Viewing file: api.php (22.81 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
// Copyright (C) 2005 Ilya S. Lyubinskiy. All rights reserved.
// Technical support:
// (1) Remove or modify this copyright notice.
// (2) Distribute this code, any part or any modified version of it.
// Instead, you can link to the homepage of this code:
// (3) Use this code, any part or any modified version of it as a part of
// another product. If you want to do so you should receive my permission.
// (1) Use this code on your website.
// This code is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
// expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
// of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You expressly
// acknowledge and agree that use of this code is at your own risk.
// If you find this script useful, you can support my site in the following
// ways:
// 1. Vote for the script at (you can do it on my site)
// 2. Link to the homepage of this script or to the homepage of my site:
// You will get 50% commission on all orders made by your referrals.
// More information can be found here:
include_once "mylib.php";
// ----- TVarTable -------------------------------------------------------------
class TVarTable
var $tbl = null;
// ----- Init -----
function Init($tbl) { $this->tbl = $tbl; }
// ----- CreateTable -----
function CreateTable($drop = false)
if ($drop) mysql_query_debug("drop table {$this->tbl}");
"create table {$this->tbl}
(name varchar(32) not null unique, value text not null)");
// ----- Assign -----
function Assign($name, $value)
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
$value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
$result = mysql_query_debug("select * from {$this->tbl} where name = '$name'");
if (!mysql_num_rows($result))
mysql_query_debug("insert into {$this->tbl} values ('$name', '$value')");
else mysql_query_debug("update {$this->tbl} set value = '$value' where name = '$name'");
// ----- Delete -----
function Delete($name)
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
mysql_query_debug("delete from {$this->tbl} where name = '$name'");
// ----- Get -----
function Get($name)
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
$result = mysql_query_debug("select * from {$this->tbl} where name = '$name'");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
return $row ? $row['value'] : '';
// ----- GetAllData -----
function GetAllData()
$result = mysql_query_debug("select * from {$this->tbl} order by name");
$data = Array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $data[$row['name']] = $row['value'];
return $data;
// ----- Inc -----
function Inc($name)
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
$result = mysql_query_debug("select * from {$this->tbl} where name = '$name'");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
mysql_query_debug("update {$this->tbl} set value = value+1 where name = '$name'");
return $row ? $row['value'] : '';
// ----- TStringTable ----------------------------------------------------------
class TStringTable
var $tbl = null;
var $prefix = null;
// ----- Init -----
function Init($tbl, $prefix)
$this->tbl = $tbl;
$this->prefix = $prefix;
// ----- CreateTable -----
function CreateTable($drop = false)
if ($drop) mysql_query_debug("drop table {$this->tbl}");
"create table {$this->tbl}
({$this->prefix}id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment,
{$this->prefix}data text not null,
primary key ({$this->prefix}id))");
// ----- AddData -----
function AddData($data)
if ($data == '') return 0;
$data = mysql_real_escape_string($data);
mysql_query_debug("insert into {$this->tbl} ({$this->prefix}data) values ('$data')");
$result = mysql_query_debug(
"select * from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}data = '$data'
order by {$this->prefix}id desc limit 1");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
return $row ? $row["{$this->prefix}id"] : false;
// ----- ClearData -----
function ClearData($id)
$id = (integer)$id;
if ($id == 0) return '';
mysql_query_debug("delete from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}id = $id");
// ----- GetData -----
function GetData($id)
$id = (integer)$id;
if ($id == 0) return '';
$result = mysql_query_debug("select * from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}id = $id");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
return $row ? $row["{$this->prefix}data"] : false;
// ----- GetAllData -----
function GetAllData()
$result = mysql_query_debug("select {$this->prefix}id id, {$this->prefix}data data
from {$this->tbl} order by id");
$data = Array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $data[$row['id']] = $row['data'];
return $data;
// ----- Limit -----
function Limit($size)
"select @id := {$this->prefix}id from {$this->tbl}
order by {$this->prefix}id desc limit $size");
"delete from {$this->tbl} where {$this->prefix}id < @id");
// ----- THashedStringTable ----------------------------------------------------
class THashedStringTable
var $tbl = null;
var $prefix = null;
// ----- Init -----
function Init($tbl, $prefix)
$this->tbl = $tbl;
$this->prefix = $prefix;
// ----- CreateTable -----
function CreateTable($drop = false)
if ($drop) mysql_query_debug("drop table {$this->tbl}");
"create table {$this->tbl}
({$this->prefix}id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment,
{$this->prefix}hash smallint unsigned not null,
{$this->prefix}data text not null,
{$this->prefix}weight mediumint unsigned not null,
index {$this->prefix}hash ({$this->prefix}hash),
primary key ({$this->prefix}id))");
// ----- AddUniqueData -----
function AddUniqueData($data)
if ($data == '') return 0;
$hash = '0x' . substr(md5($data), 0, 4);
$data = mysql_real_escape_string($data);
$result = mysql_query_debug(
"select * from {$this->tbl} where
{$this->prefix}hash = $hash && {$this->prefix}data = '$data'
limit 1");
if (!mysql_num_rows($result))
"insert into {$this->tbl} ({$this->prefix}hash, {$this->prefix}data)
values ($hash, '$data')");
$result = mysql_query_debug(
"select * from {$this->tbl} where
{$this->prefix}hash = $hash && {$this->prefix}data = '$data'
limit 1");
$id = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$id = $id["{$this->prefix}id"];
mysql_query_debug("update {$this->tbl}
set {$this->prefix}weight = {$this->prefix}weight+1
where {$this->prefix}id = $id");
return $id;
// ----- GetAllData -----
function GetAllData()
$result = mysql_query_debug(
"select {$this->prefix}id id, {$this->prefix}data data
from {$this->tbl} order by {$this->prefix}weight desc");
$data = Array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $data[$row['id']] = $row['data'];
return $data;
// ----- TLogTable -------------------------------------------------------------
class TLogTable
var $tbl;
var $tbls = Array('country' => null,
'ref_domain' => null,
'ref_url' => null,
'url' => null,
'platform' => null,
'agent' => null,
'screen' => null);
// ----- Init -----
function Init($tbl)
$this->tbl = $tbl;
foreach ($this->tbls as $i => $x)
$this->tbls[$i] = new THashedStringTable();
$this->tbls[$i]->Init("{$tbl}_{$i}", "{$i}_");
// ----- CreateTable -----
function CreateTable($drop = false)
if ($drop) mysql_query_debug("drop table {$this->tbl}_log");
"create table {$this->tbl}_log
(id mediumint unsigned not null auto_increment,
uid integer unsigned not null,
returning smallint not null,
ip integer unsigned not null,
country2 varchar(2) not null,
country smallint unsigned not null,
ref_domain smallint unsigned not null,
ref_url smallint unsigned not null,
url_path varchar(254) not null,
pageloads smallint unsigned not null,
platform tinyint unsigned not null,
agent tinyint unsigned not null,
screen tinyint unsigned not null,
time_entry integer unsigned not null,
time_exit integer unsigned not null,
group_ref bigint unsigned not null,
group_url bigint unsigned not null,
primary key (id))");
if ($drop) mysql_query_debug("drop table {$this->tbl}_daily");
"create table {$this->tbl}_daily
(daily_id integer unsigned not null auto_increment,
daily_unique integer unsigned not null,
daily_returning integer unsigned not null,
daily_pageloads integer unsigned not null,
daily_time_spent integer unsigned not null,
primary key (daily_id))");
foreach ($this->tbls as $i => $x) $this->tbls[$i]->CreateTable($drop);
// ----- AddToLog -----
function AddToLog($data)
$exec = microtime(true);
// Adjust URLs
$data['url'] = url_adjust($data['url'],
$GLOBALS['myglobals']['url_strip_www' ],
$GLOBALS['myglobals']['url_append_www' ],
$GLOBALS['myglobals']['url_strip_index' ],
$data['ref'] = url_adjust($data['ref'],
$GLOBALS['myglobals']['ref_strip_www' ],
$GLOBALS['myglobals']['ref_append_www' ],
$GLOBALS['myglobals']['ref_strip_index' ],
if (!$data['ref'])
$data['ref_domain'] = 'No referring link';
$data['ref'] = 'No referring link';
else $data['ref_domain'] = url_domain($data['ref'], true);
foreach ($GLOBALS['myglobals']['domains'] as $i => $x)
if ($data['ref_domain'] == $i)
$data['ref_domain'] = 'No referring link';
$data['ref'] = 'No referring link';
// Data
$uid = (integer)$data['uid'];
$time = time();
$url = mysql_real_escape_string($this->tbls['url']->AddUniqueData($data['url']));
$url_ch = mysql_real_escape_string(chr($url%256) . chr((integer)($url/256)));
// Check if Log exists
if (!$data['returning'])
$result = mysql_query_debug("select * from {$this->tbl}_log where uid = $uid
order by id desc limit 1");
// Add Log
if ($data['returning'] || !mysql_num_rows($result))
$ip = explode('.', $data['ip']);
foreach ($ip as $i => $x) $ip[$i] = (integer)$x;
$ip = "({$ip[0]}*255*255*255+{$ip[1]}*255*255+{$ip[2]}*255+{$ip[3]})";
if ($GLOBALS["myglobals"]['mysql']['ipdb'])
$result = mysql_query_debug(
"select * from {$GLOBALS['myglobals']['mysql']['prefix']}_ip
where $ip > ip_fr && $ip < ip_to");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if ($row)
$country = $this->tbls['country']->AddUniqueData($row["name" ]);
$country2 = $row["code2"];
$country = $this->tbls['country']->AddUniqueData("Unknown");
$country2 = "99";
$returning = $data['returning'] ? 1 : 0;
$ref_domain = $this->tbls['ref_domain']->AddUniqueData($data['ref_domain']);
$ref_url = $this->tbls['ref_url' ]->AddUniqueData($data['ref' ]);
$platform = $this->tbls['platform' ]->AddUniqueData($data['platform' ]);
$agent = $this->tbls['agent' ]->AddUniqueData($data['agent' ]);
$screen = $this->tbls['screen' ]->AddUniqueData((integer)$data['screenx'] . '*' . (integer)$data['screeny']);
"insert into {$this->tbl}_log
( uid, returning, ip, country, country2, ref_domain, ref_url,
platform, agent, screen, time_entry)
($uid, $returning, $ip, $country, '$country2', $ref_domain, $ref_url,
$platform, $agent, $screen, $time)");
$result = mysql_query_debug("select * from {$this->tbl}_log where uid = $uid
order by id desc limit 1");
// Update Log
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
mysql_query_debug("update {$this->tbl}_log set
url_path = concat(url_path, '$url_ch'),
pageloads = pageloads+1,
time_exit = $time
where id = {$row['id']}");
return microtime(true)-$exec;
// ----- StatsSubset -----
function StatsSubset($limits)
foreach ($limits as $i => $x) $limits[$i] = (integer)$x;
$where = Array();
$names = Array("country", "ref_domain", "ref_url", "platform", "agent");
foreach ($names as $i => $x)
if (isset($limits[$x])) $where[] = "$x = {$limits[$x]}";
if (isset($limits['pageloads_min']))
$where[] = "pageloads >= {$limits['pageloads_min']}";
if (isset($limits['pageloads_max']))
$where[] = "pageloads <= {$limits['pageloads_max']}";
if (isset($limits['time_min']))
$where[] = "time_entry >= {$limits['time_min']}";
if (isset($limits['time_max']))
$where[] = "time_entry <= {$limits['time_max']}";
if (isset($limits['url']))
$url_ch = mysql_real_escape_string(chr($limits['url']%256) . chr((integer)($limits['url']/256)));
$where[] = "url_path REGEXP '$url_ch'";
return $where;
// ----- ShowLog -----
function ShowLog($from, $count)
$result = mysql_query(
"select id, returning, ip, time_entry, pageloads, country2,
country_data country,
ref_domain_data referrer,
platform_data platform,
agent_data browser,
screen_data resolution
from {$this->tbl}_log,
where country_id = country &&
ref_domain_id = ref_domain &&
platform_id = platform &&
agent_id = agent &&
screen_id = screen
order by id desc limit $from, $count");
$data = Array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $data[] = $row;
return $data;
// ----- PieStatsFromLog -----
function PieStatsFromLog($stats, $by_visitors, $limits)
$where = $this->StatsSubset($limits);
$weight = $by_visitors ? 'count(*)' : 'sum(pageloads)';
$names = Array("agent", "country", "ref_domain", "ref_url", "platform", "screen");
if (in_array($stats, $names))
$where[] = "{$stats}_id = $stats";
$where = 'where ' . implode(' && ', $where);
$result = mysql_query_debug(
"select {$stats}_data data, $weight weight
from {$this->tbl}_log, {$this->tbl}_$stats
$where group by $stats order by weight desc");
$where = count($where) ? 'where ' . implode(' && ', $where) : '';
if ($stats == "pageloads")
$result = mysql_query_debug(
"select pageloads data, $weight weight
from {$this->tbl}_log
$where group by pageloads order by weight desc");
elseif ($stats == "visit_length")
$result = mysql_query_debug(
"select round((time_exit-time_entry)/10) data, $weight weight
from {$this->tbl}_log
$where group by data order by weight desc");
else return false;
$data = Array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $data[] = $row;
return $data;
// ----- BarStatsFromLog -----
function BarStatsFromLog($stats, $interval, $limits)
$where = $this->StatsSubset($limits);
$where = count($where) ? 'where ' . implode(' && ', $where) : '';
if ($stats == "general" ) $weight = "sum(pageloads) pageloads_day, count(*) unique_day, sum(returning) returning_day";
elseif ($stats == "visit_length" ) $weight = "round(avg(time_exit-time_entry)/60, 1) $stats";
elseif ($stats == "pageloads_day") $weight = "sum(pageloads) $stats";
elseif ($stats == "pageloads_vis") $weight = "round(avg(pageloads), 1) $stats";
elseif ($stats == "returning" ) $weight = "sum(returning) $stats";
elseif ($stats == "uniques" ) $weight = "count(*) $stats";
else return false;
$interval = (integer)$interval;
$result = mysql_query_debug(
"select avg(time_entry) time, $weight from {$this->tbl}_log
$where group by truncate(time_entry/$interval, 0) order by time");
$data = Array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$row['time'] = date("D, j M Y", $row['time']);
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
// ----- Limit -----
function Limit($log, $daily)
"select @id := id from {$this->tbl}_log order by id desc limit $log");
mysql_query_debug("delete from {$this->tbl}_log where id < @id");
"select @id := daily_id from {$this->tbl}_daily
order by daily_id desc limit $daily");
mysql_query_debug("delete from {$this->tbl}_daily where daily_id < @id");
// ----- Auxiliary -------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- PieChart -----
function PieChart($sectors, $titles)
$colors = $GLOBALS['myglobals']['colors' ];
$shadows = $GLOBALS['myglobals']['shadows'];
$sheet = Array('color' => 0xF0F0F0,
'border_color' => 0xA0A0A0,
'shadow_color' => 0x606060,
'shadow_width' => 3,
'padding-top' => 30,
'padding-right' => 20,
'padding-bottom' => 30,
'padding-left' => 40);
$chart = Array('color' => 0x202020,
'width' => 300,
'height' => 180,
'shadow' => 15);
$titlebox = Array('color' => 0x202020,
'paddingx' => 7,
'paddingy' => 5,
'height' => 9,
'offset' => 6,
'sheet' => $sheet,
'font' => $GLOBALS['myglobals']['font']);
draw_piechart_advanced($image, $sheet, $chart, $titlebox, $sectors, $colors, $shadows, $titles);
return $GLOBALS['imgs']->AddData(imagepng_str($image));
// ----- BarChart -----
function BarChart($sectors, $titles)
$colors = $GLOBALS['myglobals']['colors' ];
$sheet = Array('color' => 0xF0F0F0,
'border_color' => 0xA0A0A0,
'shadow_color' => 0x606060,
'shadow_width' => 3,
'padding-top' => 20,
'padding-right' => 20,
'padding-bottom' => 20,
'padding-left' => 20);
$chart = Array('color' => 0x202020,
'width' => 200,
'height' => 180,
'shadow' => 15,
'bar_width' => 10,
'bar_offset' => 5);
$titlebox = Array('color' => 0x202020,
'paddingx' => 7,
'paddingy' => 5,
'height' => 9,
'offset' => 6,
'sheet' => $sheet,
'font' => $GLOBALS['myglobals']['font']);
draw_barchart_advanced($image, $sheet, $chart, $titlebox, $sectors, $colors, $titles);
return $GLOBALS['imgs']->AddData(imagepng_str($image));
// ----- DataConvertByRules -----
function DataConvertByRules($rules, $data)
$result = Array();
$rules2 = Array();
foreach ($rules as $i => $x)
$result[$i] = Array('data' => $x, 'weight' => 0);
foreach ($data as $i => $x)
foreach ($rules as $j => $y)
if ($x['data'] <= $j)
$result[$j]['weight'] += $x['weight'];
foreach($result as $i => $x) if (!$x['weight']) unset($result[$i]);
return $result;
// ----- DataConvertByCount -----
function DataConvertByCount($count, $data)
if (count($data) <= $count) return $data;
$result = Array();
$n = 0;
foreach ($data as $i => $x)
if ($n < $count-1) $result[$n] = $x;
if ($n == $count-1) $result[$count-1] = Array('data' => 'Other', 'weight' => $x['weight']);
if ($n > $count-1) $result[$count-1]['weight'] += $x['weight'];
return $result;
// ----- DataTable -----
function DataTable($sectors, $titles)
echo '<table class="sitestats">';
echo '<tr>';
foreach ($titles as $i => $x) echo '<th>' . htmlentities($x) . '</th>';
echo '</tr>';
$class = 'class="odd"';
foreach ($sectors as $i => $entry)
echo '<tr>';
foreach ($entry as $j => $x) echo "<td $class>" . htmlentities($x) . '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
$class = $class == 'class="odd"' ? 'class="even"' : 'class="odd"';
echo '</table>';