Viewing file: db_details_db_info.php (5.28 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* $Id: db_details_db_info.php,v 2.14 2005/11/07 11:59:30 cybot_tm Exp $ */ // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
// Check parameters
if ( PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION >= 50002 && $db == 'information_schema' ) { $cfg['ShowStats'] = false; $db_is_information_schema = true; } else { $db_is_information_schema = false; }
function fillTooltip( &$tooltip_truename, &$tooltip_aliasname, &$tmp ) { $tooltip_truename[$tmp['Name']] = ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] != 'nested' ? (!empty($tmp['Comment']) ? $tmp['Comment'] . ' ' : $tmp['Name']) : $tmp['Name']); $tooltip_aliasname[$tmp['Name']] = ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] && $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] != 'nested' ? $tmp['Name'] : (!empty($tmp['Comment']) ? $tmp['Comment'] . ' ' : $tmp['Name'])); if (isset($tmp['Create_time']) && !empty($tmp['Create_time'])) { $tooltip_aliasname[$tmp['Name']] .= ', ' . $GLOBALS['strStatCreateTime'] . ': ' . PMA_localisedDate(strtotime($tmp['Create_time'])); }
if (isset($tmp['Update_time']) && !empty($tmp['Update_time'])) { $tooltip_aliasname[$tmp['Name']] .= ', ' . $GLOBALS['strStatUpdateTime'] . ': ' . PMA_localisedDate(strtotime($tmp['Update_time'])); }
if (isset($tmp['Check_time']) && !empty($tmp['Check_time'])) { $tooltip_aliasname[$tmp['Name']] .= ', ' . $GLOBALS['strStatCheckTime'] . ': ' . PMA_localisedDate(strtotime($tmp['Check_time'])); }
return true; }
/** * Gets the list of the table in the current db and informations about these * tables if possible */ // staybyte: speedup view on locked tables - 11 June 2001 $tables = array();
// When used in Nested table group mode, only show tables matching the given groupname if (!empty($tbl_group) && !$cfg['ShowTooltipAliasTB']) { $tbl_group_sql = ' LIKE "' . PMA_escape_mysql_wildcards( $tbl_group ) . '%"'; } else { $tbl_group_sql = ''; }
if ( $cfg['ShowTooltip'] ) { $tooltip_truename = array(); $tooltip_aliasname = array(); }
// Special speedup for newer MySQL Versions (in 4.0 format changed) if ( true === $cfg['SkipLockedTables'] ) { $db_info_result = PMA_DBI_query('SHOW OPEN TABLES FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db) . ';'); // Blending out tables in use if ($db_info_result != FALSE && PMA_DBI_num_rows($db_info_result) > 0) { while ($tmp = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($db_info_result)) { // if in use memorize tablename if (preg_match('@in_use=[1-9]+@i', $tmp[1])) { $sot_cache[$tmp[0]] = TRUE; } } PMA_DBI_free_result($db_info_result);
if (isset($sot_cache)) { $db_info_result = PMA_DBI_query('SHOW TABLES FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db) . $tbl_group_sql . ';', NULL, PMA_DBI_QUERY_STORE); if ($db_info_result != FALSE && PMA_DBI_num_rows($db_info_result) > 0) { while ($tmp = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($db_info_result)) { if (!isset($sot_cache[$tmp[0]])) { $sts_result = PMA_DBI_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db) . ' LIKE \'' . addslashes($tmp[0]) . '\';'); $sts_tmp = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($sts_result); PMA_DBI_free_result($sts_result); unset($sts_result);
if (!isset($sts_tmp['Type']) && isset($sts_tmp['Engine'])) { $sts_tmp['Type'] =& $sts_tmp['Engine']; }
if (!empty($tbl_group) && $cfg['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] && !preg_match('@' . preg_quote($tbl_group, '@') . '@i', $sts_tmp['Comment'])) { continue; }
if ($cfg['ShowTooltip']) { fillTooltip($tooltip_truename, $tooltip_aliasname, $sts_tmp); }
$tables[$sts_tmp['Name']] = $sts_tmp; } else { // table in use $tables[$tmp[0]] = array('Name' => $tmp[0]); } } PMA_DBI_free_result($db_info_result); if ( $GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder'] ) { uksort( $tables, 'strnatcasecmp' ); }
$sot_ready = TRUE; } } } else { PMA_DBI_free_result($db_info_result); unset($db_info_result); } }
if ( ! isset( $sot_ready ) ) { if ( ! empty( $tbl_group ) && ! $cfg['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] ) { // only tables for selected group $tables = PMA_DBI_get_tables_full( $db, $tbl_group, true ); } elseif ( ! empty( $tbl_group ) && $cfg['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] ) { // only tables for selected group, // but grouping is done on comment ... $tables = PMA_DBI_get_tables_full( $db, $tbl_group, 'comment' ); } else { // all tables in db $tables = PMA_DBI_get_tables_full( $db ); } if ( $cfg['ShowTooltip'] ) { foreach( $tables as $each_table ) { fillTooltip( $tooltip_truename, $tooltip_aliasname, $each_table ); } } }
$num_tables = count( $tables );
/** * Displays top menu links */ require('./db_details_links.php'); ?>