Viewing file: example.php (4.18 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * Example for Console_Getargs class * * $Id: example.php,v 1.7 2004/10/14 20:44:41 scottmattocks Exp $ */
require_once 'Console/Getargs.php';
$config = array( // Option takes 2 values 'files|images' => array('short' => 'f|i', 'min' => 2, 'max' => 2, 'desc' => 'Set the source and destination image files.'), // Option takes 1 value 'width' => array('short' => 'w', 'min' => 1, 'max' => 1, 'desc' => 'Set the new width of the image.'), // Option is a switch 'debug' => array('short' => 'd', 'max' => 0, 'desc' => 'Switch to debug mode.'), // Option takes from 1 to 3 values, using the default value(s) if the arg is not present 'formats' => array('min' => 1, 'max' => 3, 'desc' => 'Set the image destination format.', 'default' => array('jpegbig', 'jpegsmall')), // Option takes from 1 to an unlimited number of values 'filters' => array('short' => 'fi', 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'desc' => 'Set the filters to be applied to the image upon conversion. The filters will be used in the order they are set.'), // Option accept 1 value or nothing. If nothing, then the default value is used 'verbose' => array('short' => 'v', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 1, 'desc' => 'Set the verbose level.', 'default' => 3), // Parameters. Anything leftover at the end of the command line is added. CONSOLE_GETARGS_PARAMS => array('min' => 1, 'max' => 2, 'desc' => 'Set the application parameters.', 'default' => 'DEFAULT') );
$args =& Console_Getargs::factory($config);
// Use the following two lines to test passing an array // other than $_SERVER['argv'] //$test = array('-dvw', 500, 'foo1', 'foo2'); //$args =& Console_Getargs::factory($config, $test);
if (PEAR::isError($args)) { $header = "Console_Getargs Example\n". 'Usage: '.basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])." [options]\n\n"; if ($args->getCode() === CONSOLE_GETARGS_ERROR_USER) { echo Console_Getargs::getHelp($config, $header, $args->getMessage())."\n"; } else if ($args->getCode() === CONSOLE_GETARGS_HELP) { echo Console_Getargs::getHelp($config, $header)."\n"; // To see the automatic header uncomment this line //echo Console_Getargs::getHelp($config)."\n"; } exit; }
echo 'Verbose: '.$args->getValue('verbose')."\n"; echo 'Formats: '.(is_array($args->getValue('formats')) ? implode(', ', $args->getValue('formats'))."\n" : $args->getValue('formats')."\n"); echo 'Files: '.($args->isDefined('files') ? implode(', ', $args->getValue('files'))."\n" : "undefined\n"); if ($args->isDefined('fi')) { echo 'Filters: '.(is_array($args->getValue('fi')) ? implode(', ', $args->getValue('fi'))."\n" : $args->getValue('fi')."\n"); } else { echo "Filters: undefined\n"; } echo 'Width: '.$args->getValue('w')."\n"; echo 'Debug: '.($args->isDefined('d') ? "YES\n" : "NO\n"); echo 'Parameters: '.($args->isDefined('parameters') ? is_array($args->getValue('parameters')) ? implode(', ', $args->getValue('parameters')) : $args->getValue('parameters') : "undefined") . "\n";
// Test with: // ---------- // Get the help message // php -q example.php -h // // Pass two files // php -q example.php -v -f src.tiff dest.tiff // // Set verbose level 5, pass two files, and debug // php -q example.php -v5 -f src.tiff dest.tiff -d // // Set verbose level 1, pass two files, debug, and set width to 100 // php -q example.php -v 1 -f src.tiff dest.tiff -d --width=100 // // Set verbose (defaults to 3), pass two files, and pass two filters // php -q example.php -v -f src.tiff dest.tiff -fi sharp blur // // Set three formats // php -q example.php --format gif jpeg png // // Debug, set verbose to default level and width to 100 // php -q example.php -dvw 100 // // Pass two application parameters // php -q example.php foo1 foo2 // // Debug, set verbose level 5, pass two files, and pass two application parameters // php -q examples/example.php -dv5 -f src.tiff dest.tiff foo1 foo2