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Curso Internacional Desarrollo

de Proyectos de Certificación del Carbono




·         Chomitz, K. July 1998. Baselines for Greenhouse Gas Reductions: Problems, Precedents, Solutions. Carbon Offsets Unit, World Bank.


·         Ellis, J., Bosi, M. October 1999. Options for Project emisión baselines. OECD and IEA Information Paper.


·         Hargrave, T., Helme, N.,  Puhl, I., November 1998. Options for Simplifying Baseline Setting for Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism Projects. Center for Clean Air Policy. Simplifying Methods for Setting Baselines for CDM Projects


·         IEA/OECD. 2001. An Initial View on Methodologies for Emission Baselines: Transport Case Study. Information Paper. OECD Environment Directorate and International Energy Agency. COM/ENV/EPOC/IEA/SLT(2001)10


·         Michaelowa, A. 1999a. Economic and Political Aspects of Baselines in the CDM Context. France.


·         Michaelowa, A. 1999b. Baseline Setting in the AIJ Pilot Phase. Bundesumweltministerium, Wuppertal-Institut (eds.): Reports on AIJ projects and constributions to the discussion of the Kyoto Mechanisms, Berlin, 1999, p.82-93


·         Michaelowa, A., Fages, E., 1999. Options for Baselines of the Clean Development Mechanism.


·         Michaelowa, A. 1998. Joint Implementation - The Baseline Issue Economic and Political Aspects. Global Environmental Change, 8, 1, 1998, p. 81-92.


·         OECD. May 1999. Status of research on Project baselines under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. OECD Information Paper. ENV/EPOC(99)19/FINAL.


·         Petsonk, A.,  Dudek, D., Goddman, J. October 1998. Market Mechanism & Global Climate Change. Trans – Atlantic Dialogues on Market Mechanisms. Environmental Defense Fund In Cooperation with the Pew Center on Global Climate Change.


·         PCF. 2000 Baselines Methologies for PCF Projects. PCF IMPLEMENTATION NOTE Number 3. Version of April 21, 2000


·         Rosenzweig, R., Varilek, M., Jannsen, J. March 2002. The emerging International Greenhouse Gas Market. Pew center on Global Climate Change


·         UNFCCC. 2002. Informe de la Conferencia de las Partes sobre su Séptimo periodo de sesiones, celebrado en Marrakech, del 29 Octubre al 10 de Noviembre de 2001. Naciones Unidas. Convención Marco de Cambio Climático, UNFCCC. FCCC/CP/2001/13.


·         UNFCCC. 1992 Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático. Naciones Unidas. New York, UN.


·         UNFCCC. 1997. Protocolo de Kyoto de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático.


·         UNFCCC. 2002. Proyecto de Informe de la Conferencia de las Partes sobre su Octavo Periodo de Sesiones, celebrado en Nueva Delhi del 23 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre del 2002. UNFCCC. FCCC/CP/2002/L.1


·         Vine, E., Sathaye, J., Makundi, W. March 1999. Guidelines for the Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, Verification, and Certification of Forestry Projects for Climate Change Mitigation. Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Environmental Energy Technologies Division


·         Willems, S. June 2002. Framework for baseline guidelines. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. OECD Information Paper. Paris.




  • EcoSecurities. June 2002. Determination of Baselines and Monitoring Protocols for non LUCF Projects.  DEFRA, UK.


  • IEA/OECD. 2001. Emissions Baselines:  Estimating the Unknown. 


  • Kartha, S., Lazarus, M., Bosi, M. May 2002. Practical Baseline Recommendations for GHG Mitigation Projects in the Electric Sector. Information Paper.  IEA & OECD


  • UNFCCC. Clean Development Mechanism. Project Design Document (CDM-PDD).  Version 01 (in effect as of: 29 August 2002).


  • World Bank. 1998. GHG Assessment Handbook:  a practical guidance document for the assessment of project level GHG emissions.  Washington DC.



  • Chomitz, K. M., 2000. Evaluating carbon offsets from forestry and energy projects: How do they compare?, Development Research Group, World Bank: 28 p.


  • IPCC. Pipatti, R. 2000. Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF. Technical Suport Unit, IPCC-NGGIP. WMO, UNEP.


  • Phillips, G., 2002. LULUCF Projects in the CDM: Accounting regimes and proposals for simplified rules and modalities. Swtizerland, IETA, SGS. Discussion Paper No. 02-02: 14 p.


  • Phillips, G., Aalders, E.,Lubrecht, I., 2001. Forestry Issues outstanding from COP 6, SGS Climate Change Programme: 13 p.


  • Watson, R. T., I. R. Noble, B. Bolin, N.H. Ravindranath, D.J. Verardo & D.J. Dokken (Eds.), 2000. Informe Especial del IPCC. Uso de la tierra, cambio de uso de la tierra y silvicultura. Resumen para responsables de políticas. Cambridge University Press, UK. 375 p. ISBN 0-521-80495-7


Links relacionados con el Mecanismo de desarrollo Limpio

Centro Andino para la Economía en el Medio Ambiente



Clean Development Mechanism



CO2e. com



Estado de ratificación del protocolo de Kyoto



Fondo Prototipo de Carbono del Banco Mundial






Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change



Internacional Energy Agency



Los programas ERUPT y CERUPT del Gobierno Holandés






Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development



Pew center. Global Climate Change



Point Carbon. Carbon Price Forecasting



Posición de los países con respecto al Protocolo de Kyoto



The Climate Change Projects Office Department of Trade & Industry



The World Bank Group http://www.worldbank.org





Proyectos Sector Energía


Aspectos Metodológicos Líneas Base


Bosi, M. (2000):  An Initial View on Methodologies for Emission Baselines: Electricity Generation Case Study", IEA Information Paper, Energy and Environment Division, IEA.


Bosi, M. (2001) : "Fast-tracking Small CDM Projects: Implications for the electricity sector", report of the OECD/IEA Project for the Annex 1 Expert Group on the UNFCCC


Danish Energy Agency (2002): "Manual for Project Developers. Manual for Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanisms", report to the Danish Energy Agency, by Niras and Ecosecurities.


de Gouvello & all: " The Clean Development Mechanism in the Electricity Sector:
Sharing the Carbon Rent between Development and Investor Return. The Case of the Tahumanu Hydroelectric Project in Bolivia", communication in French to the World Energy Congress (Discussion Session 17), Buenos Aires, October, 21-26, 2001, 12 p. An English paper will be published in March 2003 in "Greener Management International" (Special Issue, edited by Katie Begg).


de Gouvello, Ch. and Maigne, Y.: "Decentralized Rural Electrification : Technics for the Planet, a chance for Men", edited by Christophe de Gouvello and Yves Maigne, published by ADEME, CNRS, EDF and CNRS, 425 p. , October 2002.


Ecosecurities (2002): "Clean Development Mechanism (CDM):  Simplified Modalities and Procedures for Small - Scale Projects" report of a study funded by the UK Department of International Development.


Ecosecurities, with contribution from SGS (2002):  Determination of baselines and monitoring protocols for non-LUCF projects.  Report of work contracted by Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK.


EDRC (Edited by Randall Spalding):  The CDM Guidebook, a resource for CDM project developers in Southern Africa.  Energy and Development Research Center, University of Cape Town, July 2002.


IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 1995a.  Greenhouse gas Inventory workbook: IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories.  Vols 1&2, Paris: IEA/OECD.


Kartha, S. and Lazarus, M. (SEI-Boston/Tellus Institute), with Bosi, M. (IEA) (2002) : " Practical Baseline Recommendations for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Projects in the Electric Power Sector", OECD and IEA Information Paper.


Martens J.W(ECN) Kaufman S.L. (STC) Green J. (IT Power) Nieuwenhout F.D.J. (ECN): "Streamlining CDM Procedures for Solar Home Systems -A Review of Issues and Options" ECN report ECN-C-01-098.


Martens, J.W., van Rooijen, S., Bovée, V., Wijnants, H. (2001) "Standardised baselines for small-scale CDM activities. A proposal for the CDM Programme of the Netherlands, ECN Discussion Paper, ECN-C-01-122.


Matsuo, N. (2000): "Proposal for Step-by-step Baseline standardization for CDM. From project specific to generalized formula", IGES, RIIA.


Price Water House and Coopers (2000): " Business Views on key issues relating to the Kyoto Mechanisms", report of a study funded by the UK Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR).

Walsh, M (2000) " Simplified CDM", Environmental Financial Products LLC, working Paper 2000/06-02.


World Bank:  Greenhouse Gas Assessment Handbook: a practical guidance document for the assessment of project level Greenhouse Gas Emissions.  Environment Department paper No 64, September 1998.


Documentos disponibles en el sitio WEB de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (UNFCCC) y el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (CDM en Ingles), de utilidad en el estudio de LÍNEAS bases

(www.unfcc.int , www.unfcc.int/cdm )

Decision 15/CP.7 :Principles, nature and scope of the mechanisms pursuant to Articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Protocol (http://unfccc.int/cdm/rules/modproced.html )


Documento de Diseno de Proyecto (CDM-PDD) (2002) web link : MS-WORD zipped (22Kbyte) or http://unfccc.int/cdm/Documents/cdmpdd.zip


Panel Expertos del CDM para Proyectos de Escala Pequena (2002):


"Recommendations for simplified modalities and procedures for small scale CDM project activities" (http://unfccc.int/cdm/Panels/ssc )

Annex A: Simplified project design document for small-scale CDM project activities

Annex B: Indicative simplified baseline and monitoring methodologies for selected small-scale CDM project activity categories  (http://unfccc.int/cdm/Panels/ssc/annexb.pdf)

Annex A: Simplified project design document for small-scale CDM project activities


Comentarios Públicos recibidos sobre elementos técnicos de pequeños proyectos en el CDM


·         Mr. Koichi Kitamura (21 August 2002)

·         Mr. Steve Seres (21 August 2002)

·         UNEP, Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment (22 August 2002)

·         Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. (23 August 2002)

·         Japan Gas Association (23 August 2002)

·         Comments by Japan (23 August 2002)

·         Comments by Australia (Australian Greenhouse Office) (23 August 2002)

·         TERI (23 August 2002)

·         Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (23 August 2002)

·         Comments by Germany (23 August 2002)

·         Ecosecurities (23 August 2002)

·         Instituto Torcuato Di Tella (23 August 2002)

·         The Pembina Institute for Appropiate Development (23 August 2002)

·         Prototype Carbon Fund Plus Research Team (23 August 2002)

·         Prototype Carbon Fund - World Bank (23 August 2002)

·         Wageningen University (23 August 2002)

·         Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) Annex B - Annex C (23 August 2002)

·         International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) (30 August 2002)

·         International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) - Addendum (4 September 2002)


Comentarios Públicos recibidos sobre el Documento de Diseño de Proyecto del CDM


·         Mr. Marc DeBlois (Ministry of Environment, Canada) (5 July 2002)

·         Mr. Marc Darrras (Gaz de France, Environment et Réglementation) (9 July 2002)

·         Hamburg Institute of International Economics and GFA Terra Systems (10 July 2002)

·         Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) (10 July 2002)

·         International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) (11 July 2002)

·         Mr. Carlos E. Merenson (Ministerio de Desarrollo Social Secretarte de Ambiente y Desarrala Sustentabls,
(11 July 2002)

·         Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) (11 July 2002)

·         Ms Martina Bosi (IEA) (11 July 2002)

·         Mr. Claude Culem (Holcin Group Support Ltd.) (11 July 2002)

·         Mr. Frank Voehringer (Wageningen University) (11 July 2002)

·         Transalta Corporation (11 July 2002)

·         Mr. Hans Warmenhoven (PWC Global) (11 July 2002)

·         Carboncredits.nl, Senter (11 July 2002)

·         Prototype Carbon Fund (World Bank) (11 July 2002)

·         World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) (11 July 2002)

·         Australian Greenhouse Office (12 July 2002)

·         European Union (12 July 2002)

·         Greenpeace International (12 July 2002)

·         Mr. Donald Goldberg (CIEL) (12 July 2002)

·         EcoSecurities (12 July 2002)

·         The Business Council for Sustainable Energy (12 July 2002)

·         Mr. Gyung-Ae Ha (Korea Energy Management Corp.) (12 July 2002)

·         Comments by Bolivian Government (17 July 2002)

·         Comments by Japanese Government (19 July 2002)


Bibliografía PCF relacionada a líneas base de proyectos


Comments Of The Prototype Carbon Fund On The Draft Work Plan On Simplified Modalities And Procedures For Small Scale Project Activities", March 2003.

Implications of cop7 decisions on the cdm and ji on pcf operations", Background note prepared for PCF Participants, November 8, 2002

PCF implementation note Number 4: Validation, verification and certification for PCF Projects, Version of April 21, 2000.

Baseline Study, Chile : Chacabuquito 26 MW Run-of River Hydro project, revision September 24, 2001.

Baseline Study, Uganda: West Nile Electrification Project, December 4, 2001.


Informacion relacionada a PCF puede ser encontrada en www.prototypecarbonfund.org


Otros sitios de interés en el tema de líneas base son:


Senter (Holanda) disponible en www.carboncredits.nl con información disponible de estudios de línea base bajo consideración actual de compra de carbono.


Ecosecurities, uno de los grupos de “brokerage” de carbono a nivel internacional, disponible en www.ecosecurities.org


Agencia Internacional de Energía (IEA), www.iea.org presentado información en resultados de estudios de posicionamiento sectorial de energía


www.energytech.at, presenta información sobre características de tecnologías de referencia sobre generación eléctrica a nivel internacional.


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