Viewing file: (8.42 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/bin/perl # # This tool will update a translation file by doing the following: # - Insert an empty translation when a missing translation is found. # The translation will have "<< MISSING >>" right above it to # make it easy to find. # - Show the English translation (in a comment) before a missing translation, # making it easier to add the translation. # - Translations will be reorganized so that they are divided up into # the pages that they appear on. # # Note: you will lose any comments you put in the translation file # when using this tool (except for the comments at the very beginning). # # Note #2: This will overwrite the existing translation file, so a save # backup of the translation will be saved with a .bak file extension. # # Usage: # [-p plugin] languagefile # # Example for main WebCalendar translation: # French.txt # or # French # # Example for plugin "tnn" translation: # -p tnn French.txt # or # -p tnn French # # Note: this utility should be run from this directory (tools). # ###########################################################################
$base_dir = ".."; $trans_dir = "../translations";
$base_trans_file = "$trans_dir/English-US.txt"; $plugin = "";
$show_missing = 1; # set to 0 to minimize translation file. $show_dups = 0; # set to 0 to minimize translation file. $verbose = 0;
( $this ) = reverse split ( /\//, $0 );
$save_backup = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++ ) { if ( $ARGV[$i] eq "-p" ) { $plugin = $ARGV[++$i]; } elsif ( $ARGV[$i] eq "-v" ) { $verbose++; } else { $infile = $ARGV[$i]; } }
die "Usage: $this [-p plugin] language\n" if ( $infile eq "" );
if ( $plugin ne "" ) { $p_trans_dir = "$base_dir/$plugin/translations"; $p_base_trans_file = "$p_trans_dir/English-US.txt"; $p_base_dir = "$base_dir/$plugin"; } else { $p_trans_dir = $trans_dir; $p_base_trans_file = $base_trans_file; $p_base_dir = $base_dir; }
if ( $infile !~ /txt$/ ) { $infile .= ".txt"; } if ( -f "$trans_dir/$infile" || -f "$p_trans_dir/$infile" ) { $b_infile = "$trans_dir/$infile"; $infile = "$p_trans_dir/$infile"; } #print "infile: $infile\nb_infile: $b_infile\ntrans_dir: $trans_dir\n";
die "Usage: $this [-p plugin] language\n" if ( ! -f $infile );
print "Translation file: $infile\n" if ( $verbose );
# Now load the base translation(s) file (English), so that we can include # the English translation text above a missing translation in a comment. open ( F, $base_trans_file ) || die "Error opening $base_trans_file"; print "Reading base translation file: $base_trans_file\n" if ( $verbose ); while ( <F> ) { chop; s/\r*$//g; # remove annoying CR next if ( /^#/ ); if ( /\s*:\s*/ ) { $abbrev = $`; $base_trans{$abbrev} = $' if ( $abbrev ne 'charset' ); } } close ( F ); # read in the plugin base translation file if ( $plugin ne "" ) { print "Reading plugin base translation file: $p_base_trans_file\n" if ( $verbose ); open ( F, $p_base_trans_file ) || die "Error opening $p_base_trans_file"; while ( <F> ) { chop; s/\r*$//g; # remove annoying CR next if ( /^#/ ); if ( /\s*:\s*/ ) { $abbrev = $`; $base_trans{$abbrev} = $'; } } close ( F ); }
# # Now load the translation file we are going to update. # $old = ""; if ( -f $infile ) { print "Reading current translations from $infile\n" if ( $verbose ); open ( F, $infile ) || die "Error opening $infile"; $in_header = 1; while ( <F> ) { $old .= $_; chop; s/\r*$//g; # remove annoying CR if ( $in_header && /^#/ ) { if ( /Translation last (pagified|updated)/ ) { # ignore since we will replace this with current date below } else { $header .= $_ . "\n"; } } next if ( /^#/ ); $in_header = 0; if ( /\s*:\s*/ ) { $abbrev = $`; $trans{$abbrev} = $'; } } } if ( $plugin ne "" ) { print "Reading current WebCalendar translations from $b_infile\n" if ( $verbose ); open ( F, $b_infile ) || die "Error opening $b_infile"; $in_header = 1; while ( <F> ) { chop; s/\r*$//g; # remove annoying CR if ( /\s*:\s*/ ) { $abbrev = $`; $webcaltrans{$abbrev} = $'; } } }
# # Save a backup copy of old translation file. # if ( $save_backup ) { open ( F, ">$infile.bak" ) || die "Error writing $infile.bak"; print F $old; close ( F ); print "Backup of translation saved in $infile.bak\n"; }
if ( $header !~ /Translation last updated/ ) { ( $day, $mon, $year ) = ( localtime ( time() ) )[3,4,5]; $header .= "# Translation last updated on " . sprintf ( "%02d-%02d-%04d", $mon + 1, $day, $year + 1900 ) . "\n"; }
# First get the list of .php files print "Searching for PHP files in $p_base_dir\n" if ( $verbose ); opendir ( DIR, $p_base_dir ) || die "Error opening $p_base_dir"; @files = grep ( /\.php$/, readdir ( DIR ) ); closedir ( DIR );
if ( -d "$p_base_dir/includes" ) { print "Searching for PHP files in $p_base_dir/includes\n" if ( $verbose ); opendir ( DIR, "$p_base_dir/includes" ) || die "Error opening $p_base_dir/includes"; @incfiles = grep ( /\.php$/, readdir ( DIR ) ); closedir ( DIR ); foreach $f ( @incfiles ) { push ( @files, "includes/$f" ); } } if ( -d "$p_base_dir/includes/js" ) { print "Searching for PHP files in $p_base_dir/includes/js\n" if ( $verbose ); opendir ( DIR, "$p_base_dir/includes/js" ) || die "Error opening $p_base_dir/includes/js"; @incfiles = grep ( /\.php$/, readdir ( DIR ) ); closedir ( DIR ); foreach $f ( @incfiles ) { push ( @files, "includes/js/$f" ); } } if ( $plugin eq "" ) { push ( @files, "tools/send_reminders.php" ); }
# # Write new translation file. # $notfound = 0; open ( OUT, ">$infile" ) || die "Error writing $infile: "; print OUT $header; if ( $plugin eq '' ) { if ( defined ( $trans{'charset'} ) ) { print OUT "\n\n###############################################\n" . "# Specify a charset (will be sent within meta tag for each page)\n#\n" . "charset: $trans{'charset'}\n\n"; $text{'charset'} = 1; $foundin{'charset'} = " top of this file"; } else { print OUT "\n# No charset specified (not needed for iso-8859-1)\n" . "# \"charset\" is used in a meta tag, " . "do not translate \"charset\" here.\n" . "# charset:\n\n"; } }
foreach $f ( @files ) { $pageHeader = "\n\n###############################################\n# Page: $f\n#\n"; $file = "$p_base_dir/$f"; open ( F, $file ) || die "Error reading $file"; print "Searching $f\n" if ( $verbose ); %thispage = (); while ( <F> ) { $data = $_; while ( $data =~ /(translate|tooltip)\s*\(\s*"/ ) { $data = $'; if ( $data =~ /"\s*\)/ ) { $text = $`; if ( defined ( $thispage{$text} ) ) { # text already found within this page... } elsif ( $text eq 'charset' ) { # ignore... } elsif ( defined ( $text{$text} ) ) { if ( ! show_dups ) { if ( $pageHeader ne '' ) { print OUT $pageHeader; $pageHeader = ''; } print OUT "# \"$text\" previously defined (in $foundin{$text})\n" } $thispage{$text} = 1; } else { if ( ! length ( $trans{$text} ) ) { if ( $show_missing ) { if ( length ( $webcaltrans{$text} ) ) { if ( $pageHeader ne '' ) { print OUT $pageHeader; $pageHeader = ''; } print OUT "# \"$text\" defined in WebCalendar translation\n"; } else { if ( $pageHeader ne '' ) { print OUT $pageHeader; $pageHeader = ''; } print OUT "#\n# << MISSING >>\n# $text:\n"; print OUT "# English text: $base_trans{$text}\n#\n" if ( length ( $base_trans{$text} ) && $base_trans{$text} ne $text ); } } $text{$text} = 1; $thispage{$text} = 1; $foundin{$text} = $f; $notfound++ if ( ! length ( $webcaltrans{$text} ) ); } else { $text{$text} = 1; $foundin{$text} = $f; $thispage{$text} = 1; if ( $pageHeader ne '' ) { print OUT $pageHeader; $pageHeader = ''; } printf OUT ( "%s: %s\n", $text, $trans{$text} ); } } $data = $'; } } } close ( F ); }
if ( ! $notfound ) { print STDERR "All text was found in $infile. Good job :-)\n"; } else { print STDERR "$notfound translation(s) missing.\n"; }
exit 0;