Viewing file: (5.77 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # This script will update a pre-0.9.7 WebCalendar database to have the # correct tables for 0.9.7. # (FYI, these changes were necessary to add support for other databases # like Oracle.) #
$mysql_path = "/usr/local/mysql/bin:/opt/mysql/bin"; $dbname = "intranet"; $tables = "cal_entry cal_entry_user cal_user cal_user_pref"; $out = "commands.sql";
# look for the mysql executable and mysqldump programs sub find_executable { my ( $app ) = @_; my ( $path, $dir, $file, @dirs );
my ( $path ) = $ENV{"PATH"} . ":" . $mysql_path; @dirs = split ( /:/, $path ); foreach $dir ( @dirs ) { $file = "$dir/$app"; return $file if ( -x $file ); }
die "Could not find $app executable in:\n$path\n"; }
sub string_or_null { my ( $in ) = @_; my ( $ret );
if ( $in eq "\\N" || length ( $in ) == 0 ) { $ret = "NULL"; } else { $in =~ s/'/\\'/g; $ret = "\'$in\'"; } return $ret; }
sub num_or_zero { my ( $in ) = @_; return "NULL" if ( $in eq "\\N" ); return "0" if ( $in eq "" ); return $in; }
sub date_to_int { my ( $in ) = @_; my ( $ret ); if ( $in =~ /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/ ) { $ret = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d", $1, $2, $3; } else { $ret = "NULL"; } #print STDERR "Date \"$in\" -> $ret\n"; return $ret; }
sub time_to_int { my ( $in ) = @_; my ( $ret ); if ( $in =~ /(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/ ) { $ret = sprintf "%02d%02d%02d", $1, $2, $3; } else { $ret = "NULL"; } #print STDERR "Time \"$in\" -> $ret\n"; return $ret; }
$mysql = &find_executable ( "mysql" ); $mysqldump = &find_executable ( "mysqldump" );
print "mysql found: $mysql\n"; print "mysqldump found: $mysqldump\n";
# Get a current dump of the db $dir = "./data"; mkdir ( $dir, 0755 ) if ( ! -d $dir ); $cmd = "$mysqldump --no-create-info -T $dir $dbname $tables"; print "Command: $cmd\n"; system ( $cmd );
# use datafiles to create a series of SQL Insert commands
open ( OUT, ">$out" ) || die "Error writing output file: $!\n"; print OUT<<EOF; #DROP TABLE webcal_user; CREATE TABLE webcal_user ( cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_passwd VARCHAR(25), cal_lastname VARCHAR(25), cal_firstname VARCHAR(25), cal_is_admin CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N', cal_email VARCHAR(75) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login ) ); #DROP TABLE webcal_entry; CREATE TABLE webcal_entry ( cal_id INT NOT NULL, cal_group_id INT NULL, cal_create_by VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, cal_date INT NOT NULL, cal_time INT NULL, cal_mod_date INT, cal_mod_time INT, cal_duration INT NOT NULL, cal_priority INT DEFAULT 2, cal_type CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'E', cal_access CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'P', cal_name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, cal_description TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_id ) ); #DROP TABLE webcal_entry_user; CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_user ( cal_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, cal_login varchar(25) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, cal_status char(1) DEFAULT 'A', PRIMARY KEY (cal_id,cal_login) ); #DROP TABLE webcal_user_pref; CREATE TABLE webcal_user_pref ( cal_login varchar(25) NOT NULL, cal_setting varchar(25) NOT NULL, cal_value varchar(50) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login, cal_setting ) ); EOF
open ( IN, "$dir/cal_user.txt" ); print OUT "\n\n\n"; while ( <IN> ) { chop; @fields = split /\t/; print OUT "INSERT INTO webcal_user ( cal_login, cal_passwd, cal_lastname,\n" . "cal_firstname, cal_is_admin )\n VALUES ( "; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[0] ) . ", "; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[1] ) . ", "; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[2] ) . ", "; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[3] ) . ", "; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[4] ) . " );\n"; } close ( IN );
open ( IN, "$dir/cal_entry.txt" ); print OUT "\n\n\n"; while ( <IN> ) { chop; while ( /\\$/ ) { s/[\\\r\n]+$//g; chop ( $nextline = <IN> ); $nextline =~ s/[\\\r\n]+$//g; $_ .= "\\n" . $nextline; } @fields = split /\t/; $i = 0; print OUT "\nINSERT INTO webcal_entry\n" . " ( cal_id, cal_group_id, cal_create_by,\n" . " cal_date, cal_time, cal_mod_date, cal_mod_time, cal_duration,\n" . " cal_priority, cal_type, cal_access, cal_name,\n" . " cal_description )\n VALUES (\n "; print OUT &num_or_zero ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_id print OUT "NULL, "; #cal_group_id print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_create_by print OUT &date_to_int ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_date print OUT &time_to_int ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_time print OUT &date_to_int ( $fields[$i] ) . ", "; #cal_mod_date print OUT &time_to_int ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_mod_time print OUT &num_or_zero ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_duration print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_priority print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_type print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_access $i++; # skip over status since it was never used print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; #cal_name print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . ");\n"; #cal_description } close ( IN );
open ( IN, "$dir/cal_entry_user.txt" ); print OUT "\n\n\n"; while ( <IN> ) { chop; @fields = split /\t/; print OUT "INSERT INTO webcal_entry_user\n" . "( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status )\n" . "VALUES ( "; $i = 0; print OUT &num_or_zero ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . " );\n"; } close ( IN );
open ( IN, "$dir/cal_user_pref.txt" ); print OUT "\n\n\n"; while ( <IN> ) { chop; @fields = split /\t/; print OUT "INSERT INTO webcal_user_pref\n" . "( cal_login, cal_setting, cal_value )\n" . "VALUES ( "; $i = 0; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . ", "; print OUT &string_or_null ( $fields[$i++] ) . " );\n"; } close ( IN );
close ( OUT );
exit 0;