()
The query timeout limit is the maxiumum number of seconds sql opeations subsequently executed using this context may take to complete. If execution of the sql operation exceeds the limit, a SQLException is thrown.

By default, the query timeout limit is zero (unlimited)

the current query timeout limit in seconds; zero means unlimited


public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
The query timeout limit is the maxiumum number of seconds sql opeations subsequently executed using this context may take to complete. If execution of the sql operation exceeds the limit, a SQLException is thrown.

By default, the query timeout limit is zero (unlimited)

Note: query timeout is an optional feature that may not be supported by some implementations. Setting query timeout to a non-default value may cause an SQLException to be raised when an SQL operation is executed using this context.

seconds - the new query timeout limit in seconds; zero means unlimited


public java.sql.SQLWarning getWarnings()
Returns the first warning reported by the last sql operation to complete execution using this context. Subsequent warnings resultant from the same operation will be chained to this SQLWarning. The SQLWarning chain returned represents those warnings which occured during the execution of the last sql operation and the subsequent binding of any output host variables.

Note: If you are processing an iterator, then any warnings associated with iterator column reads will be chained on the iterator object.

the first SQLWarning or null if no warnings occurred


public int getUpdateCount()
Returns the number of rows updated by the last sql operation to complete execution using this context. 0 is returned if the last sql operation was not a DML statement. QUERY_COUNT is returned if the last sql operation produced an iterator or result set. EXCEPTION_COUNT is returned if an exception occurred before the last sql operation completed execution, or no operation has yet been completed.
the number of rows updated by the last operation


public void setBatching(boolean isBatching)
Enables or disbables batching for statements executed on the execution context.


public boolean isBatching()
Returns true if batching is currently enabled for this execution context, false if batching is disabled. Note that the return value reflects only whether it is possible to batch statements, but not whether a pending statement batch exists.


public void setBatchLimit(int batchLimit)
Sets the maximum batch size. When batching is enabled and the maximum batch size is exceeded, implicit batch execution is performed. The following remarks assume that batching is enabled.
  • When the constant UNLIMITED_BATCH is specified, the maximum batch size is unlimited, and can not be exceeded. New ExecutionContext objects are always created with UNLIMITED_BATCH.
  • When a positive, non-zero batchLimit is specified, an implict batch execution will be performed, whenever the number of batched statements reaches batchLimit.
  • When the constant AUTO_BATCH is specified, the maximum batch size is finite but unspecified. Whenever a batch-compatible statement is added to a batch, the SQLJ runtime implementation may decide to do one of the following:
    • add the statement to the batch, or
    • execute the current non-empty batch and create a new singleton batch that contains the statement, or
    • add the statement to the current batch and execute the batch. As a special case of this situation, given an empty batch, the implementation may also simply go ahead and execute the statement.
The implementation should reasonably avoid creating out-of-memory conditions due to implicit batching with AUTO_BATCH.

This method only affects statements encountered after it is called. It does not affect statements that have previously been or are currently being executed, nor does it affect the pending statement batch.

batchLimit - UNLIMITED_BATCH if the maximum batch size is unlimited, AUTO_BATCH if the maximum batch size is finite and implementation dependent, or n>0 for a maximum batch size of n.


public int getBatchLimit()
The method getBatchLimit() Returns an int value indicating the current batch limit. If a batch limit has been set, a pending batch will be implicitly executed once it contains that number of statements. See also setBatchLimit(). By default, the batch limit is set to the ExecutionContext static constant value UNLIMITED_BATCH, meaning there is no batch limit.


public int[] getBatchUpdateCounts()
Returns an array of update counts containing one element for each command in the last statement batch to successfully complete execution. Returns null if no statement batch has completed execution.
An array of update counts resulting from the last statement batch executed, or null if no statement batch has completed execution.


public int getFetchSize()
Retrieves the number of rows that is the current fetch size for iterator objects generated from this ExecutionContext object. If this ExecutionContext object has not set a fetch size by calling setFetchSize, then the value returned is zero. If this ExecutionContext object has set a non negative fetch size by calling the method setFetchSize, then the return value is the fetch size specified on setFetchSize.
the default fetch size for iterator objects generated from this ExecutionContext object.
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs.


public void setFetchSize(int rows)
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Gives the SQLJ runtime a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched when more rows are needed. The number of rows specified affects only iterator objects created using this ExecutionContext object.
rows - the default fetch size for iterator objects generated from this Statement object.
java.sql.SQLException - if rows < 0 or rows > maxRows


public int getFetchDirection()
Retrieves the direction for fetching rows from database tables that is the default for scrollable iterator objects generated from this ExecutionContext object. If this ExecutionContext object has not set a fetch direction by calling the method setFetchDirection, the return value is FETCH_FORWARD
the default fetch direction for scrollable iterator objects generated from this ExecutionContext object.
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public void setFetchDirection(int direction)
                       throws java.sql.SQLException
Gives the SQLJ runtime a hint as to the direction in which rows of scrollable iterator objects are processed. The hint applies only to scrollable iterator objects created using this ExecutionContext object. The default value is sqlj.runtime.ResultSetIterator.FETCH_FORWARD.
direction - the initial fetch direction for scrollable iterator objects generated from this ExecutionContext.
java.sql.SQLException - if the given direction is not one of ResultSetIterator.FETCH_FORWARD, ResultSetIterator.FETCH_REVERSE, or ResultSetIterator.FETCH_UNKNOWN.


public void cancel()
            throws java.sql.SQLException
The cancel method can be used by one thread to cancel a sql operation that is currently being executed by another thread using this context. Note that this method has no effect if there is no statement currently being executed for this execution context.
java.sql.SQLException - if unable to cancel
See Also:
executeUpdate(), executeQuery()


public sqlj.runtime.profile.RTStatement registerStatement(ConnectionContext connCtx,
                                                          java.lang.Object profileKey,
                                                          int stmtNdx)
                                                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Creates, registers and returns a statement. This method is called by generated code. Most programmers will not need to call it directly.

The statement is created by accessing the connected profile within connection context "connCtx" that has the key "profileKey". The statement at index "stmtNdx" in the connected profile is created using the getStatement method.

The statement created is registered and becomes the current statement of this execution context.

For each of the max rows, max field size, and query timeout attributes of this execution context, if the attribute has a non-default value, then the corresponding attribute of the registered statement is set to this value. An exception is raised if the statement does not support setting the attribute. The attributes of the execution context contained by the passed connection context are not used by this method. Note that if this method throws an exception, no statement will be registered.

Note: It is assumed that this method is called within a block that is synchronized on this execution context instance. Subsequent calls to execute and release the statement returned should also appear within the same synchronized block. If there is another statement currently registered on this execution context, it is assumed that this method is a recursive callin initiated by the currently registered statement. In such cases, state involving the currently registered statement is saved, and the statement returned by this method becomes the currently registered statement. Once this new statement completes execution and is released, the previous statement is restored as the currently registered statement.

connCtx - the connection context that contains the profile that contains the statement to register.
profileKey - the key of the connected profile within the connection context.
stmtNdx - the 0-based index of the statement within the profile to be registered.
java.sql.SQLException - if the max fields size, max rows, or query timeout cannot be set on the registered statement.
See Also:
releaseStatement(), ConnectedProfile.getStatement(int), ConnectionContext.getConnectedProfile(java.lang.Object)


public int executeUpdate()
                  throws java.sql.SQLException
Performs an execute update on the currently registered statement. When the statement is released, the update count is updated accordingly.

This method is called by generated code. Most programmers will not need to call it directly.

Note: It is assumed that this method is called within a block that is synchronized on this execution context instance. Furthermore, it is also assumed that the previous call to register and the subsequent call to release the current statement also appear within the same synchronized block.

the result of calling executeUpdate on the currently registered statement
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs during the execution of the currently registered statement.
See Also:
RTStatement.executeUpdate(), registerStatement(sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext, java.lang.Object, int)


public int[] executeBatch()
                   throws java.sql.SQLException
Executes the pending statement batch contained in this execution context and returns the result as an array of update counts. If no pending statement batch exists for this execution context, null is returned.

Upon direct or exceptional return from this method, update count is set to EXEC_BATCH_COUNT. If this method returns successfully, the batch update counts of this execution context are updated to reflect the return result.

Once this method is called, the statement batch is emptied even if the call results in an exception. If a new statement batch is created as a result of executing the current batch, the new batch is implicitly executed. Subsequent calls to this method will return null until another batchable statement is added.

Note that exceptions returned by this method will generally be instances of java.sql.BatchUpdateException.

An array of update counts containing one element for each command in the batch, or null if no statement batch exists. The array is ordered according to the order in which commands were inserted into the batch.
java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs while executing the statement batch.


public sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet executeQuery()
                                              throws java.sql.SQLException
Performs an execute query on the currently registered statement. When the statement is released, the update count is set to QUERY_COUNT.

This method is called by generated code. Most programmers will not need to call it directly.

Note: It is assumed that this method is called within a block that is synchronized on this execution context instance. Furthermore, it is also assumed that the previous call to register and the subsequent call to release the current statement also appear within the same synchronized block.

the result of calling executeRTQuery on the currently registered statement
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs during the execution of the currently registered statement.
See Also:
RTStatement.executeRTQuery(), registerStatement(sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext, java.lang.Object, int)


public boolean execute()
                throws java.sql.SQLException
Performs a generic execute on the currently registered statement. Under some situations a single SQL CALL statement may return multiple result sets. The "execute" and "getNextResultSet" methods allow navigation through multiple results.

The "execute" method executes the currently registered statement and returns true if it produced a side-channel result set, false otherwise. The getNextResultSet method is used to obtain the result set. When the statement is released, the update count will be set to QUERY_COUNT.


  • This method is called by generated code. Most programmers will not need to call it directly. Instead, they will use only "getNextResultSet" to navigate multiple results.
  • If the current operation produces multiple results, it is not released until all results have been processed, and getNextResultSet returns null.
  • If this operation also produces side-channel update counts, they are silently discarded.
  • If an error occurs executing the SQL operation, the current statement is released and an SQLException is raised. Subsequent calls to "getNextResultSet" will return null.
  • It is assumed that this method is called within a block that is synchronized on this execution context instance. Furthermore, it is also assumed that the previous call to register and the subsequent call to release the current statement also appear within the same synchronized block.
true if the statement produced a side-channel result set, false otherwise.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs during the execution of the currently registered statement.
See Also:
RTStatement.execute(), registerStatement(sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext, java.lang.Object, int), getNextResultSet()


public java.sql.ResultSet getNextResultSet()
                                    throws java.sql.SQLException
Moves to the currently registered statement's next result. The first time this method is called after a SQL operation is executed, the first side-channel result set is returned (if any). Further calls to getNextResultSet will move to any subsequent results. getNextResultSet implicitly closes any open result set previously obtained with getNextResultSet.

getNextResultSet returns null when there are no further results. null is also returned if the last SQL operation executed did not produce side-channel results, or an SQL operation has not yet been executed on this execution context.


  • If the last SQL operation executed on this execution context produced multiple results, its resources are not released until all results have been processed, and getNextResultSet returns null. If this execution context is used to execute a SQL operation while results are still pending from the previous operation, or a statement execution completes while results from a recursive callin are still pending, the results are silently closed and discarded, and resources are released.
  • If this operation also produces side-channel update counts, they are silently discarded.
  • If an error occurs during a call to getNextResultSet, the current statement is released and an SQLException is raised. Subsequent calls to getNextResultSet will return null.
the next side-channel result set, or null if there are no further results.
java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs obtaining the next result set.
See Also:
RTStatement.getResultSet(), RTStatement.getMoreResults(), execute(), registerStatement(sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext, java.lang.Object, int)


public void releaseStatement()
                      throws java.sql.SQLException
Releases the currently registered statement, signaling that all execution-related operations have completed. After this method has been returned from, it is safe to call registerStatement again. The SQL warnings and updated count are updated as reflected by the registered statement and the execution results.

This method calls the executeComplete method of the registered statement.

If the execution of the currently registered statement produced multiple results and not all results have been processed, then this operation is a no-op. In such cases, this method will be automatically called to release the statement once all results have been processed and getNextResultSet returns null.

This method is called by generated code. Most programmers will not need to call it directly.

Note: It is assumed that this method is called within a block that is synchronized on this execution context instance. Furthermore, it is also assumed that the previous calls to register and execute the current statement also appeared within the same synchronized block.

java.sql.SQLException - if an error occurs retrieving the warnings
See Also:
registerStatement(sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext, java.lang.Object, int), RTStatement.executeComplete()


public ExecutionContext.OracleContext getOracleContext()


public static ExecutionContext.OracleContext raiseNullExecCtx()
                                                       throws java.sql.SQLException


public void close()
           throws java.sql.SQLException
This method closes execution context object and releases any underlying resources. It is suggested that this API be called for ExecutionContext instances that are created independently from connection context instances.

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0156 ]--