Viewing file: showthreads.php (3.59 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php // written by brett pierce // // subsequently butchered by Luke Crouch
require_once("config.php"); require_once("lib/DBTopFactory.php"); // go to DB (via factory) to get array of threads $dbTopFactory = new DBTopFactory($dbServer); $dbTop = $dbTopFactory->getDBTop($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass); $processList = $dbTop->getThreads(); $threadArray = $processList->threads;
// *** new filter section $filteredArray = array(); for ($i=0; $i<count($threadArray); $i++){ //format Host. $threadArray[$i]['Host'] = chopHost($threadArray[$i]['Host']); $insertFlag = 1; foreach($filters as $currentFilter) { $filterVal = ($_GET[$currentFilter]) ? ($_GET[$currentFilter]) : "ALL"; if($insertFlag != 0) { $insertFlag = filter($threadArray[$i][$currentFilter],$filterVal,$currentFilter); } } if ($insertFlag == 1) { $filteredArray[] = $threadArray[$i]; } }
// *** sorting section (should wrap into function) $sortByCol = $_GET['sortByCol']; $sortByOrder = $_GET['sortByOrder']; $sortArr = array(); foreach($filteredArray as $key=>$row){ $sortArr[$key] = $row[$sortByCol]; } if ($sortByOrder == "ASC"){ array_multisort($sortArr, SORT_ASC, $filteredArray); } else if ($sortByOrder == "DESC"){ array_multisort($sortArr, SORT_DESC, $filteredArray); } // *** xml output section (should wrap into function as well) // setup the initial root element of the xml document. $xml = new DomDocument(); $rootElement = $xml->createElement('response'); $rootElement = $xml->appendChild($rootElement);
foreach($filteredArray as $row) { //create a new thread element. $thread = $xml->createElement('div'); $thread->setAttribute('class','Columns dataRow'); $thread->setAttribute('id', 'threadRow' . $row['Id']); $thread->setAttribute('title', 'Click to explain SELECT.'); $thread->setAttribute('onmouseover','highlight(this);'); $thread->setAttribute('onmouseout','deHighlight(this);'); $thread->setAttribute('onclick', 'new Explanation(' . $row['Id'] .');'); //insert thread into DOM object. $thread = $rootElement->appendChild($thread); // add each column into thread foreach($row as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) { $child = $xml->createElement('div'); $child->setAttribute('class','Column dataDetail'); $child = $thread->appendChild($child); $value = $xml->createTextNode($fieldvalue); $value = $child->appendChild($value); } } $xml_string = $xml->saveXML(); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); echo $xml_string; // ** helper functions filter and chopHost function filter($fieldValue,$filterValue,$currentFilter) { if($currentFilter == "Command" && $filterValue == "awake") { if($fieldValue != "Sleep") { return 1; } } if($filterValue == "ALL") { return 1; } if($fieldValue == $filterValue) { return 1; } return 0; }
function chopHost($host) { //this function will return the appropriate hostname //or IP address without the port specifications. //strip the port. $chopped_fieldvalue = explode(":",$host); $chopped_fieldvalueNoPort = $chopped_fieldvalue[0]; $chopped_array = explode(".",$chopped_fieldvalueNoPort); //now determine what to return. if(count($chopped_array) == 4) { //this is an IP address. return($chopped_fieldvalueNoPort); } else { //return the host name without domain(s). return($chopped_array[0]); //return first element in explode list. }//end if/else. }//end chopHost. ?>