Two awards will be given, one to a Spanish research group and the other to a Latin American research group.
• Each consists of a monetary prize of Euros 230,000, of which:
• The members of the research group will receive a nominal amount of 50% in recognition of the merit and value of the research work conducted by each one. This sum will be paid to the account of researchers, at their express consent, according to the ratios stated in the nomination.
• The other 50% will be paid to the account of the entity hosting the scientific activity, with the purpose of supporting the group’s research work. |
Winners will also be presented with a diploma and a commemorative artwork.
• Once the award has been proposed and accepted, the winning group will inform BBVA Foundation of the research work to be undertaken. The research group will draw on the funding as it sees best fitted for the fulfilment of the objectives of the work plan submitted, and subject to the entity’s administrative rules.
• The research group shall state that it is has been distinguished with a BBVA Foundation award in the acknowledgements section of its later publications, and has enjoyed the corresponding funding support. It will also inform the Foundation of its scientific output related to the award, enclosing copies of the said publications.
• The winning group must attend the award ceremony. |