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// Copyright (C) 2005 Ilya S. Lyubinskiy. All rights reserved.
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// (2) Distribute this code, any part or any modified version of it.
// Instead, you can link to the homepage of this code:
// (3) Use this code, any part or any modified version of it as a part of
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// (1) Use this code on your website.
// This code is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
// expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
// of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You expressly
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// If you find this script useful, you can support my site in the following
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// More information can be found here:
// ----- Arrays ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Array concat ----
function array_concat()
$result = Array();
for ($i = 0; $i < func_num_args(); $i++)
if (is_array(func_get_arg($i)))
foreach(func_get_arg($i) as $j => $y) $result[$j] = $y;
else $result[] = func_get_arg($i);
return $result;
// ----- Graphics --------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Output to String -----
function imagepng_str($image)
$result = ob_get_contents();
return $result;
// ----- Color Allocate -----
function color_allocate($image, $color)
$b = ($color) % 0x100;
$g = ($color/0x100) % 0x100;
$r = ($color/0x10000) % 0x100;
return imagecolorallocate($image, $r, $g, $b);
// ----- Draw sheet -----
function draw_sheet($image, $data)
$data['color' ] = color_allocate($image, $data['color' ]);
$data['border_color'] = color_allocate($image, $data['border_color']);
$data['shadow_color'] = color_allocate($image, $data['shadow_color']);
imagefilledrectangle($image, $data['x1']+$data['shadow_width'],
$data['x2'], $data['y2'],
imagefilledrectangle($image, $data['x1'], $data['y1'],
imagerectangle ($image, $data['x1'], $data['y1'],
// ----- Draw title2color -----
function title2color_width($data, $titles)
$width = 0;
foreach ($titles as $i => $title)
$size = imageftbbox(9, 0, $GLOBALS['myglobals']['font'], $title);
if ($size[2]-$size[6] > $width) $width = $size[2]-$size[6];
if (isset($data['sheet'])) $width += $data['sheet']['shadow_width'];
return 2*$data['paddingx']+$data['height']+$data['offset']+$width;
function title2color_height($data, $titles)
return 2*$data['paddingy']+
function draw_title2color($image, $data, $titles, $colors)
if (isset($data['sheet']))
$data['sheet']['x1'] = $data['x'];
$data['sheet']['y1'] = $data['y'];
$data['sheet']['x2'] = $data['x']+title2color_width ($data, $titles);
$data['sheet']['y2'] = $data['y']+title2color_height($data, $titles);
draw_sheet($image, $data['sheet']);
$data['color'] = color_allocate($image, $data['color']);
foreach ($colors as $i => $x) $colors[$i] = color_allocate($image, $x);
foreach ($titles as $i => $title)
imagefilledrectangle($image, $data['x']+1+$data['paddingx'],
$colors[$i % count($colors)]);
imagerectangle ($image, $data['x']+1+$data['paddingx'],
imagettftext($image, 9, 0, $data['x']+$data['paddingx']+$data['height']+$data['offset'],
$data['color'], $data['font'], $title);
$data['y'] += $data['height']+$data['offset'];
// ----- Draw piechart -----
function draw_piechart($image, $data, $sectors, $colors, $shadows)
// Colors
$data['color'] = color_allocate($image, $data['color']);
foreach ($colors as $i => $x) $colors [$i] = color_allocate($image, $x);
foreach ($shadows as $i => $x) $shadows[$i] = color_allocate($image, $x);
// Shadow
for ($n = $data['shadow']; $n > 1; $n--)
$start = 0;
$end = 0;
foreach ($sectors as $i => $percent)
$end += $percent;
imagefilledarc($image, $data['x'], $data['y']+$n,
$data['width'], $data['height'],
$start*360/100, $end*360/100,
$shadows[$i % count($shadows)], IMG_ARC_PIE);
$start += $percent;
// Face
$start = 0;
$end = 0;
foreach ($sectors as $i => $percent)
$end += $percent;
imagefilledarc($image, $data['x'], $data['y'],
$data['width'], $data['height'],
$start*360/100, $end*360/100,
$colors[$i % count($colors)], IMG_ARC_PIE);
$start += $percent;
// Titles
$start = 0;
$end = 0;
foreach ($sectors as $i => $percent)
$end += $percent;
$text = round($percent) . '%';
$size = imageftbbox(9, 0, $GLOBALS['myglobals']['font'], $text);
$txtx = $data['x']+cos(($start+$end)*M_PI/100)*($data['width'] +9)/2-1;
$txty = $data['y']+sin(($start+$end)*M_PI/100)*($data['height']+9)/2+1;
if ($start+$end < 100) $txty += $size[3]-$size[7]+$data['shadow'];
if ($start+$end < 150 && $start+$end > 50)
$txtx -= $size[2]-$size[6]-3;
imagettftext($image, 9, 0, $txtx, $txty,
$data['color'], $GLOBALS['myglobals']['font'], $text);
$start += $percent;
// ----- Draw piechart advanced -----
function draw_piechart_advanced(&$image, $sheet, $chart, $titlebox, $sectors, $colors, $shadows, $titles)
$chart['x'] = 10+$sheet['padding-left']+round($chart['width' ]/2);
$chart['y'] = 10+$sheet['padding-top' ]+round($chart['height']/2);
$titlebox['x'] = 10+2*$sheet['padding-left']+$chart['width'];
$titlebox['y'] = 10+ $sheet['padding-top' ];
$sheet['x1'] = 10;
$sheet['y1'] = 10;
$sheet['x2'] = $sheet['shadow_width']+$sheet['padding-right' ]+
$titlebox['x']+title2color_width($titlebox, $titles);
$sheet['y2'] = $sheet['shadow_width']+$sheet['padding-bottom']+
if (!$image)
$image = imagecreate($sheet['x2']+10, $sheet['y2']+10);
imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
draw_sheet($image, $sheet);
draw_piechart($image, $chart, $sectors, $colors, $shadows);
draw_title2color($image, $titlebox, $titles, $colors);
// ----- Draw barchart -----
function draw_barchart_width($data, $sectors)
$colnum = 0;
foreach ($sectors as $i => $x) { $colnum = count($x); break; }
return Max($data['width'],
function draw_barchart(&$image, $data, $sectors, $colors)
$colnum = 0;
foreach ($sectors as $i => $x) { $colnum = count($x); break; }
// Adjust sectors
$max = 0;
foreach ($sectors as $i => $x)
foreach ($x as $j => $y) $max = ($max > $y) ? $max : $y;
$scale = 8;
while ($scale*$max > 0.9*$data['height']) $scale = $scale/2;
// Colors
$data['color'] = color_allocate($image, $data['color']);
foreach ($colors as $i => $x) $colors[$i] = color_allocate($image, $x);
// Axes
imageline ($image,
imageline ($image,
// Bars
foreach ($sectors as $i => $x)
foreach ($x as $j => $y)
$xpos = $data['bar_width']*($i*$colnum+$j)+$data['bar_offset']*$i;
imagerectangle ($image,
imagettftext($image, min($data['bar_width']-2, 8), -90,
$data['x']+$xpos+5, $data['y']+$data['height']+3,
$data['color'], $GLOBALS['myglobals']['font'], $y);
// ----- Draw barchart advanced -----
function draw_barchart_advanced(&$image, $sheet, $chart, $titlebox, $sectors, $colors, $titles)
$colnum = 0;
foreach ($sectors as $i => $x) { $colnum = count($x); break; }
$chart['x'] = 10+$sheet['padding-left'];
$chart['y'] = 10+$sheet['padding-top' ];
$chart['width'] = draw_barchart_width($chart, $sectors);
$titlebox['x'] = 10+$sheet['padding-left']+$chart['width']+20;
$titlebox['y'] = 10+$sheet['padding-top' ];
$sheet['x1'] = 10;
$sheet['y1'] = 10;
$sheet['x2'] = $sheet['shadow_width']+$sheet['padding-right' ]+
$titlebox['x']+title2color_width($titlebox, $titles);
$sheet['y2'] = $sheet['shadow_width']+$sheet['padding-bottom']+
if (!$image)
$image = imagecreate($sheet['x2']+10, $sheet['y2']+10);
imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
draw_sheet($image, $sheet);
draw_barchart($image, $chart, $sectors, $colors);
draw_title2color($image, $titlebox, $titles, $colors);
// ----- MySQL -----------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Debug Query -----
function mysql_query_debug($str)
$result = mysql_query($str);
if ($GLOBALS['myglobals']['mysql']['debug'] && mysql_error())
echo '<hr /><b>Message:</b> ' . mysql_error() . "<br /><b>Query:</b> $str<hr />";
return $result;
// ----- MySQL Safe String -----
function mysql_safe_string(&$dest, $source)
for ($i = 2; $i < func_num_args(); $i++)
if (isset($source[func_get_arg($i)]))
$dest[func_get_arg($i)] = mysql_real_escape_string($source[func_get_arg($i)]);
else $dest[func_get_arg($i)] = '';
// ----- MySQL Safe Integer -----
function mysql_safe_integer(&$dest, $source)
for ($i = 2; $i < func_num_args(); $i++)
if (isset($source[func_get_arg($i)]))
$dest[func_get_arg($i)] = (integer)$source[func_get_arg($i)];
else $dest[func_get_arg($i)] = 0;
// ----- PHP Configuration -----------------------------------------------------
// ----- Addjust magic quotes
function adjust_magic_quotes()
function strip_slashes_deep($value)
if (is_array($value)) return array_map('strip_slashes_deep', $value);
return stripslashes($value);
$_GET = strip_slashes_deep($_GET);
$_POST = strip_slashes_deep($_POST);
$_COOKIE = strip_slashes_deep($_COOKIE);
// ----- Request ---------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Get/Post -----
function __get($index)
return isset($_GET [$index]) ? $_GET [$index] : false;
function __post($index)
return isset($_POST[$index]) ? $_POST[$index] : false;
// ----- Get/Post Entities -----
function __get_entities($index)
return isset($_GET [$index]) ? htmlentities($_GET [$index]) : false;
function __post_entities($index)
return isset($_POST[$index]) ? htmlentities($_POST[$index]) : false;
// ----- Checked/Selected -----
function __checked($key, $val = false)
if ($val)
return (isset($_POST[$key]) && $_POST[$key] == $val) ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
else return isset($_POST[$key]) ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
function __selected($key, $val)
return (isset($_POST[$key]) && $_POST[$key] == $val) ? 'selected="selected"' : "";
// ----- URL -------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----- Parse URL -----
function url_domain($url, $strip_www = false, $append_www = false)
$error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
$url = parse_url($url);
if (!isset($url['host'])) return false;
$url['host'] = strtolower($url['host']);
if ($strip_www && strpos($url['host'], 'www.') === 0)
return substr($url['host'], 4, strlen($url['host'])-4);
if ($append_www && strpos($url['host'], 'www.') !== 0)
return 'www.' . $url['host'];
return $url['host'];
// ----- Adjust URL -----
function url_adjust($url, $strip_www = false, $append_www = false,
$strip_index = false, $append_index = false)
$error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
$url = parse_url($url);
// adjust Host
if (!isset($url['host'])) return false;
$url['host'] = strtolower($url['host']);
if ($strip_www && strpos($url['host'], 'www.') === 0)
$url['host'] = substr($url['host'], 4, strlen($url['host'])-4);
if ($append_www && strpos($url['host'], 'www.') !== 0)
$url['host'] = 'www.' . $url['host'];
// Adjust path begin
if (!isset($url['path'])) $url['path'] = '/';
$url['path'] = explode('/', $url['path']);
$lastitem = &$url['path'][count($url['path'])-1];
// Apend slash after directory
if ($lastitem != '' && strpos($lastitem, '.') === false)
$url['path'][] = '';
$lastitem = &$url['path'][count($url['path'])-1];
// Strip/append index
if (isset($strip_index ) && $lastitem == $strip_index ) $lastitem = '';
if (isset($append_index) && $lastitem == '') $lastitem = $append_index;
// Adjust path end
$url['path'] = implode('/', $url['path']);
// Result
$result = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'] . $url['path'];
if (isset($url['query' ])) $result += '?' . $url['query' ];
if (isset($url['fragment'])) $result += '#' . $url['fragment'];
return $result;