Viewing file: tbl_replace.php (10.25 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* $Id: tbl_replace.php,v 2.29 2005/11/18 12:50:49 cybot_tm Exp $ */ // vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
/** * Gets some core libraries */ require_once('./libraries/common.lib.php');
// Check parameters PMA_checkParameters(array('db','table','goto'));
/** * Initializes some variables */ // Defines the url to return in case of success of the query if (isset($sql_query)) { $sql_query = urldecode($sql_query); } if (!isset($dontlimitchars)) { $dontlimitchars = 0; } $is_gotofile = FALSE; if (isset($after_insert) && $after_insert == 'new_insert') { $goto = 'tbl_change.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db, $table, '&') . '&goto=' . urlencode($goto) . '&pos=' . $pos . '&session_max_rows=' . $session_max_rows . '&disp_direction=' . $disp_direction . '&repeat_cells=' . $repeat_cells . '&dontlimitchars=' . $dontlimitchars . (empty($sql_query) ? '' : '&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query)); } elseif (isset($after_insert) && $after_insert == 'same_insert') { $goto = 'tbl_change.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db, $table, '&') . '&goto=' . urlencode($goto) . '&pos=' . $pos . '&session_max_rows=' . $session_max_rows . '&disp_direction=' . $disp_direction . '&repeat_cells=' . $repeat_cells . '&dontlimitchars=' . $dontlimitchars . (empty($sql_query) ? '' : '&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query)); if (isset($primary_key)) { foreach ($primary_key AS $pk) { $goto .= '&primary_key[]=' . $pk; } } } elseif (isset($after_insert) && $after_insert == 'edit_next') { $goto = 'tbl_change.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db, $table, '&') . '&goto=' . urlencode($goto) . '&pos=' . $pos . '&session_max_rows=' . $session_max_rows . '&disp_direction=' . $disp_direction . '&repeat_cells=' . $repeat_cells . '&dontlimitchars=' . $dontlimitchars . (empty($sql_query) ? '' : '&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query)); if (isset($primary_key)) { foreach ($primary_key AS $pk) { $local_query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table) . ' WHERE ' . str_replace('` =', '` >', urldecode($pk)) . ' LIMIT 1;'; $res = PMA_DBI_query($local_query); $row = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($res); $meta = PMA_DBI_get_fields_meta($res); $goto .= '&primary_key[]=' . urlencode(PMA_getUvaCondition($res, count($row), $meta, $row)); } } } else if ($goto == 'sql.php') { $goto = 'sql.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db, $table, '&') . '&pos=' . $pos . '&session_max_rows=' . $session_max_rows . '&disp_direction=' . $disp_direction . '&repeat_cells=' . $repeat_cells . '&dontlimitchars=' . $dontlimitchars . '&sql_query=' . urlencode($sql_query); } else if (!empty($goto)) { // Security checkings $is_gotofile = preg_replace('@^([^?]+).*$@', '\\1', $goto); if (!@file_exists('./' . $is_gotofile)) { $goto = (empty($table)) ? 'db_details.php' : 'tbl_properties.php'; $is_gotofile = TRUE; } else { $is_gotofile = ($is_gotofile == $goto); } }
// Defines the url to return in case of failure of the query if (isset($err_url)) { $err_url = urldecode($err_url); } else { $err_url = str_replace('&', '&', $goto) . (empty($primary_key) ? '' : '&primary_key=' . (is_array($primary_key) ? $primary_key[0] : $primary_key)); }
// Misc $seen_binary = FALSE;
/** * Prepares the update/insert of a row */ if (isset($primary_key)) { // we were editing something => use primary key $loop_array = (is_array($primary_key) ? $primary_key : array(0 => $primary_key)); $using_key = TRUE; $is_insert = ($submit_type == $strInsertAsNewRow); } else { // new row => use indexes $loop_array = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $cfg['InsertRows']; $i++) $loop_array[$i] = $i; $using_key = FALSE; $is_insert = TRUE; }
$query = array(); $message = '';
foreach ($loop_array AS $primary_key_index => $enc_primary_key) { // skip fields to be ignored if (!$using_key && isset($GLOBALS['insert_ignore_' . $enc_primary_key])) continue;
// Restore the "primary key" to a convenient format $primary_key = urldecode($enc_primary_key);
// Defines the SET part of the sql query $valuelist = ''; $fieldlist = '';
// Map multi-edit keys to single-level arrays, dependent on how we got the fields $me_fields = isset($fields['multi_edit']) && isset($fields['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key]) ? $fields['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key] : null; $me_fields_prev = isset($fields_prev['multi_edit']) && isset($fields_prev['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key]) ? $fields_prev['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key] : null; $me_funcs = isset($funcs['multi_edit']) && isset($funcs['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key]) ? $funcs['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key] : null; $me_fields_type = isset($fields_type['multi_edit']) && isset($fields_type['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key]) ? $fields_type['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key] : null; $me_fields_null = isset($fields_null['multi_edit']) && isset($fields_null['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key]) ? $fields_null['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key] : null; $me_auto_increment = isset($auto_increment['multi_edit']) && isset($auto_increment['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key]) ? $auto_increment['multi_edit'][$enc_primary_key] : null;
if ($using_key && isset($me_fields_type) && is_array($me_fields_type) && isset($primary_key)) { $prot_result = PMA_DBI_query('SELECT * FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table) . ' WHERE ' . $primary_key . ';'); $prot_row = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($prot_result); PMA_DBI_free_result($prot_result); unset($prot_result); }
foreach ($me_fields AS $encoded_key => $val) { $key = urldecode($encoded_key); $fieldlist .= PMA_backquote($key) . ', ';
if (empty($me_funcs[$encoded_key])) { $cur_value = $val . ', '; } else if (preg_match('@^(UNIX_TIMESTAMP)$@', $me_funcs[$encoded_key]) && $val != '\'\'') { $cur_value = $me_funcs[$encoded_key] . '(' . $val . '), '; } else if (preg_match('@^(NOW|CURDATE|CURTIME|UNIX_TIMESTAMP|RAND|USER|LAST_INSERT_ID)$@', $me_funcs[$encoded_key])) { $cur_value = $me_funcs[$encoded_key] . '(), '; } else { $cur_value = $me_funcs[$encoded_key] . '(' . $val . '), '; }
if ($is_insert) { // insert, no need to add column $valuelist .= $cur_value; } else if (empty($me_funcs[$encoded_key]) && isset($me_fields_prev) && isset($me_fields_prev[$encoded_key]) && ("'" . PMA_sqlAddslashes(urldecode($me_fields_prev[$encoded_key])) . "'" == $val)) { // No change for this column and no MySQL function is used -> next column continue; } else if (!empty($val)) { $valuelist .= PMA_backquote($key) . ' = ' . $cur_value; } } // end while
// get rid of last , $valuelist = preg_replace('@, $@', '', $valuelist);
// Builds the sql query if ($is_insert) { if (empty($query)) { // first inserted row -> prepare template $fieldlist = preg_replace('@, $@', '', $fieldlist); $query = array('INSERT INTO ' . PMA_backquote($table) . ' (' . $fieldlist . ') VALUES '); } // append current values $query[0] .= '(' . $valuelist . '), '; $message = $strInsertedRows . ' '; } elseif (!empty($valuelist)) { // build update query $query[] = 'UPDATE ' . PMA_backquote($table) . ' SET ' . $valuelist . ' WHERE' . $primary_key . ' LIMIT 1';
$message = $strAffectedRows . ' '; } } // end for
// trim last , from insert query if ($is_insert) { $query[0] = preg_replace('@, $@', '', $query[0]); }
if (empty($valuelist) && empty($query)) { // No change -> move back to the calling script $message = $strNoModification; if ($is_gotofile) { $js_to_run = 'functions.js'; require_once('./'); require('./' . PMA_securePath($goto)); } else { PMA_sendHeaderLocation($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . $goto . '&disp_message=' . urlencode($message) . '&disp_query=');
} exit(); }
/** * Executes the sql query and get the result, then move back to the calling * page */ $sql_query = implode(';', $query) . ';'; $total_affected_rows = 0; $last_message = '';
foreach ($query AS $query_index => $single_query) { if ($cfg['IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors']) { $result = PMA_DBI_try_query($single_query); } else { $result = PMA_DBI_query($single_query); } if (!$result) { $message .= PMA_DBI_getError(); } else { if (@PMA_DBI_affected_rows()) { $total_affected_rows += @PMA_DBI_affected_rows(); }
$insert_id = PMA_DBI_insert_id(); if ($insert_id != 0) { $last_message .= '[br]'.$strInsertedRowId . ' ' . $insert_id; } } // end if PMA_DBI_free_result($result); unset($result); }
if ($total_affected_rows != 0) { $message .= $total_affected_rows; } else { $message .= $strModifications; }
$message .= $last_message;
if ($is_gotofile) { if ($goto == 'db_details.php' && !empty($table)) { unset($table); } $js_to_run = 'functions.js'; $active_page = $goto; require_once('./'); require('./' . PMA_securePath($goto)); } else { // I don't understand this one: //$add_query = (strpos(' ' . $goto, 'tbl_change') ? '&disp_query=' . urlencode($sql_query) : '');
// if we have seen binary, // we do not append the query to the Location so it won't be displayed // on the resulting page // Nijel: we also need to limit size of url... $add_query = (!$seen_binary && strlen($sql_query) < 1024 ? '&disp_query=' . urlencode($sql_query) : ''); PMA_sendHeaderLocation($cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] . $goto . '&disp_message=' . urlencode($message) . $add_query); } exit(); ?>