Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\phpold\js\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: os.js (6.37 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | //Defines an Operating System level controller for the Web OS //Author: Brian R Miedlar (c) 2006-2007 ( //Globals var _os = null; var OS = Class.create({ 'initialize': function() { this.appVersion = '0'; this.sources = []; this.scriptsToLoad = []; //stack to load this.loadedScripts = []; //loaded by onloadcomplete this.completedScripts = []; //fired the oncomplete events this.completeCallbacks = []; //oncomplete events this.scriptLoadListeners = []; this.pageLoading = true; }, 'addScriptLoadListener': function(listenerCallback, associatedScripts) { var loadListener = new Object(); loadListener.callback = listenerCallback; loadListener.associatedScripts = associatedScripts; this.scriptLoadListeners.push(loadListener); }, 'requireAll': function(caller, scripts, options) { options = options || {}; if(options.onComplete) { this.scriptsToLoad.push(options.onComplete); } var loadScripts = scripts; if(options.extendedWatchScripts) { var extendedScripts = options.extendedWatchScripts; for(var i = 0; i < extendedScripts.length; i++) { loadScripts.push(extendedScripts[i]); } } if(options.scriptLoadListener) this.addScriptLoadListener(options.scriptLoadListener, loadScripts); if(typeof scripts == 'string') { this.scriptsToLoad.push(scripts); } else { $A(scripts.reverse()).each(function(script) { //turn stack into queue so order is preserved if(!this.sources[script]) this.scriptsToLoad.push(script); }.bind(this)); } this.load(); }, 'scriptLoaded': function(script) { var scripts = []; $A(this.scriptsToLoad).each(function(src) { if(src != script) scripts.push(src); }); this.scriptsToLoad = scripts; if(this.completeCallbacks[script]) { this.completeCallbacks[script](); this.completeCallbacks[script] = false; } //broadcast to load listeners $A(this.scriptLoadListeners).each(function(listener) { var iTotal = 0; var iComplete = 0; $A(listener.associatedScripts).each(function(script) { if(this.completedScripts[script]) iComplete++; iTotal++; }.bind(this)); try { listener.callback(iComplete, iTotal);} catch(ex){} }.bind(this)); }, 'loadNext': function() { if(!this.queueLoading) return; this.requireNext(); setTimeout(function() { this.loadNext(); }.bind(this), 50); }, 'load': function() { if(this.queueLoading) return; this.queueLoading = true; this.loadNext(); }, 'loadComplete': function() { this.queueLoading = false; }, 'requireNext': function() { if(this.scriptLoadListener) this.scriptLoadListener(this.scriptsToLoad.length); if(this.scriptsToLoad.length == 0) { this.loadComplete(); return; } var next = this.scriptsToLoad[this.scriptsToLoad.length-1]; if(typeof next == 'function') { next(); this.scriptsToLoad.pop(); this.load(); return; } this.require(next, function() { this.load(); }.bind(this)); }, 'require': function(src, onComplete) { if(this.sources[src]) { if(onComplete) setTimeout(onComplete, 10); return; //do not load twice } this.sources[src] = true; //insert the script if(!OS.Path) { _os.showMessage('Error: Unknown JsOS'); return; } var headTag = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0); var scriptTag = document.createElement("script"); scriptTag.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); scriptTag.setAttribute('src', OS.Path() + src); headTag.appendChild(scriptTag); this.waitForLoadComplete(src, onComplete); }, 'waitForLoadComplete': function(script, onComplete) { if(this.isQueueLoading(script)) { setTimeout(function() { this.waitForLoadComplete(script, onComplete); }.bind(this), 10); return; } if(this.completedScripts[script]) return; this.completedScripts[script] = true; if(onComplete) setTimeout(onComplete, 10); }, 'isQueueLoading': function(script) { if (!this.loadedScripts[script]) return true; return false; }, 'onLoadComplete': function(script) { this.loadedScripts[script] = true; this.scriptLoaded(script); } }); OS.Path = function() { return 'clientscript/'; } OS.Load = function() { _os = new OS(); OS.OnLoadComplete(); }; OS.CreateElement = function(type, parent, id) { if(!$(parent)) return; var element = document.createElement(type); var eElement = $(parent).appendChild(element); if(id) = id; return eElement; }; OS.CreateDiv = function(parent, id) { var eDiv = OS.CreateElement('div', parent, id); return eDiv; }; OS.CreateList = function(parent, id) { var eList = OS.CreateElement('ul', parent, id); return eList; }; OS.AddListItem = function(parent, id) { var eItem = OS.CreateElement('li', parent, id); return eItem; }; OS.OnLoadComplete = function() { if(!Prototype || !Element) { setTimeout(OS.OnLoadComplete, 300); return; } _os.onLoadComplete('os.js'); }; OS.PageLoadComplete = function() { _os.pageLoading = false; $A(OS.BehaviourQueue).each(function(selectors) { OS.ApplyBehaviour(selectors); }); OS.BehaviourQueue = []; }; Event.observe(document, 'dom:loaded', function() { OS.PageLoadComplete(); }); OS.BehaviourQueue = []; OS.RegisterBehaviour = function(selectors) { if(!_os.pageLoading) { OS.ApplyBehaviour(selectors); return; } OS.BehaviourQueue.push(selectors); } OS.ApplyBehaviour = function(selectors) { $H(selectors).each(function(item) { $$(item.key).each(function(element) { item.value(element); }); }); }; OS.Load(); |
:: Command execute :: | |
--[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #13 powered by Captain Crunch Security Team | | Generation time: 0.0312 ]-- |