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/* $Id: lightbox.js,v 2008/06/29 15:25:12 snpower Exp $ */

 * jQuery Lightbox
 * @author
 *   Stella Power, <http://drupal.org/user/66894>
 * Based on Lightbox v2.03.3 by Lokesh Dhakar
 * <http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/>
 * Also partially based on the jQuery Lightbox by Warren Krewenki
 *   <http://warren.mesozen.com>
 * Permission has been granted to Mark Ashmead & other Drupal Lightbox2 module
 * maintainers to distribute this file via Drupal.org
 * Under GPL license.
 * Slideshow, iframe and video functionality added by Stella Power.

var Lightbox = {
  overlayOpacity : 0.8, // Controls transparency of shadow overlay.
  overlayColor : '000', // Controls colour of shadow overlay.
  // Controls the order of the lightbox resizing animation sequence.
  resizeSequence: 0, // 0: simultaneous, 1: width then height, 2: height then width.
  resizeSpeed: 'normal', // Controls the speed of the lightbox resizing animation.
  fadeInSpeed: 'normal', // Controls the speed of the image appearance.
  slideDownSpeed: 'slow', // Controls the speed of the image details appearance.
  borderSize : 10,
  boxColor : 'fff',
  fontColor : '000',
  topPosition : '',
  infoHeight: 20,
  alternative_layout : false,
  imageArray : [],
  imageNum : null,
  total : 0,
  activeImage : null,
  inprogress : false,
  disableResize : false,
  disableZoom : false,
  isZoomedIn : false,
  rtl : false,
  loopItems : false,

  // Slideshow options.
  slideInterval : 5000, // In milliseconds.
  showPlayPause : true,
  autoExit : true,
  pauseOnNextClick : false, // True to pause the slideshow when the "Next" button is clicked.
  pauseOnPrevClick : true, // True to pause the slideshow when the "Prev" button is clicked.
  slideIdArray : [],
  slideIdCount : 0,
  isSlideshow : false,
  isPaused : false,
  loopSlides : false,

  // Iframe options.
  isLightframe : false,
  iframe_width : 600,
  iframe_height : 400,
  iframe_border : 1,

  // Video and modal options.
  enableVideo : false,
  isModal : false,
  isVideo : false,
  videoId : false,
  modalWidth : 400,
  modalHeight : 400,
  modalHTML : null,

  // initialize()
  // Constructor runs on completion of the DOM loading. Calls initList
  // and then the function inserts html at the bottom of the page which is used
  // to display the shadow overlay and the image container.
  initialize: function() {

    var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2;
    Lightbox.overlayOpacity = s.overlay_opacity;
    Lightbox.overlayColor = s.overlay_color;
    Lightbox.resizeSequence = s.resize_sequence;
    Lightbox.resizeSpeed = s.resize_speed;
    Lightbox.fadeInSpeed = s.fade_in_speed;
    Lightbox.slideDownSpeed = s.slide_down_speed;
    Lightbox.borderSize = s.border_size;
    Lightbox.boxColor = s.box_color;
    Lightbox.fontColor = s.font_color;
    Lightbox.topPosition = s.top_position;
    Lightbox.rtl = s.rtl;
    Lightbox.loopItems = s.loop_items;
    Lightbox.disableResize = s.disable_resize;
    Lightbox.disableZoom = s.disable_zoom;
    Lightbox.slideInterval = s.slideshow_interval;
    Lightbox.showPlayPause = s.show_play_pause;
    Lightbox.autoExit = s.slideshow_automatic_exit;
    Lightbox.pauseOnNextClick = s.pause_on_next_click;
    Lightbox.pauseOnPrevClick = s.pause_on_previous_click;
    Lightbox.loopSlides = s.loop_slides;
    Lightbox.alternative_layout = s.use_alt_layout;
    Lightbox.iframe_width = s.iframe_width;
    Lightbox.iframe_height = s.iframe_height;
    Lightbox.iframe_border = s.iframe_border;
    Lightbox.enableVideo = s.enable_video;

    // Attach lightbox to any links with lightbox rels.

    // Make the lightbox divs.
    var output = '<div id="overlay" style="display: none;"></div>\
      <div id="lightbox" style="display: none;">\
        <div id="outerImageContainer"></div>\
        <div id="imageDataContainer" class="clearfix">\
          <div id="imageData"></div>\
    var loading = '<div id="loading"><a href="#" id="loadingLink"></a></div>';
    var modal = '<div id="modalContainer" style="display: none;"></div>';
    var frame = '<div id="frameContainer" style="display: none;"><iframe id="lightboxFrame" style="display: none;"></iframe></div>';
    var imageContainer = '<div id="imageContainer" style="display: none;"></div>';
    var details = '<div id="imageDetails"></div>';
    var bottomNav = '<div id="bottomNav"></div>';
    var image = '<img id="lightboxImage" />';
    var hoverNav = '<div id="hoverNav"><a id="prevLink" href="#"></a><a id="nextLink" href="#"></a></div>';
    var frameNav = '<div id="frameHoverNav"><a id="framePrevLink" href="#"></a><a id="frameNextLink" href="#"></a></div>';
    var caption = '<span id="caption"></span>';
    var numberDisplay = '<span id="numberDisplay"></span>';
    var close = '<a id="bottomNavClose" href="#"></a>';
    var zoom = '<a id="bottomNavZoom" href="#"></a>';
    var zoomOut = '<a id="bottomNavZoomOut" href="#"></a>';
    var pause = '<a id="lightshowPause" href="#" style="display: none;"></a>';
    var play = '<a id="lightshowPlay" href="#" style="display: none;"></a>';

    $('#outerImageContainer').append(modal + frame + imageContainer + loading);
    if (!s.use_alt_layout) {
      $('#imageContainer').append(image + hoverNav);
      $('#imageData').append(frameNav + details + bottomNav);
      $('#imageDetails').append(caption + numberDisplay);
      $('#bottomNav').append(close + zoom + zoomOut + pause + play);
    else {
      $('#imageContainer').append(image + bottomNav);
      $('#bottomNav').append(close + zoom + zoomOut);
      $('#imageData').append(hoverNav + details);
      $('#imageDetails').append(caption + numberDisplay + pause + play);

    // Setup onclick handlers.
    $('#overlay').click(function() { Lightbox.end(); return false; } ).hide();
    $('#loadingLink, #bottomNavClose').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); return false; } );
    $('#prevLink, #framePrevLink').click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage - 1); return false; } );
    $('#nextLink, #frameNextLink').click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1); return false; } );
    $('#bottomNavZoom').click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage, true); return false; } );
    $('#bottomNavZoomOut').click(function() { Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage, false); return false; } );
    $('#lightshowPause').click(function() { Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPause", "lightshowPlay"); return false; } );
    $('#lightshowPlay').click(function() { Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPlay", "lightshowPause"); return false; } );

    // Fix positioning.
    $('#prevLink, #nextLink, #framePrevLink, #frameNextLink').css({ paddingTop: Lightbox.borderSize + 'px'});
    $('#imageContainer, #frameContainer, #modalContainer').css({ padding: Lightbox.borderSize + 'px'});
    $('#outerImageContainer, #imageDataContainer, #bottomNavClose').css({backgroundColor: '#' + Lightbox.boxColor, color: '#'+Lightbox.fontColor});

    if (!Lightbox.iframe_border) {
      $('#lightboxFrame').css({border: 'none'});
      $('#lightboxFrame').attr("frameborder", '0');

    // Force navigation links to always be displayed
    if (s.force_show_nav) {
      $('#prevLink, #nextLink').addClass("force_show_nav");


  // initList()
  // Loops through anchor tags looking for 'lightbox', 'lightshow' and
  // 'lightframe', etc, references and applies onclick events to appropriate
  // links. You can rerun after dynamically adding images w/ajax.
  initList : function() {

    // Attach lightbox to any links with rel 'lightbox', 'lightshow' or
    // 'lightframe', etc.
    $("a[@rel^='lightbox'], area[@rel^='lightbox']").click(function(e) {
      $('#lightbox').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); } );
      Lightbox.start(this, false, false, false, false);
      if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); }
      return false;
    $("a[@rel^='lightshow'], area[@rel^='lightshow']").click(function(e) {
      $('#lightbox').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); } );
      Lightbox.start(this, true, false, false, false);
      if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); }
      return false;
    $("a[@rel^='lightframe'], area[@rel^='lightframe']").click(function(e) {
      $('#lightbox').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); } );
      Lightbox.start(this, false, true, false, false);
      if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); }
      return false;
    $("a[@rel^='lightvideo'], area[@rel^='lightvideo']").click(function(e) {
      $('#lightbox').click(function() { Lightbox.end('forceClose'); } );
      Lightbox.start(this, false, false, true, false);
      if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); }
      return false;
    $("a[@rel^='lightmodal'], area[@rel^='lightmodal']").click(function(e) {
      Lightbox.start(this, false, false, false, true);
      if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); }
      return false;

  // start()
  // Display overlay and lightbox. If image is part of a set, add siblings to
  // imageArray.
  start: function(imageLink, slideshow, lightframe, lightvideo, lightmodal) {

    Lightbox.isPaused = false;

    // Replaces hideSelectBoxes() and hideFlash() calls in original lightbox2.

    // Stretch overlay to fill page and fade in.
    var arrayPageSize = Lightbox.getPageSize();
      width: '100%',
      zIndex: '10090',
      height: arrayPageSize[1] + 'px',
      backgroundColor : '#' + Lightbox.overlayColor,
      opacity : Lightbox.overlayOpacity

    Lightbox.isSlideshow = slideshow;
    Lightbox.isLightframe = lightframe;
    Lightbox.isVideo = lightvideo;
    Lightbox.isModal = lightmodal;
    Lightbox.imageArray = [];
    Lightbox.imageNum = 0;

    var anchors = $(imageLink.tagName);
    var anchor = null;
    var rel_parts = Lightbox.parseRel(imageLink);
    var rel = rel_parts["rel"];
    var rel_group = rel_parts["group"];
    var title = (rel_parts["title"] ? rel_parts["title"] : imageLink.title);
    var rel_style = null;
    var i = 0;

    // Handle lightbox images with no grouping.
    if ((rel == 'lightbox' || rel == 'lightshow') && !rel_group) {
      Lightbox.imageArray.push([imageLink.href, title]);

    // Handle iframes with no grouping.
    else if ((rel == 'lightframe' || rel == 'lightmodal') && !rel_group) {
      rel_style = (!rel_parts["style"] ? 'width: '+ Lightbox.iframe_width +'px; height: '+ Lightbox.iframe_height +'px; scrolling: auto;' : rel_parts["style"]);
      Lightbox.imageArray.push([imageLink.href, title, rel_style]);

    // Handle video.
    else if (rel == "lightvideo") {
      // rel_group contains style information for videos.
      rel_style = (!rel_group ? 'width: 400px; height: 400px;' : rel_group);
      Lightbox.imageArray.push([imageLink.href, title, rel_style]);

    // Handle iframes and lightbox & slideshow images.
    else if (rel == 'lightbox' || rel == 'lightshow' || rel == 'lightframe' || rel == 'lightmodal') {

      // Loop through anchors and add them to imageArray.
      for (i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
        anchor = anchors[i];
        if (anchor.href && $(anchor).attr('rel')) {
          var rel_data = Lightbox.parseRel(anchor);
          var anchor_title = (rel_data["title"] ? rel_data["title"] : anchor.title);
          if (rel_data["rel"] == rel) {
            if (rel_data["group"] == rel_group) {
              if (Lightbox.isLightframe || Lightbox.isModal) {
                rel_style = (!rel_data["style"] ? 'width: '+ Lightbox.iframe_width +'px; height: '+ Lightbox.iframe_height +'px; scrolling: auto;' : rel_data["style"]);
              Lightbox.imageArray.push([anchor.href, anchor_title, rel_style]);

      // Remove duplicates.
      for (i = 0; i < Lightbox.imageArray.length; i++) {
        for (j = Lightbox.imageArray.length-1; j > i; j--) {
          if (Lightbox.imageArray[i][0] == Lightbox.imageArray[j][0]) {
      while (Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.imageNum][0] != imageLink.href) {

    if (Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.showPlayPause && Lightbox.isPaused) {

    // Calculate top and left offset for the lightbox.
    var arrayPageScroll = Lightbox.getPageScroll();
    var lightboxTop = arrayPageScroll[1] + (Lightbox.topPosition == '' ? (arrayPageSize[3] / 10) : Lightbox.topPosition) * 1;
    var lightboxLeft = arrayPageScroll[0];
      zIndex: '10500',
      top: lightboxTop + 'px',
      left: lightboxLeft + 'px'

    Lightbox.total = Lightbox.imageArray.length;

  // changeData()
  // Hide most elements and preload image in preparation for resizing image
  // container.
  changeData: function(imageNum, zoomIn) {

    if (Lightbox.inprogress === false) {
      if (Lightbox.total > 1 && ((Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopSlides) || (!Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopItems))) {
        if (imageNum >= Lightbox.total) imageNum = 0;
        if (imageNum < 0) imageNum = Lightbox.total - 1;

      if (Lightbox.isSlideshow) {
        for (var i = 0; i < Lightbox.slideIdCount; i++) {
      Lightbox.inprogress = true;
      Lightbox.activeImage = imageNum;

      if (Lightbox.disableResize && !Lightbox.isSlideshow) {
        zoomIn = true;
      Lightbox.isZoomedIn = zoomIn;

      // Hide elements during transition.
      $('#loading').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();
      if (!Lightbox.alternative_layout) {
      $('#frameContainer, #modalContainer, #lightboxImage, #lightboxFrame').hide();
      $('#hoverNav, #prevLink, #nextLink, #frameHoverNav, #framePrevLink, #frameNextLink').hide();
      $('#imageDataContainer, #numberDisplay, #bottomNavZoom, #bottomNavZoomOut').hide();

      // Preload image content, but not iframe pages.
      if (!Lightbox.isLightframe && !Lightbox.isVideo && !Lightbox.isModal) {
        imgPreloader = new Image();
        imgPreloader.onerror = function() { Lightbox.imgNodeLoadingError(this); };

        imgPreloader.onload = function() {
          var photo = document.getElementById('lightboxImage');
          photo.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0];
          photo.alt = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][1];

          var imageWidth = imgPreloader.width;
          var imageHeight = imgPreloader.height;

          // Resize code.
          var arrayPageSize = Lightbox.getPageSize();
          var targ = { w:arrayPageSize[2] - (Lightbox.borderSize * 2), h:arrayPageSize[3] - (Lightbox.borderSize * 6) - (Lightbox.infoHeight * 4) - (arrayPageSize[3] / 10) };
          var orig = { w:imgPreloader.width, h:imgPreloader.height };

          // Image is very large, so show a smaller version of the larger image
          // with zoom button.
          if (zoomIn !== true) {
            var ratio = 1.0; // Shrink image with the same aspect.
            $('#bottomNavZoomOut, #bottomNavZoom').hide();
            if ((orig.w >= targ.w || orig.h >= targ.h) && orig.h && orig.w) {
              ratio = ((targ.w / orig.w) < (targ.h / orig.h)) ? targ.w / orig.w : targ.h / orig.h;
              if (!Lightbox.disableZoom && !Lightbox.isSlideshow) {
                $('#bottomNavZoom').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();

            imageWidth  = Math.floor(orig.w * ratio);
            imageHeight = Math.floor(orig.h * ratio);

          else {
            // Only display zoom out button if the image is zoomed in already.
            if ((orig.w >= targ.w || orig.h >= targ.h) && orig.h && orig.w) {
              // Only display zoom out button if not a slideshow and if the
              // buttons aren't disabled.
              if (!Lightbox.disableResize && Lightbox.isSlideshow === false && !Lightbox.disableZoom) {
                $('#bottomNavZoomOut').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();

          photo.style.width = (imageWidth) + 'px';
          photo.style.height = (imageHeight) + 'px';
          Lightbox.resizeContainer(imageWidth, imageHeight);

          // Clear onLoad, IE behaves irratically with animated gifs otherwise.
          imgPreloader.onload = function() {};

        imgPreloader.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0];
        imgPreloader.alt = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][1];

      // Set up frame size, etc.
      else if (Lightbox.isLightframe) {
        var iframe = document.getElementById('lightboxFrame');
        var iframeStyles = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][2];
        iframe = Lightbox.setStyles(iframe, iframeStyles);
        Lightbox.resizeContainer(parseInt(iframe.width, 10), parseInt(iframe.height, 10));
      else if (Lightbox.isVideo || Lightbox.isModal) {
        var container = document.getElementById('modalContainer');
        var modalStyles = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][2];
        container = Lightbox.setStyles(container, modalStyles);
        if (Lightbox.isVideo) {
          Lightbox.modalHeight =  parseInt(container.height, 10);
          Lightbox.modalWidth =  parseInt(container.width, 10);
        Lightbox.resizeContainer(parseInt(container.width, 10), parseInt(container.height, 10));

  // imgNodeLoadingError()
  imgNodeLoadingError: function(image) {
    var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2;
    var original_image = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0];
    if (s.display_image_size !== "") {
      original_image = original_image.replace(new RegExp("."+s.display_image_size), "");
    Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0] = original_image;
    image.onerror = function() { Lightbox.imgLoadingError(image); };
    image.src = original_image;

  // imgLoadingError()
  imgLoadingError: function(image) {
    var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2;
    Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0] = s.default_image;
    image.src = s.default_image;

  // resizeContainer()
  resizeContainer: function(imgWidth, imgHeight) {

    this.widthCurrent = $('#outerImageContainer').width();
    this.heightCurrent = $('#outerImageContainer').height();

    var widthNew = (imgWidth  + (Lightbox.borderSize * 2));
    var heightNew = (imgHeight  + (Lightbox.borderSize * 2));

    // Scalars based on change from old to new.
    this.xScale = ( widthNew / this.widthCurrent) * 100;
    this.yScale = ( heightNew / this.heightCurrent) * 100;

    // Calculate size difference between new and old image, and resize if
    // necessary.
    wDiff = this.widthCurrent - widthNew;
    hDiff = this.heightCurrent - heightNew;

    // Detect animation sequence.
    if (Lightbox.resizeSequence) {
      var animate1 = {width: widthNew};
      var animate2 = {height: heightNew};
      if (Lightbox.resizeSequence == 2) {
        animate1 = {height: heightNew};
        animate2 = {width: widthNew};
      $('#outerImageContainer').animate(animate1, Lightbox.resizeSpeed).animate(animate2, Lightbox.resizeSpeed, 'linear', function() { Lightbox.showData(); });
    // Simultaneous.
    else {
      $('#outerImageContainer').animate({width: widthNew, height: heightNew}, Lightbox.resizeSpeed, 'linear', function() { Lightbox.showData(); });

    // If new and old image are same size and no scaling transition is necessary
    // do a quick pause to prevent image flicker.
    if ((hDiff === 0) && (wDiff === 0)) {
      if ($.browser.msie) {
      else {

    var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2;
    if (!s.use_alt_layout) {
      $('#prevLink, #nextLink').css({height: imgHeight + 'px'});
    $('#imageDataContainer').css({width: widthNew + 'px'});

  // showData()
  // Display image and begin preloading neighbors.
  showData: function() {

    if (Lightbox.isLightframe || Lightbox.isVideo || Lightbox.isModal) {
      if (Lightbox.isLightframe) {
        if ($.browser.safari) {
          $('#lightboxFrame').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();
        else {
          $('#lightboxFrame').css({zIndex: '10500'}).fadeIn(Lightbox.fadeInSpeed);
        try {
          document.getElementById("lightboxFrame").src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0];
        } catch(e) {}
      else {
        if (Lightbox.isVideo) {
          $("#modalContainer").click(function() { return false; } );
        else {
        $('#modalContainer').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();

    // Handle display of image content.
    else {
      if($.browser.safari) {
        $('#lightboxImage').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();
      else {
        $('#lightboxImage').css({zIndex: '10500'}).fadeIn(Lightbox.fadeInSpeed);
    Lightbox.inprogress = false;

    // Slideshow specific stuff.
    if (Lightbox.isSlideshow) {
      if (!Lightbox.loopSlides && Lightbox.activeImage == (Lightbox.total - 1)) {
        if (Lightbox.autoExit) {
          Lightbox.slideIdArray[Lightbox.slideIdCount++] = setTimeout(function () {Lightbox.end('slideshow');}, Lightbox.slideInterval);
      else {
        if (!Lightbox.isPaused) {
          Lightbox.slideIdArray[Lightbox.slideIdCount++] = setTimeout(function () {Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1);}, Lightbox.slideInterval);
      if (Lightbox.showPlayPause && Lightbox.total > 1 && !Lightbox.isPaused) {
      else if (Lightbox.showPlayPause && Lightbox.total > 1) {

    // Adjust the page overlay size.
    var arrayPageSize = Lightbox.getPageSize();
    var arrayPageScroll = Lightbox.getPageScroll();
    var pageHeight = arrayPageSize[1];
    if (Lightbox.isZoomedIn && arrayPageSize[1] > arrayPageSize[3]) {
      var lightboxTop = (Lightbox.topPosition == '' ? (arrayPageSize[3] / 10) : Lightbox.topPosition) * 1;
      pageHeight = pageHeight + arrayPageScroll[1] + lightboxTop;
    $('#overlay').css({height: pageHeight + 'px', width: arrayPageSize[0] + 'px'});

    // Gecko browsers (e.g. Firefox, SeaMonkey, etc) don't handle pdfs as
    // expected.
    if ($.browser.mozilla) {
      if (Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0].indexOf(".pdf") != -1) {
        setTimeout(function () {
          document.getElementById("lightboxFrame").src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][0];
        }, 1000);

  // updateDetails()
  // Display caption, image number, and bottom nav.
  updateDetails: function() {


    var caption = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage][1];
    if (!caption) caption = '&nbsp;';
    $('#caption').html(caption).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();

    // If image is part of set display 'Image x of x'.
    var s = Drupal.settings.lightbox2;
    var numberDisplay = null;
    if (Lightbox.total > 1) {
      var currentImage = Lightbox.activeImage + 1;
      if (!Lightbox.isLightframe) {
        numberDisplay = s.image_count.replace(/\!current/, currentImage).replace(/\!total/, Lightbox.total);
      else {
        numberDisplay = s.page_count.replace(/\!current/, currentImage).replace(/\!total/, Lightbox.total);
      $('#numberDisplay').html(numberDisplay).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();

    if (Lightbox.rtl) {
      $("#bottomNav").css({float: 'left'});

  // updateNav()
  // Display appropriate previous and next hover navigation.
  updateNav: function() {

    $('#hoverNav').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();
    var prevLink = '#prevLink';
    var nextLink = '#nextLink';

    // Slideshow is separated as we need to show play / pause button.
    if (Lightbox.isSlideshow) {
      if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && Lightbox.loopSlides) || Lightbox.activeImage !== 0) {
        $(prevLink).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show().click(function() {
          if (Lightbox.pauseOnPrevClick) {
            Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPause", "lightshowPlay");
          Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage - 1); return false;
      else {

      // If not last image in set, display next image button.
      if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && Lightbox.loopSlides) || Lightbox.activeImage != (Lightbox.total - 1)) {
        $(nextLink).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show().click(function() {
          if (Lightbox.pauseOnNextClick) {
            Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPause", "lightshowPlay");
          Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1); return false;
      // Safari browsers need to have hide() called again.
      else {

    // All other types of content.
    else {

      if (Lightbox.isLightframe && !Lightbox.alternative_layout) {
        $('#frameHoverNav').css({zIndex: '10500'}).show();
        $('#hoverNav').css({zIndex: '10500'}).hide();
        prevLink = '#framePrevLink';
        nextLink = '#frameNextLink';

      // If not first image in set, display prev image button.
      if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && Lightbox.loopItems) || Lightbox.activeImage !== 0) {
        $(prevLink).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show().click(function() {
          Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage - 1); return false;
      // Safari browsers need to have hide() called again.
      else {

      // If not last image in set, display next image button.
      if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && Lightbox.loopItems) || Lightbox.activeImage != (Lightbox.total - 1)) {
        $(nextLink).css({zIndex: '10500'}).show().click(function() {
          Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1); return false;
      // Safari browsers need to have hide() called again.
      else {

    if (!Lightbox.isModal) {

  // enableKeyboardNav()
  enableKeyboardNav: function() {
    $(document).bind("keydown", this.keyboardAction);

  // disableKeyboardNav()
  disableKeyboardNav: function() {
    $(document).unbind("keydown", this.keyboardAction);

  // keyboardAction()
  keyboardAction: function(e) {
    if (e === null) { // IE.
      keycode = event.keyCode;
      escapeKey = 27;
    else { // Mozilla.
      keycode = e.keyCode;
      escapeKey = e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE;

    key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();

    // Close lightbox.
    if (key == 'x' || key == 'o' || key == 'c' || keycode == escapeKey) {

    // Display previous image (p, <-).
    else if (key == 'p' || keycode == 37) {
      if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && ((Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopSlides) || (!Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopItems))) || Lightbox.activeImage !== 0) {
        Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage - 1);

    // Display next image (n, ->).
    else if (key == 'n' || keycode == 39) {
      if ((Lightbox.total > 1 && ((Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopSlides) || (!Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.loopItems))) || Lightbox.activeImage != (Lightbox.total - 1)) {
        Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1);
    // Zoom in.
    else if (key == 'z' && !Lightbox.disableResize && !Lightbox.disableZoom && !Lightbox.isSlideshow && !Lightbox.isLightframe) {
      if (Lightbox.isZoomedIn) {
        Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage, false);
      else if (!Lightbox.isZoomedIn) {
        Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage, true);
      return false;
    // Toggle play / pause (space).
    else if (keycode == 32 && Lightbox.isSlideshow) {

      if (Lightbox.isPaused) {
        Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPlay", "lightshowPause");
      else {
        Lightbox.togglePlayPause("lightshowPause", "lightshowPlay");
      return false;

  preloadNeighborImages: function() {

    if ((Lightbox.total - 1) > Lightbox.activeImage) {
      preloadNextImage = new Image();
      preloadNextImage.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage + 1][0];
    if (Lightbox.activeImage > 0) {
      preloadPrevImage = new Image();
      preloadPrevImage.src = Lightbox.imageArray[Lightbox.activeImage - 1][0];


  end: function(caller) {
    var closeClick = (caller == 'slideshow' ? false : true);
    if (Lightbox.isSlideshow && Lightbox.isPaused && !closeClick) {
    // To prevent double clicks on navigation links.
    if (Lightbox.inprogress === true && caller != 'forceClose') {
    Lightbox.isPaused = true;
    Lightbox.inprogress = false;
    // Replaces calls to showSelectBoxes() and showFlash() in original
    // lightbox2.
    if (Lightbox.isSlideshow) {
      for (var i = 0; i < Lightbox.slideIdCount; i++) {
      $('#lightshowPause, #lightshowPlay').hide();
    else if (Lightbox.isLightframe) {
      document.getElementById("lightboxFrame").src = '';
      if ($.browser.safari) {
        var iFrame = document.getElementById("lightboxFrame");
        var parent = iFrame.parentNode;
      $('#lightboxFrame, #frameContainer').hide();
    else if (Lightbox.isVideo || Lightbox.isModal) {

  // getPageScroll()
  // Returns array with x,y page scroll values.
  // Core code from - quirksmode.com.
  getPageScroll : function() {

    var xScroll, yScroll;

    if (self.pageYOffset) {
      yScroll = self.pageYOffset;
      xScroll = self.pageXOffset;
    else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) {  // Explorer 6 Strict.
      yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
      xScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
    else if (document.body) {// All other Explorers.
      yScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
      xScroll = document.body.scrollLeft;

    arrayPageScroll = [xScroll,yScroll];
    return arrayPageScroll;

  // getPageSize()
  // Returns array with page width, height and window width, height.
  // Core code from - quirksmode.com.
  // Edit for Firefox by pHaez.
  getPageSize : function() {

    var xScroll, yScroll;

    if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight) { // all but Explorer Mac
      xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth;
      yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight;
    else if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) {
      xScroll = window.innerWidth + window.scrollMaxX;
      yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY;
    // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and Safari.
    else {
      xScroll = document.body.offsetWidth;
      yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight;

    var windowWidth, windowHeight;

    if (self.innerHeight) { // All except Explorer.
      if (document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
        windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
      else {
        windowWidth = self.innerWidth;
      windowHeight = self.innerHeight;
    // Explorer 6 Strict Mode.
    else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
      windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
      windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    else if (document.body) { // Other Explorers.
      windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
      windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight;

    // For small pages with total height less then height of the viewport.
    if (yScroll < windowHeight) {
      pageHeight = windowHeight;
    else {
      pageHeight = yScroll;

    // For small pages with total width less then width of the viewport.
    if (xScroll < windowWidth) {
      pageWidth = windowWidth;
    else {
      pageWidth = xScroll;

    arrayPageSize = [pageWidth, pageHeight, windowWidth, windowHeight];
    return arrayPageSize;

  // pause(numberMillis)
  pause : function(ms) {
    var date = new Date();
    var curDate = null;
    do { curDate = new Date(); }
    while (curDate - date < ms);

  // toggleSelectsFlash()
  // Hide / unhide select lists and flash objects as they appear above the
  // lightbox in some browsers.
  toggleSelectsFlash: function (state) {
    if (state == 'visible') {
      $("select.lightbox_hidden, embed.lightbox_hidden, object.lightbox_hidden").show();
    else if (state == 'hide') {
      $("select:visible, embed:visible, object:visible").addClass("lightbox_hidden");
      $("select.lightbox_hidden, embed.lightbox_hidden, object.lightbox_hidden").hide();

  // parseRel()
  parseRel: function (link) {
    var parts = [];
    parts["rel"] = $(link).attr('rel').match(/\w+/)[0];
    parts["title"] = parts["group"] = parts["style"] = null;

    if ($(link).attr('rel').match(/\[(.*)\]/)) {
      var info = $(link).attr('rel').match(/\[(.*?)\]/)[1].split('|');
      parts["group"] = info[0];
      parts["style"] = info[1];
    if ($(link).attr('rel').match(/\[.*\]\[(.*)\]/)) {
      parts["title"] = $(link).attr('rel').match(/\[.*\]\[(.*)\]/)[1];
    return parts;

  // setStyles()
  setStyles: function(item, styles) {
    var stylesArray = styles.split(';');
    for (var i = 0; i< stylesArray.length; i++) {
      if (stylesArray[i].indexOf('width:') >= 0) {
        var w = stylesArray[i].replace('width:', '');
        item.width = jQuery.trim(w);
      else if (stylesArray[i].indexOf('height:') >= 0) {
        var h = stylesArray[i].replace('height:', '');
        item.height = jQuery.trim(h);
      else if (stylesArray[i].indexOf('scrolling:') >= 0) {
        var scrolling = stylesArray[i].replace('scrolling:', '');
        item.scrolling = jQuery.trim(scrolling);
      else if (stylesArray[i].indexOf('overflow:') >= 0) {
        var overflow = stylesArray[i].replace('overflow:', '');
        item.overflow = jQuery.trim(overflow);
    return item;

  // togglePlayPause()
  // Hide the pause / play button as appropriate.  If pausing the slideshow also
  // clear the timers, otherwise move onto the next image.
  togglePlayPause: function(hideId, showId) {
    if (Lightbox.isSlideshow && hideId == "lightshowPause") {
      for (var i = 0; i < Lightbox.slideIdCount; i++) {
    $('#' + hideId).hide();
    $('#' + showId).show();

    if (hideId == "lightshowPlay") {
      Lightbox.isPaused = false;
      if (!Lightbox.loopSlides && Lightbox.activeImage == (Lightbox.total - 1)) {
      else {
        Lightbox.changeData(Lightbox.activeImage + 1);
    else {
      Lightbox.isPaused = true;


// Initialize the lightbox.
Drupal.behaviors.initLightbox = function (context) {

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ ok ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ ok ]
:: Make File ::
[ ok ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | http://ccteam.ru | Generation time: 0.0312 ]--