Viewing file: get_reminders.php (12.48 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* * $Id: get_reminders.php,v 1.1 2004/06/24 02:18:30 cknudsen Exp $ * * Description: * Web Service functionality for reminders. * Uses XML (but not SOAP at this point since that would be * overkill and require extra packages to install). * * Comments: * Some of this code was borrowed from send_reminders.php. * * This functionality works somewhat independent of the email-based * send_reminders.php script. If the end user intends to use * client-side reminders, they should set "Event Reminders" to "No" * in the "Email" section on the Prefernces page. * * This is read-only for the client side, so the client must * keep track of whether or not they have displayed the reminder * to the user. (No where in the database will it be recorded that * the user received a reminder through this functionality.) * * Client apps must use the same authentication as the web browser. * If WebCalendar is setup to use web-based authentication, then * the login.php found in this directory should be used to obtain * a session cookie. * */
// How many days ahead should we look for events. // To handle case of an event 30 days from now where the user asked // for a reminder 30 days before the event. $DAYS_IN_ADVANCE = 30; //$DAYS_IN_ADVANCE = 365;
// Show reminders for the next N days $CUTOFF = 7;
// Load include files. $basedir = ".."; // points to the base WebCalendar directory relative to // current working directory $includedir = "../includes";
include "$includedir/config.php"; include "$includedir/php-dbi.php"; include "$includedir/functions.php"; include "$includedir/$user_inc"; include "$includedir/validate.php"; include "$includedir/connect.php"; load_global_settings (); load_user_preferences (); include "$includedir/site_extras.php";
include "$includedir/translate.php";
$debug = false; // set to true to print debug info...
Header ( "Content-type: text/xml" ); //Header ( "Content-type: text/plain" );
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; echo "<reminders>\n";
// If login is public user, make sure public can view others... if ( $login == "__public__" && $login != $user ) { if ( $public_access_others != 'Y' ) { echo "<error>" . translate("Not authorized") . "</error>\n"; echo "</reminders>\n"; exit; } echo "<!-- Allowing public user to view other user's calendar -->\n"; }
if ( empty ( $user ) ) $user = $login;
// If viewing different user then yourself... if ( $login != $user ) { if ( $allow_view_other != 'Y' ) { echo "<error>" . translate("Not authorized") . "</error>\n"; echo "</reminders>\n"; exit; } echo "<!-- Allowing user to view other user's calendar -->\n"; }
// Make sure this user has enabled email reminders. //if ( $EMAIL_REMINDER == 'N' ) { // echo "Error: email reminders disabled for user \"$user\"\n"; // dbi_close ( $c ); // exit; //}
$startdate = date ( "Ymd" ); $enddate = date ( "Ymd", time() + ( $DAYS_IN_ADVANCE * 24 * 3600 ) );
// Now read events all the repeating events $repeated_events = query_events ( $user, true, "AND (webcal_entry_repeats.cal_end > $startdate OR " . "webcal_entry_repeats.cal_end IS NULL) " );
// Read non-repeating events if ( $debug ) echo "Checking for events for $user from date $startdate to date $enddate\n"; $events = read_events ( $user, $startdate, $enddate ); if ( $debug ) echo "Found " . count ( $events ) . " events in time range.\n";
function indent ( $str ) { return " " . str_replace ( "\n", "\n ", $str ); }
function escapeXml ( $str ) { return ( str_replace ( "<", "<", str_replace ( ">", ">", $str ) ) ); }
// Send a reminder for a single event for a single day. function list_reminder ( $id, $event_date, $remind_time ) { global $site_extras, $debug, $server_url, $application_name; global $EXTRA_TEXT, $EXTRA_MULTILINETEXT, $EXTRA_URL, $EXTRA_DATE, $EXTRA_EMAIL, $EXTRA_USER, $EXTRA_REMINDER, $LANGUAGE, $LOG_REMINDER;
$pri[1] = translate("Low"); $pri[2] = translate("Medium"); $pri[3] = translate("High");
// get participants first... $sql = "SELECT cal_login FROM webcal_entry_user " . "WHERE cal_id = $id AND cal_status IN ('A','W') " . "ORDER BY cal_login"; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); $participants = array (); $num_participants = 0; if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $participants[$num_participants++] = $row[0]; } }
// get external participants $ext_participants = array (); $num_ext_participants = 0; if ( ! empty ( $allow_external_users ) && $allow_external_users == "Y" && ! empty ( $external_reminders ) && $external_reminders == "Y" ) { $sql = "SELECT cal_fullname, cal_email FROM webcal_entry_ext_user " . "WHERE cal_id = $id AND cal_email IS NOT NULL " . "ORDER BY cal_fullname"; $res = dbi_query ( $sql ); if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $ext_participants[$num_ext_participants] = $row[0]; $ext_participants_email[$num_ext_participants++] = $row[1]; } } }
if ( ! $num_participants && ! $num_ext_participants ) { if ( $debug ) echo "No participants found for event id: $id\n"; return; }
// get event details $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_create_by, cal_date, cal_time, cal_mod_date, " . "cal_mod_time, cal_duration, cal_priority, cal_type, cal_access, " . "cal_name, cal_description FROM webcal_entry WHERE cal_id = $id" ); if ( ! $res ) { echo "Db error: could not find event id $id.\n"; return; }
if ( ! ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) ) { echo "Error: could not find event id $id in database.\n"; return; }
$create_by = $row[0]; $name = $row[9]; $description = $row[10];
echo "<reminder>\n"; echo " <remindDate>" . date ( "Ymd", $remind_time ) . "</remindDate>\n"; echo " <remindTime>" . date ( "Hi", $remind_time ) . "</remindTime>\n"; echo " <untilRemind>" . ( $remind_time - time() ) . "</untilRemind>\n"; echo " <event>\n"; echo " <id>$id</id>\n"; echo " <name>" . escapeXml ( $name ) . "</name>\n"; if ( ! empty ( $server_url ) ) { if ( substr ( $server_url, -1, 1 ) == "/" ) { echo " <url>" . $server_url . "view_entry.php?id=" . $id . "</url>\n"; } else { echo " <url>" . $server_url . "/view_entry.php?id=" . $id . "</url>\n"; } } echo " <description>" . escapeXml ( $description ) . "</description>\n"; echo " <dateFormatted>" . date_to_str ( $event_date ) . "</dateFormatted>\n"; echo " <date>" . $event_date . "</date>\n"; if ( $row[2] >= 0 ) { echo " <time>" . sprintf ( "%04d", $row[2] / 100 ) . "</time>\n"; echo " <timeFormatted>" . display_time ( $row[2] ) . "</timeFormatted>\n"; } if ( $row[5] > 0 ) echo " <duration>" . $row[5] . "</duration>\n"; if ( ! $disable_priority_field ) echo " <priority>" . $pri[$row[6]] . "</priority>\n"; if ( ! $disable_access_field ) echo " <access>" . ( $row[8] == "P" ? translate("Public") : translate("Confidential") ) . "</access>\n"; if ( ! strlen ( $single_user_login ) ) echo " <createdBy>" . $row[0] . "</createdBy>\n"; echo " <updateDate>" . date_to_str ( $row[3] ) . "</updateDate>\n"; echo " <updateTime>" . display_time ( $row[4] ) . "</updateTime>\n";
// site extra fields $extras = get_site_extra_fields ( $id ); echo " <siteExtras>\n"; for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $site_extras ); $i++ ) { $extra_name = $site_extras[$i][0]; $extra_descr = $site_extras[$i][1]; $extra_type = $site_extras[$i][2]; if ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_name'] != "" ) { $tag = preg_replace ( "/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/", "", translate ( $extra_descr ) ); $tag = strtolower ( $tag ); $tagname = str_replace ( '"', '', $extra_name ); echo " <siteExtra>\n"; echo " <number>$i</number>\n"; echo " <name>" . escapeXml ( $extra_name ) . "</name>\n"; echo " <description>" . escapeXml ( $extra_descr ) . "</description>\n"; echo " <type>" . $extra_type . "</type>\n"; echo " <value>"; if ( $extra_type == $EXTRA_DATE ) { //echo date_to_str ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date'] ); echo $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date']; } else if ( $extra_type == $EXTRA_MULTILINETEXT ) { echo escapeXml ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ); } else if ( $extra_type == $EXTRA_REMINDER ) { echo ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_remind'] > 0 ? translate("Yes") : translate("No") ); } else { // default method for $EXTRA_URL, $EXTRA_TEXT, etc... echo escapeXml ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data'] ); } echo "</value>\n </siteExtra>\n"; } } echo " </siteExtras>\n"; if ( $single_user != "Y" && ! $disable_participants_field ) { echo " <participants>\n"; for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $participants ); $i++ ) { echo " <participant>" . $participants[$i] . "</participant>\n"; } for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $ext_participants ); $i++ ) { echo " <participant>" . $ext_participants[$i] . "</participant>\n"; } echo " </participants>\n"; } echo " </event>\n"; echo "</reminder>\n";
// Process an event for a single day. Check to see if it has // a reminder, when it needs to be sent and when the last time it // was sent. function process_event ( $id, $name, $event_date, $event_time ) { global $site_extras, $debug; global $EXTRA_REMINDER_WITH_OFFSET, $EXTRA_REMINDER_WITH_DATE, $CUTOFF;
if ( $debug ) printf ( "Event %d: \"%s\" at %s on %s \n", $id, $name, $event_time, $event_date );
// Check to see if this event has any reminders $extras = get_site_extra_fields ( $id ); for ( $j = 0; $j < count ( $site_extras ); $j++ ) { $extra_name = $site_extras[$j][0]; $extra_type = $site_extras[$j][2]; $extra_arg1 = $site_extras[$j][3]; $extra_arg2 = $site_extras[$j][4]; //if ( $debug ) // printf ( " name: %s\n type: %d\n arg1: %s\n arg2: %s\n", // $extra_name, $extra_type, $extra_arg1, $extra_arg2 ); if ( ! empty ( $extras[$extra_name]['cal_remind'] ) ) { if ( $debug ) echo " Reminder set for event. \n"; // how many minutes before event should we send the reminder? $ev_h = (int) ( $event_time / 10000 ); $ev_m = ( $event_time / 100 ) % 100; $ev_year = substr ( $event_date, 0, 4 ); $ev_month = substr ( $event_date, 4, 2 ); $ev_day = substr ( $event_date, 6, 2 ); $event_time = mktime ( $ev_h, $ev_m, 0, $ev_month, $ev_day, $ev_year ); if ( ( $extra_arg2 & $EXTRA_REMINDER_WITH_OFFSET ) > 0 ) { $minsbefore = $extras[$extra_name]['cal_data']; $remind_time = $event_time - ( $minsbefore * 60 ); } else if ( ( $extra_arg2 & $EXTRA_REMINDER_WITH_DATE ) > 0 ) { $rd = $extras[$extra_name]['cal_date']; $r_year = substr ( $rd, 0, 4 ); $r_month = substr ( $rd, 4, 2 ); $r_day = substr ( $rd, 6, 2 ); $remind_time = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $r_month, $r_day, $r_year ); } else { $minsbefore = $extra_arg1; $remind_time = $event_time - ( $minsbefore * 60 ); } if ( $debug ) echo " Mins Before: $minsbefore \n"; if ( $debug ) { echo " Event time is: " . date ( "m/d/Y H:i", $event_time ) . "\n"; echo " Remind time is: " . date ( "m/d/Y H:i", $remind_time ) . "\n"; } // Send a reminder if ( time() >= $remind_time - ( $CUTOFF * 24 * 3600 ) ) { if ( $debug ) echo " SENDING REMINDER! \n"; list_reminder ( $id, $event_date, $remind_time ); } } } }
echo "<!-- reminders for user \"$user\", login \"$login\" -->\n";
$startdate = time(); // today for ( $d = 0; $d < $DAYS_IN_ADVANCE; $d++ ) { $date = date ( "Ymd", time() + ( $d * 24 * 3600 ) ); //echo "Date: $date\n"; // Get non-repeating events for this date. // An event will be included one time for each participant. $ev = get_entries ( $user, $date ); // Keep track of duplicates $completed_ids = array ( ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $ev ); $i++ ) { $id = $ev[$i]['cal_id']; if ( ! empty ( $completed_ids[$id] ) ) continue; $completed_ids[$id] = 1; process_event ( $id, $ev[$i]['cal_name'], $date, $ev[$i]['cal_time'] ); } $rep = get_repeating_entries ( $user, $date ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $rep ); $i++ ) { $id = $rep[$i]['cal_id']; if ( ! empty ( $completed_ids[$id] ) ) continue; $completed_ids[$id] = 1; process_event ( $id, $rep[$i]['cal_name'], $date, $rep[$i]['cal_time'] ); } }
echo "</reminders>\n";
if ( $debug ) echo "Done.\n";