Viewing file: InfoCard.php (17.28 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_InfoCard * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. ( * @license New BSD License * @version $Id: InfoCard.php 16206 2009-06-21 19:15:37Z thomas $ */
/** * Zend_InfoCard_Xml_EncryptedData */ require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Xml/EncryptedData.php';
/** * Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Assertion */ require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Xml/Assertion.php';
/** * Zend_InfoCard_Cipher */ require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Cipher.php';
/** * Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Security */ require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Xml/Security.php';
/** * Zend_InfoCard_Adapter_Interface */ require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Adapter/Interface.php';
/** * Zend_InfoCard_Claims */ require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Claims.php';
/** * @category Zend * @package Zend_InfoCard * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. ( * @license New BSD License */ class Zend_InfoCard { /** * URI for XML Digital Signature SHA1 Digests */ const DIGEST_SHA1 = '';
/** * An array of certificate pair files and optional passwords for them to search * when trying to determine which certificate was used to encrypt the transient key * * @var Array */ protected $_keyPairs;
/** * The instance to use to decrypt public-key encrypted data * * @var Zend_InfoCard_Cipher_Pki_Interface */ protected $_pkiCipherObj;
/** * The instance to use to decrypt symmetric encrypted data * * @var Zend_InfoCard_Cipher_Symmetric_Interface */ protected $_symCipherObj;
/** * The InfoCard Adapter to use for callbacks into the application using the component * such as when storing assertions, etc. * * @var Zend_InfoCard_Adapter_Interface */ protected $_adapter;
/** * InfoCard Constructor * * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Exception */ public function __construct() { $this->_keyPairs = array();
if(!extension_loaded('mcrypt')) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Use of the Zend_InfoCard component requires the mcrypt extension to be enabled in PHP"); }
if(!extension_loaded('openssl')) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Use of the Zend_InfoCard component requires the openssl extension to be enabled in PHP"); } }
/** * Sets the adapter uesd for callbacks into the application using the component, used * when doing things such as storing / retrieving assertions, etc. * * @param Zend_InfoCard_Adapter_Interface $a The Adapter instance * @return Zend_InfoCard The instnace */ public function setAdapter(Zend_InfoCard_Adapter_Interface $a) { $this->_adapter = $a; return $this; }
/** * Retrieves the adapter used for callbacks into the application using the component. * If no adapter was set then an instance of Zend_InfoCard_Adapter_Default is used * * @return Zend_InfoCard_Adapter_Interface The Adapter instance */ public function getAdapter() { if($this->_adapter === null) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Adapter/Default.php'; $this->setAdapter(new Zend_InfoCard_Adapter_Default()); }
return $this->_adapter; }
/** * Gets the Public Key Cipher object used in this instance * * @return Zend_InfoCard_Cipher_Pki_Interface */ public function getPkiCipherObject() { return $this->_pkiCipherObj; }
/** * Sets the Public Key Cipher Object used in this instance * * @param Zend_InfoCard_Cipher_Pki_Interface $cipherObj * @return Zend_InfoCard */ public function setPkiCipherObject(Zend_InfoCard_Cipher_Pki_Interface $cipherObj) { $this->_pkiCipherObj = $cipherObj; return $this; }
/** * Get the Symmetric Cipher Object used in this instance * * @return Zend_InfoCard_Cipher_Symmetric_Interface */ public function getSymCipherObject() { return $this->_symCipherObj; }
/** * Sets the Symmetric Cipher Object used in this instance * * @param Zend_InfoCard_Cipher_Symmetric_Interface $cipherObj * @return Zend_InfoCard */ public function setSymCipherObject($cipherObj) { $this->_symCipherObj = $cipherObj; return $this; }
/** * Remove a Certificate Pair by Key ID from the search list * * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Exception * @param string $key_id The Certificate Key ID returned from adding the certificate pair * @return Zend_InfoCard */ public function removeCertificatePair($key_id) {
if(!key_exists($key_id, $this->_keyPairs)) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Attempted to remove unknown key id: $key_id"); }
unset($this->_keyPairs[$key_id]); return $this; }
/** * Add a Certificate Pair to the list of certificates searched by the component * * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Exception * @param string $private_key_file The path to the private key file for the pair * @param string $public_key_file The path to the certificate / public key for the pair * @param string $type (optional) The URI for the type of key pair this is (default RSA with OAEP padding) * @param string $password (optional) The password for the private key file if necessary * @return string A key ID representing this key pair in the component */ public function addCertificatePair($private_key_file, $public_key_file, $type = Zend_InfoCard_Cipher::ENC_RSA_OAEP_MGF1P, $password = null) { if(!file_exists($private_key_file) || !file_exists($public_key_file)) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Could not locate the public and private certificate pair files: $private_key_file, $public_key_file"); }
if(!is_readable($private_key_file) || !is_readable($public_key_file)) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Could not read the public and private certificate pair files (check permissions): $private_key_file, $public_key_file"); }
$key_id = md5($private_key_file.$public_key_file);
if(key_exists($key_id, $this->_keyPairs)) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Attempted to add previously existing certificate pair: $private_key_file, $public_key_file"); }
switch($type) { case Zend_InfoCard_Cipher::ENC_RSA: case Zend_InfoCard_Cipher::ENC_RSA_OAEP_MGF1P: $this->_keyPairs[$key_id] = array('private' => $private_key_file, 'public' => $public_key_file, 'type_uri' => $type);
if($password !== null) { $this->_keyPairs[$key_id]['password'] = $password; } else { $this->_keyPairs[$key_id]['password'] = null; }
return $key_id; break; default: require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Invalid Certificate Pair Type specified: $type"); } }
/** * Return a Certificate Pair from a key ID * * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Exception * @param string $key_id The Key ID of the certificate pair in the component * @return array An array containing the path to the private/public key files, * the type URI and the password if provided */ public function getCertificatePair($key_id) { if(key_exists($key_id, $this->_keyPairs)) { return $this->_keyPairs[$key_id]; }
require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Invalid Certificate Pair ID provided: $key_id"); }
/** * Retrieve the digest of a given public key / certificate using the provided digest * method * * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Exception * @param string $key_id The certificate key id in the component * @param string $digestMethod The URI of the digest method to use (default SHA1) * @return string The digest value in binary format */ protected function _getPublicKeyDigest($key_id, $digestMethod = self::DIGEST_SHA1) { $certificatePair = $this->getCertificatePair($key_id);
$temp = file($certificatePair['public']); unset($temp[count($temp)-1]); unset($temp[0]); $certificateData = base64_decode(implode("\n", $temp));
switch($digestMethod) { case self::DIGEST_SHA1: $digest_retval = sha1($certificateData, true); break; default: require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Invalid Digest Type Provided: $digestMethod"); }
return $digest_retval; }
/** * Find a certificate pair based on a digest of its public key / certificate file * * @param string $digest The digest value of the public key wanted in binary form * @param string $digestMethod The URI of the digest method used to calculate the digest * @return mixed The Key ID of the matching certificate pair or false if not found */ protected function _findCertifiatePairByDigest($digest, $digestMethod = self::DIGEST_SHA1) {
foreach($this->_keyPairs as $key_id => $certificate_data) {
$cert_digest = $this->_getPublicKeyDigest($key_id, $digestMethod);
if($cert_digest == $digest) { return $key_id; } }
return false; }
/** * Extracts the Signed Token from an EncryptedData block * * @throws Zend_InfoCard_Exception * @param string $strXmlToken The EncryptedData XML block * @return string The XML of the Signed Token inside of the EncryptedData block */ protected function _extractSignedToken($strXmlToken) { $encryptedData = Zend_InfoCard_Xml_EncryptedData::getInstance($strXmlToken);
// Determine the Encryption Method used to encrypt the token
switch($encryptedData->getEncryptionMethod()) { case Zend_InfoCard_Cipher::ENC_AES128CBC: case Zend_InfoCard_Cipher::ENC_AES256CBC: break; default: require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Unknown Encryption Method used in the secure token"); }
// Figure out the Key we are using to decrypt the token
$keyinfo = $encryptedData->getKeyInfo();
if(!($keyinfo instanceof Zend_InfoCard_Xml_KeyInfo_XmlDSig)) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Expected a XML digital signature KeyInfo, but was not found"); }
$encryptedKey = $keyinfo->getEncryptedKey();
switch($encryptedKey->getEncryptionMethod()) { case Zend_InfoCard_Cipher::ENC_RSA: case Zend_InfoCard_Cipher::ENC_RSA_OAEP_MGF1P: break; default: require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Unknown Key Encryption Method used in secure token"); }
$securityTokenRef = $encryptedKey->getKeyInfo()->getSecurityTokenReference();
$key_id = $this->_findCertifiatePairByDigest($securityTokenRef->getKeyReference());
if(!$key_id) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Unable to find key pair used to encrypt symmetric InfoCard Key"); }
$certificate_pair = $this->getCertificatePair($key_id);
// Santity Check
if($certificate_pair['type_uri'] != $encryptedKey->getEncryptionMethod()) { require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Certificate Pair which matches digest is not of same algorithm type as document, check addCertificate()"); }
$PKcipher = Zend_InfoCard_Cipher::getInstanceByURI($encryptedKey->getEncryptionMethod());
$base64DecodeSupportsStrictParam = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=');
if ($base64DecodeSupportsStrictParam) { $keyCipherValueBase64Decoded = base64_decode($encryptedKey->getCipherValue(), true); } else { $keyCipherValueBase64Decoded = base64_decode($encryptedKey->getCipherValue()); }
$symmetricKey = $PKcipher->decrypt( $keyCipherValueBase64Decoded, file_get_contents($certificate_pair['private']), $certificate_pair['password'] );
$symCipher = Zend_InfoCard_Cipher::getInstanceByURI($encryptedData->getEncryptionMethod());
if ($base64DecodeSupportsStrictParam) { $dataCipherValueBase64Decoded = base64_decode($encryptedData->getCipherValue(), true); } else { $dataCipherValueBase64Decoded = base64_decode($encryptedData->getCipherValue()); }
$signedToken = $symCipher->decrypt($dataCipherValueBase64Decoded, $symmetricKey);
return $signedToken; }
/** * Process an input Infomation Card EncryptedData block sent from the client, * validate it, and return the claims contained within it on success or an error message on error * * @param string $strXmlToken The XML token sent to the server from the client * @return Zend_Infocard_Claims The Claims object containing the claims, or any errors which occurred */ public function process($strXmlToken) {
$retval = new Zend_InfoCard_Claims();
require_once 'Zend/InfoCard/Exception.php'; try { $signedAssertionsXml = $this->_extractSignedToken($strXmlToken); } catch(Zend_InfoCard_Exception $e) { $retval->setError('Failed to extract assertion document'); $retval->setCode(Zend_InfoCard_Claims::RESULT_PROCESSING_FAILURE); return $retval; }
try { $assertions = Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Assertion::getInstance($signedAssertionsXml); } catch(Zend_InfoCard_Exception $e) { $retval->setError('Failure processing assertion document'); $retval->setCode(Zend_InfoCard_Claims::RESULT_PROCESSING_FAILURE); return $retval; }
if(!($assertions instanceof Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Assertion_Interface)) { throw new Zend_InfoCard_Exception("Invalid Assertion Object returned"); }
if(!($reference_id = Zend_InfoCard_Xml_Security::validateXMLSignature($assertions->asXML()))) { $retval->setError("Failure Validating the Signature of the assertion document"); $retval->setCode(Zend_InfoCard_Claims::RESULT_VALIDATION_FAILURE); return $retval; }
// The reference id should be locally scoped as far as I know if($reference_id[0] == '#') { $reference_id = substr($reference_id, 1); } else { $retval->setError("Reference of document signature does not reference the local document"); $retval->setCode(Zend_InfoCard_Claims::RESULT_VALIDATION_FAILURE); return $retval; }
// Make sure the signature is in reference to the same document as the assertions if($reference_id != $assertions->getAssertionID()) { $retval->setError("Reference of document signature does not reference the local document"); $retval->setCode(Zend_InfoCard_Claims::RESULT_VALIDATION_FAILURE); }
// Validate we haven't seen this before and the conditions are acceptable $conditions = $this->getAdapter()->retrieveAssertion($assertions->getAssertionURI(), $assertions->getAssertionID());
if($conditions === false) { $conditions = $assertions->getConditions(); }
if(is_array($condition_error = $assertions->validateConditions($conditions))) { $retval->setError("Conditions of assertion document are not met: {$condition_error[1]} ({$condition_error[0]})"); $retval->setCode(Zend_InfoCard_Claims::RESULT_VALIDATION_FAILURE); }
$attributes = $assertions->getAttributes();
if($retval->getCode() == 0) { $retval->setCode(Zend_InfoCard_Claims::RESULT_SUCCESS); }
return $retval; } }