Viewing file: english.lang.php (2.45 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php // English translation by : Edwin van Wijk
// Change permissions $lblOwner="Owner"; $lblGroup="Group"; $lblPublic="Public"; $lblRead="Read"; $lblWrite="Write"; $lblExecute="Exec.";
//Front End
$lblFileSizeTooBig = "File size too big"; $lblAnonymousAccess = "Anonymous access"; $lblASCIIMode = "ASCII"; $lblBinaryMode = "Binary"; $lblChangeMode = "Switch Binary/ASCII"; $lblSetPermissions = "Change permissions"; $lblConnectToFTPServer = "Connect to FTP Server"; $lblConnectedTo = "Connected to"; $lblCouldNotChangePermissionsFor = "Could not change permissions for"; $lblCouldNotConnectToServer = "Could not connect to server"; $lblCouldNotCreate = "Could not create"; $lblCouldNotDelete = "Could not delete"; $lblCouldNotRename = "Could not rename"; $lblCouldNotUnzip ="Could not unzip"; $lblCreated = "created"; $lblCreateDirectory = "Create Directory"; $lblCurrentDirectory="Current directory"; $lblCurrentMode = "Current mode"; $lblDate = "Date"; $lblEditFile = "Edit"; $lblDelete = "Delete"; $lblDeleted = "deleted"; $lblDeleteFile = "Delete file"; $lblDetails = "Details"; $lblDirectory = "Directory"; $lblDirectoryEmpty = "Directory is empty"; $lblDisclaimer = "phpWebFTP comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Read the full GPL license <A HREF='gpl.txt' style='font-size:7pt;'>here</A>"; $lblErrorDownloadingFile = "Error downloading file"; $lblFileCouldNotBeUploaded = "File could not be uploaded"; $lblFilePermissionChanged="File permission changed"; $lblCouldNotChangePermissions ="File permission could not be changed"; $lblFileTasks = "File and Folder Tasks"; $lblGoToDirectory = "Go to Directory"; $lblIndexOf = "Index of"; $lblLogIn ="Log in"; $lblLogOff ="Log off"; $lblName = "Name"; $lblNewName = "New name"; $lblNotConnected = "Not connected"; $lblNotice = "Notice"; $lblPassword = "Password"; $lblLanguage= "Language"; $lblPermissions = "Permissions"; $lblPort = "Port"; $lblRename = "Rename"; $lblRenamedTo = "renamed to"; $lblRetry = "Retry"; $lblServer = "Server"; $lblSize = "Size"; $lblFileType = "Type"; $lblTo = "to"; $lblTransferMode = "Transfer mode"; $lblTryAgain = "Try again..."; $lblUnziped = "unziped"; $lblUp = "Up"; $lblUploadFile = "Upload file"; $lblUser = "User"; $lblVersion ="Version"; $lblWithUser = "with user"; $lblUnZipFile = "Unzip File"; $lblZipFile = "Zip File"; $lblPasive = "Passive"; ?>