Viewing file: view_w.php (8.54 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* * $Id: view_w.php,v 1.37 2005/03/06 23:08:40 umcesrjones Exp $ * * Page Description: * Display view of a week with users side by side. * * Input Parameters: * id (*) - specify view id in webcal_view table * date - specify the starting date of the view. * If not specified, current date will be used. * friendly - if set to 1, then page does not include links or * trailer navigation. * (*) required field * * Security: * Must have "allow view others" enabled ($allow_view_other) in * System Settings unless the user is an admin user ($is_admin). * If the view is not global, the user must be owner of the view. * If the view is global, then and user_sees_only_his_groups is * enabled, then we remove users not in this user's groups * (except for nonuser calendars... which we allow regardless of group). */ include_once 'includes/init.php';
$error = ""; $USERS_PER_TABLE = 6;
if ( $allow_view_other == "N" && ! $is_admin ) { // not allowed... send_to_preferred_view (); }
if ( empty ( $id ) ) { do_redirect ( "views.php" ); }
// Find view name in $views[] $view_name = ""; for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $views ); $i++ ) { if ( $views[$i]['cal_view_id'] == $id ) { $view_name = $views[$i]['cal_name']; } }
// If view_name not found, then the specified view id does not // belong to current user. if ( empty( $view_name ) ) { $error = translate ( "You are not authorized" ); }
$INC = array('js/popups.php'); print_header($INC);
$next = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday + 7, $thisyear ); $nextyear = date ( "Y", $next ); $nextmonth = date ( "m", $next ); $nextday = date ( "d", $next ); $nextdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $nextyear, $nextmonth, $nextday );
$prev = mktime ( 3, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday - 7, $thisyear ); $prevyear = date ( "Y", $prev ); $prevmonth = date ( "m", $prev ); $prevday = date ( "d", $prev ); $prevdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $prevyear, $prevmonth, $prevday );
// We add 2 hours on to the time so that the switch to DST doesn't // throw us off. So, all our dates are 2AM for that day. if ( $WEEK_START == 1 ) { $wkstart = get_monday_before ( $thisyear, $thismonth, $thisday ); } else { $wkstart = get_sunday_before ( $thisyear, $thismonth, $thisday ); } $wkend = $wkstart + ( 3600 * 24 * 6 ); $startdate = date ( "Ymd", $wkstart ); $enddate = date ( "Ymd", $wkend );
$thisdate = $startdate;
for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $days[$i] = $wkstart + ( 24 * 3600 ) * $i; $weekdays[$i] = weekday_short_name ( ( $i + $WEEK_START ) % 7 ); $header[$i] = $weekdays[$i] . "<br />" . month_short_name ( date ( "m", $days[$i] ) - 1 ) . " " . date ( "d", $days[$i] ); }
// get users in this view $res = dbi_query ( "SELECT cal_login FROM webcal_view_user WHERE cal_view_id = $id" ); $viewusers = array (); $all_users = false; if ( $res ) { while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) { $viewusers[] = $row[0]; if ( $row[0] == "__all__" ) { $all_users = true; } } dbi_free_result ( $res ); } else { $error = translate ( "Database error" ) . ": " . dbi_error (); }
if ( $all_users ) { $viewusers = array (); $users = get_my_users (); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $users ); $i++ ) { $viewusers[] = $users[$i]['cal_login']; } } else { // Make sure this user is allowed to see all users in this view // If this is a global view, it may include users that this user // is not allowed to see. if ( ! empty ( $user_sees_only_his_groups ) && $user_sees_only_his_groups == 'Y' ) { $myusers = get_my_users (); if ( ! empty ( $nonuser_enabled ) && $nonuser_enabled == "Y" ) { $myusers = array_merge ( $myusers, get_nonuser_cals () ); } $userlookup = array (); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $myusers ); $i++ ) { $userlookup[$myusers[$i]['cal_login']] = 1; } $newlist = array (); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $viewusers ); $i++ ) { if ( ! empty ( $userlookup[$viewusers[$i]] ) ) { $newlist[] = $viewusers[$i]; } } $viewusers = $newlist; } } if ( count ( $viewusers ) == 0 ) { // This could happen if user_sees_only_his_groups = Y and // this user is not a member of any group assigned to this view $error = translate ( "No users for this view" ); }
if ( ! empty ( $error ) ) { echo "<h2>" . translate ( "Error" ) . "</h2>\n" . $error; print_trailer (); exit; } ?>
<div style="border-width:0px; width:99%;"> <a title="<?php etranslate("Previous")?>" class="prev" href="view_w.php?id=<?php echo $id?>&date=<?php echo $prevdate?>"> <img src="leftarrow.gif" alt="<?php etranslate("Previous")?>" /></a> <a title="<?php etranslate("Next")?>" class="next" href="view_w.php?id=<?php echo $id?>&date=<?php echo $nextdate?>"> <img src="rightarrow.gif" alt="<?php etranslate("Next")?>" /></a> <div class="title"> <span class="date"><?php echo date_to_str ( date ( "Ymd", $wkstart ), false ) . " - " . date_to_str ( date ( "Ymd", $wkend ), false ); ?></span><br /> <span class="viewname"><?php echo $view_name ?></span> </div> </div><br />
<?php // The table has names across the top and dates for rows. Since we need // to spit out an entire row before we can move to the next date, we'll // save up all the HTML for each cell and then print it out when we're // done.. // Additionally, we only want to put at most 6 users in one table since // any more than that doesn't really fit in the page.
$e_save = array (); $re_save = array (); for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $viewusers ); $i++ ) { /* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access */ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events ( $viewusers[$i], "", $startdate ); $re_save[$i] = $repeated_events; /* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access */ $events = read_events ( $viewusers[$i], $startdate, $enddate ); $e_save[$i] = $events; }
for ( $j = 0; $j < count ( $viewusers ); $j += $USERS_PER_TABLE ) { // since print_date_entries is rather stupid, we can swap the event data // around for users by changing what $events points to.
// Calculate width of columns in this table. $num_left = count ( $viewusers ) - $j; if ( $num_left > $USERS_PER_TABLE ) { $num_left = $USERS_PER_TABLE; } if ( $num_left > 0 ) { if ( $num_left < $USERS_PER_TABLE ) { $tdw = (int) ( 90 / $num_left ); } else { $tdw = (int) ( 90 / $USERS_PER_TABLE ); } } else { $tdw = 5; } ?>
<table class="main" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <tr><th class="empty"> </th>
<?php // $j points to start of this table/row // $k is counter starting at 0 // $i starts at table start and goes until end of this table/row. for ( $i = $j, $k = 0; $i < count ( $viewusers ) && $k < $USERS_PER_TABLE; $i++, $k++ ) { $user = $viewusers[$i]; user_load_variables ( $user, "temp" ); echo "<th style=\"width:$tdw%;\">$tempfullname</th>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n";
for ( $xdate = $wkstart, $h = 0; date ( "Ymd", $xdate ) <= date ( "Ymd", $wkend ); $xdate += ( 24 * 3600 ), $h++ ) { $wday = strftime ( "%w", $xdate ); $weekday = weekday_short_name ( $wday ); if ( date ( "Ymd", $xdate ) == date ( "Ymd", $today ) ) { echo "<tr><th class=\"today\">"; } else { echo "<tr><th class=\"row\">"; } echo $weekday . " " . round ( date ( "d", $xdate ) ) . "</th>\n"; for ( $i = $j, $k = 0; $i < count ( $viewusers ) && $k < $USERS_PER_TABLE; $i++, $k++ ) { $user = $viewusers[$i]; $events = $e_save[$i]; $repeated_events = $re_save[$i]; if ( date ( "Ymd", $xdate ) == date ( "Ymd", $today ) ) { echo "<td class=\"today\" style=\"width:$tdw%;\">"; } else { if ( $wday == 0 || $wday == 6 ) { echo "<td class=\"weekend\" style=\"width:$tdw%;\">"; } else { echo "<td style=\"width:$tdw%;\">"; } } //echo date ( "D, m-d-Y H:i:s", $xdate ) . "<br />"; if ( empty ( $add_link_in_views ) || $add_link_in_views != "N" ) { echo html_for_add_icon ( date ( "Ymd", $xdate ), "", "", $user ); } print_date_entries ( date ( "Ymd", $xdate ), $user, true ); echo "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n<br /><br />\n"; }
$user = ""; // reset
if ( ! empty ( $eventinfo ) ) { echo $eventinfo; }
echo "<a title=\"" . translate("Generate printer-friendly version") . "\" class=\"printer\" href=\"view_w.php?id=$id&date=$date&friendly=1\" " . "target=\"cal_printer_friendly\" onmouseover=\"window.status='" . translate("Generate printer-friendly version") . "'\">[" . translate("Printer Friendly") . "]</a>\n";
print_trailer (); ?> </body> </html>