Viewing file: init.php (7.29 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
// Copyright (C) 2005 Ilya S. Lyubinskiy. All rights reserved.
// Technical support:
// (1) Remove or modify this copyright notice.
// (2) Distribute this code, any part or any modified version of it.
// Instead, you can link to the homepage of this code:
// (3) Use this code, any part or any modified version of it as a part of
// another product. If you want to do so you should receive my permission.
// (1) Use this code on your website.
// This code is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
// expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
// of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You expressly
// acknowledge and agree that use of this code is at your own risk.
// If you find this script useful, you can support my site in the following
// ways:
// 1. Vote for the script at (you can do it on my site)
// 2. Link to the homepage of this script or to the homepage of my site:
// You will get 50% commission on all orders made by your referrals.
// More information can be found here:
// ----- Configuration ---------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Domain activation code -----
$myglobals['domains'] = Array('' => '', '' => '');
// Replace with your domain name. This will exclude your domain
// from referres.
// ----- Paths -----
$myglobals['dir_root'] = "{$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']}/jaime/nuevo/contador";
// File system path to sitestats directory
$myglobals['src_root'] = "contador/";
// Web address of sitestats directory
// ----- MySQL configuration -----
$myglobals['mysql']['host'] = 'localhost';
$myglobals['mysql']['user'] = 'jaime';
$myglobals['mysql']['pass'] = '123';
$myglobals['mysql']['name'] = 'oa';
// Database information
$myglobals['mysql']['prefix'] = "sitestats";
// Select prefix for all tables
$myglobals['mysql']['debug'] = true;
// Show database query errors
$myglobals['mysql']['drop'] = false;
// Setting $myglobals['mysql']['drop'] will allow replacing tables
// that already exist. If not sure, set it to false
$myglobals['mysql']['rawdata'] = false;
// Log raw data.
$myglobals['mysql']['ipdb'] = true;
// Use ip-to-country database
$myglobals['mysql']['logsize'] = 32*1024;
// The number of entries to keep (one entry per visitor)
// ----- Font -----
$myglobals['font'] = "{$myglobals['dir_root']}/fonts/arial.ttf";
// ----- URL reduction ------
$myglobals['url_strip_www' ] = true;
$myglobals['url_append_www' ] = false;
$myglobals['url_strip_index' ] = 'index.php';
$myglobals['url_append_index'] = false;
// Different URLs can refer to the same page. For example,
// and refer to the same page.
// These settings will help to reduce such URLs to the same form.
// ----- Referrer reduction ------
$myglobals['ref_strip_www' ] = true;
$myglobals['ref_append_www' ] = false;
$myglobals['ref_strip_index' ] = false;
$myglobals['ref_append_index'] = false;
// Different URLs can refer to the same page. For example,
// and refer to the same page.
// These settings will help to reduce such URLs to the same form.
// ----- Bar chart stats ------
$myglobals['stats_pie_nchart'] = 6;
// Number of sectors in the pie diagram
$myglobals['stats_pie_ntable'] = 64;
// Number of entries in the table
$myglobals['stats_pie'] = Array("agent" => 'Browser',
"country" => 'Country',
"ref_domain" => 'Referrer Domain',
"ref_url" => 'Referrer URL',
"pageloads" => 'Pageloads',
"platform" => 'Platform',
"screen" => 'Screen Resolution',
"visit_length" => 'Visit Length');
// Pie stats. Do not modify.
// ----- Pie chart stats ------
$myglobals['stats_bar'] = Array("general" => "General",
"visit_length" => "Visit Length",
"pageloads_day" => "Pageloads",
"pageloads_vis" => "Pageloads Per Visit",
"returning" => "Returning Visitors",
"uniques" => "Unique Visitors");
// Bar stats. Do not modify.
// ----- Pie Chart Conversions ------
$myglobals['convert_pageloads'] = Array(1 => "1 pageload",
3 => "2-3 pageloads",
6 => "4-6 pageloads",
10 => "7-10 pageloads",
15 => "11-15 pageloads",
9999 => "More than 15");
// This breaks pageloads per visit number to 6 intervals. You can change it.
$myglobals['convert_timespent'] = Array(0 => "Less than 10sec",
3 => "10sec - 30sec",
12 => "30sec - 2min",
60 => "2min - 10min",
180 => "10min - 30min",
9999 => "More than 30min");
// This breaks all visit length to 6 intervals. You can change it.
// ----- Images ------
$myglobals['colors' ] = Array(0xC85858, 0xC8C858, 0x58C858, 0x58C8C8, 0x5858C8, 0xC858C8);
// Colors for bar and pie diagrams
$myglobals['shadows'] = Array(0x702020, 0x707020, 0x207020, 0x207070, 0x202070, 0x702070);
// Shadows for pie diagrams
// ----- Initialization --------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Errors handling -----
ini_set("log_errors", 0);
ini_set("display_errors", 1);
// ----- Adjust magic quotes -----
include_once 'mylib.php';
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) adjust_magic_quotes();
// ----- Start session -----
ini_set("session.use_cookies", 1);
// ----- Connect to database -----
mysql_connect ($myglobals['mysql']['host'],
// ----- API -------------------------------------------------------------------
include_once "api.php";
$log = new TLogTable();
$imgs = new TStringTable();
$imgs->init($myglobals['mysql']['prefix'] . '_imgs', 'imgs_');
$gets = new TStringTable();
$gets->init($myglobals['mysql']['prefix'] . '_gets', 'gets_');
$vars = new TVarTable();
$vars->Init($myglobals['mysql']['prefix'] . '_vars');
$queries = new TVarTable();
$queries->init($myglobals['mysql']['prefix'] . '_query');
$log ->Limit($myglobals['mysql']['logsize'], $myglobals['mysql']['logsize']);