Software: Apache. PHP/5.5.15 uname -a: Windows NT SVR-DMZ 6.1 build 7600 (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition) i586 SYSTEM Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) E:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\videos\ambiente-ciudad\js\ drwxrwxrwx |
Viewing file: jquery.transform.js (12.95 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | /* * transform: A jQuery cssHooks adding cross-browser 2d transform capabilities to $.fn.css() and $.fn.animate() * * limitations: * - requires jQuery 1.4.3+ * - Should you use the *translate* property, then your elements need to be absolutely positionned in a relatively positionned wrapper **or it will fail in IE678**. * - transformOrigin is not accessible * * latest version and complete README available on Github: * * * Copyright 2011 @louis_remi * Licensed under the MIT license. * * This saved you an hour of work? * Send me music * */ (function( $ ) { /* * Feature tests and global variables */ var div = document.createElement('div'), divStyle =, propertyName = 'transform', suffix = 'Transform', testProperties = [ 'O' + suffix, 'ms' + suffix, 'Webkit' + suffix, 'Moz' + suffix, // prefix-less property propertyName ], i = testProperties.length, supportProperty, supportMatrixFilter, propertyHook, propertyGet, rMatrix = /Matrix([^)]*)/; // test different vendor prefixes of this property while ( i-- ) { if ( testProperties[i] in divStyle ) { $.support[propertyName] = supportProperty = testProperties[i]; continue; } } // IE678 alternative if ( !supportProperty ) { $.support.matrixFilter = supportMatrixFilter = divStyle.filter === ''; } // prevent IE memory leak div = divStyle = null; // px isn't the default unit of this property $.cssNumber[propertyName] = true; /* * fn.css() hooks */ if ( supportProperty && supportProperty != propertyName ) { // Modern browsers can use jQuery.cssProps as a basic hook $.cssProps[propertyName] = supportProperty; // Firefox needs a complete hook because it stuffs matrix with 'px' if ( supportProperty == 'Moz' + suffix ) { propertyHook = { get: function( elem, computed ) { return (computed ? // remove 'px' from the computed matrix $.css( elem, supportProperty ).split('px').join(''):[supportProperty] ) }, set: function( elem, value ) { // remove 'px' from matrices[supportProperty] = /matrix[^)p]*\)/.test(value) ? value.replace(/matrix((?:[^,]*,){4})([^,]*),([^)]*)/, 'matrix$1$2px,$3px'): value; } } /* Fix two jQuery bugs still present in 1.5.1 * - rupper is incompatible with IE9, see * - jQuery.css is not really jQuery.cssProps aware, see */ } else if ( /^1\.[0-5](?:\.|$)/.test($.fn.jquery) ) { propertyHook = { get: function( elem, computed ) { return (computed ? $.css( elem, supportProperty.replace(/^ms/, 'Ms') ):[supportProperty] ) } } } /* TODO: leverage hardware acceleration of 3d transform in Webkit only else if ( supportProperty == 'Webkit' + suffix && support3dTransform ) { propertyHook = { set: function( elem, value ) {[supportProperty] = value.replace(); } } }*/ } else if ( supportMatrixFilter ) { propertyHook = { get: function( elem, computed ) { var elemStyle = ( computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle : ), matrix; if ( elemStyle && rMatrix.test( elemStyle.filter ) ) { matrix = RegExp.$1.split(','); matrix = [ matrix[0].split('=')[1], matrix[2].split('=')[1], matrix[1].split('=')[1], matrix[3].split('=')[1] ]; } else { matrix = [1,0,0,1]; } matrix[4] = elemStyle ? elemStyle.left : 0; matrix[5] = elemStyle ? : 0; return "matrix(" + matrix + ")"; }, set: function( elem, value, animate ) { var elemStyle =, currentStyle, Matrix, filter; if ( !animate ) { elemStyle.zoom = 1; } value = matrix(value); // rotate, scale and skew if ( !animate || animate.M ) { Matrix = [ "Matrix("+ "M11="+value[0], "M12="+value[2], "M21="+value[1], "M22="+value[3], "SizingMethod='auto expand'" ].join(); filter = ( currentStyle = elem.currentStyle ) && currentStyle.filter || elemStyle.filter || ""; elemStyle.filter = rMatrix.test(filter) ? filter.replace(rMatrix, Matrix) : filter + " progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft." + Matrix + ")"; // center the transform origin, from pbakaus's Transformie if ( (centerOrigin = $.transform.centerOrigin) ) { elemStyle[centerOrigin == 'margin' ? 'marginLeft' : 'left'] = -(elem.offsetWidth/2) + (elem.clientWidth/2) + 'px'; elemStyle[centerOrigin == 'margin' ? 'marginTop' : 'top'] = -(elem.offsetHeight/2) + (elem.clientHeight/2) + 'px'; } } // translate if ( !animate || animate.T ) { // We assume that the elements are absolute positionned inside a relative positionned wrapper elemStyle.left = value[4] + 'px'; = value[5] + 'px'; } } } } // populate jQuery.cssHooks with the appropriate hook if necessary if ( propertyHook ) { $.cssHooks[propertyName] = propertyHook; } // we need a unique setter for the animation logic propertyGet = propertyHook && propertyHook.get || $.css; /* * fn.animate() hooks */ $.fx.step.transform = function( fx ) { var elem = fx.elem, start = fx.start, end = fx.end, split, pos = fx.pos, transform, translate, rotate, scale, skew, T = false, M = false, prop; translate = rotate = scale = skew = ''; // fx.end and fx.start need to be converted to their translate/rotate/scale/skew components // so that we can interpolate them if ( !start || typeof start === "string" ) { // the following block can be commented out with jQuery 1.5.1+, see #7912 if (!start) { start = propertyGet( elem, supportProperty ); } // force layout only once per animation if ( supportMatrixFilter ) { = 1; } // if the start computed matrix is in end, we are doing a relative animation split = end.split(start); if ( split.length == 2 ) { // remove the start computed matrix to make animations more accurate end = split.join(''); fx.origin = start; start = 'none'; } // start is either 'none' or a matrix(...) that has to be parsed fx.start = start = start == 'none'? { translate: [0,0], rotate: 0, scale: [1,1], skew: [0,0] }: unmatrix( toArray(start) ); // fx.end has to be parsed and decomposed fx.end = end = ~end.indexOf('matrix')? // bullet-proof parser unmatrix(matrix(end)): // faster and more precise parser components(end); // get rid of properties that do not change for ( prop in start) { if ( prop == 'rotate' ? start[prop] == end[prop]: start[prop][0] == end[prop][0] && start[prop][1] == end[prop][1] ) { delete start[prop]; } } } /* * We want a fast interpolation algorithm. * This implies avoiding function calls and sacrifying DRY principle: * - avoid $.each(function(){}) * - round values using bitewise hacks, see */ if ( start.translate ) { // round translate to the closest pixel translate = ' translate('+ ((start.translate[0] + (end.translate[0] - start.translate[0]) * pos + .5) | 0) +'px,'+ ((start.translate[1] + (end.translate[1] - start.translate[1]) * pos + .5) | 0) +'px'+ ')'; T = true; } if ( start.rotate != undefined ) { rotate = ' rotate('+ (start.rotate + (end.rotate - start.rotate) * pos) +'rad)'; M = true; } if ( start.scale ) { scale = ' scale('+ (start.scale[0] + (end.scale[0] - start.scale[0]) * pos) +','+ (start.scale[1] + (end.scale[1] - start.scale[1]) * pos) + ')'; M = true; } if ( start.skew ) { skew = ' skew('+ (start.skew[0] + (end.skew[0] - start.skew[0]) * pos) +'rad,'+ (start.skew[1] + (end.skew[1] - start.skew[1]) * pos) +'rad'+ ')'; M = true; } // In case of relative animation, restore the origin computed matrix here. transform = fx.origin ? fx.origin + translate + skew + scale + rotate: translate + rotate + scale + skew; propertyHook && propertyHook.set ? propertyHook.set( elem, transform, {M: M, T: T} ):[supportProperty] = transform; }; /* * Utility functions */ // turns a transform string into its 'matrix(A,B,C,D,X,Y)' form (as an array, though) function matrix( transform ) { transform = transform.split(')'); var trim = $.trim // last element of the array is an empty string, get rid of it , i = transform.length -1 , split, prop, val , A = 1 , B = 0 , C = 0 , D = 1 , A_, B_, C_, D_ , tmp1, tmp2 , X = 0 , Y = 0 ; // Loop through the transform properties, parse and multiply them while (i--) { split = transform[i].split('('); prop = trim(split[0]); val = split[1]; A_ = B_ = C_ = D_ = 0; switch (prop) { case 'translateX': X += parseInt(val, 10); continue; case 'translateY': Y += parseInt(val, 10); continue; case 'translate': val = val.split(','); X += parseInt(val[0], 10); Y += parseInt(val[1] || 0, 10); continue; case 'rotate': val = toRadian(val); A_ = Math.cos(val); B_ = Math.sin(val); C_ = -Math.sin(val); D_ = Math.cos(val); break; case 'scaleX': A_ = val; D_ = 1; break; case 'scaleY': A_ = 1; D_ = val; break; case 'scale': val = val.split(','); A_ = val[0]; D_ = val.length>1 ? val[1] : val[0]; break; case 'skewX': A_ = D_ = 1; C_ = Math.tan(toRadian(val)); break; case 'skewY': A_ = D_ = 1; B_ = Math.tan(toRadian(val)); break; case 'skew': A_ = D_ = 1; val = val.split(','); C_ = Math.tan(toRadian(val[0])); B_ = Math.tan(toRadian(val[1] || 0)); break; case 'matrix': val = val.split(','); A_ = +val[0]; B_ = +val[1]; C_ = +val[2]; D_ = +val[3]; X += parseInt(val[4], 10); Y += parseInt(val[5], 10); } // Matrix product tmp1 = A * A_ + B * C_; B = A * B_ + B * D_; tmp2 = C * A_ + D * C_; D = C * B_ + D * D_; A = tmp1; C = tmp2; } return [A,B,C,D,X,Y]; } // turns a matrix into its rotate, scale and skew components // algorithm from function unmatrix(matrix) { var scaleX , scaleY , skew , A = matrix[0] , B = matrix[1] , C = matrix[2] , D = matrix[3] ; // Make sure matrix is not singular if ( A * D - B * C ) { // step (3) scaleX = Math.sqrt( A * A + B * B ); A /= scaleX; B /= scaleX; // step (4) skew = A * C + B * D; C -= A * skew; D -= B * skew; // step (5) scaleY = Math.sqrt( C * C + D * D ); C /= scaleY; D /= scaleY; skew /= scaleY; // step (6) if ( A * D < B * C ) { //scaleY = -scaleY; //skew = -skew; A = -A; B = -B; skew = -skew; scaleX = -scaleX; } // matrix is singular and cannot be interpolated } else { rotate = scaleX = scaleY = skew = 0; } return { translate: [+matrix[4], +matrix[5]], rotate: Math.atan2(B, A), scale: [scaleX, scaleY], skew: [skew, 0] } } // parse tranform components of a transform string not containing 'matrix(...)' function components( transform ) { // split the != transforms transform = transform.split(')'); var translate = [0,0], rotate = 0, scale = [1,1], skew = [0,0], i = transform.length -1, trim = $.trim, split, name, value; // add components while ( i-- ) { split = transform[i].split('('); name = trim(split[0]); value = split[1]; if (name == 'translateX') { translate[0] += parseInt(value, 10); } else if (name == 'translateY') { translate[1] += parseInt(value, 10); } else if (name == 'translate') { value = value.split(','); translate[0] += parseInt(value[0], 10); translate[1] += parseInt(value[1] || 0, 10); } else if (name == 'rotate') { rotate += toRadian(value); } else if (name == 'scaleX') { scale[0] *= value; } else if (name == 'scaleY') { scale[1] *= value; } else if (name == 'scale') { value = value.split(','); scale[0] *= value[0]; scale[1] *= (value.length>1? value[1] : value[0]); } else if (name == 'skewX') { skew[0] += toRadian(value); } else if (name == 'skewY') { skew[1] += toRadian(value); } else if (name == 'skew') { value = value.split(','); skew[0] += toRadian(value[0]); skew[1] += toRadian(value[1] || '0'); } } return { translate: translate, rotate: rotate, scale: scale, skew: skew }; } // converts an angle string in any unit to a radian Float function toRadian(value) { return ~value.indexOf('deg') ? parseInt(value,10) * (Math.PI * 2 / 360): ~value.indexOf('grad') ? parseInt(value,10) * (Math.PI/200): parseFloat(value); } // Converts 'matrix(A,B,C,D,X,Y)' to [A,B,C,D,X,Y] function toArray(matrix) { // Fremove the unit of X and Y for Firefox matrix = /\(([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,p]*)(?:px)?,([^)p]*)(?:px)?/.exec(matrix); return [matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5], matrix[6]]; } $.transform = { centerOrigin: 'margin' }; })( jQuery ); |
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