Next Ship Date:
March 13, 2006
Latest OC News
Kissy Post-Op Surgical Ward Nears Finish
(Apr. 12, 2006. Freetown, SL) OC was able to make strong progress on the construction of the new post-op surgical ward at Kissy Clinic. You can help finish the building by volunteering for a scheduled workteam that is going in November 2006. Contact OC Office for details.
Urgent Need for Vocational Books
(Mar. 31, 2006. Colfax, IN) OC has an urgent need of books designed to train participants in basic vocational trades of auto and diesel mechanics, electricity,drafting, cabinet making, carpentry, building construction, welding and plumbing.
Because we do not have adequate
curriculum material, we mostly emphasize the practical aspect for this phase we now offer. We provide limited theory and supporting math, reading and science. The target group is 75 young adult men and women who are ex-combatants. Their educational background/ level is
between 4-9 grade. We have a few who are upper trades 10-12 grades. It is a two year program.
News archives»
Bringing Real Change in West Africa. You Can Make It Happen.
Travel on the Ultimate Adventure. Discover how you can go to Sierra Leone or Liberia on a workteam in 2006. View info and trip schedules»
Sponsor Real Change. OC has several sponsorship opportunities for you to enable real change to happen in the lives of West Africans. You can sponsor students ($50 monthly), counselor trainees for a 70-hour training seminar ($350), and salary support for Dr. Markeel at Kissy Clinic. More»
Partner with a school. OC's new partnership program allows you or your group to partner with one of over 40 schools in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Read»
Work Up a Sweat Here at Home. You don't need to go to Africa in order to participate in real change. OC needs regularly volunteers to help load semi-truck sized containers with educational materials. Find out how you can help»
Discover all of the volunteer opportunities available for you»