Viewing file: ftp.class.php (8.69 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** FTP class is designed to work with FTP Connections @author Edwin van Wijk, @email */
class ftp { /** FTP server */ var $server=""; /** FTP server port */ var $port=21; /** FTP user */ var $user=""; /** User specific directory (for zip and download) */ var $userDir=""; /** password */ var $password = ""; /** FTP connection */ var $connection = ""; /** Passive FTP connection */ var $passive = false; /** Type of FTP server (UNIX, Windows, ...) */ var $systype = ""; /** Binary (1) or ASCII (0) mode */ var $mode = 0; /** Logon indicator */ var $loggedOn = false; /** resume broken downloads */ var $resumeDownload = false; /** temporary download directory on local server */ var $downloadDir = "";
/** constructor @param none Set FTP settings and logon to the server */ function ftp($server, $port, $user, $password, $passive=false){ $this->server = $server; $this->port = $port; $this->user = $user; $this->userDir = $user . "_tmp"; $this->password = $password;
// connect to server $this->connect();
// switch to passivemode(?) $this->setPassive($passive); }
/** connect to a ftp server */ function connect() { $this->connection = @ftp_connect($this->server, $this->port); $this->loggedOn = @ftp_login($this->connection, $this->user, $this->password); $this->systype = @ftp_systype($this->connection); return; }
/** set passive connection */ function setPassive($passive) { $this->passive=$passive; @ftp_pasv($this->connection, $this->passive); return; }
/** Set transfermode */ function setMode($mode=1) { $this->mode = $mode; return; }
/** set and goto current directory on ftp server */ function setCurrentDir($dir=false) { if ($dir==true) { ftp_chdir($this->connection, $dir); } $this->currentDir = ftp_pwd($this->connection); return $this->currentDir; }
function getCurrentDirectoryShort() { $string = $this->currentDir; $stringArray = split("/",$string); $level = count($stringArray); $returnString = $stringArray[$level-1]; if(trim($returnString)=="") { $returnString = "/"; } return $returnString; }
function setDownloadDir($dir) { $this->downloadDir = $dir; return; }
function setResumeDownload($resume) { $this->resumeDownload = $resume; return; }
function chmod($permissions, $file) { return @ftp_site($this->connection, "chmod $permissions $file"); }
function cd($directory) { if ($directory=="..") { @ftp_cdup($this->connection); } else { if(!@ftp_chdir($this->connection, $this->currentDir . $directory)) { @ftp_chdir($this->connection, $directory); // Symbolic link directory } } $this->currentDir=ftp_pwd($this->connection);; return; }
/* get file from ftp server */ function get($file,$destination) { if($destination == ""){ $destination = $this->downloadDir; } $ok=true; if($this->resumeDownload) { $fp = fopen($destination . $file, "a+"); $ok = ftp_fget($this->connection,$fp,"$file",$this->mode, filesize($destination . $file)); } else { $fp = fopen($destination . $file, "w"); $ok = ftp_fget($this->connection,$fp,"$file",$this->mode); } fclose($fp); return $ok; }
/* put file to ftp server */ function put($remoteFile,$localFile) { $ok=false; if(file_exists($localFile)) { ftp_put($this->connection, $remoteFile, $localFile, $this->mode); $ok=true; } return $ok; }
/* Download file from server and send it to the browser */ function download($file) { if($this->get($file)) { //Send header to browser to receive a file header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file\""); header("Content-type: application/octetstream"); header("Pragma: "); header("Cache-Control: cache"); header("Expires: 0"); $data = readfile($this->downloadDir . $file); $i=0; while ($data[$i] != "") { $fileStream .= $data[$i]; $i++; } unlink($this->downloadDir . $file); echo $fileStream; exit; } else { return false; } } function upload($uploadFile) { $tempFileName = $uploadFile['tmp_name']; $fileName = $uploadFile['name']; return $this->put($this->currentDir . "/" . filePart(StripSlashes($fileName)), $tempFileName); }
function deleteFile($file) { return @ftp_delete($this->connection, "$file"); }
function deleteRecursive($baseDirectory,$file){ if ($fileList = @ftp_nlist($this->connection, "$baseDirectory/$file")){ for ($x=0;$x<count($fileList);$x++){ if ($fileList[$x] != '.' && $fileList[$x] != '..' && !@ftp_delete($this->connection, $fileList[$x])) deleteRecursive($baseDirectory."/$file",$fileList[$x]); } @ftp_rmdir($this->connection, "$baseDirectory/$file"); } else { @ftp_rmdir($this->connection, "$baseDirectory/$file"); } }
function rename($old, $new) { return @ftp_rename($this->connection, "$old", "$new"); }
function makeDir($directory) { return @ftp_mkdir($this->connection, "$directory"); }
function getRecursive($baseDir,$file){ $files = $this->ftpRawList($baseDir . "/$file");
for ($x=0;$x<count($files);$x++){ if ($files[$x]["name"] != '.' or $files[$x]["name"] != '..') { $downloadLocation = $this->downloadDir . ereg_replace($this->currentDir."/",$this->userDir."/",$baseDir . "/$file/"); $downloadLocation = ereg_replace("//","/",$downloadLocation); $ftpFileDir = ereg_replace($this->currentDir . "/","",$baseDir . "/$file/"); //print $downloadLocation . "(" . $baseDir . "/$file/" . ")<br>"; mkdir($downloadLocation);
if ($files[$x]["is_dir"]==1) { $this->getRecursive($baseDir . "/$file/",$files[$x]["name"]); } else { $localFile = $this->downloadDir . $this->userDir . "/" . ereg_replace($this->currentDir . "/","",$baseDir . "/$file/") . $files[$x]["name"];; $remoteFile = $baseDir . "/" . $file . "/" . $files[$x]["name"]; if($this->resumeDownload) { $fp = fopen($localFile, "a+"); $ok = ftp_fget($this->connection,$fp,"$remoteFile",$this->mode, filesize($localFile)); } else { $fp = fopen($localFile, "w"); $ok = ftp_fget($this->connection,$fp,"$remoteFile",$this->mode); } fclose($fp); } } } }
function ftpRawList($directory) { if($directory=="") { $directory = $this->currentDir; } $list=Array(); $list = ftp_rawlist($this->connection, "-a " . $directory); if ($this->systype == "UNIX") { //$regexp = "([-ldrwxs]{10})[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+([A-Z|0-9|-]+)[ ]+([A-Z|0-9|-]+)[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+([A-Z]{3}[ ]+[0-9]{1,2}[ ]+[0-9|:]{4,5})[ ]+(.*)"; //$regexp = "([-ldrwxs]{10})[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+([A-Z|0-9|-|_]+)[ ]+([A-Z|0-9|-|_]+)[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+([A-Z]{3}[ ]+[0-9]{1,2}[ ]+[0-9|:]{4,5})[ ]+(.*)"; $regexp = "([-ltdrwxs]{10})[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+([A-Z|0-9|-|_]+)[ ]+([A-Z|0-9|-|_]+)[ ]+([0-9]+)[ ]+([A-Z]{3}[ ]+[0-9]{1,2}[ ]+[0-9|:]{4,5})[ ]+(.*)"; $i=0; foreach ($list as $line) { $is_dir = $is_link = FALSE; $target = "";
if (eregi($regexp, $line, $regs)) { if (!eregi("^[.]", $regs[7])) //hide hidden files if (!eregi("^[.]{2}", $regs[7])) // don't hide hidden files { $i++; if (eregi("^[d]", $regs[1])) { $is_dir = TRUE; } elseif (eregi("^[l]", $regs[1])) { $is_link = TRUE; list($regs[7], $target) = split(" -> ", $regs[7]); }
//Get extension from file name $regs_ex = explode(".",$regs[7]); if ((!$is_dir)&&(count($regs_ex) > 1)) $extension = $regs_ex[count($regs_ex)-1]; else $extension = "";
$files[$i] = array ( "is_dir" => $is_dir, "extension" => $extension, "name" => $regs[7], "perms" => $regs[1], "num" => $regs[2], "user" => $regs[3], "group" => $regs[4], "size" => $regs[5], "date" => $regs[6], "is_link" => $is_link, "target" => $target ); } } } } else { $regexp = "([0-9\-]{8})[ ]+([0-9:]{5}[APM]{2})[ ]+([0-9|<DIR>]+)[ ]+(.*)"; foreach ($list as $line) { $is_dir = false; if (eregi($regexp, $line, $regs)) { if (!eregi("^[.]", $regs[4])) { if($regs[3] == "<DIR>") { $is_dir = true; $regs[3] = ''; } $i++; // Get extension from filename $regs_ex = explode(".",$regs[4]); if ((!$is_dir)&&(count($regs_ex) > 1)) $extension = $regs_ex[count($regs_ex)-1]; else $extension = "";
$files[$i] = array ( "is_dir" => $is_dir, "extension" => $extension, "name" => $regs[4], "date" => $regs[1], "time" => $regs[2], "size" => $regs[3], "is_link" => 0, "target" => "", "num" => "" ); } } } } if ( is_array($files) AND count($files) > 0) { $files=array_sort_multi($files, 1, 3); } return $files; }
} ?>