Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\contrib\ptf\phpwebftp\include\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: script.js (5.38 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | var selectItem = ""; var renameOn = false; var permissionsOn = false; permission=""; function logOff() { document.actionform.actionType.value="logoff"; document.actionform.submit(); } function submitForm(action, file, file2) { document.actionform.actionType.value = action; document.actionform.file.value = file; document.actionform.file2.value = file2; document.actionform.submit(); }; function toggle(layer) { if (document.getElementById(layer).style.display=="none") { document.getElementById(layer).style.display=""; } else { document.getElementById(layer).style.display="none"; } } function setNewFileName() { if(renameOn) { document.getElementById("renameFileEntry").style.display="none"; renameOn = false; } else { document.actionform.actionType.value="rename"; document.getElementById("renameFileEntry").style.display=""; document.renameFile.newName.value=document.actionform.file.value; document.renameFile.newName.focus(); renameOn=true; } }; function renameItem() { oldName = document.actionform.file.value; newName = document.renameFile.newName.value if (confirm("rename " + document.actionform.file.value + " to " + document.renameFile.newName.value + "?\n")) { submitForm("rename", oldName, newName) } }; function setPermissions() { if(permissionsOn) { document.actionform.actionType.value=""; document.getElementById("setPermissions").style.display="none"; permissionsOn = false; } else { document.actionform.actionType.value="chmod"; document.getElementById("setPermissions").style.display=""; permission=document.actionform.permissions.value; permissionsOn = true; Or=permission.substring(1,2); Gr=permission.substring(4,5); Pr=permission.substring(7,8); Ow=permission.substring(2,3); Gw=permission.substring(5,6); Pw=permission.substring(8,9); Ox=permission.substring(3,4); Gx=permission.substring(6,7); Px=permission.substring(9,10); focus(); if(Or!="-") { permissions.iOr.checked = true } if(Gr!="-") { permissions.iGr.checked = true } if(Pr!="-") { permissions.iPr.checked = true } if(Ow!="-") { permissions.iOw.checked = true } if(Gw!="-") { permissions.iGw.checked = true } if(Pw!="-") { permissions.iPw.checked = true } if(Ox!="-") { permissions.iOx.checked = true } if(Gx!="-") { permissions.iGx.checked = true } if(Px!="-") { permissions.iPx.checked = true } } } function resetEntries() { document.actionform.actionType.value = ""; document.actionform.delaction.value = ""; document.actionform.file.value = ""; document.actionform.file2.value = ""; counter=0; while(document.getElementById("filename" + counter)) { document.getElementById("filename" + counter).style.background = "#F7F7F7"; document.getElementById("filename" + counter).style.color = "black"; counter++; } document.getElementById("setPermissions").style.display="none"; permissionsOn = false; document.getElementById("renameFileEntry").style.display="none"; renameOn = false; document.getElementById("fileactions").style.display="none"; } function selectEntry(action, file, item, permissions, delaction) { resetEntries() document.actionform.actionType.value = action; document.actionform.delaction.value = delaction; document.actionform.file.value = file; document.actionform.permissions.value = permissions; document.actionform.extension.value = file.substr(file.length-3,3); document.getElementById(item).style.color = "#FFFFFF"; document.getElementById(item).style.background = "#316AC5"; selectItem=item; document.getElementById("fileactions").style.display=""; } function createDirectory(directory) { if(directory) {submitForm("createdir", directory);} else {alert('Enter a directory name first');} }; function changeMode(mode) { document.actionform.mode.value = mode; document.actionform.submit(); }; function deleteFile() { if (confirm("Really delete this Item ?\n")) { document.actionform.actionType.value = document.actionform.delaction.value; document.actionform.submit(); } }; function editFile() { if(document.actionform.delaction.value == "delfile") { document.actionform.actionType.value = "edit"; document.actionform.submit(); } else { alert("Sorry, this function is only available for files"); } }; function zipFile() { if(document.actionform.delaction.value == "deldir") { document.actionform.actionType.value = "getzip"; document.actionform.submit(); } else { alert("Sorry, this function is only available for directories"); } }; function cancelEditFile() { document.editFileForm.actionType.value = ""; document.editFileForm.submit(); } function Confirmation(URL) { if (confirm("Really delete this Item ?\n")) {location = String(URL);} else { //Do nothing } }; function ConfirmationUnzip(URL) { if (confirm("Unzip File in the current dir ?\n")) {location = String(URL);} }; function changePermissions() { O=0; P=0; G=0; if(permissions.iOr.checked == true) { O=O+4 } if(permissions.iGr.checked == true) { G=G+4 } if(permissions.iPr.checked == true) { P=P+4 } if(permissions.iOw.checked == true) { O=O+2 } if(permissions.iGw.checked == true) { G=G+2 } if(permissions.iPw.checked == true) { P=P+2 } if(permissions.iOx.checked == true) { O=O+1 } if(permissions.iGx.checked == true) { G=G+1 } if(permissions.iPx.checked == true) { P=P+1 } document.actionform.permissions.value=O+""+G+""+P; document.actionform.action.value="chmod"; document.actionform.submit() } |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0156 ]-- |