Viewing file: Auth.php (5.15 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
* @package SPLIB
* @version $Id: Auth.php,v 1.1 2003/12/12 08:06:07 kevin Exp $
* Constants to modify behaviour of Auth Class
# Modify these constants to match the $_POST variable used in login form
// Name to use for login variable e.g. $_POST['login']
@define ( 'USER_LOGIN_VAR','login');
// Name to use for password variable e.g. $_POST['password']
@define ( 'USER_PASSW_VAR','password');
# Modify these constants to match your user login table
// Name of users table
@define ( 'USER_TABLE','user');
// Name of login column in table
@define ( 'USER_TABLE_LOGIN','login');
// Name of password column in table
@define ( 'USER_TABLE_PASSW','password');
* Authentication class<br />
* Automatically authenticates users on construction<br />
* <b>Note:</b> requires the Session/Session class be available
* @access public
* @package SPLIB
class Auth {
* Instance of database connection class
* @access private
* @var object
var $db;
* Instance of Session class
* @access private
* @var Session
var $session;
* Url to re-direct to in not authenticated
* @access private
* @var string
var $redirect;
* String to use when making hash of username and password
* @access private
* @var string
var $hashKey;
* Are passwords being encrypted
* @access private
* @var boolean
var $md5;
* Auth constructor
* Checks for valid user automatically
* @param object database connection
* @param string URL to redirect to on failed login
* @param string key to use when making hash of username and password
* @param boolean if passwords are md5 encrypted in database (optional)
* @access public
function Auth ( & $db, $redirect, $hashKey, $md5=true ) {
$this->db=& $db;
$this->session=& new Session();
* Checks username and password against database
* @return void
* @access private
function login() {
// See if we have values already stored in the session
if ( $this->session->get('login_hash') ) {
// If this is a fresh login, check $_POST variables
if ( !isset($_POST[USER_LOGIN_VAR]) ||
!isset($_POST[USER_PASSW_VAR]) ) {
if ( $this->md5 )
// Escape the variables for the query
// Query to count number of users with this combination
$sql="SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_users
WHERE ".USER_TABLE_LOGIN."='".$login."'
AND ".USER_TABLE_PASSW."='".$password."'";
// If there isn't is exactly one entry, redirect
if ( $row['num_users']!=1 )
// Else is a valid user; set the session variables
* Sets the session variables after a successful login
* @return void
* @access protected
function storeAuth($login,$password) {
// Create a session variable to use to confirm sessions
$hashKey = md5($this->hashKey.$login.$password);
* Confirms that an existing login is still valid
* @return void
* @access private
function confirmAuth() {
if (md5($this->hashKey.$login.$password) != $hashKey ) {
* Logs the user out
* @param boolean Parameter to pass on to Auth::redirect() (optional)
* @return void
* @access public
function logout ($from=false) {
* Redirects browser and terminates script execution
* @param boolean adverstise URL where this user came from (optional)
* @return void
* @access private
function redirect($from=true) {
if ( $from ) {
header ( 'Location: '.$this->redirect.'?from='.
} else {
header ( 'Location: '.$this->redirect );