Viewing file: IfxSQLTop.php (3.04 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
class IfxSQLTop extends DBTop {
function getThreads(){
$sesInfo = $this->getSesInfo();
$sqlInfo = $this->getSqlInfo();
foreach ($sesInfo as $sesFields){
$row = array("Id"=>"", "User"=>"", "Host"=>"", "db"=>"", "Command"=>"","Time"=>"","State"=>"", "Info"=>"");
if ((sizeof($sesFields) == 10) && ($sesFields[0] != "id")){
$row["Id"] = $sesFields[0];
$row["User"] = $sesFields[1];
$row["Host"] = $sesFields[4];
// search each sqlFields element in the sqlInfo array
// for this sess id
foreach($sqlInfo as $sqlFields){
if(array_search($sesFields[0], $sqlFields)==0){
$row["Command"] = $sqlFields[1];
$row["db"] = $sqlFields[2];
$this->threadList[] = $row;
return $this->threadList;
function killThread($threadID){
return "Fake IfxSQL Return";
function getSesInfo(){
// get ses info using onstat
$sesCommand = "/var/informix10/bin/onstat -g ses";
$sesCommandReturn = shell_exec($sesCommand);
// split up the return by line breaks
$sesLines = explode("\n", $sesCommandReturn);
// slice out the header lines
$sesLines = array_slice($sesLines, 5);
// slice out the tailer lines
$sesLines = array_slice($sesLines, 0, sizeof($sesLines)-2);
// loop over each session line
foreach ($sesLines as $sesLine){
// split the line up into an array by spaces
$sesFields = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $sesLine);
// add that array to the running list of ses info
$sesInfo[] = $sesFields;
// return the full list of ses info
return $sesInfo;
function getSqlInfo(){
// get sql info using onstat
$sqlCommand = "/var/informix10/bin/onstat -g sql ";
$sqlCommandReturn = shell_exec($sqlCommand);
// Split up the return by line breaks
$sqlLines = explode("\n", $sqlCommandReturn);
// Slice out the header lines
$sqlLines = array_slice($sqlLines, 5);
// Slice out the tailer lines
$sqlLines = array_slice($sqlLines, 0, sizeof($sqlLines)-2);
foreach($sqlLines as $sqlLine){
// On the first fields, split only on >=2 spaces, some field values have a space
// Only apply to first 6 fields, to catch the status field as one element
$firstSqlFields = preg_split("/[\s,]{2,}/", $sqlLine, 6);
// Get the rest of the remaining fields from the 5th element, separating by space
$tailSqlFields = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $firstSqlFields[5]);
// Remove that 5th element to prepare for merging
// Merge the arrays to make 1 return array
$sqlFields = array_merge($firstSqlFields, $tailSqlFields);
// Check the first element for a space and split it up if it's there
// (Catching cases where sess id is long enough to make it 1 space away from sql stmt column)
if (strrpos($sqlFields[0], " ")){
array_splice($sqlFields, 0, 1, explode(" ", $sqlFields[0]));
// add this sql info to the running list of sql info
$sqlInfo[] = $sqlFields;
// return the full list of sql info
return $sqlInfo;