Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\phpold\AjaxPhpCode\Chapter07\ajax\svg_chart\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: realTimeChart.js (9.31 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | // SVG namespace var svgNS = ""; // the SVG document handler var documentSVG = null; // will store the root <g> element that groups all chart elements var chartGroup = null; // how often to request new data from server? var updateInterval = 1000; // coordinates (in pixels) used to translate the chart var x = 50, y = 50; // chart's dimension (in pixels) var height = 300, width = 500; // chart's axis origin var xt1 = 0, yt1 = 0; // chart's axis maximum values var xt2 = 50, yt2 = 100; // number of horizontal and vertical axis divisions var xDivisions = 10, yDivisions = 10; // default text width and height for initial display (recalculated // afterwards) var defaultTextWidth = 30, defaultTextHeight = 20; // will retain references to the chart units for recalculating positions var xIndexes = new Array(xDivisions + 1); var yIndexes = new Array(yDivisions + 1); // will store the text node that displays the selected chart node var currentNodeInfo; // retains the latest values generated by server var lastX = -1, lastY = -1; // shared svg elements var chartGroup, dataGroup, dataPath; // initializes chart function init(evt) { /**** Prepare the group that will contain all chart data ****/ // obtain SVG document handler documentSVG =; // create the <g> element that groups all chart elements chartGroup = documentSVG.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"); chartGroup.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + x + " " + y + ")"); /**** Prepare the group that will store the Y and Y axis and numbers ****/ axisGroup = documentSVG.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"); // create the X axis line as a <path> element axisPath = documentSVG.createElementNS(svgNS, "path"); // the axis lines will be black, 2 pixels wide axisPath.setAttribute("stroke", "black"); axisPath.setAttribute("stroke-width", "2"); /**** Create the division lines for the X and Y axis ****/ // create the path definition text for the X axis division lines pathText = "M 0 " + height; // adds divisions to the X axis (differently for last division) for (var i = 0; i <= xDivisions; i++) pathText += "l 0 5 l 0 -5 " + ((i == xDivisions) ? "" : ("l " + width/xDivisions + " 0")); // create the path definition text for the Y axis division lines pathText += "M 0 " + height; // adds one division to the Y axis (differently for last division) for (var i = 0; i <= yDivisions; i++) pathText += "l -5 0 l 5 0 " + ((i == yDivisions) ? "" : ("l 0 -" + height / yDivisions)); // add the path definition (the <d> attribute) to the path axisPath.setAttribute("d", pathText); // add the path to the axis group axisGroup.appendChild(axisPath); /**** Create the text nodes for the X and Y axis ****/ // adds text nodes for the X axis for (var i = 0; i <= xDivisions; i++) { // creates the <text> node for the division t = documentSVG.createElementNS(svgNS, "text"); // stores the node for future reference xIndexes[i] = t; // creates the text for the <text> node t.appendChild(documentSVG.createTextNode( (xt1 + i * ((xt2 - xt1) / xDivisions)).toFixed(1))); // sets the X and Y attributes for the <text> node t.setAttribute("x", i * width / xDivisions - defaultTextWidth / 2); t.setAttribute("y", height + 30 + defaultTextHeight); // when the graph first loads, we want the text nodes invisible t.setAttribute("stroke", "white"); // add the <text> node to the axis group axisGroup.appendChild(t); } // adds text nodes for the Y axis for (var i = 0; i <= yDivisions; i++) { // creates the <text> node for the division t = documentSVG.createElementNS(svgNS, "text"); // stores the node for future reference yIndexes[i] = t; // creates the text for the <text> node t.appendChild(documentSVG.createTextNode( (yt1 + i * ((yt2 - yt1) / yDivisions)).toFixed(1))); // sets the X and Y attributes for the <text> node t.setAttribute("x", -30 -defaultTextWidth); t.setAttribute("y", height - i * height / yDivisions + defaultTextHeight / 2); // when the graph first loads, we want the text nodes invisible t.setAttribute("stroke", "white"); // add the <text> node to the axis group axisGroup.appendChild(t); } // add the axis group to the chart chartGroup.appendChild(axisGroup); /**** Prepare the <path> element that will draw chart's data ****/ dataPath = documentSVG.createElementNS(svgNS, "path"); dataPath.setAttribute("stroke", "black"); dataPath.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1"); dataPath.setAttribute("fill", "none"); // add the data path to the chart group chartGroup.appendChild(dataPath); /**** Final initialization steps ****/ // add the chart group to the SVG document documentSVG.documentElement.appendChild(chartGroup); // this is needed to correctly display text nodes in Firefox setTimeout("refreshXYIndexes()", 500); // initiate repetitive server requests setTimeout("updateChart()", updateInterval); } // this function redraws the text for the axis units and makes it visible // (this is required to correctly position the text in Firefox) function refreshXYIndexes() { // redraw text nodes on the X axis for (var i = 0; i <= xDivisions; i++) if (typeof xIndexes[i].getBBox != "undefined") try { textWidth = xIndexes[i].getBBox().width; textHeight = xIndexes[i].getBBox().height; xIndexes[i].setAttribute("x", i*width/xDivisions - textWidth/2); xIndexes[i].setAttribute("y", height + 10 + textHeight); xIndexes[i].setAttribute("stroke", "black"); } catch(e) {} // redraw text nodes on the Y axis for (var i = 0; i <= yDivisions; i++) if (typeof yIndexes[i].getBBox != "undefined") try { twidth = yIndexes[i].getBBox().width; theight = yIndexes[i].getBBox().height; yIndexes[i].setAttribute("y", height-i*height/yDivisions +theight/2); yIndexes[i].setAttribute("x", -10 -twidth); yIndexes[i].setAttribute("stroke", "black"); } catch(e) {} } // called when mouse hovers over chart node to display its coordinates function createPointInfo(x, y, whereX, whereY) { // make sure you don't display more coordinates at the same time if (currentNodeInfo) removePointInfo(); // create text node currentNodeInfo = documentSVG.createElementNS(svgNS, "text"); currentNodeInfo.appendChild(documentSVG.createTextNode("("+x+","+y+")")); // set coordinates currentNodeInfo.setAttribute("x", whereX.toFixed(1)); currentNodeInfo.setAttribute("y", whereY - 10); // add the node to the group chartGroup.appendChild(currentNodeInfo); } // removes the text node that displays chart node coordinates function removePointInfo() { chartGroup.removeChild(currentNodeInfo); currentNodeInfo = null; } // draws a new point on the graph function addPoint(X, Y) { // save these values for future reference lastX = X; lastY = Y; // start over (reload page) after the last value was generated if (X == xt2) window.location.reload(false); // calculate the coordinates of the new node coordX = (X - xt1) * (width / (xt2 - xt1)); coordY = height - (Y - yt1) * (height / (yt2 - yt1)); // draw the node on the chart as a blue filled circle var circle = documentSVG.createElementNS(svgNS, "circle"); circle.setAttribute("cx", coordX); // X position circle.setAttribute("cy", coordY); // Y position circle.setAttribute("r", 3); // radius circle.setAttribute("fill", "blue"); // color circle.setAttribute("onmouseover", "createPointInfo(" + X + "," + Y + "," + coordX + "," + coordY + ")"); circle.setAttribute("onmouseout", "removePointInfo()"); chartGroup.appendChild(circle); // add a new line to the new node on the graph current = dataPath.getAttribute("d"); // current path definition // update path definition if (!current || current == "") dataPath.setAttribute("d", " M " + coordX + " " + coordY); else dataPath.setAttribute("d", current + " L " + coordX + " " + coordY); } // initiates asynchronous request to retrieve new chart data function updateChart() { // builds the query string param = "?lastX=" + lastX + ((lastY != -1) ? "&lastY=" + lastY : ""); // make the request through either AJAX if (window.getURL) // Supported by Adobe's SVG Viewer and Apache Batik getURL("svg_chart.php" + param, handleResults); else // Supported by Mozilla, implemented in ajaxRequest.js ajaxRequest("svg_chart.php" + param, handleResults); } // callback function that reads data received from server function handleResults(data) { // get the response data if (window.getURL) responseText = data.content; else responseText = data; // split the pair to obtain the X and Y coordinates var newCoords = responseText.split(","); // draw a new node at these coordinates addPoint(newCoords[0], newCoords[1]); // restart sequence setTimeout("updateChart()", updateInterval) } |
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