Viewing file: usersel.php (2.36 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php global $form,$listid,$groups; if (preg_match("/\/includes\//", $PHP_SELF)) { die ("You can't access this file directly!"); } $form = clean_word($form); $listid = clean_int($listid); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- <![CDATA[ function OkButton () { var parentlist = window.opener.document.<?php echo $form?>.elements[<?php echo $listid?>]; var thislist = document.userselform.elements[0];
var found = "";
// select/deselect all elements for ( i = 0; i < parentlist.length; i++ ) { var state = false; for ( j = 0; j < thislist.length; j++ ) { if ( thislist.options[j].value == parentlist.options[i].value ) { state = thislist.options[j].selected; found += " " + thislist.options[j].value; } } parentlist.options[i].selected = state; } //alert ( "Found: " + found ); window.close (); }
function selectAll() { var list = document.userselform.elements[0]; var i; for ( i = 0; i < list.options.length; i++ ) { list.options[i].selected = true; } }
function selectNone() { var list = document.userselform.elements[0]; var i; for ( i = 0; i < list.options.length; i++ ) { list.options[i].selected = false; } }
// set the state (selected or unselected) if a single // user in the list of users function selectByLogin ( login, state ) { //alert ( "selectByLogin ( " + login + ", " + state + " )" ); var list = document.userselform.elements[0]; var i; for ( i = 0; i < list.options.length; i++ ) { //alert ( "text: " + list.options[i].text ); if ( list.options[i].value == login ) { list.options[i].selected = state; return; } } }
function toggleGroup ( state ) { var list = document.userselform.elements[4]; var selNum = list.selectedIndex; <?php for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $groups ); $i++ ) { print "\n if ( selNum == $i ) {\n"; $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_login from webcal_group_user " . "WHERE cal_group_id = " . $groups[$i]["cal_group_id"] ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { print " selectByLogin ( \"$row[0]\", state );\n"; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); print " }\n"; } } ?> }
// Select users from a group function selectGroupMembers () { toggleGroup ( true ); }
// De-select users from a group function deselectGroupMembers () { toggleGroup ( false ); } //]]> --> </script>