Viewing file: 11.php (1 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
// Get the contents of the XML document
// Instantiate a DOM Document from the file
// Fetch new XPathContext object
$ctx = $dom->xpath_new_context();
// Register the Sitepoint namespace
// Fetch the articles with an XPath statement into an XPath object
$articles=& $ctx->xpath_eval("//spt:article");
echo ( '<b>Current Articles</b><br />' );
// Loop through the articles
foreach ( $articles->nodeset as $article ) {
// Fetch the titles passing the $article object as a context node
$title=& $ctx->xpath_eval("spt:title/text()",$article);
// Fetch the authors passing the $article object as a context node
$author=& $ctx->xpath_eval("spt:author/text()",$article);
// Display the content
echo ( '- '.$title->nodeset[0]->content.' ('.
$author->nodeset[0]->content . ')<br />' );