Viewing file: 12.php (3.66 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
// Include MySQL class
require_once ('Database/MySQL.php');
// Include Session class
require_once ('Session/Session.php');
// Include Authentication class
require_once ('AccessControl/Auth.php');
// Include AccountMaintenance class
require_once ('AccessControl/AccountMaintenance.php');
// Include QuickForm class
require_once ("HTML/QuickForm.php");
$host='localhost'; // Hostname of MySQL server
$dbUser='harryf'; // Username for MySQL
$dbPass='secret'; // Password for user
$dbName='sitepoint'; // Database name
// Instantiate MySQL connection
$db=& new MySQL($host,$dbUser,$dbPass,$dbName);
// Instantiate the Authentication class
$auth=& new Auth($db,'11.php','secret');
switch ( @$_GET['view'] ) {
case 'changePassword':
// Instantiate the QuickForm class
$form =& new HTML_QuickForm('changePass','POST',
// A function for comparing password
function cmpPass($element, $confirm) {
global $form;
$password = $form->getElementValue('newPassword');
return ($password == $confirm);
// Register the compare function
$form->registerRule('compare', 'function', 'cmpPass');
// Add a header to the form
$form->addElement('header', 'header', 'Change your Password');
// Add a field for the old password
$form->addElement('password','oldPassword','Current Password');
$form->addRule('oldPassword','Enter your current password',
// Add a field for the new password
$form->addElement('password','newPassword','New Password');
$form->addRule('password','Please provide a password','required',
$form->addRule('password','Password must be at least 6 characters',
$form->addRule('password','Password cannot be more than 12 chars',
$form->addRule('password','Password can only contain letters and '.
// Add a field for the new password
$form->addElement('password','confirm','Confirm Password');
$form->addRule('confirm','Confirm your password',
// Add a submit button
$form->addElement('submit','submit','Change Password');
// If the form is submitted...
if ( $form->validate() ) {
// Instantiate Account Maintenance class
$aMaint=new AccountMaintenance($db);
// Change the password
if ( $aMaint->changePassword(
$form->getSubmitValue('newPassword')) ) {
echo ( 'Your password has been changed successfully.<br />'.
'Click <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].
'">here</a>' );
} else {
echo ( 'Error changing your password.<br />'.
'Click <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].
'">here</a>' );
} else {
// If not submitted, display the form
echo ( "<b>Options:</b><br />" );
echo ( "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?view=changePassword\">".
"Change Password</a>" );