Viewing file: functions.php (161.92 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * All of WebCalendar's functions * * @author Craig Knudsen <> * @copyright Craig Knudsen, <>, * @license GNU GPL * @package WebCalendar */
if ( empty ( $PHP_SELF ) && ! empty ( $_SERVER ) && ! empty ( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ) { $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } if ( ! empty ( $PHP_SELF ) && preg_match ( "/\/includes\//", $PHP_SELF ) ) { die ( "You can't access this file directly!" ); }
/**#@+ * Used for activity log * @global string */ $LOG_CREATE = "C"; $LOG_APPROVE = "A"; $LOG_REJECT = "X"; $LOG_UPDATE = "U"; $LOG_DELETE = "D"; $LOG_NOTIFICATION = "N"; $LOG_REMINDER = "R"; /**#@-*/
/** * Number of seconds in a day * * @global int $ONE_DAY */ $ONE_DAY = 86400;
/** * Array containing the number of days in each month in a non-leap year * * @global array $days_per_month */ $days_per_month = array ( 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 );
/** * Array containing the number of days in each month in a leap year * * @global array $ldays_per_month */ $ldays_per_month = array ( 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 );
/** * Array of global variables which are not allowed to by set via HTTP GET/POST * * This is a security precaution to prevent users from overriding any global * variables * * @global array $noSet */ $noSet = array ( "is_admin" => 1, "db_type" => 1, "db_host" => 1, "db_login" => 1, "db_password" => 1, "db_persistent" => 1, "PROGRAM_NAME" => 1, "PROGRAM_URL" => 1, "readonly" => 1, "single_user" => 1, "single_user_login" => 1, "use_http_auth" => 1, "user_inc" => 1, "includedir" => 1, "NONUSER_PREFIX" => 1, "languages" => 1, "browser_languages" => 1, "pub_acc_enabled" => 1, "user_can_update_password" => 1, "admin_can_add_user" => 1, "admin_can_delete_user" => 1, );
// This code is a temporary hack to make the application work when // register_globals is set to Off in php.ini (the default setting in // PHP 4.2.0 and after). if ( empty ( $HTTP_GET_VARS ) ) $HTTP_GET_VARS = $_GET; if ( ! empty ( $HTTP_GET_VARS ) ) { while (list($key, $val) = @each($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { // don't allow anything to have <script> in it... if ( ! is_array ( $val ) ) { if ( preg_match ( "/<\s*script/i", $val ) ) { echo "Security violation!"; exit; } } if ( $key == "login" ) { if ( strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "login.php" ) ) { //$GLOBALS[$key] = $val; $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; } } else { if ( empty ( $noSet[$key] ) ) { $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; //echo "XXX $key<br />\n"; } } //echo "GET var '$key' = '$val' <br />\n"; } reset ( $HTTP_GET_VARS ); }
if ( empty ( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) $HTTP_POST_VARS = $_POST; if ( ! empty ( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) { while (list($key, $val) = @each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { // don't allow anything to have <script> in it... except 'template' if ( ! is_array ( $val ) && $key != 'template' ) { if ( preg_match ( "/<\s*script/i", $val ) ) { echo "Security violation!"; exit; } } if ( empty ( $noSet[$key] ) ) { $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; } } reset ( $HTTP_POST_VARS ); } //while (list($key, $val) = @each($HTTP_POST_FILES)) { // $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; //} //while (list($key, $val) = @each($HTTP_SESSION_VARS)) { // $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; //} if ( empty ( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS ) ) $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS = $_COOKIE; if ( ! empty ( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS ) ) { while (list($key, $val) = @each($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS)) { if ( empty ( $noSet[$key] ) && substr($key,0,12) == "webcalendar_" ) { $GLOBALS[$key] = $val; } //echo "COOKIE var '$key' = '$val' <br />\n"; } reset ( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS ); }
// Don't allow a user to put "login=XXX" in the URL if they are not // coming from the login.php page. if ( empty ( $PHP_SELF ) && ! empty ( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ) $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; // backward compatibility if ( empty ( $PHP_SELF ) ) $PHP_SELF = ''; // this happens when running send_reminders.php from CL if ( ! strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "login.php" ) && ! empty ( $GLOBALS["login"] ) ) { $GLOBALS["login"] = ""; }
// Define an array to use to jumble up the key: $offsets // We define a unique key to scramble the cookie we generate. // We use the admin install password that the user set to make // the salt unique for each WebCalendar install. if ( ! empty ( $settings ) && ! empty ( $settings['install_password'] ) ) { $salt = $settings['install_password']; } else { $salt = md5 ( $db_login ); } $salt_len = strlen ( $salt );
if ( ! empty ( $db_password ) ) { $salt2 = md5 ( $db_password ); } else { $salt2 = md5 ( "oogabooga" ); } $salt2_len = strlen ( $salt2 );
$offsets = array (); for ( $i = 0; $i < $salt_len || $i < $salt2_len; $i++ ) { $offsets[$i] = 0; if ( $i < $salt_len ) $offsets[$i] += ord ( substr ( $salt, $i, 1 ) ); if ( $i < $salt2_len ) $offsets[$i] += ord ( substr ( $salt2, $i, 1 ) ); $offsets[$i] %= 128; } /* debugging code... for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $offsets ); $i++ ) { echo "offset $i: $offsets[$i] <br />\n"; } */
/* * Functions start here. All non-function code should be above this * * Note to developers: * Documentation is generated from the function comments below. * When adding/updating functions, please follow the following conventions * seen below. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated :-) * * If you want your documentation to link to the db documentation, * just make sure you mention the db table name followed by "table" * on the same line. Here's an example: * Retrieve preferences from the webcal_user_pref table. * */
/** * Gets the value resulting from an HTTP POST method. * * <b>Note:</b> The return value will be affected by the value of * <var>magic_quotes_gpc</var> in the php.ini file. * * @param string $name Name used in the HTML form * * @return string The value used in the HTML form * * @see getGetValue */ function getPostValue ( $name ) { global $HTTP_POST_VARS;
if ( isset ( $_POST ) && is_array ( $_POST ) && ! empty ( $_POST[$name] ) ) { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$name] = $_POST[$name]; return $_POST[$name]; } else if ( ! isset ( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) { return null; } else if ( ! isset ( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$name] ) ) { return null; } return ( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$name] ); }
/** * Gets the value resulting from an HTTP GET method. * * <b>Note:</b> The return value will be affected by the value of * <var>magic_quotes_gpc</var> in the php.ini file. * * If you need to enforce a specific input format (such as numeric input), then * use the {@link getValue()} function. * * @param string $name Name used in the HTML form or found in the URL * * @return string The value used in the HTML form (or URL) * * @see getPostValue */ function getGetValue ( $name ) { global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
if ( isset ( $_GET ) && is_array ( $_GET ) && ! empty ( $_GET[$name] ) ) { $HTTP_GET_VARS[$name] = $_GET[$name]; return $_GET[$name]; } else if ( ! isset ( $HTTP_GET_VARS ) ) { return null; } else if ( ! isset ( $HTTP_GET_VARS[$name] ) ) { return null; } return ( $HTTP_GET_VARS[$name] ); }
/** * Gets the value resulting from either HTTP GET method or HTTP POST method. * * <b>Note:</b> The return value will be affected by the value of * <var>magic_quotes_gpc</var> in the php.ini file. * * <b>Note:</b> If you need to get an integer value, yuou can use the * getIntValue function. * * @param string $name Name used in the HTML form or found in the URL * @param string $format A regular expression format that the input must match. * If the input does not match, an empty string is * returned and a warning is sent to the browser. If The * <var>$fatal</var> parameter is true, then execution * will also stop when the input does not match the * format. * @param bool $fatal Is it considered a fatal error requiring execution to * stop if the value retrieved does not match the format * regular expression? * * @return string The value used in the HTML form (or URL) * * @uses getGetValue * @uses getPostValue */ function getValue ( $name, $format="", $fatal=false ) { $val = getPostValue ( $name ); if ( ! isset ( $val ) ) $val = getGetValue ( $name ); // for older PHP versions... if ( ! isset ( $val ) && get_magic_quotes_gpc () == 1 && ! empty ( $GLOBALS[$name] ) ) $val = $GLOBALS[$name]; if ( ! isset ( $val ) ) return ""; if ( ! empty ( $format ) && ! preg_match ( "/^" . $format . "$/", $val ) ) { // does not match if ( $fatal ) { die_miserable_death ( "Fatal Error: Invalid data format for $name" ); } // ignore value return ""; } return $val; }
/** * Gets an integer value resulting from an HTTP GET or HTTP POST method. * * <b>Note:</b> The return value will be affected by the value of * <var>magic_quotes_gpc</var> in the php.ini file. * * @param string $name Name used in the HTML form or found in the URL * @param bool $fatal Is it considered a fatal error requiring execution to * stop if the value retrieved does not match the format * regular expression? * * @return string The value used in the HTML form (or URL) * * @uses getValue */ function getIntValue ( $name, $fatal=false ) { $val = getValue ( $name, "-?[0-9]+", $fatal ); return $val; }
/** * Loads default system settings (which can be updated via admin.php). * * System settings are stored in the webcal_config table. * * <b>Note:</b> If the setting for <var>server_url</var> is not set, the value * will be calculated and stored in the database. * * @global string User's login name * @global bool Readonly * @global string HTTP hostname * @global int Server's port number * @global string Request string * @global array Server variables */ function load_global_settings () { global $login, $readonly, $HTTP_HOST, $SERVER_PORT, $REQUEST_URI, $_SERVER;
// Note: when running from the command line (send_reminders.php), // these variables are (obviously) not set. // TODO: This type of checking should be moved to a central locationm // like init.php. if ( isset ( $_SERVER ) && is_array ( $_SERVER ) ) { if ( empty ( $HTTP_HOST ) && isset ( $_SERVER["HTTP_POST"] ) ) $HTTP_HOST = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; if ( empty ( $SERVER_PORT ) && isset ( $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] ) ) $SERVER_PORT = $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; if ( empty ( $REQUEST_URI ) && isset ( $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] ) ) $REQUEST_URI = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; }
$res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_setting, cal_value FROM webcal_config" ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $setting = $row[0]; $value = $row[1]; //echo "Setting '$setting' to '$value' <br />\n"; $GLOBALS[$setting] = $value; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); }
// If app name not set.... default to "Title". This gets translated // later since this function is typically called before translate.php // is included. // Note: We usually use translate($application_name) instead of // translate("Title"). if ( empty ( $GLOBALS["application_name"] ) ) $GLOBALS["application_name"] = "Title";
// If $server_url not set, then calculate one for them, then store it // in the database. if ( empty ( $GLOBALS["server_url"] ) ) { if ( ! empty ( $HTTP_HOST ) && ! empty ( $REQUEST_URI ) ) { $ptr = strrpos ( $REQUEST_URI, "/" ); if ( $ptr > 0 ) { $uri = substr ( $REQUEST_URI, 0, $ptr + 1 ); $server_url = "http://" . $HTTP_HOST; if ( ! empty ( $SERVER_PORT ) && $SERVER_PORT != 80 ) $server_url .= ":" . $SERVER_PORT; $server_url .= $uri;
dbi_query ( "INSERT INTO webcal_config ( cal_setting, cal_value ) ". "VALUES ( 'server_url', '$server_url' )" ); $GLOBALS["server_url"] = $server_url; } } }
// If no font settings, then set some if ( empty ( $GLOBALS["FONTS"] ) ) { if ( $GLOBALS["LANGUAGE"] == "Japanese" ) $GLOBALS["FONTS"] = "Osaka, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; else $GLOBALS["FONTS"] = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; } }
/** * Gets the list of active plugins. * * Should be called after {@link load_global_settings()} and {@link load_user_preferences()}. * * @internal cek: ignored since I am not sure this will ever be used... * * @return array Active plugins * * @ignore */ function get_plugin_list ( $include_disabled=false ) { // first get list of available plugins $sql = "SELECT cal_setting FROM webcal_config " . "WHERE cal_setting LIKE '%.plugin_status'"; if ( ! $include_disabled ) $sql .= " AND cal_value = 'Y'"; $sql .= " ORDER BY cal_setting"; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); $plugins = array (); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $e = explode ( ".", $row[0] ); if ( $e[0] != "" ) { $plugins[] = $e[0]; } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else { echo translate("Database error") . ": " . dbi_error (); exit; } if ( count ( $plugins ) == 0 ) { $plugins[] = "webcalendar"; } return $plugins; }
/** * Get plugins available to the current user. * * Do this by getting a list of all plugins that are not disabled by the * administrator and make sure this user has not disabled any of them. * * It's done this was so that when an admin adds a new plugin, it shows up on * each users system automatically (until they disable it). * * @return array Plugins available to current user * * @ignore */ function get_user_plugin_list () { $ret = array (); $all_plugins = get_plugin_list (); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $all_plugins ); $i++ ) { if ( $GLOBALS[$all_plugins[$i] . ".disabled"] != "N" ) $ret[] = $all_plugins[$i]; } return $ret; }
/** * Identify user's browser. * * Returned value will be one of: * - "Mozilla/5" = Mozilla (open source Mozilla 5.0) * - "Mozilla/[3,4]" = Netscape (3.X, 4.X) * - "MSIE 4" = MSIE (4.X) * * @return string String identifying browser * * @ignore */ function get_web_browser () { if ( ereg ( "MSIE [0-9]", getenv ( "HTTP_USER_AGENT" ) ) ) return "MSIE"; if ( ereg ( "Mozilla/[234]", getenv ( "HTTP_USER_AGENT" ) ) ) return "Netscape"; if ( ereg ( "Mozilla/[5678]", getenv ( "HTTP_USER_AGENT" ) ) ) return "Mozilla"; return "Unknown"; }
/** * Logs a debug message. * * Generally, we do not leave calls to this function in the code. It is used * for debugging only. * * @param string $msg Text to be logged */ function do_debug ( $msg ) { // log to /tmp/webcal-debug.log //error_log ( date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . "> $msg\n", // 3, "/tmp/webcal-debug.log" ); //error_log ( date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . "> $msg\n", // 2, "sockieman:2000" ); }
/** * Gets user's preferred view. * * The user's preferred view is stored in the $STARTVIEW global variable. This * is loaded from the user preferences (or system settings if there are no user * prefererences.) * * @param string $indate Date to pass to preferred view in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $args Arguments to include in the URL (such as "user=joe") * * @return string URL of the user's preferred view */ function get_preferred_view ( $indate="", $args="" ) { global $STARTVIEW, $thisdate;
$url = empty ( $STARTVIEW ) ? "month.php" : $STARTVIEW; // We used to just store "month" in $STARTVIEW without the ".php" // This is just to prevent users from getting a "404 not found" if // they have not updated their preferences. if ( $url == "month" || $url == "day" || $url == "week" || $url == "year" ) $url .= ".php";
$url = str_replace ( '&', '&', $url ); $url = str_replace ( '&', '&', $url );
$xdate = empty ( $indate ) ? $thisdate : $indate; if ( ! empty ( $xdate ) ) { if ( strstr ( $url, "?" ) ) $url .= '&' . "date=$xdate"; else $url .= '?' . "date=$xdate"; }
if ( ! empty ( $args ) ) { if ( strstr ( $url, "?" ) ) $url .= '&' . $args; else $url .= '?' . $args; }
return $url; }
/** * Sends a redirect to the user's preferred view. * * The user's preferred view is stored in the $STARTVIEW global variable. This * is loaded from the user preferences (or system settings if there are no user * prefererences.) * * @param string $indate Date to pass to preferred view in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $args Arguments to include in the URL (such as "user=joe") */ function send_to_preferred_view ( $indate="", $args="" ) { $url = get_preferred_view ( $indate, $args ); do_redirect ( $url ); }
/** Sends a redirect to the specified page. * * The database connection is closed and execution terminates in this function. * * <b>Note:</b> MS IIS/PWS has a bug in which it does not allow us to send a * cookie and a redirect in the same HTTP header. When we detect that the web * server is IIS, we accomplish the redirect using meta-refresh. See the * following for more info on the IIS bug: * * {@link} * * @param string $url The page to redirect to. In theory, this should be an * absolute URL, but all browsers accept relative URLs (like * "month.php"). * * @global string Type of webserver * @global array Server variables * @global resource Database connection */ function do_redirect ( $url ) { global $SERVER_SOFTWARE, $_SERVER, $c;
// Replace any '&' with '&' since we don't want that in the HTTP // header. $url = str_replace ( '&', '&', $url );
if ( empty ( $SERVER_SOFTWARE ) ) $SERVER_SOFTWARE = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]; //echo "SERVER_SOFTWARE = $SERVER_SOFTWARE <br />\n"; exit; if ( ( substr ( $SERVER_SOFTWARE, 0, 5 ) == "Micro" ) || ( substr ( $SERVER_SOFTWARE, 0, 3 ) == "WN/" ) ) { echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\"> <html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\"> <head>\n<title>Redirect</title>\n" . "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=$url\" />\n</head>\n<body>\n" . "Redirecting to.. <a href=\"" . $url . "\">here</a>.</body>\n</html>"; } else { Header ( "Location: $url" ); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\"> <html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\"> <head>\n<title>Redirect</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n" . "Redirecting to ... <a href=\"" . $url . "\">here</a>.</body>\n</html>"; } dbi_close ( $c ); exit; }
/** * Sends an HTTP login request to the browser and stops execution. */ function send_http_login () { global $lang_file, $application_name;
if ( strlen ( $lang_file ) ) { Header ( "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"" . translate("Title") . "\""); Header ( "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized" ); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\"> <html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\"> <head>\n<title>Unauthorized</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n" . "<h2>" . translate("Title") . "</h2>\n" . translate("You are not authorized") . "\n</body>\n</html>"; } else { Header ( "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"WebCalendar\""); Header ( "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized" ); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\"> <html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\"> <head>\n<title>Unauthorized</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n" . "<h2>WebCalendar</h2>\n" . "You are not authorized" . "\n</body>\n</html>"; } exit; }
/** * Generates a cookie that saves the last calendar view. * * Cookie is based on the current <var>$REQUEST_URI</var>. * * We save this cookie so we can return to this same page after a user * edits/deletes/etc an event. * * @global string Request string */ function remember_this_view () { global $REQUEST_URI; if ( empty ( $REQUEST_URI ) ) $REQUEST_URI = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
// do not use anything with friendly in the URI if ( strstr ( $REQUEST_URI, "friendly=" ) ) return;
SetCookie ( "webcalendar_last_view", $REQUEST_URI ); }
/** * Gets the last page stored using {@link remember_this_view()}. * * @return string The URL of the last view or an empty string if it cannot be * determined. * * @global array Cookies */ function get_last_view () { global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; $val = '';
if ( isset ( $_COOKIE["webcalendar_last_view"] ) ) { $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["webcalendar_last_view"] = $_COOKIE["webcalendar_last_view"]; $val = $_COOKIE["webcalendar_last_view"]; } else if ( isset ( $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["webcalendar_last_view"] ) ) { $val = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["webcalendar_last_view"]; } $val = str_replace ( "&", "&", $val ); return $val; }
/** * Sends HTTP headers that tell the browser not to cache this page. * * Different browser use different mechanisms for this, so a series of HTTP * header directives are sent. * * <b>Note:</b> This function needs to be called before any HTML output is sent * to the browser. */ function send_no_cache_header () { header ( "Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" ); header ( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate ( "D, d M Y H:i:s" ) . " GMT" ); header ( "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate" ); header ( "Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false ); header ( "Pragma: no-cache" ); }
/** * Loads the current user's preferences as global variables from the webcal_user_pref table. * * Also loads the list of views for this user (not really a preference, but * this is a convenient place to put this...) * * <b>Notes:</b> * - If <var>$allow_color_customization</var> is set to 'N', then we ignore any * color preferences. * - Other default values will also be set if the user has not saved a * preference and no global value has been set by the administrator in the * system settings. */ function load_user_preferences () { global $login, $browser, $views, $prefarray, $is_assistant, $has_boss, $user, $is_nonuser_admin, $allow_color_customization; $lang_found = false; $colors = array ( "BGCOLOR" => 1, "H2COLOR" => 1, "THBG" => 1, "THFG" => 1, "CELLBG" => 1, "TODAYCELLBG" => 1, "WEEKENDBG" => 1, "POPUP_BG" => 1, "POPUP_FG" => 1, );
$browser = get_web_browser (); $browser_lang = get_browser_language (); $prefarray = array ();
// Note: default values are set in config.php $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_setting, cal_value FROM webcal_user_pref " . "WHERE cal_login = '$login'" ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $setting = $row[0]; $value = $row[1]; if ( $allow_color_customization == 'N' ) { if ( isset ( $colors[$setting] ) ) continue; } $sys_setting = "sys_" . $setting; // save system defaults if ( ! empty ( $GLOBALS[$setting] ) ) $GLOBALS["sys_" . $setting] = $GLOBALS[$setting]; $GLOBALS[$setting] = $value; $prefarray[$setting] = $value; if ( $setting == "LANGUAGE" ) $lang_found = true; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } // get views for this user and global views $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_view_id, cal_name, cal_view_type, cal_is_global " . "FROM webcal_view " . "WHERE cal_owner = '$login' OR cal_is_global = 'Y' " . "ORDER BY cal_name" ); if ( $res ) { $views = array (); while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { if ( $row[2] == 'S' ) $url = "view_t.php?timeb=1&id=$row[0]"; else if ( $row[2] == 'T' ) $url = "view_t.php?timeb=0&id=$row[0]"; else $url = "view_" . strtolower ( $row[2] ) . ".php?id=$row[0]"; $v = array ( "cal_view_id" => $row[0], "cal_name" => $row[1], "cal_view_type" => $row[2], "cal_is_global" => $row[3], "url" => $url ); $views[] = $v; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); }
// If user has not set a language preference, then use their browser // settings to figure it out, and save it in the database for future // use (email reminders). if ( ! $lang_found && strlen ( $login ) && $login != "__public__" ) { $LANGUAGE = $browser_lang; dbi_query ( "INSERT INTO webcal_user_pref " . "( cal_login, cal_setting, cal_value ) VALUES " . "( '$login', 'LANGUAGE', '$LANGUAGE' )" ); }
if ( empty ( $GLOBALS["DATE_FORMAT_MY"] ) ) $GLOBALS["DATE_FORMAT_MY"] = "__month__ __yyyy__"; if ( empty ( $GLOBALS["DATE_FORMAT_MD"] ) ) $GLOBALS["DATE_FORMAT_MD"] = "__month__ __dd__"; $is_assistant = empty ( $user ) ? false : user_is_assistant ( $login, $user ); $has_boss = user_has_boss ( $login ); $is_nonuser_admin = ($user) ? user_is_nonuser_admin ( $login, $user ) : false; if ( $is_nonuser_admin ) load_nonuser_preferences ($user); }
/** * Gets the list of external users for an event from the webcal_entry_ext_user table in an HTML format. * * @param int $event_id Event ID * @param int $use_mailto When set to 1, email address will contain an href * link with a mailto URL. * * @return string The list of external users for an event formatte in HTML. */ function event_get_external_users ( $event_id, $use_mailto=0 ) { global $error; $ret = "";
$res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_fullname, cal_email " . "FROM webcal_entry_ext_user " . "WHERE cal_id = $event_id " . "ORDER by cal_fullname" ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { if ( strlen ( $ret ) ) $ret .= "\n"; // Remove [\d] if duplicate name $trow = trim( preg_replace( '/\[[\d]]/' , "", $row[0] ) ); $ret .= $trow; if ( strlen ( $row[1] ) ) { if ( $use_mailto ) { $ret .= " <a href=\"mailto:$row[1]\"><" . htmlentities ( $row[1] ) . "></a>"; } else { $ret .= " <". htmlentities ( $row[1] ) . ">"; } } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else { echo translate("Database error") .": " . dbi_error (); echo "<br />\nSQL:<br />\n$sql"; exit; } return $ret; }
/** * Adds something to the activity log for an event. * * The information will be saved to the webcal_entry_log table. * * @param int $event_id Event ID * @param string $user Username of user doing this * @param string $user_cal Username of user whose calendar is affected * @param string $type Type of activity we are logging: * - $LOG_CREATE * - $LOG_APPROVE * - $LOG_REJECT * - $LOG_UPDATE * - $LOG_DELETE * - $LOG_NOTIFICATION * - $LOG_REMINDER * @param string $text Text comment to add with activity log entry */ function activity_log ( $event_id, $user, $user_cal, $type, $text ) { $next_id = 1;
if ( empty ( $type ) ) { echo "Error: type not set for activity log!"; // but don't exit since we may be in mid-transaction return; }
$res = dbi_query ( "SELECT MAX(cal_log_id) FROM webcal_entry_log" ); if ( $res ) { if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $next_id = $row[0] + 1; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); }
$date = date ( "Ymd" ); $time = date ( "Gis" ); $sql_text = empty ( $text ) ? "NULL" : "'$text'"; $sql_user_cal = empty ( $user_cal ) ? "NULL" : "'$user_cal'";
$sql = "INSERT INTO webcal_entry_log ( " . "cal_log_id, cal_entry_id, cal_login, cal_user_cal, cal_type, " . "cal_date, cal_time, cal_text ) VALUES ( $next_id, $event_id, " . "'$user', $sql_user_cal, '$type', $date, $time, $sql_text )"; if ( ! dbi_query ( $sql ) ) { echo "Database error: " . dbi_error (); echo "<br />\nSQL:<br />\n$sql"; exit; } }
/** * Gets a list of users. * * If groups are enabled, this will restrict the list of users to only those * users who are in the same group(s) as the user (unless the user is an admin * user). We allow admin users to see all users because they can also edit * someone else's events (so they may need access to users who are not in the * same groups that they are in). * * @return array Array of users, where each element in the array is an array * with the following keys: * - cal_login * - cal_lastname * - cal_firstname * - cal_is_admin * - cal_is_admin * - cal_email * - cal_password * - cal_fullname */ function get_my_users () { global $login, $is_admin, $groups_enabled, $user_sees_only_his_groups;
if ( $groups_enabled == "Y" && $user_sees_only_his_groups == "Y" && ! $is_admin ) { // get groups that current user is in $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_group_id FROM webcal_group_user " . "WHERE cal_login = '$login'" ); $groups = array (); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $groups[] = $row[0]; } dbi_fetch_row ( $res ); } $u = user_get_users (); $u_byname = array (); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $u ); $i++ ) { $name = $u[$i]['cal_login']; $u_byname[$name] = $u[$i]; } $ret = array (); if ( count ( $groups ) == 0 ) { // Eek. User is in no groups... Return only themselves $ret[] = $u_byname[$login]; return $ret; } // get list of users in the same groups as current user $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(webcal_group_user.cal_login), cal_lastname, cal_firstname from webcal_group_user " . "LEFT JOIN webcal_user ON webcal_group_user.cal_login = webcal_user.cal_login " . "WHERE cal_group_id "; if ( count ( $groups ) == 1 ) $sql .= "= " . $groups[0]; else { $sql .= "IN ( " . implode ( ", ", $groups ) . " )"; } $sql .= " ORDER BY cal_lastname, cal_firstname, webcal_group_user.cal_login"; //echo "SQL: $sql <br />\n"; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $ret[] = $u_byname[$row[0]]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $ret; } else { // groups not enabled... return all users //echo "No groups. "; return user_get_users (); } }
/** * Gets a preference setting for the specified user. * * If no value is found in the database, then the system default setting will * be returned. * * @param string $user User login we are getting preference for * @param string $setting Name of the setting * * @return string The value found in the webcal_user_pref table for the * specified setting or the sytem default if no user settings * was found. */ function get_pref_setting ( $user, $setting ) { $ret = ''; // set default if ( ! isset ( $GLOBALS["sys_" .$setting] ) ) { // this could happen if the current user has not saved any pref. yet if ( ! empty ( $GLOBALS[$setting] ) ) $ret = $GLOBALS[$setting]; } else { $ret = $GLOBALS["sys_" .$setting]; }
$sql = "SELECT cal_value FROM webcal_user_pref " . "WHERE cal_login = '" . $user . "' AND " . "cal_setting = '" . $setting . "'"; //echo "SQL: $sql <br />\n"; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); if ( $res ) { if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) $ret = $row[0]; dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $ret; }
/** * Gets browser-specified language preference. * * @return string Preferred language * * @ignore */ function get_browser_language () { global $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, $browser_languages; $ret = ""; if ( empty ( $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE ) && isset ( $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] ) ) $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]; if ( empty ( $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE ) ) { return "none"; } else { $langs = explode ( ",", $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $langs ); $i++ ) { $l = strtolower ( trim ( ereg_replace(';.*', '', $langs[$i] ) ) ); $ret .= "\"$l\" "; if ( ! empty ( $browser_languages[$l] ) ) { return $browser_languages[$l]; } } } //if ( strlen ( $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE ) ) // return "none ($HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE not supported)"; //else return "none"; }
/** * Loads current user's layer info into layer global variable. * * If the system setting <var>$allow_view_other</var> is not set to 'Y', then * we ignore all layer functionality. If <var>$force</var> is 0, we only load * layers if the current user preferences have layers turned on. * * @param string $user Username of user to load layers for * @param int $force If set to 1, then load layers for this user even if * user preferences have layers turned off. */ function load_user_layers ($user="",$force=0) { global $login; global $layers; global $LAYERS_STATUS, $allow_view_other;
if ( $user == "" ) $user = $login;
$layers = array ();
if ( empty ( $allow_view_other ) || $allow_view_other != 'Y' ) return; // not allowed to view others' calendars, so cannot use layers
if ( $force || ( ! empty ( $LAYERS_STATUS ) && $LAYERS_STATUS != "N" ) ) { $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_layerid, cal_layeruser, cal_color, cal_dups " . "FROM webcal_user_layers " . "WHERE cal_login = '$user' ORDER BY cal_layerid" ); if ( $res ) { $count = 1; while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $layers[$row[0]] = array ( "cal_layerid" => $row[0], "cal_layeruser" => $row[1], "cal_color" => $row[2], "cal_dups" => $row[3] ); $count++; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } } else { //echo "Not loading!"; } }
/** * Generates the HTML used in an event popup for the site_extras fields of an event. * * @param int $id Event ID * * @return string The HTML to be used within the event popup for any site_extra * fields found for the specified event */ function site_extras_for_popup ( $id ) { global $site_extras_in_popup, $site_extras; // These are needed in case the site_extras.php file was already // included. global $EXTRA_TEXT, $EXTRA_MULTILINETEXT, $EXTRA_URL, $EXTRA_DATE, $EXTRA_EMAIL, $EXTRA_USER, $EXTRA_REMINDER, $EXTRA_SELECTLIST; global $EXTRA_REMINDER_WITH_DATE, $EXTRA_REMINDER_WITH_OFFSET, $EXTRA_REMINDER_DEFAULT_YES;
$ret = '';
if ( $site_extras_in_popup != 'Y' ) return '';
include_once 'includes/site_extras.php';
$extras = get_site_extra_fields ( $id ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $site_extras ); $i++ ) { $extra_name = $site_extras[$i][0]; $extra_type = $site_extras[$i][2]; $extra_arg1 = $site_extras[$i][3]; $extra_arg2 = $site_extras[$i][4]; if ( ! empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_name'] ) ) { $ret .= "<dt>" . translate ( $site_extras[$i][1] ) . ":</dt>\n<dd>"; if ( $extra_type == $EXTRA_DATE ) { if ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date'] > 0 ) $ret .= date_to_str ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date'] ); } else if ( $extra_type == $EXTRA_TEXT || $extra_type == $EXTRA_MULTILINETEXT ) { $ret .= nl2br ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ); } else if ( $extra_type == $EXTRA_REMINDER ) { if ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_remind'] <= 0 ) $ret .= translate ( "No" ); else { $ret .= translate ( "Yes" ); if ( ( $extra_arg2 & $EXTRA_REMINDER_WITH_DATE ) > 0 ) { $ret .= " - "; $ret .= date_to_str ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date'] ); } else if ( ( $extra_arg2 & $EXTRA_REMINDER_WITH_OFFSET ) > 0 ) { $ret .= " - "; $minutes = $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data']; $d = (int) ( $minutes / ( 24 * 60 ) ); $minutes -= ( $d * 24 * 60 ); $h = (int) ( $minutes / 60 ); $minutes -= ( $h * 60 ); if ( $d > 0 ) $ret .= $d . " " . translate("days") . " "; if ( $h > 0 ) $ret .= $h . " " . translate("hours") . " "; if ( $minutes > 0 ) $ret .= $minutes . " " . translate("minutes"); $ret .= " " . translate("before event" ); } } } else { $ret .= $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data']; } $ret .= "</dd>\n"; } } return $ret; }
/** * Builds the HTML for the event popup. * * @param string $popupid CSS id to use for event popup * @param string $user Username of user the event pertains to * @param string $description Event description * @param string $time Time of the event (already formatted in a display format) * @param string $site_extras HTML for any site_extras for this event * * @return string The HTML for the event popup */ function build_event_popup ( $popupid, $user, $description, $time, $site_extras='' ) { global $login, $popup_fullnames, $popuptemp_fullname; $ret = "<dl id=\"$popupid\" class=\"popup\">\n";
if ( empty ( $popup_fullnames ) ) $popup_fullnames = array (); if ( $user != $login ) { if ( empty ( $popup_fullnames[$user] ) ) { user_load_variables ( $user, "popuptemp_" ); $popup_fullnames[$user] = $popuptemp_fullname; } $ret .= "<dt>" . translate ("User") . ":</dt>\n<dd>$popup_fullnames[$user]</dd>\n"; } if ( strlen ( $time ) ) $ret .= "<dt>" . translate ("Time") . ":</dt>\n<dd>$time</dd>\n"; $ret .= "<dt>" . translate ("Description") . ":</dt>\n<dd>"; if ( ! empty ( $GLOBALS['allow_html_description'] ) && $GLOBALS['allow_html_description'] == 'Y' ) { $str = str_replace ( "&", "&", $description ); $str = str_replace ( "&amp;", "&", $str ); // If there is no html found, then go ahead and replace // the line breaks ("\n") with the html break. if ( strstr ( $str, "<" ) && strstr ( $str, ">" ) ) { // found some html... $ret .= $str; } else { // no html, replace line breaks $ret .= nl2br ( $str ); } } else { // html not allowed in description, escape everything $ret .= nl2br ( htmlspecialchars ( $description ) ); } $ret .= "</dd>\n"; if ( ! empty ( $site_extras ) ) $ret .= $site_extras; $ret .= "</dl>\n"; return $ret; }
/** * Prints out a date selection box for use in a form. * * @param string $prefix Prefix to use in front of form element names * @param int $date Currently selected date (in YYYYMMDD format) * * @uses date_selection_html */ function print_date_selection ( $prefix, $date ) { print date_selection_html ( $prefix, $date ); }
/** * Generate HTML for a date selection for use in a form. * * @param string $prefix Prefix to use in front of form element names * @param int $date Currently selected date (in YYYYMMDD format) * * @return string HTML for the selection box */ function date_selection_html ( $prefix, $date ) { $ret = ""; $num_years = 20; if ( strlen ( $date ) != 8 ) $date = date ( "Ymd" ); $thisyear = $year = substr ( $date, 0, 4 ); $thismonth = $month = substr ( $date, 4, 2 ); $thisday = $day = substr ( $date, 6, 2 ); if ( $thisyear - date ( "Y" ) >= ( $num_years - 1 ) ) $num_years = $thisyear - date ( "Y" ) + 2; $ret .= "<select name=\"" . $prefix . "day\">\n"; for ( $i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++ ) $ret .= "<option value=\"$i\"" . ( $i == $thisday ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "" ) . ">$i</option>\n"; $ret .= "</select>\n<select name=\"" . $prefix . "month\">\n"; for ( $i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++ ) { $m = month_short_name ( $i - 1 ); $ret .= "<option value=\"$i\"" . ( $i == $thismonth ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "" ) . ">$m</option>\n"; } $ret .= "</select>\n<select name=\"" . $prefix . "year\">\n"; for ( $i = -10; $i < $num_years; $i++ ) { $y = $thisyear + $i; $ret .= "<option value=\"$y\"" . ( $y == $thisyear ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "" ) . ">$y</option>\n"; } $ret .= "</select>\n"; $ret .= "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"selectDate( '" . $prefix . "day','" . $prefix . "month','" . $prefix . "year',$date, event)\" value=\"" . translate("Select") . "...\" />\n";
return $ret; }
/** * Prints out a minicalendar for a month. * * @todo Make day.php NOT be a special case * * @param int $thismonth Number of the month to print * @param int $thisyear Number of the year * @param bool $showyear Show the year in the calendar's title? * @param bool $show_weeknums Show week numbers to the left of each row? * @param string $minical_id id attribute for the minical table * @param string $month_link URL and query string for month link that should * come before the date specification (e.g. * month.php? or view_l.php?id=7&) */ function display_small_month ( $thismonth, $thisyear, $showyear, $show_weeknums=false, $minical_id='', $month_link='month.php?' ) { global $WEEK_START, $user, $login, $boldDays, $get_unapproved; global $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER; global $SCRIPT, $thisday; // Needed for day.php global $caturl, $today;
if ( $user != $login && ! empty ( $user ) ) { $u_url = "user=$user" . "&"; } else { $u_url = ''; }
//start the minical table for each month echo "\n<table class=\"minical\""; if ( $minical_id != '' ) { echo " id=\"$minical_id\""; } echo ">\n";
$monthstart = mktime(2,0,0,$thismonth,1,$thisyear); $monthend = mktime(2,0,0,$thismonth + 1,0,$thisyear);
if ( $SCRIPT == 'day.php' ) { $month_ago = date ( "Ymd", mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, $thisday, $thisyear ) ); $month_ahead = date ( "Ymd", mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, $thisday, $thisyear ) );
echo "<caption>$thisday</caption>\n"; echo "<thead>\n"; echo "<tr class=\"monthnav\"><th colspan=\"7\">\n"; echo "<a title=\"" . translate("Previous") . "\" class=\"prev\" href=\"day.php?" . $u_url . "date=$month_ago$caturl\"><img src=\"leftarrowsmall.gif\" alt=\"" . translate("Previous") . "\" /></a>\n"; echo "<a title=\"" . translate("Next") . "\" class=\"next\" href=\"day.php?" . $u_url . "date=$month_ahead$caturl\"><img src=\"rightarrowsmall.gif\" alt=\"" . translate("Next") . "\" /></a>\n"; echo month_name ( $thismonth - 1 ); if ( $showyear != '' ) { echo " $thisyear"; } echo "</th></tr>\n<tr>\n"; } else { //not day script //print the month name echo "<caption><a href=\"{$month_link}{$u_url}year=$thisyear&month=$thismonth\">"; echo month_name ( $thismonth - 1 ) . ( $showyear ? " $thisyear" : "" ); echo "</a></caption>\n";
echo "<thead>\n<tr>\n"; }
//determine if the week starts on sunday or monday if ( $WEEK_START == "1" ) { $wkstart = get_monday_before ( $thisyear, $thismonth, 1 ); } else { $wkstart = get_sunday_before ( $thisyear, $thismonth, 1 ); } //print the headers to display the day of the week (sun, mon, tues, etc.)
// if we're showing week numbers we need an extra column if ( $show_weeknums && $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ) echo "<th class=\"empty\"> </th>\n"; //if the week doesn't start on monday, print the day if ( $WEEK_START == 0 ) echo "<th>" . weekday_short_name ( 0 ) . "</th>\n"; //cycle through each day of the week until gone for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) { echo "<th>" . weekday_short_name ( $i ) . "</th>\n"; } //if the week DOES start on monday, print sunday if ( $WEEK_START == 1 ) echo "<th>" . weekday_short_name ( 0 ) . "</th>\n"; //end the header row echo "</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n"; for ($i = $wkstart; date("Ymd",$i) <= date ("Ymd",$monthend); $i += (24 * 3600 * 7) ) { echo "<tr>\n"; if ( $show_weeknums && $DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER == 'Y' ) { echo "<td class=\"weeknumber\"><a href=\"week.php?" . $u_url . "date=".date("Ymd", $i)."\">(" . week_number($i) . ")</a></td>\n"; } for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) { $date = $i + ($j * 24 * 3600); $dateYmd = date ( "Ymd", $date ); $hasEvents = false; if ( $boldDays ) { $ev = get_entries ( $user, $dateYmd, $get_unapproved ); if ( count ( $ev ) > 0 ) { $hasEvents = true; } else { $rep = get_repeating_entries ( $user, $dateYmd, $get_unapproved ); if ( count ( $rep ) > 0 ) $hasEvents = true; } } if ( $dateYmd >= date ("Ymd",$monthstart) && $dateYmd <= date ("Ymd",$monthend) ) { echo "<td"; $wday = date ( 'w', $date ); $class = ''; //add class="weekend" if it's saturday or sunday if ( $wday == 0 || $wday == 6 ) { $class = "weekend"; } //if the day being viewed is today's date AND script = day.php if ( $dateYmd == $thisyear . $thismonth . $thisday && $SCRIPT == 'day.php' ) { //if it's also a weekend, add a space between class names to combine styles if ( $class != '' ) { $class .= ' '; } $class .= "selectedday"; } if ( $hasEvents ) { if ( $class != '' ) { $class .= ' '; } $class .= "hasevents"; } if ( $class != '' ) { echo " class=\"$class\""; } if ( date ( "Ymd", $date ) == date ( "Ymd", $today ) ){ echo " id=\"today\""; } echo "><a href=\"day.php?" .$u_url . "date=" . $dateYmd . "\">"; echo date ( "d", $date ) . "</a></td>\n"; } else { echo "<td class=\"empty\"> </td>\n"; } } // end for $j echo "</tr>\n"; } // end for $i echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n"; }
/** * Prints the HTML for one day's events in the month view. * * @param int $id Event ID * @param int $date Date of event (relevant in repeating events) in * YYYYMMDD format * @param int $time Time (in HHMMSS format) * @param int $duration Event duration in minutes * @param string $name Event name * @param string $description Long description of event * @param string $status Event status * @param int $pri Event priority * @param string $access Event access * @param string $event_owner Username of user associated with this event * @param int $event_cat Category of event for <var>$event_owner</var> * * @staticvar int Used to ensure all event popups have a unique id * * @uses build_event_popup */ function print_entry ( $id, $date, $time, $duration, $name, $description, $status, $pri, $access, $event_owner, $event_cat=-1 ) { global $eventinfo, $login, $user, $PHP_SELF, $TZ_OFFSET; static $key = 0; global $layers;
if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { $class = "layerentry"; } else { $class = "entry"; if ( $status == "W" ) $class = "unapprovedentry"; } // if we are looking at a view, then always use "entry" if ( strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_m.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_w.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_v.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_t.php" ) ) $class = "entry";
if ( $pri == 3 ) echo "<strong>"; $popupid = "eventinfo-$id-$key"; $key++; echo "<a title=\"" . translate("View this entry") . "\" class=\"$class\" href=\"view_entry.php?id=$id&date=$date"; if ( strlen ( $user ) > 0 ) echo "&user=" . $user; echo "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" . translate("View this entry") . "'; show(event, '$popupid'); return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status=''; hide('$popupid'); return true;\">"; $icon = "circle.gif"; $catIcon = ''; if ( $event_cat > 0 ) { $catIcon = "icons/cat-" . $event_cat . ".gif"; if ( ! file_exists ( $catIcon ) ) $catIcon = ''; }
if ( empty ( $catIcon ) ) { echo "<img src=\"$icon\" class=\"bullet\" alt=\"" . translate("View this entry") . "\" />"; } else { // Use category icon echo "<img src=\"$catIcon\" alt=\"" . translate("View this entry") . "\" /><br />"; }
if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { if ($layers) foreach ($layers as $layer) { if ($layer['cal_layeruser'] == $event_owner) { echo("<span style=\"color:" . $layer['cal_color'] . ";\">"); } } }
$timestr = ""; if ( $duration == ( 24 * 60 ) ) { $timestr = translate("All day event"); } else if ( $time != -1 ) { $timestr = display_time ( $time ); $time_short = preg_replace ("/(:00)/", '', $timestr); echo $time_short . "» "; if ( $duration > 0 ) { // calc end time $h = (int) ( $time / 10000 ); $m = ( $time / 100 ) % 100; $m += $duration; $d = $duration; while ( $m >= 60 ) { $h++; $m -= 60; } $end_time = sprintf ( "%02d%02d00", $h, $m ); $timestr .= " - " . display_time ( $end_time ); } } if ( $login != $user && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $user ) ) { echo "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; } else if ( $login != $event_owner && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { echo "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; } else { echo htmlspecialchars ( $name ); }
if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { if ($layers) foreach ($layers as $layer) { if($layer['cal_layeruser'] == $event_owner) { echo "</span>"; } } } echo "</a>\n"; if ( $pri == 3 ) echo "</strong>\n"; //end font-weight span echo "<br />"; if ( $login != $user && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $user ) ) $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, translate("This event is confidential"), "" ); else if ( $login != $event_owner && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, translate("This event is confidential"), "" ); else $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, $description, $timestr, site_extras_for_popup ( $id ) ); }
/** * Gets any site-specific fields for an entry that are stored in the database in the webcal_site_extras table. * * @param int $eventid Event ID * * @return array Array with the keys as follows: * - <var>cal_name</var> * - <var>cal_type</var> * - <var>cal_date</var> * - <var>cal_remind</var> * - <var>cal_data</var> */ function get_site_extra_fields ( $eventid ) { $sql = "SELECT cal_name, cal_type, cal_date, cal_remind, cal_data " . "FROM webcal_site_extras " . "WHERE cal_id = $eventid"; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); $extras = array (); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { // save by cal_name (e.g. "URL") $extras[$row[0]] = array ( "cal_name" => $row[0], "cal_type" => $row[1], "cal_date" => $row[2], "cal_remind" => $row[3], "cal_data" => $row[4] ); } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $extras; }
/** * Reads all the events for a user for the specified range of dates. * * This is only called once per page request to improve performance. All the * events get loaded into the array <var>$events</var> sorted by time of day * (not date). * * @param string $user Username * @param string $startdate Start date range, inclusive (in YYYYMMDD format) * @param string $enddate End date range, inclusive (in YYYYMMDD format) * @param int $cat_id Category ID to filter on * * @return array Array of events * * @uses query_events */ function read_events ( $user, $startdate, $enddate, $cat_id = '' ) { global $login; global $layers; global $TZ_OFFSET;
$sy = substr ( $startdate, 0, 4 ); $sm = substr ( $startdate, 4, 2 ); $sd = substr ( $startdate, 6, 2 ); $ey = substr ( $enddate, 0, 4 ); $em = substr ( $enddate, 4, 2 ); $ed = substr ( $enddate, 6, 2 ); if ( $startdate == $enddate ) { if ( $TZ_OFFSET == 0 ) { $date_filter = " AND webcal_entry.cal_date = $startdate"; } else if ( $TZ_OFFSET > 0 ) { $prev_day = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $sm, $sd - 1, $sy ); $cutoff = 24 - $TZ_OFFSET . "0000"; $date_filter = " AND ( ( webcal_entry.cal_date = $startdate AND " . "( webcal_entry.cal_time <= $cutoff OR " . "webcal_entry.cal_time = -1 ) ) OR " . "( webcal_entry.cal_date = " . date("Ymd", $prev_day ) . " AND webcal_entry.cal_time >= $cutoff ) )"; } else { $next_day = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $sm, $sd + 1, $sy ); $cutoff = ( 0 - $TZ_OFFSET ) * 10000; $date_filter = " AND ( ( webcal_entry.cal_date = $startdate AND " . "( webcal_entry.cal_time > $cutoff OR " . "webcal_entry.cal_time = -1 ) ) OR " . "( webcal_entry.cal_date = " . date("Ymd", $next_day ) . " AND webcal_entry.cal_time <= $cutoff ) )"; } } else { if ( $TZ_OFFSET == 0 ) { $date_filter = " AND webcal_entry.cal_date >= $startdate " . "AND webcal_entry.cal_date <= $enddate"; } else if ( $TZ_OFFSET > 0 ) { $prev_day = date ( ( "Ymd" ), mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $sm, $sd - 1, $sy ) ); $enddate_minus1 = date ( ( "Ymd" ), mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $em, $ed - 1, $ey ) ); $cutoff = 24 - $TZ_OFFSET . "0000"; $date_filter = " AND ( ( webcal_entry.cal_date >= $startdate " . "AND webcal_entry.cal_date <= $enddate AND " . "webcal_entry.cal_time = -1 ) OR " . "( webcal_entry.cal_date = $prev_day AND " . "webcal_entry.cal_time >= $cutoff ) OR " . "( webcal_entry.cal_date = $enddate AND " . "webcal_entry.cal_time < $cutoff ) OR " . "( webcal_entry.cal_date >= $startdate AND " . "webcal_entry.cal_date <= $enddate_minus1 ) )"; } else { // TZ_OFFSET < 0 $next_day = date ( ( "Ymd" ), mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $sm, $sd + 1, $sy ) ); $enddate_plus1 = date ( ( "Ymd" ), mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $em, $ed + 1, $ey ) ); $cutoff = ( 0 - $TZ_OFFSET ) * 10000; $date_filter = " AND ( ( webcal_entry.cal_date >= $startdate " . "AND webcal_entry.cal_date <= $enddate AND " . "webcal_entry.cal_time = -1 ) OR " . "( webcal_entry.cal_date = $startdate AND " . "webcal_entry.cal_time > $cutoff ) OR " . "( webcal_entry.cal_date = $enddate_plus1 AND " . "webcal_entry.cal_time <= $cutoff ) OR " . "( webcal_entry.cal_date > $startdate AND " . "webcal_entry.cal_date < $enddate_plus1 ) )"; } } return query_events ( $user, false, $date_filter, $cat_id ); }
/** * Gets all the events for a specific date. * * Events are retreived from the array of pre-loaded events (which was loaded * all at once to improve performance). * * The returned events will be sorted by time of day. * * @param string $user Username * @param string $date Date to get events for in YYYYMMDD format * @param bool $get_unapproved Load unapproved events? * * @return array Array of events */ function get_entries ( $user, $date, $get_unapproved=true ) { global $events, $TZ_OFFSET; $n = 0; $ret = array ();
//echo "<br />\nChecking " . count ( $events ) . " events. TZ_OFFSET = $TZ_OFFSET, get_unapproved=" . $get_unapproved . "<br />\n";
//print_r ( $events );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $events ); $i++ ) { // In case of data corruption (or some other bug...) if ( empty ( $events[$i] ) || empty ( $events[$i]['cal_id'] ) ) continue; if ( ( ! $get_unapproved ) && $events[$i]['cal_status'] == 'W' ) { // ignore this event //don't adjust anything if no TZ offset or ALL Day Event or Untimed } else if ( empty ( $TZ_OFFSET) || ( $events[$i]['cal_time'] <= 0 ) ) { if ( $events[$i]['cal_date'] == $date ) $ret[$n++] = $events[$i]; } else if ( $TZ_OFFSET > 0 ) { $cutoff = ( 24 - $TZ_OFFSET ) * 10000; //echo "<br /> cal_time " . $events[$i]['cal_time'] . "<br />\n"; $sy = substr ( $date, 0, 4 ); $sm = substr ( $date, 4, 2 ); $sd = substr ( $date, 6, 2 ); $prev_day = date ( ( "Ymd" ), mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $sm, $sd - 1, $sy ) ); //echo "prev_date = $prev_day <br />\n"; if ( $events[$i]['cal_date'] == $date && $events[$i]['cal_time'] == -1 ) { $ret[$n++] = $events[$i]; //echo "added event $events[$i][cal_id] <br />\n"; } else if ( $events[$i]['cal_date'] == $date && $events[$i]['cal_time'] < $cutoff ) { $ret[$n++] = $events[$i]; //echo "added event {$events[$i][cal_id]} <br />\n"; } else if ( $events[$i]['cal_date'] == $prev_day && $events[$i]['cal_time'] >= $cutoff ) { $ret[$n++] = $events[$i]; //echo "added event {$events[$i][cal_id]} <br />\n"; } } else { //TZ < 0 $cutoff = ( 0 - $TZ_OFFSET ) * 10000; //echo "<br />\ncal_time " . $events[$i]['cal_time'] . "<br />\n"; $sy = substr ( $date, 0, 4 ); $sm = substr ( $date, 4, 2 ); $sd = substr ( $date, 6, 2 ); $next_day = date ( ( "Ymd" ), mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $sm, $sd + 1, $sy ) ); //echo "next_date = $next_day <br />\n"; if ( $events[$i]['cal_time'] == -1 ) { if ( $events[$i]['cal_date'] == $date ) { $ret[$n++] = $events[$i]; //echo "added event $events[$i][cal_id] <br />\n"; } } else { if ( $events[$i]['cal_date'] == $date && $events[$i]['cal_time'] > $cutoff ) { $ret[$n++] = $events[$i]; //echo "added event $events[$i][cal_id] <br />\n"; } else if ( $events[$i]['cal_date'] == $next_day && $events[$i]['cal_time'] <= $cutoff ) { $ret[$n++] = $events[$i]; //echo "added event $events[$i][cal_id] <br />\n"; } } } } return $ret; }
/** * Reads events visible to a user. * * Includes layers and possibly public access if enabled * * @param string $user Username * @param bool $want_repeated Get repeating events? * @param string $date_filter SQL phrase starting with AND, to be appended to * the WHERE clause. May be empty string. * @param int $cat_id Category ID to filter on. May be empty. * * @return array Array of events sorted by time of day */ function query_events ( $user, $want_repeated, $date_filter, $cat_id = '' ) { global $login; global $layers, $public_access_default_visible; $result = array (); $layers_byuser = array ();
$sql = "SELECT webcal_entry.cal_name, webcal_entry.cal_description, " . "webcal_entry.cal_date, webcal_entry.cal_time, " . "webcal_entry.cal_id, webcal_entry.cal_ext_for_id, " . "webcal_entry.cal_priority, " . "webcal_entry.cal_access, webcal_entry.cal_duration, " . "webcal_entry_user.cal_status, " . "webcal_entry_user.cal_category, " . "webcal_entry_user.cal_login "; if ( $want_repeated ) { $sql .= ", " . "webcal_entry_repeats.cal_type, webcal_entry_repeats.cal_end, " . "webcal_entry_repeats.cal_frequency, webcal_entry_repeats.cal_days " . "FROM webcal_entry, webcal_entry_repeats, webcal_entry_user " . "WHERE webcal_entry.cal_id = webcal_entry_repeats.cal_id AND "; } else { $sql .= "FROM webcal_entry, webcal_entry_user WHERE "; } $sql .= "webcal_entry.cal_id = webcal_entry_user.cal_id " . "AND webcal_entry_user.cal_status IN ('A','W') ";
if ( $cat_id != '' ) $sql .= "AND webcal_entry_user.cal_category LIKE '$cat_id' ";
if ( strlen ( $user ) > 0 ) $sql .= "AND (webcal_entry_user.cal_login = '" . $user . "' ";
if ( $user == $login && strlen ( $user ) > 0 ) { if ($layers) foreach ($layers as $layer) { $layeruser = $layer['cal_layeruser'];
$sql .= "OR webcal_entry_user.cal_login = '" . $layeruser . "' ";
// while we are parsing the whole layers array, build ourselves // a new array that will help when we have to check for dups $layers_byuser["$layeruser"] = $layer['cal_dups']; } } if ( $user == $login && strlen ( $user ) && $public_access_default_visible == 'Y' ) { $sql .= "OR webcal_entry_user.cal_login = '__public__' "; } if ( strlen ( $user ) > 0 ) $sql .= ") "; $sql .= $date_filter;
// now order the results by time and by entry id. $sql .= " ORDER BY webcal_entry.cal_time, webcal_entry.cal_id";
//echo "<strong>SQL:</strong> $sql<br />\n"; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); if ( $res ) { $i = 0; $checkdup_id = -1; $first_i_this_id = -1;
while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {
if ($row[9] == 'R' || $row[9] == 'D') { continue; // don't show rejected/deleted ones } $item = array ( "cal_name" => $row[0], "cal_description" => $row[1], "cal_date" => $row[2], "cal_time" => $row[3], "cal_id" => $row[4], "cal_ext_for_id" => $row[5], "cal_priority" => $row[6], "cal_access" => $row[7], "cal_duration" => $row[8], "cal_status" => $row[9], "cal_category" => $row[10], "cal_login" => $row[11], "cal_exceptions" => array() ); if ( $want_repeated && ! empty ( $row[12] ) ) { $item['cal_type'] = empty ( $row[12] ) ? "" : $row[12]; $item['cal_end'] = empty ( $row[13] ) ? "" : $row[13]; $item['cal_frequency'] = empty ( $row[14] ) ? "" : $row[14]; $item['cal_days'] = empty ( $row[15] ) ? "" : $row[15]; }
if ( $item['cal_id'] != $checkdup_id ) { $checkdup_id = $item['cal_id']; $first_i_this_id = $i; }
if ( $item['cal_login'] == $user ) { // Insert this one before all other ones with this ID. my_array_splice ( $result, $first_i_this_id, 0, array($item) ); $i++;
if ($first_i_this_id + 1 < $i) { // There's another one with the same ID as the one we inserted. // Check for dup and if so, delete it. $other_item = $result[$first_i_this_id + 1]; if ($layers_byuser[$other_item['cal_login']] == 'N') { // NOTE: array_splice requires PHP4 my_array_splice ( $result, $first_i_this_id + 1, 1, "" ); $i--; } } } else { if ($i == $first_i_this_id || ( ! empty ( $layers_byuser[$item['cal_login']] ) && $layers_byuser[$item['cal_login']] != 'N' ) ) { // This item either is the first one with its ID, or allows dups. // Add it to the end of the array. $result [$i++] = $item; } } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); }
// Now load event exceptions and store as array in 'cal_exceptions' field if ( $want_repeated ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $result ); $i++ ) { if ( ! empty ( $result[$i]['cal_id'] ) ) { $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_date FROM webcal_entry_repeats_not " . "WHERE cal_id = " . $result[$i]['cal_id'] ); while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $result[$i]['cal_exceptions'][] = $row[0]; } } } }
return $result; }
/** * Reads all the repeated events for a user. * * This is only called once per page request to improve performance. All the * events get loaded into the array <var>$repeated_events</var> sorted by time of day (not * date). * * This will load all the repeated events into memory. * * <b>Notes:</b> * - To get which events repeat on a specific date, use * {@link get_repeating_entries()}. * - To get all the dates that one specific event repeats on, call * {@link get_all_dates()}. * * @param string $user Username * @param int $cat_id Category ID to filter on (May be empty) * @param string $date Cutoff date for repeating event endtimes in YYYYMMDD * format (may be empty) * * @return Array of repeating events sorted by time of day * * @uses query_events */ function read_repeated_events ( $user, $cat_id = '', $date = '' ) { global $login; global $layers;
$filter = ($date != '') ? "AND (webcal_entry_repeats.cal_end >= $date OR webcal_entry_repeats.cal_end IS NULL) " : ''; return query_events ( $user, true, $filter, $cat_id ); }
/** * Returns all the dates a specific event will fall on accounting for the repeating. * * Any event with no end will be assigned one. * * @param string $date Initial date in raw format * @param string $rpt_type Repeating type as stored in the database * @param string $end End date * @param string $days Days events occurs on (for weekly) * @param array $ex_dates Array of exception dates for this event in YYYYMMDD format * @param int $freq Frequency of repetition * * @return array Array of dates (in UNIX time format) */ function get_all_dates ( $date, $rpt_type, $end, $days, $ex_days, $freq=1 ) { global $conflict_repeat_months, $days_per_month, $ldays_per_month; global $ONE_DAY; //echo "get_all_dates ( $date, '$rpt_type', $end, '$days', [array], $freq ) <br>\n"; $currentdate = floor($date/$ONE_DAY)*$ONE_DAY; $realend = floor($end/$ONE_DAY)*$ONE_DAY; $dateYmd = date ( "Ymd", $date ); if ($end=='NULL') { // Check for $conflict_repeat_months months into future for conflicts $thismonth = substr($dateYmd, 4, 2); $thisyear = substr($dateYmd, 0, 4); $thisday = substr($dateYmd, 6, 2); $thismonth += $conflict_repeat_months; if ($thismonth > 12) { $thisyear++; $thismonth -= 12; } $realend = mktime(3,0,0,$thismonth,$thisday,$thisyear); } $ret = array(); $ret[0] = $date; //do iterative checking here. //I floored the $realend so I check it against the floored date if ($rpt_type && $currentdate < $realend) { $cdate = $date; if (!$freq) $freq = 1; $n = 1; if ($rpt_type == 'daily') { //we do inclusive counting on end dates. $cdate += $ONE_DAY * $freq; while ($cdate <= $realend+$ONE_DAY) { if ( ! is_exception ( $cdate, $ex_days ) ) $ret[$n++]=$cdate; $cdate += $ONE_DAY * $freq; } } else if ($rpt_type == 'weekly') { $daysarray = array(); $r=0; $dow = date("w",$date); $cdate = $date - ($dow * $ONE_DAY); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $isDay = substr($days, $i, 1); if (strcmp($isDay,"y")==0) { $daysarray[$r++]=$i * $ONE_DAY; } } //we do inclusive counting on end dates. while ($cdate <= $realend+$ONE_DAY) { //add all of the days of the week. for ($j=0; $j<$r;$j++) { $td = $cdate + $daysarray[$j]; if ($td >= $date) { if ( ! is_exception ( $td, $ex_days ) ) $ret[$n++] = $td; } } //skip to the next week in question. $cdate += ( $ONE_DAY * 7 ) * $freq; } } else if ($rpt_type == 'monthlyByDay') { $dow = date('w', $date); $thismonth = substr($dateYmd, 4, 2); $thisyear = substr($dateYmd, 0, 4); $week = floor(date("d", $date)/7); $thismonth+=$freq; //dow1 is the weekday that the 1st of the month falls on $dow1 = date('w',mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth,1,$thisyear)); $t = $dow - $dow1; if ($t < 0) $t += 7; $day = 7*$week + $t + 1; $cdate = mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth,$day,$thisyear); while ($cdate <= $realend+$ONE_DAY) { if ( ! is_exception ( $cdate, $ex_days ) ) $ret[$n++] = $cdate; $thismonth+=$freq; //dow1 is the weekday that the 1st of the month falls on $dow1time = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $thismonth, 1, $thisyear ); $dow1 = date ( 'w', $dow1time ); $t = $dow - $dow1; if ($t < 0) $t += 7; $day = 7*$week + $t + 1; $cdate = mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth,$day,$thisyear); } } else if ($rpt_type == 'monthlyByDayR') { // by weekday of month reversed (i.e., last Monday of month) $dow = date('w', $date); $thisday = substr($dateYmd, 6, 2); $thismonth = substr($dateYmd, 4, 2); $thisyear = substr($dateYmd, 0, 4); // get number of days in this month $daysthismonth = $thisyear % 4 == 0 ? $ldays_per_month[$thismonth] : $days_per_month[$thismonth]; // how many weekdays like this one remain in the month? // 0=last one, 1=one more after this one, etc. $whichWeek = floor ( ( $daysthismonth - $thisday ) / 7 ); // find first repeat date $thismonth += $freq; if ( $thismonth > 12 ) { $thisyear++; $thismonth -= 12; } // get weekday for last day of month $dowLast += date('w',mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth + 1, -1,$thisyear)); if ( $dowLast >= $dow ) { // last weekday is in last week of this month $day = $daysthismonth - ( $dowLast - $dow ) - ( 7 * $whichWeek ); } else { // last weekday is NOT in last week of this month $day = $daysthismonth - ( $dowLast - $dow ) - ( 7 * ( $whichWeek + 1 ) ); } $cdate = mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth,$day,$thisyear); while ($cdate <= $realend+$ONE_DAY) { if ( ! is_exception ( $cdate, $ex_days ) ) $ret[$n++] = $cdate; $thismonth += $freq; if ( $thismonth > 12 ) { $thisyear++; $thismonth -= 12; } // get weekday for last day of month $dowLast += date('w',mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth + 1, -1,$thisyear)); if ( $dowLast >= $dow ) { // last weekday is in last week of this month $day = $daysthismonth - ( $dowLast - $dow ) - ( 7 * $whichWeek ); } else { // last weekday is NOT in last week of this month $day = $daysthismonth - ( $dowLast - $dow ) - ( 7 * ( $whichWeek + 1 ) ); } $cdate = mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth,$day,$thisyear); } } else if ($rpt_type == 'monthlyByDate') { $thismonth = substr($dateYmd, 4, 2); $thisyear = substr($dateYmd, 0, 4); $thisday = substr($dateYmd, 6, 2); $hour = date('H',$date); $minute = date('i',$date);
$thismonth += $freq; $cdate = mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth,$thisday,$thisyear); while ($cdate <= $realend+$ONE_DAY) { if ( ! is_exception ( $cdate, $ex_days ) ) $ret[$n++] = $cdate; $thismonth += $freq; $cdate = mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth,$thisday,$thisyear); } } else if ($rpt_type == 'yearly') { $thismonth = substr($dateYmd, 4, 2); $thisyear = substr($dateYmd, 0, 4); $thisday = substr($dateYmd, 6, 2); $hour = date('H',$date); $minute = date('i',$date);
$thisyear += $freq; $cdate = mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth,$thisday,$thisyear); while ($cdate <= $realend+$ONE_DAY) { if ( ! is_exception ( $cdate, $ex_days ) ) $ret[$n++] = $cdate; $thisyear += $freq; $cdate = mktime (3,0,0,$thismonth,$thisday,$thisyear); } } } return $ret; }
/** * Gets all the repeating events for the specified date. * * <b>Note:</b> * The global variable <var>$repeated_events</var> needs to be * set by calling {@link read_repeated_events()} first. * * @param string $user Username * @param string $date Date to get events for in YYYYMMDD format * @param bool $get_unapproved Include unapproved events in results? * * @return mixed The query result resource on queries (which can then be * passed to {@link dbi_fetch_row()} to obtain the results), or * true/false on insert or delete queries. * * @global array Array of repeating events retreived using {@link read_repeated_events()} */ function get_repeating_entries ( $user, $dateYmd, $get_unapproved=true ) { global $repeated_events; $n = 0; $ret = array (); //echo count($repeated_events)."<br />\n"; for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $repeated_events ); $i++ ) { if ( $repeated_events[$i]['cal_status'] == 'A' || $get_unapproved ) { if ( repeated_event_matches_date ( $repeated_events[$i], $dateYmd ) ) { // make sure this is not an exception date... $unixtime = date_to_epoch ( $dateYmd ); if ( ! is_exception ( $unixtime, $repeated_events[$i]['cal_exceptions'] ) ) $ret[$n++] = $repeated_events[$i]; } } } return $ret; }
/** * Determines whether the event passed in will fall on the date passed. * * @param array $event The event as an array * @param string $dateYmd Date to check in YYYYMMDD format * * @return bool Does <var>$event</var> occur on <var>$dateYmd</var>? */ function repeated_event_matches_date($event,$dateYmd) { global $days_per_month, $ldays_per_month, $ONE_DAY; // only repeat after the beginning, and if there is an end // before the end $date = date_to_epoch ( $dateYmd ); $thisyear = substr($dateYmd, 0, 4); $start = date_to_epoch ( $event['cal_date'] ); $end = date_to_epoch ( $event['cal_end'] ); $freq = $event['cal_frequency']; $thismonth = substr($dateYmd, 4, 2); if ($event['cal_end'] && $dateYmd > date("Ymd",$end) ) return false; if ( $dateYmd <= date("Ymd",$start) ) return false; $id = $event['cal_id'];
if ($event['cal_type'] == 'daily') { if ( (floor(($date - $start)/$ONE_DAY)%$freq) ) return false; return true; } else if ($event['cal_type'] == 'weekly') { $dow = date("w", $date); $dow1 = date("w", $start); $isDay = substr($event['cal_days'], $dow, 1); $wstart = $start - ($dow1 * $ONE_DAY); if (floor(($date - $wstart)/604800)%$freq) return false; return (strcmp($isDay,"y") == 0); } else if ($event['cal_type'] == 'monthlyByDay') { $dowS = date("w", $start); $dow = date("w", $date); // do this comparison first in hopes of best performance if ( $dowS != $dow ) return false; $mthS = date("m", $start); $yrS = date("Y", $start); $dayS = floor(date("d", $start)); $dowS1 = ( date ( "w", $start - ( $ONE_DAY * ( $dayS - 1 ) ) ) + 35 ) % 7; $days_in_first_weekS = ( 7 - $dowS1 ) % 7; $whichWeekS = floor ( ( $dayS - $days_in_first_weekS ) / 7 ); if ( $dowS >= $dowS1 && $days_in_first_weekS ) $whichWeekS++; //echo "dayS=$dayS;dowS=$dowS;dowS1=$dowS1;wWS=$whichWeekS<br />\n"; $mth = date("m", $date); $yr = date("Y", $date); $day = date("d", $date); $dow1 = ( date ( "w", $date - ( $ONE_DAY * ( $day - 1 ) ) ) + 35 ) % 7; $days_in_first_week = ( 7 - $dow1 ) % 7; $whichWeek = floor ( ( $day - $days_in_first_week ) / 7 ); if ( $dow >= $dow1 && $days_in_first_week ) $whichWeek++; //echo "day=$day;dow=$dow;dow1=$dow1;wW=$whichWeek<br />\n";
if ((($yr - $yrS)*12 + $mth - $mthS) % $freq) return false;
return ( $whichWeek == $whichWeekS ); } else if ($event['cal_type'] == 'monthlyByDayR') { $dowS = date("w", $start); $dow = date("w", $date); // do this comparison first in hopes of best performance if ( $dowS != $dow ) return false;
$dayS = ceil(date("d", $start)); $mthS = ceil(date("m", $start)); $yrS = date("Y", $start); $daysthismonthS = $mthS % 4 == 0 ? $ldays_per_month[$mthS] : $days_per_month[$mthS]; $whichWeekS = floor ( ( $daysthismonthS - $dayS ) / 7 );
$day = ceil(date("d", $date)); $mth = ceil(date("m", $date)); $yr = date("Y", $date); $daysthismonth = $mth % 4 == 0 ? $ldays_per_month[$mth] : $days_per_month[$mth]; $whichWeek = floor ( ( $daysthismonth - $day ) / 7 );
if ((($yr - $yrS)*12 + $mth - $mthS) % $freq) return false;
return ( $whichWeekS == $whichWeek ); } else if ($event['cal_type'] == 'monthlyByDate') { $mthS = date("m", $start); $yrS = date("Y", $start);
$mth = date("m", $date); $yr = date("Y", $date);
if ((($yr - $yrS)*12 + $mth - $mthS) % $freq) return false;
return (date("d", $date) == date("d", $start)); } else if ($event['cal_type'] == 'yearly') { $yrS = date("Y", $start); $yr = date("Y", $date);
if (($yr - $yrS)%$freq) return false;
return (date("dm", $date) == date("dm", $start)); } else { // unknown repeat type return false; } return false; }
/** * Converts a date to a timestamp. * * @param string $d Date in YYYYMMDD format * * @return int Timestamp representing 3:00 (or 4:00 if during Daylight Saving * Time) in the morning on that day */ function date_to_epoch ( $d ) { if ( $d == 0 ) return 0; $T = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, substr ( $d, 4, 2 ), substr ( $d, 6, 2 ), substr ( $d, 0, 4 ) ); $lt = localtime($T); if ($lt[8]) { return mktime ( 4, 0, 0, substr ( $d, 4, 2 ), substr ( $d, 6, 2 ), substr ( $d, 0, 4 ) ); } else { return $T; } }
/** * Checks if a date is an exception for an event. * * @param string $date Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param array $exdays Array of dates in YYYYMMDD format * * @ignore */ function is_exception ( $date, $ex_days ) { $size = count ( $ex_days ); $count = 0; $date = date ( "Ymd", $date ); //echo "Exception $date check.. count is $size <br />\n"; while ( $count < $size ) { //echo "Exception date: $ex_days[$count] <br />\n"; if ( $date == $ex_days[$count++] ) return true; } return false; }
/** * Gets the Sunday of the week that the specified date is in. * * If the date specified is a Sunday, then that date is returned. * * @param int $year Year * @param int $month Month (1-12) * @param int $day Day of the month * * @return int The date (in UNIX timestamp format) * * @see get_monday_before */ function get_sunday_before ( $year, $month, $day ) { $weekday = date ( "w", mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ) ); $newdate = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $month, $day - $weekday, $year ); return $newdate; }
/** * Gets the Monday of the week that the specified date is in. * * If the date specified is a Monday, then that date is returned. * * @param int $year Year * @param int $month Month (1-12) * @param int $day Day of the month * * @return int The date (in UNIX timestamp format) * * @see get_sunday_before */ function get_monday_before ( $year, $month, $day ) { $weekday = date ( "w", mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ) ); if ( $weekday == 0 ) return mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $month, $day - 6, $year ); if ( $weekday == 1 ) return mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ); return mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $month, $day - ( $weekday - 1 ), $year ); }
/** * Returns the week number for specified date. * * Depends on week numbering settings. * * @param int $date Date in UNIX timestamp format * * @return string The week number of the specified date */ function week_number ( $date ) { $tmp = getdate($date); $iso = gregorianToISO($tmp['mday'], $tmp['mon'], $tmp['year']); $parts = explode('-',$iso); $week_number = intval($parts[1]); return sprintf("%02d",$week_number); }
/** * Generates the HTML for an add/edit/delete icon. * * This function is not yet used. Some of the places that will call it have to * be updated to also get the event owner so we know if the current user has * access to edit and delete. * * @param int $id Event ID * @param bool $can_edit Can this user edit this event? * @param bool $can_delete Can this user delete this event? * * @return HTML for add/edit/delete icon. * * @ignore */ function icon_text ( $id, $can_edit, $can_delete ) { global $readonly, $is_admin; $ret = "<a title=\"" . translate("View this entry") . "\" href=\"view_entry.php?id=$id\"><img src=\"view.gif\" alt=\"" . translate("View this entry") . "\" style=\"border-width:0px; width:10px; height:10px;\" /></a>"; if ( $can_edit && $readonly == "N" ) $ret .= "<a title=\"" . translate("Edit entry") . "\" href=\"edit_entry.php?id=$id\"><img src=\"edit.gif\" alt=\"" . translate("Edit entry") . "\" style=\"border-width:0px; width:10px; height:10px;\" /></a>"; if ( $can_delete && ( $readonly == "N" || $is_admin ) ) $ret .= "<a title=\"" . translate("Delete entry") . "\" href=\"del_entry.php?id=$id\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . translate("Are you sure you want to delete this entry?") . "\\n\\n" . translate("This will delete this entry for all users.") . "');\"><img src=\"delete.gif\" alt=\"" . translate("Delete entry") . "\" style=\"border-width:0px; width:10px; height:10px;\" /></a>"; return $ret; }
/** * Prints all the calendar entries for the specified user for the specified date. * * If we are displaying data from someone other than * the logged in user, then check the access permission of the entry. * * @param string $date Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $user Username * @param bool $ssi Is this being called from week_ssi.php? */ function print_date_entries ( $date, $user, $ssi ) { global $events, $readonly, $is_admin, $login, $public_access, $public_access_can_add, $cat_id; $cnt = 0; $get_unapproved = ( $GLOBALS["DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED"] == "Y" ); // public access events always must be approved before being displayed if ( $user == "__public__" ) $get_unapproved = false;
$year = substr ( $date, 0, 4 ); $month = substr ( $date, 4, 2 ); $day = substr ( $date, 6, 2 ); $dateu = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ); $can_add = ( $readonly == "N" || $is_admin ); if ( $public_access == "Y" && $public_access_can_add != "Y" && $login == "__public__" ) $can_add = false; if ( $readonly == 'Y' ) $can_add = false; if ( ! $ssi && $can_add ) { print "<a title=\"" . translate("New Entry") . "\" href=\"edit_entry.php?"; if ( strcmp ( $user, $GLOBALS["login"] ) ) print "user=$user&"; if ( ! empty ( $cat_id ) ) print "cat_id=$cat_id&"; print "date=$date\"><img src=\"new.gif\" alt=\"" . translate("New Entry") . "\" class=\"new\" /></a>"; $cnt++; } if ( ! $ssi ) { echo "<a class=\"dayofmonth\" href=\"day.php?"; if ( strcmp ( $user, $GLOBALS["login"] ) ) echo "user=$user&"; if ( ! empty ( $cat_id ) ) echo "cat_id=$cat_id&"; echo "date=$date\">$day</a>"; if ( $GLOBALS["DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER"] == "Y" && date ( "w", $dateu ) == $GLOBALS["WEEK_START"] ) { echo " <a title=\"" . translate("Week") . " " . week_number ( $dateu ) . "\" href=\"week.php?date=$date"; if ( strcmp ( $user, $GLOBALS["login"] ) ) echo "&user=$user"; if ( ! empty ( $cat_id ) ) echo "&cat_id=$cat_id"; echo "\" class=\"weeknumber\">"; echo "(" . translate("Week") . " " . week_number ( $dateu ) . ")</a>"; } print "<br />\n"; $cnt++; } // get all the repeating events for this date and store in array $rep $rep = get_repeating_entries ( $user, $date, $get_unapproved ); $cur_rep = 0;
// get all the non-repeating events for this date and store in $ev $ev = get_entries ( $user, $date, $get_unapproved );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $ev ); $i++ ) { // print out any repeating events that are before this one... while ( $cur_rep < count ( $rep ) && $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'] < $ev[$i]['cal_time'] ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A' ) { if ( ! empty ( $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'] ) ) { $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id']; $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")"; } else { $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id']; $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name']; } print_entry ( $viewid, $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $viewname, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_category'] ); $cnt++; } $cur_rep++; } if ( $get_unapproved || $ev[$i]['cal_status'] == 'A' ) { if ( ! empty ( $ev[$i]['cal_ext_for_id'] ) ) { $viewid = $ev[$i]['cal_ext_for_id']; $viewname = $ev[$i]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")"; } else { $viewid = $ev[$i]['cal_id']; $viewname = $ev[$i]['cal_name']; } print_entry ( $viewid, $date, $ev[$i]['cal_time'], $ev[$i]['cal_duration'], $viewname, $ev[$i]['cal_description'], $ev[$i]['cal_status'], $ev[$i]['cal_priority'], $ev[$i]['cal_access'], $ev[$i]['cal_login'], $ev[$i]['cal_category'] ); $cnt++; } } // print out any remaining repeating events while ( $cur_rep < count ( $rep ) ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A' ) { if ( ! empty ( $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'] ) ) { $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id']; $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")"; } else { $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id']; $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name']; } print_entry ( $viewid, $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $viewname, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_category'] ); $cnt++; } $cur_rep++; } if ( $cnt == 0 ) echo " "; // so the table cell has at least something }
/** * Checks to see if two events overlap. * * @param string $time1 Time 1 in HHMMSS format * @param int $duration1 Duration 1 in minutes * @param string $time2 Time 2 in HHMMSS format * @param int $duration2 Duration 2 in minutes * * @return bool True if the two times overlap, false if they do not */ function times_overlap ( $time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2 ) { //echo "times_overlap ( $time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2 )<br />\n"; $hour1 = (int) ( $time1 / 10000 ); $min1 = ( $time1 / 100 ) % 100; $hour2 = (int) ( $time2 / 10000 ); $min2 = ( $time2 / 100 ) % 100; // convert to minutes since midnight // remove 1 minute from duration so 9AM-10AM will not conflict with 10AM-11AM if ( $duration1 > 0 ) $duration1 -= 1; if ( $duration2 > 0 ) $duration2 -= 1; $tmins1start = $hour1 * 60 + $min1; $tmins1end = $tmins1start + $duration1; $tmins2start = $hour2 * 60 + $min2; $tmins2end = $tmins2start + $duration2; //echo "tmins1start=$tmins1start, tmins1end=$tmins1end, tmins2start=$tmins2start, tmins2end=$tmins2end<br />\n"; if ( ( $tmins1start >= $tmins2end ) || ( $tmins2start >= $tmins1end ) ) return false; return true; }
/** * Checks for conflicts. * * Find overlaps between an array of dates and the other dates in the database. * * Limits on number of appointments: if enabled in System Settings * (<var>$limit_appts</var> global variable), too many appointments can also * generate a scheduling conflict. * * @todo Update this to handle exceptions to repeating events * * @param array $dates Array of dates in YYYYMMDD format that is * checked for overlaps. * @param int $duration Event duration in minutes * @param int $hour Hour of event (0-23) * @param int $minute Minute of the event (0-59) * @param array $participants Array of users whose calendars are to be checked * @param string $login The current user name * @param int $id Current event id (this keeps overlaps from * wrongly checking an event against itself) * * @return Empty string for no conflicts or return the HTML of the * conflicts when one or more are found. */ function check_for_conflicts ( $dates, $duration, $hour, $minute, $participants, $login, $id ) { global $single_user_login, $single_user; global $repeated_events, $limit_appts, $limit_appts_number; if (!count($dates)) return false;
$evtcnt = array ();
$sql = "SELECT distinct webcal_entry_user.cal_login, webcal_entry.cal_time," . "webcal_entry.cal_duration, webcal_entry.cal_name, " . "webcal_entry.cal_id, webcal_entry.cal_ext_for_id, " . "webcal_entry.cal_access, " . "webcal_entry_user.cal_status, webcal_entry.cal_date " . "FROM webcal_entry, webcal_entry_user " . "WHERE webcal_entry.cal_id = webcal_entry_user.cal_id " . "AND ("; for ($x = 0; $x < count($dates); $x++) { if ($x != 0) $sql .= " OR "; $sql.="webcal_entry.cal_date = " . date ( "Ymd", $dates[$x] ); } $sql .= ") AND webcal_entry.cal_time >= 0 " . "AND webcal_entry_user.cal_status IN ('A','W') AND ( "; if ( $single_user == "Y" ) { $participants[0] = $single_user_login; } else if ( strlen ( $participants[0] ) == 0 ) { // likely called from a form with 1 user $participants[0] = $login; } for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $participants ); $i++ ) { if ( $i > 0 ) $sql .= " OR "; $sql .= " webcal_entry_user.cal_login = '" . $participants[$i] . "'"; } $sql .= " )"; // make sure we don't get something past the end date of the // event we are saving. //echo "SQL: $sql<br />\n"; $conflicts = ""; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); $found = array(); $count = 0; if ( $res ) { $time1 = sprintf ( "%d%02d00", $hour, $minute ); $duration1 = sprintf ( "%d", $duration ); while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { //Add to an array to see if it has been found already for the next part. $found[$count++] = $row[4]; // see if either event overlaps one another if ( $row[4] != $id && ( empty ( $row[5] ) || $row[5] != $id ) ) { $time2 = $row[1]; $duration2 = $row[2]; $cntkey = $row[0] . "-" . $row[8]; if ( empty ( $evtcnt[$cntkey] ) ) $evtcnt[$cntkey] = 0; else $evtcnt[$cntkey]++; $over_limit = 0; if ( $limit_appts == "Y" && $limit_appts_number > 0 && $evtcnt[$cntkey] >= $limit_appts_number ) { $over_limit = 1; } if ( $over_limit || times_overlap ( $time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2 ) ) { $conflicts .= "<li>"; if ( $single_user != "Y" ) $conflicts .= "$row[0]: "; if ( $row[6] == 'R' && $row[0] != $login ) $conflicts .= "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; else { $conflicts .= "<a href=\"view_entry.php?id=$row[4]"; if ( $row[0] != $login ) $conflicts .= "&user=$row[0]"; $conflicts .= "\">$row[3]</a>"; } if ( $duration2 == ( 24 * 60 ) ) { $conflicts .= " (" . translate("All day event") . ")"; } else { $conflicts .= " (" . display_time ( $time2 ); if ( $duration2 > 0 ) $conflicts .= "-" . display_time ( add_duration ( $time2, $duration2 ) ); $conflicts .= ")"; } $conflicts .= " on " . date_to_str( $row[8] ); if ( $over_limit ) { $tmp = translate ( "exceeds limit of XXX events per day" ); $tmp = str_replace ( "XXX", $limit_appts_number, $tmp ); $conflicts .= " (" . $tmp . ")"; } $conflicts .= "</li>\n"; } } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else { echo translate("Database error") . ": " . dbi_error (); exit; } //echo "<br />\nhello"; for ($q=0;$q<count($participants);$q++) { $time1 = sprintf ( "%d%02d00", $hour, $minute ); $duration1 = sprintf ( "%d", $duration ); //This date filter is not necessary for functional reasons, but it eliminates some of the //events that couldn't possibly match. This could be made much more complex to put more //of the searching work onto the database server, or it could be dropped all together to put //the searching work onto the client. $date_filter = "AND (webcal_entry.cal_date <= " . date("Ymd",$dates[count($dates)-1]); $date_filter .= " AND (webcal_entry_repeats.cal_end IS NULL OR webcal_entry_repeats.cal_end >= " . date("Ymd",$dates[0]) . "))"; //Read repeated events for the participants only once for a participant for //for performance reasons. $repeated_events=query_events($participants[$q],true,$date_filter); //for ($dd=0; $dd<count($repeated_events); $dd++) { // echo $repeated_events[$dd]['cal_id'] . "<br />"; //} for ($i=0; $i < count($dates); $i++) { $dateYmd = date ( "Ymd", $dates[$i] ); $list = get_repeating_entries($participants[$q],$dateYmd); $thisyear = substr($dateYmd, 0, 4); $thismonth = substr($dateYmd, 4, 2); for ($j=0; $j < count($list);$j++) { //okay we've narrowed it down to a day, now I just gotta check the time... //I hope this is right... $row = $list[$j]; if ( $row['cal_id'] != $id && ( empty ( $row['cal_ext_for_id'] ) || $row['cal_ext_for_id'] != $id ) ) { $time2 = $row['cal_time']; $duration2 = $row['cal_duration']; if ( times_overlap ( $time1, $duration1, $time2, $duration2 ) ) { $conflicts .= "<li>"; if ( $single_user != "Y" ) $conflicts .= $row['cal_login'] . ": "; if ( $row['cal_access'] == 'R' && $row['cal_login'] != $login ) $conflicts .= "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; else { $conflicts .= "<a href=\"view_entry.php?id=" . $row['cal_id']; if ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login ) $conflicts .= "&user=$user"; $conflicts .= "\">" . $row['cal_name'] . "</a>"; } $conflicts .= " (" . display_time ( $time2 ); if ( $duration2 > 0 ) $conflicts .= "-" . display_time ( add_duration ( $time2, $duration2 ) ); $conflicts .= ")"; $conflicts .= " on " . date("l, F j, Y", $dates[$i]); $conflicts .= "</li>\n"; } } } } } return $conflicts; }
/** * Converts a time format HHMMSS (like 130000 for 1PM) into number of minutes past midnight. * * @param string $time Input time in HHMMSS format * * @return int The number of minutes since midnight */ function time_to_minutes ( $time ) { $h = (int) ( $time / 10000 ); $m = (int) ( $time / 100 ) % 100; $num = $h * 60 + $m; return $num; }
/** * Calculates which row/slot this time represents. * * This is used in day and week views where hours of the time are separeted * into different cells in a table. * * <b>Note:</b> the global variable <var>$TIME_SLOTS</var> is used to determine * how many time slots there are and how many minutes each is. This variable * is defined user preferences (or defaulted to admin system settings). * * @param string $time Input time in HHMMSS format * @param bool $round_down Should we change 1100 to 1059? * (This will make sure a 10AM-100AM appointment just * shows up in the 10AM slow and not in the 11AM slot * also.) * * @return int The time slot index */ function calc_time_slot ( $time, $round_down = false ) { global $TIME_SLOTS, $TZ_OFFSET;
$interval = ( 24 * 60 ) / $TIME_SLOTS; $mins_since_midnight = time_to_minutes ( $time ); $ret = (int) ( $mins_since_midnight / $interval ); if ( $round_down ) { if ( $ret * $interval == $mins_since_midnight ) $ret--; } //echo "$mins_since_midnight / $interval = $ret <br />\n"; if ( $ret > $TIME_SLOTS ) $ret = $TIME_SLOTS;
//echo "<br />\ncalc_time_slot($time) = $ret <br />\nTIME_SLOTS = $TIME_SLOTS<br />\n"; return $ret; }
/** * Generates the HTML for an icon to add a new event. * * @param string $date Date for new event in YYYYMMDD format * @param int $hour Hour of day (0-23) * @param int $minute Minute of the hour (0-59) * @param string $user Participant to initially select for new event * * @return string The HTML for the add event icon */ function html_for_add_icon ( $date=0,$hour="", $minute="", $user="" ) { global $TZ_OFFSET; global $login, $readonly, $cat_id; $u_url = '';
if ( $readonly == 'Y' ) return '';
if ( $minute < 0 ) { $minute = abs($minute); $hour = $hour -1; } if ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login ) $u_url = "user=$user&"; if ( isset ( $hour ) && $hour != NULL ) $hour += $TZ_OFFSET; return "<a title=\"" . translate("New Entry") . "\" href=\"edit_entry.php?" . $u_url . "date=$date" . ( isset ( $hour ) && $hour != NULL && $hour >= 0 ? "&hour=$hour" : "" ) . ( $minute > 0 ? "&minute=$minute" : "" ) . ( empty ( $user ) ? "" : "&defusers=$user" ) . ( empty ( $cat_id ) ? "" : "&cat_id=$cat_id" ) . "\"><img src=\"new.gif\" class=\"new\" alt=\"" . translate("New Entry") . "\" /></a>\n"; }
/** * Generates the HTML for an event to be viewed in the week-at-glance (week.php). * * The HTML will be stored in an array (global variable $hour_arr) * indexed on the event's starting hour. * * @param int $id Event id * @param string $date Date of event in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $time Time of event in HHMM format * @param string $name Brief description of event * @param string $description Full description of event * @param string $status Status of event ('A', 'W') * @param int $pri Priority of event * @param string $access Access to event by others ('P', 'R') * @param int $duration Duration of event in minutes * @param string $event_owner User who created event * @param int $event_category Category id for event */ function html_for_event_week_at_a_glance ( $id, $date, $time, $name, $description, $status, $pri, $access, $duration, $event_owner, $event_category=-1 ) { global $first_slot, $last_slot, $hour_arr, $rowspan_arr, $rowspan, $eventinfo, $login, $user; static $key = 0; global $DISPLAY_ICONS, $PHP_SELF, $TIME_SLOTS; global $layers;
$popupid = "eventinfo-day-$id-$key"; $key++; // Figure out which time slot it goes in. if ( $time >= 0 && $duration != ( 24 * 60 ) ) { $ind = calc_time_slot ( $time ); if ( $ind < $first_slot ) $first_slot = $ind; if ( $ind > $last_slot ) $last_slot = $ind; } else $ind = 9999;
if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { $class = "layerentry"; } else { $class = "entry"; if ( $status == "W" ) $class = "unapprovedentry"; } // if we are looking at a view, then always use "entry" if ( strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_m.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_w.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_v.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_t.php" ) ) $class = "entry";
// avoid php warning for undefined array index if ( empty ( $hour_arr[$ind] ) ) $hour_arr[$ind] = "";
$catIcon = "icons/cat-" . $event_category . ".gif"; if ( $event_category > 0 && file_exists ( $catIcon ) ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= "<img src=\"$catIcon\" alt=\"$catIcon\" />"; }
$hour_arr[$ind] .= "<a title=\"" . translate("View this entry") . "\" class=\"$class\" href=\"view_entry.php?id=$id&date=$date"; if ( strlen ( $GLOBALS["user"] ) > 0 ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "&user=" . $GLOBALS["user"]; $hour_arr[$ind] .= "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" . translate("View this entry") . "'; show(event, '$popupid'); return true;\" onmouseout=\"hide('$popupid'); return true;\">"; if ( $pri == 3 ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "<strong>";
if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { if ($layers) foreach ($layers as $layer) { if ( $layer['cal_layeruser'] == $event_owner ) { $in_span = true; $hour_arr[$ind] .= "<span style=\"color:" . $layer['cal_color'] . ";\">"; } } } if ( $duration == ( 24 * 60 ) ) { $timestr = translate("All day event"); } else if ( $time >= 0 ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= display_time ( $time ) . "» "; $timestr = display_time ( $time ); if ( $duration > 0 ) { // calc end time $h = (int) ( $time / 10000 ); $m = ( $time / 100 ) % 100; $m += $duration; $d = $duration; while ( $m >= 60 ) { $h++; $m -= 60; } $end_time = sprintf ( "%02d%02d00", $h, $m ); $timestr .= "-" . display_time ( $end_time ); } else { $end_time = 0; } if ( empty ( $rowspan_arr[$ind] ) ) $rowspan_arr[$ind] = 0; // avoid warning below // which slot is end time in? take one off so we don't // show 11:00-12:00 as taking up both 11 and 12 slots. $endind = calc_time_slot ( $end_time, true ); if ( $endind == $ind ) $rowspan = 0; else $rowspan = $endind - $ind + 1; if ( $rowspan > $rowspan_arr[$ind] && $rowspan > 1 ) $rowspan_arr[$ind] = $rowspan; } else { $timestr = ""; }
// avoid php warning of undefined index when using .= below if ( empty ( $hour_arr[$ind] ) ) $hour_arr[$ind] = "";
if ( $login != $user && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $user ) ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; } else if ( $login != $event_owner && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; } else if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= htmlspecialchars ( $name ); if ( ! empty ( $in_span ) ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "</span>"; //end color span } else { $hour_arr[$ind] .= htmlspecialchars ( $name ); }
if ( $pri == 3 ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "</strong>"; //end font-weight span $hour_arr[$ind] .= "</a>"; //if ( $DISPLAY_ICONS == "Y" ) { // $hour_arr[$ind] .= icon_text ( $id, true, true ); //} $hour_arr[$ind] .= "<br />\n"; if ( $login != $user && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $user ) ) { $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, translate("This event is confidential"), "" ); } else if ( $login != $event_owner && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, translate("This event is confidential"), "" ); } else { $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, $description, $timestr, site_extras_for_popup ( $id ) ); } }
/** * Generates the HTML for an event to be viewed in the day-at-glance (day.php). * * The HTML will be stored in an array (global variable $hour_arr) * indexed on the event's starting hour. * * @param int $id Event id * @param string $date Date of event in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $time Time of event in HHMM format * @param string $name Brief description of event * @param string $description Full description of event * @param string $status Status of event ('A', 'W') * @param int $pri Priority of event * @param string $access Access to event by others ('P', 'R') * @param int $duration Duration of event in minutes * @param string $event_owner User who created event * @param int $event_category Category id for event */ function html_for_event_day_at_a_glance ( $id, $date, $time, $name, $description, $status, $pri, $access, $duration, $event_owner, $event_category=-1 ) { global $first_slot, $last_slot, $hour_arr, $rowspan_arr, $rowspan, $eventinfo, $login, $user; static $key = 0; global $layers, $PHP_SELF, $TIME_SLOTS, $TZ_OFFSET;
$popupid = "eventinfo-day-$id-$key"; $key++;
if ( $login != $user && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $user ) ) $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, translate("This event is confidential"), "" ); else if ( $login != $event_owner && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, translate("This event is confidential"), "" ); else $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, $description, "", site_extras_for_popup ( $id ) );
// calculate slot length in minutes $interval = ( 60 * 24 ) / $TIME_SLOTS;
// If TZ_OFFSET make this event before the start of the day or // after the end of the day, adjust the time slot accordingly. if ( $time >= 0 && $duration != ( 24 * 60 ) ) { if ( $time + ( $TZ_OFFSET * 10000 ) > 240000 ) $time -= 240000; else if ( $time + ( $TZ_OFFSET * 10000 ) < 0 ) $time += 240000; $ind = calc_time_slot ( $time ); if ( $ind < $first_slot ) $first_slot = $ind; if ( $ind > $last_slot ) $last_slot = $ind; } else $ind = 9999; //echo "time = $time <br />\nind = $ind <br />\nfirst_slot = $first_slot<br />\n";
if ( empty ( $hour_arr[$ind] ) ) $hour_arr[$ind] = "";
if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { $class = "layerentry"; } else { $class = "entry"; if ( $status == "W" ) $class = "unapprovedentry"; } // if we are looking at a view, then always use "entry" if ( strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_m.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_w.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_v.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_t.php" ) ) $class = "entry";
$catIcon = "icons/cat-" . $event_category . ".gif"; if ( $event_category > 0 && file_exists ( $catIcon ) ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= "<img src=\"$catIcon\" alt=\"$catIcon\" />"; }
$hour_arr[$ind] .= "<a title=\"" . translate("View this entry") . "\" class=\"$class\" href=\"view_entry.php?id=$id&date=$date"; if ( strlen ( $GLOBALS["user"] ) > 0 ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "&user=" . $GLOBALS["user"]; $hour_arr[$ind] .= "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" . translate("View this entry") . "'; show(event, '$popupid'); return true;\" onmouseout=\"hide('$popupid'); return true;\">"; if ( $pri == 3 ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "<strong>";
if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { if ($layers) foreach ($layers as $layer) { if ( $layer['cal_layeruser'] == $event_owner) { $in_span = true; $hour_arr[$ind] .= "<span style=\"color:" . $layer['cal_color'] . ";\">"; } } }
if ( $duration == ( 24 * 60 ) ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= "[" . translate("All day event") . "] "; } else if ( $time >= 0 ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= "[" . display_time ( $time ); if ( $duration > 0 ) { // calc end time $h = (int) ( $time / 10000 ); $m = ( $time / 100 ) % 100; $m += $duration; $d = $duration; while ( $m >= 60 ) { $h++; $m -= 60; } $end_time = sprintf ( "%02d%02d00", $h, $m ); $hour_arr[$ind] .= "-" . display_time ( $end_time ); // which slot is end time in? take one off so we don't // show 11:00-12:00 as taking up both 11 and 12 slots. $endind = calc_time_slot ( $end_time, true ); if ( $endind == $ind ) $rowspan = 0; else $rowspan = $endind - $ind + 1; if ( ! isset ( $rowspan_arr[$ind] ) ) $rowspan_arr[$ind] = 0; if ( $rowspan > $rowspan_arr[$ind] && $rowspan > 1 ) $rowspan_arr[$ind] = $rowspan; } $hour_arr[$ind] .= "] "; } if ( $login != $user && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $user ) ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; else if ( $login != $event_owner && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; else if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= htmlspecialchars ( $name ); if ( ! empty ( $in_span ) ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "</span>"; //end color span }
else $hour_arr[$ind] .= htmlspecialchars ( $name ); if ( $pri == 3 ) $hour_arr[$ind] .= "</strong>"; //end font-weight span
$hour_arr[$ind] .= "</a>"; if ( $GLOBALS["DISPLAY_DESC_PRINT_DAY"] == "Y" ) { $hour_arr[$ind] .= "\n<dl class=\"desc\">\n"; $hour_arr[$ind] .= "<dt>Description:</dt>\n<dd>"; $hour_arr[$ind] .= htmlspecialchars ( $description ); $hour_arr[$ind] .= "</dd>\n</dl>\n"; }
$hour_arr[$ind] .= "<br />\n"; }
/** * Prints all the calendar entries for the specified user for the specified date in day-at-a-glance format. * * If we are displaying data from someone other than * the logged in user, then check the access permission of the entry. * * @param string $date Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $user Username of calendar */ function print_day_at_a_glance ( $date, $user, $can_add=0 ) { global $first_slot, $last_slot, $hour_arr, $rowspan_arr, $rowspan; global $TABLEBG, $CELLBG, $TODAYCELLBG, $THFG, $THBG, $TIME_SLOTS, $TZ_OFFSET; global $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR, $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR; global $repeated_events; $get_unapproved = ( $GLOBALS["DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED"] == "Y" ); if ( $user == "__public__" ) $get_unapproved = false; if ( empty ( $TIME_SLOTS ) ) { echo "Error: TIME_SLOTS undefined!<br />\n"; return; }
// $interval is number of minutes per slot $interval = ( 24 * 60 ) / $TIME_SLOTS; $rowspan_arr = array (); for ( $i = 0; $i < $TIME_SLOTS; $i++ ) { $rowspan_arr[$i] = 0; }
// get all the repeating events for this date and store in array $rep $rep = get_repeating_entries ( $user, $date ); $cur_rep = 0;
// Get static non-repeating events $ev = get_entries ( $user, $date, $get_unapproved ); $hour_arr = array (); $interval = ( 24 * 60 ) / $TIME_SLOTS; $first_slot = (int) ( ( ( $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR - $TZ_OFFSET ) * 60 ) / $interval ); $last_slot = (int) ( ( ( $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR - $TZ_OFFSET ) * 60 ) / $interval); //echo "first_slot = $first_slot<br />\nlast_slot = $last_slot<br />\ninterval = $interval<br />\nTIME_SLOTS = $TIME_SLOTS<br />\n"; $rowspan_arr = array (); $all_day = 0; for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $ev ); $i++ ) { // print out any repeating events that are before this one... while ( $cur_rep < count ( $rep ) && $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'] < $ev[$i]['cal_time'] ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A' ) { if ( ! empty ( $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'] ) ) { $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id']; $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")"; } else { $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id']; $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name']; } if ( $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'] == ( 24 * 60 ) ) $all_day = 1; html_for_event_day_at_a_glance ( $viewid, $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $viewname, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_category'] ); } $cur_rep++; } if ( $get_unapproved || $ev[$i]['cal_status'] == 'A' ) { if ( ! empty ( $ev[$i]['cal_ext_for_id'] ) ) { $viewid = $ev[$i]['cal_ext_for_id']; $viewname = $ev[$i]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")"; } else { $viewid = $ev[$i]['cal_id']; $viewname = $ev[$i]['cal_name']; } if ( $ev[$i]['cal_duration'] == ( 24 * 60 ) ) $all_day = 1; html_for_event_day_at_a_glance ( $viewid, $date, $ev[$i]['cal_time'], $viewname, $ev[$i]['cal_description'], $ev[$i]['cal_status'], $ev[$i]['cal_priority'], $ev[$i]['cal_access'], $ev[$i]['cal_duration'], $ev[$i]['cal_login'], $ev[$i]['cal_category'] ); } } // print out any remaining repeating events while ( $cur_rep < count ( $rep ) ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A' ) { if ( ! empty ( $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'] ) ) { $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id']; $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")"; } else { $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id']; $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name']; } if ( $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'] == ( 24 * 60 ) ) $all_day = 1; html_for_event_day_at_a_glance ( $viewid, $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $viewname, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_category'] ); } $cur_rep++; }
// squish events that use the same cell into the same cell. // For example, an event from 8:00-9:15 and another from 9:30-9:45 both // want to show up in the 8:00-9:59 cell. $rowspan = 0; $last_row = -1; //echo "First SLot: $first_slot; Last Slot: $last_slot<br />\n"; $i = 0; if ( $first_slot < 0 ) $i = $first_slot; for ( ; $i < $TIME_SLOTS; $i++ ) { if ( $rowspan > 1 ) { if ( ! empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) { $diff_start_time = $i - $last_row; if ( $rowspan_arr[$i] > 1 ) { if ( $rowspan_arr[$i] + ( $diff_start_time ) > $rowspan_arr[$last_row] ) { $rowspan_arr[$last_row] = ( $rowspan_arr[$i] + ( $diff_start_time ) ); } $rowspan += ( $rowspan_arr[$i] - 1 ); } else { $rowspan_arr[$last_row] += $rowspan_arr[$i]; } // this will move entries apart that appear in one field, // yet start on different hours for ( $u = $diff_start_time ; $u > 0 ; $u-- ) { $hour_arr[$last_row] .= "<br />\n"; } $hour_arr[$last_row] .= $hour_arr[$i]; $hour_arr[$i] = ""; $rowspan_arr[$i] = 0; } $rowspan--; } else if ( ! empty ( $rowspan_arr[$i] ) && $rowspan_arr[$i] > 1 ) { $rowspan = $rowspan_arr[$i]; $last_row = $i; } } if ( ! empty ( $hour_arr[9999] ) ) { echo "<tr><th class=\"empty\"> </th>\n" . "<td class=\"hasevents\">$hour_arr[9999]</td></tr>\n"; } $rowspan = 0; //echo "first_slot = $first_slot<br />\nlast_slot = $last_slot<br />\ninterval = $interval<br />\n"; for ( $i = $first_slot; $i <= $last_slot; $i++ ) { $time_h = (int) ( ( $i * $interval ) / 60 ); $time_m = ( $i * $interval ) % 60; $time = display_time ( ( $time_h * 100 + $time_m ) * 100 ); echo "<tr>\n<th class=\"row\">" . $time . "</th>\n"; if ( $rowspan > 1 ) { // this might mean there's an overlap, or it could mean one event // ends at 11:15 and another starts at 11:30. if ( ! empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) { echo "<td class=\"hasevents\">"; if ( $can_add ) echo html_for_add_icon ( $date, $time_h, $time_m, $user ); echo "$hour_arr[$i]</td>\n"; } $rowspan--; } else { if ( empty ( $hour_arr[$i] ) ) { echo "<td>"; if ( $can_add ) { echo html_for_add_icon ( $date, $time_h, $time_m, $user ) . "</td>"; } else { echo " </td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } else { if ( empty ( $rowspan_arr[$i] ) ) $rowspan = ''; else $rowspan = $rowspan_arr[$i]; if ( $rowspan > 1 ) { echo "<td rowspan=\"$rowspan\" class=\"hasevents\">"; if ( $can_add ) echo html_for_add_icon ( $date, $time_h, $time_m, $user ); echo "$hour_arr[$i]</td></tr>\n"; } else { echo "<td class=\"hasevents\">"; if ( $can_add ) echo html_for_add_icon ( $date, $time_h, $time_m, $user ); echo "$hour_arr[$i]</td></tr>\n"; } } } } }
/** * Checks for any unnaproved events. * * If any are found, display a link to the unapproved events (where they can be * approved). * * If the user is an admin user, also count up any public events. * If the user is a nonuser admin, count up events on the nonuser calendar. * * @param string $user Current user login */ function display_unapproved_events ( $user ) { global $public_access, $is_admin, $nonuser_enabled, $login;
// Don't do this for public access login, admin user must approve public // events if ( $user == "__public__" ) return;
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(webcal_entry_user.cal_id) " . "FROM webcal_entry_user, webcal_entry " . "WHERE webcal_entry_user.cal_id = webcal_entry.cal_id " . "AND webcal_entry_user.cal_status = 'W' " . "AND ( webcal_entry.cal_ext_for_id IS NULL " . "OR webcal_entry.cal_ext_for_id = 0 ) " . "AND ( webcal_entry_user.cal_login = '$user'"; if ( $public_access == "Y" && $is_admin ) { $sql .= " OR webcal_entry_user.cal_login = '__public__'"; } if ( $nonuser_enabled == 'Y' ) { $admincals = get_nonuser_cals ( $login ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $admincals ); $i++ ) { $sql .= " OR webcal_entry_user.cal_login = '" . $admincals[$i]['cal_login'] . "'"; } } $sql .= " )"; //print "SQL: $sql<br />\n"; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); if ( $res ) { if ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { if ( $row[0] > 0 ) { $str = translate ("You have XXX unapproved events"); $str = str_replace ( "XXX", $row[0], $str ); echo "<a class=\"nav\" href=\"list_unapproved.php"; if ( $user != $login ) echo "?user=$user\""; echo "\">" . $str . "</a><br />\n"; } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } }
/** * Looks for URLs in the given text, and makes them into links. * * @param string $text Input text * * @return string The text altered to have HTML links for any web links * (http or https) */ function activate_urls ( $text ) { $str = eregi_replace ( "(http://[^[:space:]$]+)", "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>", $text ); $str = eregi_replace ( "(https://[^[:space:]$]+)", "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>", $str ); return $str; }
/** * Displays a time in either 12 or 24 hour format. * * The global variable $TZ_OFFSET is used to adjust the time. Note that this * is somewhat of a kludge for timezone support. If an event is set for 11PM * server time and the user is 2 hours ahead, it will show up as 1AM, but the * date will not be adjusted to the next day. * * @param string $time Input time in HHMMSS format * @param bool $ignore_offset If true, then do not use the timezone offset * * @return string The time in the user's timezone and preferred format * * @global int The user's timezone offset from the server */ function display_time ( $time, $ignore_offset=0 ) { global $TZ_OFFSET; $hour = (int) ( $time / 10000 ); if ( ! $ignore_offset ) $hour += $TZ_OFFSET; $min = abs( ( $time / 100 ) % 100 ); //Prevent goofy times like 8:00 9:30 9:00 10:30 10:00 if ( $time < 0 && $min > 0 ) $hour = $hour - 1; while ( $hour < 0 ) $hour += 24; while ( $hour > 23 ) $hour -= 24; if ( $GLOBALS["TIME_FORMAT"] == "12" ) { $ampm = ( $hour >= 12 ) ? translate("pm") : translate("am"); $hour %= 12; if ( $hour == 0 ) $hour = 12; $ret = sprintf ( "%d:%02d%s", $hour, $min, $ampm ); } else { $ret = sprintf ( "%d:%02d", $hour, $min ); } return $ret; }
/** * Returns the full name of the specified month. * * Use {@link month_short_name()} to get the abbreviated name of the month. * * @param int $m Number of the month (0-11) * * @return string The full name of the specified month * * @see month_short_name */ function month_name ( $m ) { switch ( $m ) { case 0: return translate("January"); case 1: return translate("February"); case 2: return translate("March"); case 3: return translate("April"); case 4: return translate("May_"); // needs to be different than "May" case 5: return translate("June"); case 6: return translate("July"); case 7: return translate("August"); case 8: return translate("September"); case 9: return translate("October"); case 10: return translate("November"); case 11: return translate("December"); } return "unknown-month($m)"; }
/** * Returns the abbreviated name of the specified month (such as "Jan"). * * Use {@link month_name()} to get the full name of the month. * * @param int $m Number of the month (0-11) * * @return string The abbreviated name of the specified month (example: "Jan") * * @see month_name */ function month_short_name ( $m ) { switch ( $m ) { case 0: return translate("Jan"); case 1: return translate("Feb"); case 2: return translate("Mar"); case 3: return translate("Apr"); case 4: return translate("May"); case 5: return translate("Jun"); case 6: return translate("Jul"); case 7: return translate("Aug"); case 8: return translate("Sep"); case 9: return translate("Oct"); case 10: return translate("Nov"); case 11: return translate("Dec"); } return "unknown-month($m)"; }
/** * Returns the full weekday name. * * Use {@link weekday_short_name()} to get the abbreviated weekday name. * * @param int $w Number of the day in the week (0=Sunday,...,6=Saturday) * * @return string The full weekday name ("Sunday") * * @see weekday_short_name */ function weekday_name ( $w ) { switch ( $w ) { case 0: return translate("Sunday"); case 1: return translate("Monday"); case 2: return translate("Tuesday"); case 3: return translate("Wednesday"); case 4: return translate("Thursday"); case 5: return translate("Friday"); case 6: return translate("Saturday"); } return "unknown-weekday($w)"; }
/** * Returns the abbreviated weekday name. * * Use {@link weekday_name()} to get the full weekday name. * * @param int $w Number of the day in the week (0=Sunday,...,6=Saturday) * * @return string The abbreviated weekday name ("Sun") */ function weekday_short_name ( $w ) { switch ( $w ) { case 0: return translate("Sun"); case 1: return translate("Mon"); case 2: return translate("Tue"); case 3: return translate("Wed"); case 4: return translate("Thu"); case 5: return translate("Fri"); case 6: return translate("Sat"); } return "unknown-weekday($w)"; }
/** * Converts a date in YYYYMMDD format into "Friday, December 31, 1999", * "Friday, 12-31-1999" or whatever format the user prefers. * * @param string $indate Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $format Format to use for date (default is "__month__ * __dd__, __yyyy__") * @param bool $show_weekday Should the day of week also be included? * @param bool $short_months Should the abbreviated month names be used * instead of the full month names? * @param int $server_time ??? * * @return string Date in the specified format * * @global string Preferred date format * @global int User's timezone offset from the server */ function date_to_str ( $indate, $format="", $show_weekday=true, $short_months=false, $server_time="" ) { global $DATE_FORMAT, $TZ_OFFSET;
if ( strlen ( $indate ) == 0 ) { $indate = date ( "Ymd" ); }
$newdate = $indate; if ( $server_time != "" && $server_time >= 0 ) { $y = substr ( $indate, 0, 4 ); $m = substr ( $indate, 4, 2 ); $d = substr ( $indate, 6, 2 ); if ( $server_time + $TZ_OFFSET * 10000 > 240000 ) { $newdate = date ( "Ymd", mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $m, $d + 1, $y ) ); } else if ( $server_time + $TZ_OFFSET * 10000 < 0 ) { $newdate = date ( "Ymd", mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $m, $d - 1, $y ) ); } }
// if they have not set a preference yet... if ( $DATE_FORMAT == "" ) $DATE_FORMAT = "__month__ __dd__, __yyyy__";
if ( empty ( $format ) ) $format = $DATE_FORMAT;
$y = (int) ( $newdate / 10000 ); $m = (int) ( $newdate / 100 ) % 100; $d = $newdate % 100; $date = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y ); $wday = strftime ( "%w", $date );
if ( $short_months ) { $weekday = weekday_short_name ( $wday ); $month = month_short_name ( $m - 1 ); } else { $weekday = weekday_name ( $wday ); $month = month_name ( $m - 1 ); } $yyyy = $y; $yy = sprintf ( "%02d", $y %= 100 );
$ret = $format; $ret = str_replace ( "__yyyy__", $yyyy, $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( "__yy__", $yy, $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( "__month__", $month, $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( "__mon__", $month, $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( "__dd__", $d, $ret ); $ret = str_replace ( "__mm__", $m, $ret );
if ( $show_weekday ) return "$weekday, $ret"; else return $ret; }
/** * Converts a hexadecimal digit to an integer. * * @param string $val Hexadecimal digit * * @return int Equivalent integer in base-10 * * @ignore */ function hextoint ( $val ) { if ( empty ( $val ) ) return 0; switch ( strtoupper ( $val ) ) { case "0": return 0; case "1": return 1; case "2": return 2; case "3": return 3; case "4": return 4; case "5": return 5; case "6": return 6; case "7": return 7; case "8": return 8; case "9": return 9; case "A": return 10; case "B": return 11; case "C": return 12; case "D": return 13; case "E": return 14; case "F": return 15; } return 0; }
/** * Extracts a user's name from a session id. * * This prevents users from begin able to edit their cookies.txt file and set * the username in plain text. * * @param string $instr A hex-encoded string. "Hello" would be "678ea786a5". * * @return string The decoded string * * @global array Array of offsets * * @see encode_string */ function decode_string ( $instr ) { global $offsets; //echo "<br />\nDECODE<br />\n"; $orig = ""; for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen ( $instr ); $i += 2 ) { //echo "<br />\n"; $ch1 = substr ( $instr, $i, 1 ); $ch2 = substr ( $instr, $i + 1, 1 ); $val = hextoint ( $ch1 ) * 16 + hextoint ( $ch2 ); //echo "decoding \"" . $ch1 . $ch2 . "\" = $val<br />\n"; $j = ( $i / 2 ) % count ( $offsets ); //echo "Using offsets $j = " . $offsets[$j] . "<br />\n"; $newval = $val - $offsets[$j] + 256; $newval %= 256; //echo " neval \"$newval\"<br />\n"; $dec_ch = chr ( $newval ); //echo " which is \"$dec_ch\"<br />\n"; $orig .= $dec_ch; } //echo "Decode string: '$orig' <br/>\n"; return $orig; }
/** * Takes an input string and encode it into a slightly encoded hexval that we * can use as a session cookie. * * @param string $instr Text to encode * * @return string The encoded text * * @global array Array of offsets * * @see decode_string */ function encode_string ( $instr ) { global $offsets; //echo "<br />\nENCODE<br />\n"; $ret = ""; for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen ( $instr ); $i++ ) { //echo "<br />\n"; $ch1 = substr ( $instr, $i, 1 ); $val = ord ( $ch1 ); //echo "val = $val for \"$ch1\"<br />\n"; $j = $i % count ( $offsets ); //echo "Using offsets $j = $offsets[$j]<br />\n"; $newval = $val + $offsets[$j]; $newval %= 256; //echo "newval = $newval for \"$ch1\"<br />\n"; $ret .= bin2hex ( chr ( $newval ) ); } return $ret; }
/** * An implementatin of array_splice() for PHP3. * * @param array $input Array to be spliced into * @param int $offset Where to begin the splice * @param int $length How long the splice should be * @param array $replacement What to splice in * * @ignore */ function my_array_splice(&$input,$offset,$length,$replacement) { if ( floor(phpversion()) < 4 ) { // if offset is negative, then it starts at the end of array if ( $offset < 0 ) $offset = count($input) + $offset;
for ($i=0;$i<$offset;$i++) { $new_array[] = $input[$i]; }
// if we have a replacement, insert it for ($i=0;$i<count($replacement);$i++) { $new_array[] = $replacement[$i]; }
// now tack on the rest of the original array for ($i=$offset+$length;$i<count($input);$i++) { $new_array[] = $input[$i]; }
$input = $new_array; } else { array_splice($input,$offset,$length,$replacement); } }
/** * Loads current user's category info and stuff it into category global * variable. * * @param string $ex_global Don't include global categories ('' or '1') */ function load_user_categories ($ex_global = '') { global $login, $user, $is_assistant; global $categories, $category_owners; global $categories_enabled, $is_admin;
$cat_owner = ( ( ! empty ( $user ) && strlen ( $user ) ) && ( $is_assistant || $is_admin ) ) ? $user : $login; $categories = array (); $category_owners = array (); if ( $categories_enabled == "Y" ) { $sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_name, cat_owner FROM webcal_categories WHERE "; $sql .= ($ex_global == '') ? " (cat_owner = '$cat_owner') OR (cat_owner IS NULL) ORDER BY cat_owner, cat_name" : " cat_owner = '$cat_owner' ORDER BY cat_name";
$res = dbi_query ( $sql ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $cat_id = $row[0]; $categories[$cat_id] = $row[1]; $category_owners[$cat_id] = $row[2]; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } } else { //echo "Categories disabled."; } }
/** * Prints dropdown HTML for categories. * * @param string $form The page to submit data to (without .php) * @param string $date Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param int $cat_id Category id that should be pre-selected */ function print_category_menu ( $form, $date = '', $cat_id = '' ) { global $categories, $category_owners, $user, $login; echo "<form action=\"{$form}.php\" method=\"get\" name=\"SelectCategory\" class=\"categories\">\n"; if ( ! empty($date) ) echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"date\" value=\"$date\" />\n"; if ( ! empty ( $user ) && $user != $login ) echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user\" value=\"$user\" />\n"; echo translate ("Category") . ": <select name=\"cat_id\" onchange=\"document.SelectCategory.submit()\">\n"; echo "<option value=\"\""; if ( $cat_id == '' ) echo " selected=\"selected\""; echo ">" . translate("All") . "</option>\n"; $cat_owner = ( ! empty ( $user ) && strlen ( $user ) ) ? $user : $login; if ( is_array ( $categories ) ) { foreach ( $categories as $K => $V ){ if ( $cat_owner || empty ( $category_owners[$K] ) ) { echo "<option value=\"$K\""; if ( $cat_id == $K ) echo " selected=\"selected\""; echo ">$V</option>\n"; } } } echo "</select>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "<span id=\"cat\">" . translate ("Category") . ": "; echo ( strlen ( $cat_id ) ? $categories[$cat_id] : translate ('All') ) . "</span>\n"; }
/** * Converts HTML entities in 8bit. * * <b>Note:</b> Only supported for PHP4 (not PHP3). * * @param string $html HTML text * * @return string The converted text */ function html_to_8bits ( $html ) { if ( floor(phpversion()) < 4 ) { return $html; } else { return strtr ( $html, array_flip ( get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES) ) ); } }
// *********************************************************************** // Functions for getting information about boss and their assistant. // ***********************************************************************
/** * Gets a list of an assistant's boss from the webcal_asst table. * * @param string $assistant Login of assistant * * @return array Array of bosses, where each boss is an array with the following * fields: * - <var>cal_login</var> * - <var>cal_fullname</var> */ function user_get_boss_list ( $assistant ) { global $bosstemp_fullname;
$res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_boss " . "FROM webcal_asst " . "WHERE cal_assistant = '$assistant'" ); $count = 0; $ret = array (); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { user_load_variables ( $row[0], "bosstemp_" ); $ret[$count++] = array ( "cal_login" => $row[0], "cal_fullname" => $bosstemp_fullname ); } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $ret; }
/** * Is this user an assistant of this boss? * * @param string $assistant Login of potential assistant * @param string $boss Login of potential boss * * @return bool True or false */ function user_is_assistant ( $assistant, $boss ) { $ret = false;
if ( empty ( $boss ) ) return false; $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_asst " . "WHERE cal_assistant = '$assistant' AND cal_boss = '$boss'" ); if ( $res ) { if ( dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) $ret = true; dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $ret; }
/** * Is this user an assistant? * * @param string $assistant Login for user * * @return bool true if the user is an assistant to one or more bosses */ function user_has_boss ( $assistant ) { $ret = false; $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_asst " . "WHERE cal_assistant = '$assistant'" ); if ( $res ) { if ( dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) $ret = true; dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $ret; }
/** * Checks the boss user preferences to see if the boss wants to be notified via * email on changes to their calendar. * * @param string $assistant Assistant login * @param string $boss Boss login * * @return bool True if the boss wants email notifications */ function boss_must_be_notified ( $assistant, $boss ) { if (user_is_assistant ( $assistant, $boss ) ) return ( get_pref_setting ( $boss, "EMAIL_ASSISTANT_EVENTS" )=="Y" ? true : false ); return true; }
/** * Checks the boss user preferences to see if the boss must approve events * added to their calendar. * * @param string $assistant Assistant login * @param string $boss Boss login * * @return bool True if the boss must approve new events */ function boss_must_approve_event ( $assistant, $boss ) { if (user_is_assistant ( $assistant, $boss ) ) return ( get_pref_setting ( $boss, "APPROVE_ASSISTANT_EVENT" )=="Y" ? true : false ); return true; }
/** * Fakes an email for testing purposes. * * @param string $mailto Email address to send mail to * @param string $subj Subject of email * @param string $text Email body * @param string $hdrs Other email headers * * @ignore */ function fake_mail ( $mailto, $subj, $text, $hdrs ) { echo "To: $mailto <br />\n" . "Subject: $subj <br />\n" . nl2br ( $hdrs ) . "<br />\n" . nl2br ( $text ); }
/** * Prints all the entries in a time bar format for the specified user for the * specified date. * * If we are displaying data from someone other than the logged in user, then * check the access permission of the entry. * * @param string $date Date in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $user Username * @param bool $ssi Should we not include links to add new events? */ function print_date_entries_timebar ( $date, $user, $ssi ) { global $events, $readonly, $is_admin, $public_access, $public_access_can_add; $cnt = 0; $get_unapproved = ( $GLOBALS["DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED"] == "Y" ); // public access events always must be approved before being displayed if ( $GLOBALS["login"] == "__public__" ) $get_unapproved = false;
$year = substr ( $date, 0, 4 ); $month = substr ( $date, 4, 2 ); $day = substr ( $date, 6, 2 ); $dateu = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year );
$can_add = ( $readonly == "N" || $is_admin ); if ( $public_access == "Y" && $public_access_can_add != "Y" && $GLOBALS["login"] == "__public__" ) $can_add = false;
// get all the repeating events for this date and store in array $rep $rep = get_repeating_entries ( $user, $date ) ; $cur_rep = 0;
// get all the non-repeating events for this date and store in $ev $ev = get_entries ( $user, $date, $get_unapproved );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $ev ); $i++ ) { // print out any repeating events that are before this one... while ( $cur_rep < count ( $rep ) && $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'] < $ev[$i]['cal_time'] ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A' ) { print_entry_timebar ( $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id'], $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_category'] ); $cnt++; } $cur_rep++; } if ( $get_unapproved || $ev[$i]['cal_status'] == 'A' ) { print_entry_timebar ( $ev[$i]['cal_id'], $date, $ev[$i]['cal_time'], $ev[$i]['cal_duration'], $ev[$i]['cal_name'], $ev[$i]['cal_description'], $ev[$i]['cal_status'], $ev[$i]['cal_priority'], $ev[$i]['cal_access'], $ev[$i]['cal_login'], $ev[$i]['cal_category'] ); $cnt++; } } // print out any remaining repeating events while ( $cur_rep < count ( $rep ) ) { if ( $get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A' ) { print_entry_timebar ( $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id'], $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_category'] ); $cnt++; } $cur_rep++; } if ( $cnt == 0 ) echo " "; // so the table cell has at least something }
/** * Prints the HTML for an events with a timebar. * * @param int $id Event id * @param string $date Date of event in YYYYMMDD format * @param string $time Time of event in HHMM format * @param int $duration Duration of event in minutes * @param string $name Brief description of event * @param string $description Full description of event * @param string $status Status of event ('A', 'W') * @param int $pri Priority of event * @param string $access Access to event by others ('P', 'R') * @param string $event_owner User who created event * @param int $event_category Category id for event * * @staticvar int Used to ensure all event popups have a unique id */ function print_entry_timebar ( $id, $date, $time, $duration, $name, $description, $status, $pri, $access, $event_owner, $event_category=-1 ) { global $eventinfo, $login, $user, $PHP_SELF, $prefarray; static $key = 0; $insidespan = false; global $layers;
// compute time offsets in % of total table width $day_start=$prefarray["WORK_DAY_START_HOUR"] * 60; if ( $day_start == 0 ) $day_start = 9*60; $day_end=$prefarray["WORK_DAY_END_HOUR"] * 60; if ( $day_end == 0 ) $day_end = 19*60; if ( $day_end <= $day_start ) $day_end = $day_start + 60; //avoid exceptions
if ($time >= 0) { $bar_units= 100/(($day_end - $day_start)/60) ; // Percentage each hour occupies $ev_start = round((floor(($time/10000) - ($day_start/60)) + (($time/100)%100)/60) * $bar_units); }else{ $ev_start= 0; } if ($ev_start < 0) $ev_start = 0; if ($duration > 0) { $ev_duration = round(100 * $duration / ($day_end - $day_start)) ; if ($ev_start + $ev_duration > 100 ) { $ev_duration = 100 - $ev_start; } } else { if ($time >= 0) { $ev_duration = 1; } else { $ev_duration=100-$ev_start; } } $ev_padding = 100 - $ev_start - $ev_duration; // choose where to position the text (pos=0->before,pos=1->on,pos=2->after) if ($ev_duration > 20) { $pos = 1; } elseif ($ev_padding > 20) { $pos = 2; } else { $pos = 0; } echo "\n<!-- ENTRY BAR -->\n<table class=\"entrycont\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo ($ev_start > 0 ? "<td style=\"text-align:right; width:$ev_start%;\">" : "" ); if ( $pos > 0 ) { echo ($ev_start > 0 ? " </td>\n": "" ) ; echo "<td style=\"width:$ev_duration%;\">\n<table class=\"entrybar\">\n<tr>\n<td class=\"entry\">"; if ( $pos > 1 ) { echo ($ev_padding > 0 ? " </td>\n": "" ) . "</tr>\n</table></td>\n"; echo ($ev_padding > 0 ? "<td style=\"text-align:left; width:$ev_padding%;\">" : ""); } };
if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { $class = "layerentry"; } else { $class = "entry"; if ( $status == "W" ) $class = "unapprovedentry"; } // if we are looking at a view, then always use "entry" if ( strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_m.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_w.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_v.php" ) || strstr ( $PHP_SELF, "view_t.php" ) ) $class = "entry";
if ( $pri == 3 ) echo "<strong>"; $popupid = "eventinfo-$id-$key"; $key++; echo "<a class=\"$class\" href=\"view_entry.php?id=$id&date=$date"; if ( strlen ( $user ) > 0 ) echo "&user=" . $user; echo "\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" . translate("View this entry") . "'; show(event, '$popupid'); return true;\" onmouseout=\"hide('$popupid'); return true;\">";
if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { if ($layers) foreach ($layers as $layer) { if($layer['cal_layeruser'] == $event_owner) { $insidespan = true; echo("<span style=\"color:" . $layer['cal_color'] . ";\">"); } } }
echo "[$event_owner] "; $timestr = ""; if ( $duration == ( 24 * 60 ) ) { $timestr = translate("All day event"); } else if ( $time >= 0 ) { $timestr = display_time ( $time ); if ( $duration > 0 ) { // calc end time $h = (int) ( $time / 10000 ); $m = ( $time / 100 ) % 100; $m += $duration; $d = $duration; while ( $m >= 60 ) { $h++; $m -= 60; } $end_time = sprintf ( "%02d%02d00", $h, $m ); $timestr .= " - " . display_time ( $end_time ); } } if ( $login != $user && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $user ) ) echo "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; else if ( $login != $event_owner && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) echo "(" . translate("Private") . ")"; else if ( $login != $event_owner && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) { echo htmlspecialchars ( $name ); if ( $insidespan ) { echo ("</span>"); } //end color span } else echo htmlspecialchars ( $name ); echo "</a>"; if ( $pri == 3 ) echo "</strong>"; //end font-weight span echo "</td>\n"; if ( $pos < 2 ) { if ( $pos < 1 ) { echo "<td style=\"width:$ev_duration%;\"><table class=\"entrybar\">\n<tr>\n<td class=\"entry\"> </td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n</table></td>\n"; echo ($ev_padding > 0 ? "<td style=\"text-align:left; width:$ev_padding%;\"> </td>\n" : "" ); } echo "</tr>\n</table>\n"; if ( $login != $user && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $user ) ) $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, translate("This event is confidential"), "" ); else if ( $login != $event_owner && $access == 'R' && strlen ( $event_owner ) ) $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, translate("This event is confidential"), "" ); else $eventinfo .= build_event_popup ( $popupid, $event_owner, $description, $timestr, site_extras_for_popup ( $id ) ); }
/** * Prints the header for the timebar. * * @param int $start_hour Start hour * @param int $end_hour End hour */ function print_header_timebar($start_hour, $end_hour) { // sh+1 ... eh-1 // +------+----....----+------+ // | | | |
// print hours if ( ($end_hour - $start_hour) == 0 ) $offset = 0; else $offset = round(100/($end_hour - $start_hour)); echo "\n<!-- TIMEBAR -->\n<table class=\"timebar\">\n<tr><td style=\"width:$offset%;\"> </td>\n"; for ($i = $start_hour+1; $i < $end_hour; $i++) { // $prev_offset = $offset; // $offset = round(100/($end_hour - $start_hour)*($i - $start_hour + .5)); $offset = round(100/($end_hour - $start_hour)); $width = $offset; echo "<td style=\"width:$width%;text-align:left;\">$i</td>\n"; } // $width = 100 - $offset; // echo "<td style=\"width:$width%;\"> </td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n</table>\n<!-- /TIMEBAR -->\n"; // print yardstick echo "\n<!-- YARDSTICK -->\n<table class=\"yardstick\">\n<tr>\n"; $width = round(100/($end_hour - $start_hour)); for ($i = $start_hour; $i < $end_hour; $i++) { echo "<td style=\"width:$width%;\"> </td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n</table>\n<!-- /YARDSTICK -->\n"; }
/** * Gets a list of nonuser calendars and return info in an array. * * @param string $user Login of admin of the nonuser calendars * * @return array Array of nonuser cals, where each is an array with the * following fields: * - <var>cal_login</var> * - <var>cal_lastname</var> * - <var>cal_firstname</var> * - <var>cal_admin</var> * - <var>cal_fullname</var> */ function get_nonuser_cals ($user = '') { $count = 0; $ret = array (); $sql = "SELECT cal_login, cal_lastname, cal_firstname, " . "cal_admin FROM webcal_nonuser_cals "; if ($user != '') $sql .= "WHERE cal_admin = '$user' "; $sql .= "ORDER BY cal_lastname, cal_firstname, cal_login"; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { if ( strlen ( $row[1] ) || strlen ( $row[2] ) ) $fullname = "$row[2] $row[1]"; else $fullname = $row[0]; $ret[$count++] = array ( "cal_login" => $row[0], "cal_lastname" => $row[1], "cal_firstname" => $row[2], "cal_admin" => $row[3], "cal_fullname" => $fullname ); } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $ret; }
/** * Loads nonuser variables (login, firstname, etc.). * * The following variables will be set: * - <var>login</var> * - <var>firstname</var> * - <var>lastname</var> * - <var>fullname</var> * - <var>admin</var> * - <var>email</var> * * @param string $login Login name of nonuser calendar * @param string $prefix Prefix to use for variables that will be set. * For example, if prefix is "temp", then the login will * be stored in the <var>$templogin</var> global variable. */ function nonuser_load_variables ( $login, $prefix ) { global $error,$nuloadtmp_email; $ret = false; $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_login, cal_lastname, cal_firstname, " . "cal_admin FROM webcal_nonuser_cals WHERE cal_login = '$login'" ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { if ( strlen ( $row[1] ) || strlen ( $row[2] ) ) $fullname = "$row[2] $row[1]"; else $fullname = $row[0];
// We need the email address for the admin user_load_variables ( $row[3], 'nuloadtmp_' );
$GLOBALS[$prefix . "login"] = $row[0]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . "firstname"] = $row[2]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . "lastname"] = $row[1]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . "fullname"] = $fullname; $GLOBALS[$prefix . "admin"] = $row[3]; $GLOBALS[$prefix . "email"] = $nuloadtmp_email; $ret = true; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $ret; }
/** * Checks the webcal_nonuser_cals table to determine if the user is the * administrator for the nonuser calendar. * * @param string $login Login of user that is the potential administrator * @param string $nonuser Login name for nonuser calendar * * @return bool True if the user is the administrator for the nonuser calendar */ function user_is_nonuser_admin ( $login, $nonuser ) { $ret = false;
$res = dbi_query ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_nonuser_cals " . "WHERE cal_login = '$nonuser' AND cal_admin = '$login'" ); if ( $res ) { if ( dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) $ret = true; dbi_free_result ( $res ); } return $ret; }
/** * Loads nonuser preferences from the webcal_user_pref table if on a nonuser * admin page. * * @param string $nonuser Login name for nonuser calendar */ function load_nonuser_preferences ($nonuser) { global $prefarray; $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_setting, cal_value FROM webcal_user_pref " . "WHERE cal_login = '$nonuser'" ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $setting = $row[0]; $value = $row[1]; $sys_setting = "sys_" . $setting; // save system defaults // ** don't override ones set by load_user_prefs if ( ! empty ( $GLOBALS[$setting] ) && empty ( $GLOBALS["sys_" . $setting] )) $GLOBALS["sys_" . $setting] = $GLOBALS[$setting]; $GLOBALS[$setting] = $value; $prefarray[$setting] = $value; } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } }
/** * Determines what the day is after the <var>$TZ_OFFSET</var> and sets it globally. * * The following global variables will be set: * - <var>$thisyear</var> * - <var>$thismonth</var> * - <var>$thisday</var> * - <var>$thisdate</var> * - <var>$today</var> * * @param string $date The date in YYYYMMDD format */ function set_today($date) { global $thisyear, $thisday, $thismonth, $thisdate, $today; global $TZ_OFFSET, $month, $day, $year, $thisday;
// Adjust for TimeZone $today = time() + ($TZ_OFFSET * 60 * 60);
if ( ! empty ( $date ) && ! empty ( $date ) ) { $thisyear = substr ( $date, 0, 4 ); $thismonth = substr ( $date, 4, 2 ); $thisday = substr ( $date, 6, 2 ); } else { if ( empty ( $month ) || $month == 0 ) $thismonth = date("m", $today); else $thismonth = $month; if ( empty ( $year ) || $year == 0 ) $thisyear = date("Y", $today); else $thisyear = $year; if ( empty ( $day ) || $day == 0 ) $thisday = date("d", $today); else $thisday = $day; } $thisdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, $thisday ); }
/** * Converts from Gregorian Year-Month-Day to ISO YearNumber-WeekNumber-WeekDay. * * @internal JGH borrowed gregorianToISO from PEAR Date_Calc Class and added * $GLOBALS["WEEK_START"] (change noted) * * @param int $day Day of month * @param int $month Number of month * @param int $year Year * * @return string Date in ISO YearNumber-WeekNumber-WeekDay format * * @ignore */ function gregorianToISO($day,$month,$year) { $mnth = array (0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334); $y_isleap = isLeapYear($year); $y_1_isleap = isLeapYear($year - 1); $day_of_year_number = $day + $mnth[$month - 1]; if ($y_isleap && $month > 2) { $day_of_year_number++; } // find Jan 1 weekday (monday = 1, sunday = 7) $yy = ($year - 1) % 100; $c = ($year - 1) - $yy; $g = $yy + intval($yy/4); $jan1_weekday = 1 + intval((((($c / 100) % 4) * 5) + $g) % 7);
// JGH added next if/else to compensate for week begins on Sunday if (! $GLOBALS["WEEK_START"] && $jan1_weekday < 7) { $jan1_weekday++; } elseif (! $GLOBALS["WEEK_START"] && $jan1_weekday == 7) { $jan1_weekday=1; }
// weekday for year-month-day $h = $day_of_year_number + ($jan1_weekday - 1); $weekday = 1 + intval(($h - 1) % 7); // find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y-1, WeekNumber 52 or if ($day_of_year_number <= (8 - $jan1_weekday) && $jan1_weekday > 4){ $yearnumber = $year - 1; if ($jan1_weekday == 5 || ($jan1_weekday == 6 && $y_1_isleap)) { $weeknumber = 53; } else { $weeknumber = 52; } } else { $yearnumber = $year; } // find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y+1, WeekNumber 1 if ($yearnumber == $year) { if ($y_isleap) { $i = 366; } else { $i = 365; } if (($i - $day_of_year_number) < (4 - $weekday)) { $yearnumber++; $weeknumber = 1; } } // find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y, WeekNumber 1 through 53 if ($yearnumber == $year) { $j = $day_of_year_number + (7 - $weekday) + ($jan1_weekday - 1); $weeknumber = intval($j / 7); if ($jan1_weekday > 4) { $weeknumber--; } } // put it all together if ($weeknumber < 10) $weeknumber = '0'.$weeknumber; return "{$yearnumber}-{$weeknumber}-{$weekday}"; }
/** * Is this a leap year? * * @internal JGH Borrowed isLeapYear from PEAR Date_Calc Class * * @param int $year Year * * @return bool True for a leap year, else false * * @ignore */ function isLeapYear($year='') { if (empty($year)) $year = strftime("%Y",time()); if (strlen($year) != 4) return false; if (preg_match('/\D/',$year)) return false; return (($year % 4 == 0 && $year % 100 != 0) || $year % 400 == 0); }
/** * Replaces unsafe characters with HTML encoded equivalents. * * @param string $value Input text * * @return string The cleaned text */ function clean_html($value){ $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES); $value = strtr($value, array( '(' => '(', ')' => ')' )); return $value; }
/** * Removes non-word characters from the specified text. * * @param string $data Input text * * @return string The converted text */ function clean_word($data) { return preg_replace("/\W/", '', $data); }
/** * Removes non-digits from the specified text. * * @param string $data Input text * * @return string The converted text */ function clean_int($data) { return preg_replace("/\D/", '', $data); }
/** * Removes whitespace from the specified text. * * @param string $data Input text * * @return string The converted text */ function clean_whitespace($data) { return preg_replace("/\s/", '', $data); }
/** * Converts language names to their abbreviation. * * @param string $name Name of the language (such as "French") * * @return string The abbreviation ("fr" for "French") */ function languageToAbbrev ( $name ) { global $browser_languages; foreach ( $browser_languages as $abbrev => $langname ) { if ( $langname == $name ) return $abbrev; } return false; }
/** * Creates the CSS for using gradient.php, if the appropriate GD functions are * available. * * A one-pixel wide image will be used for the background image. * * <b>Note:</b> The gd library module needs to be available to use gradient * images. If it is not available, a single background color will be used * instead. * * @param string $color Base color * @param int $height Height of gradient image * @param int $percent How many percent lighter the top color should be * than the base color at the bottom of the image * * @return string The style sheet text to use */ function background_css ( $color, $height = '', $percent = '' ) { $ret = '';
if ( ( function_exists ( 'imagepng' ) || function_exists ( 'imagegif' ) ) && ( empty ( $GLOBALS['enable_gradients'] ) || $GLOBALS['enable_gradients'] == 'Y' ) ) { $ret = "background: $color url(\"gradient.php?base=" . substr ( $color, 1 );
if ( $height != '' ) { $ret .= "&height=$height"; }
if ( $percent != '' ) { $ret .= "&percent=$percent"; }
$ret .= "\") repeat-x;\n"; } else { $ret = "background-color: $color;\n"; }
return $ret; }
/** * Draws a daily outlook style availability grid showing events that are * approved and awaiting approval. * * @param string $date Date to show the grid for * @param array $participants Which users should be included in the grid * @param string $popup Not used */ function daily_matrix ( $date, $participants, $popup = '' ) { global $CELLBG, $TODAYCELLBG, $THFG, $THBG, $TABLEBG; global $user_fullname, $repeated_events, $events; global $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR, $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR, $TZ_OFFSET,$ignore_offset;
$increment = 15; $interval = 4; $participant_pct = '20%'; //use percentage
$first_hour = $WORK_DAY_START_HOUR; $last_hour = $WORK_DAY_END_HOUR; $hours = $last_hour - $first_hour; $cols = (($hours * $interval) + 1); $total_pct = '80%'; $cell_pct = 80 /($hours * $interval); $master = array();
// Build a master array containing all events for $participants for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $participants ); $i++ ) {
/* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access */ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events ( $participants[$i], "", $date ); /* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access */ $events = read_events ( $participants[$i], $date, $date );
// get all the repeating events for this date and store in array $rep $rep = get_repeating_entries ( $participants[$i], $date ); // get all the non-repeating events for this date and store in $ev $ev = get_entries ( $participants[$i], $date );
// combine into a single array for easy processing $ALL = array_merge ( $rep, $ev );
foreach ( $ALL as $E ) { if ($E['cal_time'] == 0) { $E['cal_time'] = $first_hour."0000"; $E['cal_duration'] = 60 * ( $last_hour - $first_hour ); } else { $E['cal_time'] = sprintf ( "%06d", $E['cal_time']); }
$hour = substr($E['cal_time'], 0, 2 ); $mins = substr($E['cal_time'], 2, 2 ); // Timezone Offset if ( ! $ignore_offset ) $hour += $TZ_OFFSET; while ( $hour < 0 ) $hour += 24; while ( $hour > 23 ) $hour -= 24;
// Make sure hour is 2 digits $hour = sprintf ( "%02d",$hour);
// convert cal_time to slot if ($mins < 15) { $slot = $hour.''; } elseif ($mins >= 15 && $mins < 30) { $slot = $hour.'.25'; } elseif ($mins >= 30 && $mins < 45) { $slot = $hour.'.5'; } elseif ($mins >= 45) { $slot = $hour.'.75'; }
// convert cal_duration to bars $bars = $E['cal_duration'] / $increment;
// never replace 'A' with 'W' for ($q = 0; $bars > $q; $q++) { $slot = sprintf ("%02.2f",$slot); if (strlen($slot) == 4) $slot = '0'.$slot; // add leading zeros $slot = $slot.''; // convert to a string if ( empty ( $master['_all_'][$slot] ) || $master['_all_'][$slot]['stat'] != 'A') { $master['_all_'][$slot]['stat'] = $E['cal_status']; } if ( empty ( $master[$participants[$i]][$slot] ) || $master[$participants[$i]][$slot]['stat'] != 'A' ) { $master[$participants[$i]][$slot]['stat'] = $E['cal_status']; $master[$participants[$i]][$slot]['ID'] = $E['cal_id']; } $slot = $slot + '0.25'; }
} } ?> <br /> <table align="center" class="matrixd" style="width:<?php echo $total_pct;?>;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td class="matrix" colspan="<?php echo $cols;?>"></td></tr> <tr><th style="width:<?php echo $participant_pct;?>;"> <?php etranslate("Participants");?></th> <?php $str = ''; $MouseOut = "onmouseout=\"window.status='';'".$THBG."';\""; $CC = 1; for($i=$first_hour;$i<$last_hour;$i++) { $hour = $i; if ( $GLOBALS["TIME_FORMAT"] == "12" ) { $hour %= 12; if ( $hour == 0 ) $hour = 12; }
for($j=0;$j<$interval;$j++) { $str .= ' <td id="C'.$CC.'" class="dailymatrix" '; $MouseDown = 'onmousedown="schedule_event('.$i.','.sprintf ("%02d",($increment * $j)).');"'; switch($j) { case 1: if($interval == 4) { $k = ($hour<=9?'0':substr($hour,0,1)); } $str .= 'style="width:'.$cell_pct.'%; text-align:right;" '.$MouseDown." onmouseover=\"window.status='Schedule a ".$hour.':'.($increment * $j<=9?'0':'').($increment * $j)." appointment.';'#CCFFCC'; return true;\" ".$MouseOut." title=\"Schedule an appointment for ".$hour.':'.($increment * $j<=9?'0':'').($increment * $j).".\">"; $str .= $k."</td>\n"; break; case 2: if($interval == 4) { $k = ($hour<=9?substr($hour,0,1):substr($hour,1,2)); } $str .= 'style="width:'.$cell_pct.'%; text-align:left;" '.$MouseDown." onmouseover=\"window.status='Schedule a ".$hour.':'.($increment * $j)." appointment.';'#CCFFCC'; return true;\" ".$MouseOut." title=\"Schedule an appointment for ".$hour.':'.($increment * $j<=9?'0':'').($increment * $j).".\">"; $str .= $k."</td>\n"; break; default: $str .= 'style="width:'.$cell_pct.'%;" '.$MouseDown." onmouseover=\"window.status='Schedule a ".$hour.':'.($increment * $j<=9?'0':'').($increment * $j)." appointment.';'#CCFFCC'; return true;\" ".$MouseOut." title=\"Schedule an appointment for ".$hour.':'.($increment * $j<=9?'0':'').($increment * $j).".\">"; $str .= " </td>\n"; break; } $CC++; } } echo $str . "</tr>\n<tr><td class=\"matrix\" colspan=\"$cols\"></td></tr>\n";
// Add user _all_ to beginning of $participants array array_unshift($participants, '_all_');
// Javascript for cells $MouseOver = "onmouseover=\"'#CCFFCC';\""; $MouseOut = "onmouseout=\"'".$CELLBG."';\"";
// Display each participant for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $participants ); $i++ ) { if ($participants[$i] != '_all_') { // Load full name of user user_load_variables ( $participants[$i], "user_" ); // exchange space for to keep from breaking $user_nospace = preg_replace ( '/\s/', ' ', $user_fullname ); } else { $user_nospace = translate("All Attendees"); $user_nospace = preg_replace ( '/\s/', ' ', $user_nospace ); }
echo "<tr>\n<th class=\"row\" style=\"width:{$participant_pct};\">".$user_nospace."</th>\n"; $col = 1; $viewMsg = translate ( "View this entry" );
// check each timebar for ( $j = $first_hour; $j < $last_hour; $j++ ) { for ( $k = 0; $k < $interval; $k++ ) { $border = ($k == '0') ? ' border-left: 1px solid #000000;' : ""; $MouseDown = 'onmousedown="schedule_event('.$j.','.sprintf ("%02d",($increment * $k)).');"'; $RC = $CELLBG; //$space = ''; $space = " ";
$r = sprintf ("%02d",$j) . '.' . sprintf ("%02d", (25 * $k)).''; if ( empty ( $master[$participants[$i]][$r] ) ) { // ignore this.. } else if ( empty ( $master[$participants[$i]][$r]['ID'] ) ) { // This is the first line for 'all' users. No event here. $space = "<span class=\"matrix\"><img src=\"pix.gif\" alt=\"\" style=\"height: 8px\" /></span>"; } else if ($master[$participants[$i]][$r]['stat'] == "A") { $space = "<a class=\"matrix\" href=\"view_entry.php?id={$master[$participants[$i]][$r]['ID']}\"><img src=\"pix.gif\" title=\"$viewMsg\" alt=\"$viewMsg\" /></a>"; } else if ($master[$participants[$i]][$r]['stat'] == "W") { $space = "<a class=\"matrix\" href=\"view_entry.php?id={$master[$participants[$i]][$r]['ID']}\"><img src=\"pixb.gif\" title=\"$viewMsg\" alt=\"$viewMsg\" /></a>"; }
echo "<td class=\"matrixappts\" style=\"width:{$cell_pct}%;$border\" "; if ($space == " ") echo "$MouseDown $MouseOver $MouseOut"; echo ">$space</td>\n"; $col++; } } echo "</tr><tr>\n<td class=\"matrix\" colspan=\"$cols\">" . "<img src=\"pix.gif\" alt=\"-\" /></td></tr>\n"; } // End foreach participant echo "</table><br />\n"; $busy = translate ("Busy"); $tentative = translate ("Tentative"); echo "<table align=\"center\"><tr><td class=\"matrixlegend\" >\n"; echo "<img src=\"pix.gif\" title=\"$busy\" alt=\"$busy\" /> $busy \n"; echo "<img src=\"pixb.gif\" title=\"$tentative\" alt=\"$tentative\" /> $tentative\n"; echo "</td></tr></table>\n"; }
/** * Return the time in HHMMSS format of input time + duration * * * <b>Note:</b> The gd library module needs to be available to use gradient * images. If it is not available, a single background color will be used * instead. * * @param string $time format "235900" * @param int $duration number of minutes * * @return string The time in HHMMSS format */ function add_duration ( $time, $duration ) { $hour = (int) ( $time / 10000 ); $min = ( $time / 100 ) % 100; $minutes = $hour * 60 + $min + $duration; $h = $minutes / 60; $m = $minutes % 60; $ret = sprintf ( "%d%02d00", $h, $m ); //echo "add_duration ( $time, $duration ) = $ret <br />\n"; return $ret; } ?>