Viewing file: Serializer.php (16.79 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Amf * @subpackage Parse_Amf3 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. ( * @license New BSD License * @version $Id: Serializer.php 18951 2009-11-12 16:26:19Z alexander $ */
/** Zend_Amf_Parse_Serializer */ require_once 'Zend/Amf/Parse/Serializer.php';
/** Zend_Amf_Parse_TypeLoader */ require_once 'Zend/Amf/Parse/TypeLoader.php';
/** * Detect PHP object type and convert it to a corresponding AMF3 object type * * @package Zend_Amf * @subpackage Parse_Amf3 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. ( * @license New BSD License */ class Zend_Amf_Parse_Amf3_Serializer extends Zend_Amf_Parse_Serializer { /** * An array of reference objects per amf body * @var array */ protected $_referenceObjects = array();
/** * An array of reference strings per amf body * @var array */ protected $_referenceStrings = array();
/** * An array of reference class definitions, indexed by classname * @var array */ protected $_referenceDefinitions = array();
/** * Serialize PHP types to AMF3 and write to stream * * Checks to see if the type was declared and then either * auto negotiates the type or use the user defined markerType to * serialize the data from php back to AMF3 * * @param mixed $content * @param int $markerType * @return void */ public function writeTypeMarker($data, $markerType=null) { if (null !== $markerType) { // Write the Type Marker to denote the following action script data type $this->_stream->writeByte($markerType);
switch ($markerType) { case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_NULL: break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_BOOLEAN_FALSE: break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_BOOLEAN_TRUE: break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_INTEGER: $this->writeInteger($data); break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_NUMBER: $this->_stream->writeDouble($data); break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_STRING: $this->writeString($data); break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_DATE: $this->writeDate($data); break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_ARRAY: $this->writeArray($data); break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_OBJECT: $this->writeObject($data); break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_BYTEARRAY: $this->writeByteArray($data); break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_XMLSTRING; $this->writeXml($data); break; default: require_once 'Zend/Amf/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Amf_Exception('Unknown Type Marker: ' . $markerType); } } else { // Detect Type Marker if(is_resource($data)) { $data = Zend_Amf_Parse_TypeLoader::handleResource($data); } switch (true) { case (null === $data): $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_NULL; break; case (is_bool($data)): if ($data){ $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_BOOLEAN_TRUE; } else { $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_BOOLEAN_FALSE; } break; case (is_int($data)): if (($data > 0xFFFFFFF) || ($data < -268435456)) { $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_NUMBER; } else { $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_INTEGER; } break; case (is_float($data)): $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_NUMBER; break; case (is_string($data)): $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_STRING; break; case (is_array($data)): $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_ARRAY; break; case (is_object($data)): // Handle object types. if (($data instanceof DateTime) || ($data instanceof Zend_Date)) { $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_DATE; } else if ($data instanceof Zend_Amf_Value_ByteArray) { $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_BYTEARRAY; } else if (($data instanceof DOMDocument) || ($data instanceof SimpleXMLElement)) { $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_XMLSTRING; } else { $markerType = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_OBJECT; } break; default: require_once 'Zend/Amf/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Amf_Exception('Unsupported data type: ' . gettype($data)); } $this->writeTypeMarker($data, $markerType); } }
/** * Write an AMF3 integer * * @param int|float $data * @return Zend_Amf_Parse_Amf3_Serializer */ public function writeInteger($int) { if (($int & 0xffffff80) == 0) { $this->_stream->writeByte($int & 0x7f); return $this; }
if (($int & 0xffffc000) == 0 ) { $this->_stream->writeByte(($int >> 7 ) | 0x80); $this->_stream->writeByte($int & 0x7f); return $this; }
if (($int & 0xffe00000) == 0) { $this->_stream->writeByte(($int >> 14 ) | 0x80); $this->_stream->writeByte(($int >> 7 ) | 0x80); $this->_stream->writeByte($int & 0x7f); return $this; }
$this->_stream->writeByte(($int >> 22 ) | 0x80); $this->_stream->writeByte(($int >> 15 ) | 0x80); $this->_stream->writeByte(($int >> 8 ) | 0x80); $this->_stream->writeByte($int & 0xff); return $this; }
/** * Send string to output stream, without trying to reference it. * The string is prepended with strlen($string) << 1 | 0x01 * * @param string $string * @return Zend_Amf_Parse_Amf3_Serializer */ protected function writeBinaryString($string){ $ref = strlen($string) << 1 | 0x01; $this->writeInteger($ref); $this->_stream->writeBytes($string);
return $this; }
/** * Send string to output stream * * @param string $string * @return Zend_Amf_Parse_Amf3_Serializer */ public function writeString($string) { $len = strlen($string); if(!$len){ $this->writeInteger(0x01); return $this; }
$ref = array_search($string, $this->_referenceStrings, true); if($ref === false){ $this->_referenceStrings[] = $string; $this->writeBinaryString($string); } else { $ref <<= 1; $this->writeInteger($ref); }
return $this; }
/** * Send ByteArray to output stream * * @param string|Zend_Amf_Value_ByteArray $data * @return Zend_Amf_Parse_Amf3_Serializer */ public function writeByteArray($data){ if($this->writeObjectReference($data)){ return $this; }
if(is_string($data)) { //nothing to do } else if ($data instanceof Zend_Amf_Value_ByteArray) { $data = $data->getData(); } else { require_once 'Zend/Amf/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Amf_Exception('Invalid ByteArray specified; must be a string or Zend_Amf_Value_ByteArray'); }
return $this; }
/** * Send xml to output stream * * @param DOMDocument|SimpleXMLElement $xml * @return Zend_Amf_Parse_Amf3_Serializer */ public function writeXml($xml) { if($this->writeObjectReference($xml)){ return $this; }
if(is_string($xml)) { //nothing to do } else if ($xml instanceof DOMDocument) { $xml = $xml->saveXml(); } else if ($xml instanceof SimpleXMLElement) { $xml = $xml->asXML(); } else { require_once 'Zend/Amf/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Amf_Exception('Invalid xml specified; must be a DOMDocument or SimpleXMLElement'); }
return $this; }
/** * Convert DateTime/Zend_Date to AMF date * * @param DateTime|Zend_Date $date * @return Zend_Amf_Parse_Amf3_Serializer */ public function writeDate($date) { if($this->writeObjectReference($date)){ return $this; }
if ($date instanceof DateTime) { $dateString = $date->format('U') * 1000; } elseif ($date instanceof Zend_Date) { $dateString = $date->toString('U') * 1000; } else { require_once 'Zend/Amf/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Amf_Exception('Invalid date specified; must be a string DateTime or Zend_Date object'); }
$this->writeInteger(0x01); // write time to stream minus milliseconds $this->_stream->writeDouble($dateString); return $this; }
/** * Write a PHP array back to the amf output stream * * @param array $array * @return Zend_Amf_Parse_Amf3_Serializer */ public function writeArray(array $array) { if($this->writeObjectReference($array)){ return $this; }
// have to seperate mixed from numberic keys. $numeric = array(); $string = array(); foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key)) { $numeric[] = $value; } else { $string[$key] = $value; } }
// write the preamble id of the array $length = count($numeric); $id = ($length << 1) | 0x01; $this->writeInteger($id);
//Write the mixed type array to the output stream foreach($string as $key => $value) { $this->writeString($key) ->writeTypeMarker($value); } $this->writeString('');
// Write the numeric array to ouput stream foreach($numeric as $value) { $this->writeTypeMarker($value); } return $this; }
/** * Check if the given object is in the reference table, write the reference if it exists, * otherwise add the object to the reference table * * @param mixed $object object to check for reference * @return Boolean true, if the reference was written, false otherwise */ protected function writeObjectReference($object){ $ref = array_search($object, $this->_referenceObjects,true); //quickly handle object references if($ref !== false){ $ref <<= 1; $this->writeInteger($ref); return true; } $this->_referenceObjects[] = $object; return false; }
/** * Write object to ouput stream * * @param mixed $data * @return Zend_Amf_Parse_Amf3_Serializer */ public function writeObject($object) { if($this->writeObjectReference($object)){ return $this; }
$className = '';
//Check to see if the object is a typed object and we need to change switch (true) { // the return class mapped name back to actionscript class name. case ($className = Zend_Amf_Parse_TypeLoader::getMappedClassName(get_class($object))): break;
// Check to see if the user has defined an explicit Action Script type. case isset($object->_explicitType): $className = $object->_explicitType; break;
// Check if user has defined a method for accessing the Action Script type case method_exists($object, 'getASClassName'): $className = $object->getASClassName(); break;
// No return class name is set make it a generic object case ($object instanceof stdClass): $className = ''; break;
// By default, use object's class name default: $className = get_class($object); break; }
$writeTraits = true;
//check to see, if we have a corresponding definition if(array_key_exists($className, $this->_referenceDefinitions)){ $traitsInfo = $this->_referenceDefinitions[$className]['id']; $encoding = $this->_referenceDefinitions[$className]['encoding']; $propertyNames = $this->_referenceDefinitions[$className]['propertyNames'];
$traitsInfo = ($traitsInfo << 2) | 0x01;
$writeTraits = false; } else { $propertyNames = array();
if($className == ''){ //if there is no className, we interpret the class as dynamic without any sealed members $encoding = Zend_Amf_Constants::ET_DYNAMIC; } else { $encoding = Zend_Amf_Constants::ET_PROPLIST;
foreach($object as $key => $value) { if( $key[0] != "_") { $propertyNames[] = $key; } } }
$this->_referenceDefinitions[$className] = array( 'id' => count($this->_referenceDefinitions), 'encoding' => $encoding, 'propertyNames' => $propertyNames, );
$traitsInfo = Zend_Amf_Constants::AMF3_OBJECT_ENCODING; $traitsInfo |= $encoding << 2; $traitsInfo |= (count($propertyNames) << 4); }
if($writeTraits){ $this->writeString($className); foreach ($propertyNames as $value) { $this->writeString($value); } }
try { switch($encoding) { case Zend_Amf_Constants::ET_PROPLIST: //Write the sealed values to the output stream. foreach ($propertyNames as $key) { $this->writeTypeMarker($object->$key); } break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::ET_DYNAMIC: //Write the sealed values to the output stream. foreach ($propertyNames as $key) { $this->writeTypeMarker($object->$key); }
//Write remaining properties foreach($object as $key => $value){ if(!in_array($key,$propertyNames) && $key[0] != "_"){ $this->writeString($key); $this->writeTypeMarker($value); } }
//Write an empty string to end the dynamic part $this->writeString(''); break; case Zend_Amf_Constants::ET_EXTERNAL: require_once 'Zend/Amf/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Amf_Exception('External Object Encoding not implemented'); break; default: require_once 'Zend/Amf/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Amf_Exception('Unknown Object Encoding type: ' . $encoding); } } catch (Exception $e) { require_once 'Zend/Amf/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Amf_Exception('Unable to writeObject output: ' . $e->getMessage()); }
return $this; } }