Viewing file: zf.php (6.21 KB) -rw-rw-rw- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Tool * @subpackage Framework * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Zend Technologies USA Inc. ( * @license New BSD License * @version $Id$ */
/** * zf_main() - The main() function to run */ function zf_main() { global $_zf; $_zf = array(); zf_setup_home_directory(); zf_setup_storage_directory(); zf_setup_config_file(); zf_setup_php_runtime(); zf_setup_tool_runtime(); zf_run($_zf); }
function zf_setup_home_directory() { global $_zf; // check for explicity set ENV var ZF_HOME if (($zfHome = getenv('ZF_HOME')) && file_exists($zfHome)) { $_zf['HOME'] = $zfHome; } elseif (($home = getenv('HOME'))) { $_zf['HOME'] = $home; } elseif (($home = getenv('HOMEPATH'))) { $_zf['HOME'] = $home; } $homeRealpath = realpath($_zf['HOME']); if ($homeRealpath) { $_zf['HOME'] = $homeRealpath; } else { unset($_zf['HOME']); } }
function zf_setup_storage_directory() { global $_zf; if (($zfStorage = getenv('ZF_STORAGE_DIR')) && file_exists($zfStorage)) { $_zf['STORAGE_DIR'] = $zfStorage; } elseif (isset($_zf['HOME']) && file_exists($_zf['HOME'] . '/.zf/')) { $_zf['STORAGE_DIR'] = $_zf['HOME'] . '/.zf/'; } else { return; } $storageRealpath = realpath($_zf['STORAGE_DIR']); if ($storageRealpath) { $_zf['STORAGE_DIR'] = $storageRealpath; } else { unset($_zf['STORAGE_DIR']); } }
function zf_setup_config_file() { global $_zf; if (($zfConfigFile = getenv('ZF_CONFIG_FILE')) && file_exists($zfConfigFile)) { $_zf['CONFIG_FILE'] = $zfConfigFile; } elseif (isset($_zf['HOME'])) { if (file_exists($_zf['HOME'] . '/.zf.ini')) { $_zf['CONFIG_FILE'] = $_zf['HOME'] . '/.zf.ini'; } elseif (file_exists($_zf['HOME'] . '/zf.ini')) { $_zf['CONFIG_FILE'] = $_zf['HOME'] . '/zf.ini'; } }
if (isset($_zf['CONFIG_FILE']) && ($zrealpath = realpath($_zf['CONFIG_FILE']))) {
$_zf['CONFIG_FILE'] = $zrealpath; $zsuffix = substr($_zf['CONFIG_FILE'], -4); if ($zsuffix === '.ini') { $_zf['CONFIG_TYPE'] = 'ini'; } else { unset($_zf['CONFIG_FILE']); }
} }
function zf_setup_php_runtime() { global $_zf; if (!isset($_zf['CONFIG_TYPE']) || $_zf['CONFIG_TYPE'] !== 'ini') { return; } $zfini_settings = parse_ini_file($_zf['CONFIG_FILE']); $phpini_settings = ini_get_all(); foreach ($zfini_settings as $zfini_key => $zfini_value) { if (substr($zfini_key, 0, 4) === 'php.') { $phpini_key = substr($zfini_key, 4); if (array_key_exists($phpini_key, $phpini_settings)) { ini_set($phpini_key, $zfini_value); } } } }
function zf_setup_tool_runtime() { //global $_zf;
// last ditch efforts if (zf_try_client_load()) { return; } $zfIncludePath['original'] = get_include_path(); // if ZF is not in the include_path, but relative to this file, put it in the include_path if (($zfIncludePath['prepend'] = getenv('ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH_PREPEND')) || ($zfIncludePath['whole'] = getenv('ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH'))) { if (isset($zfIncludePath['prepend']) && ($zfIncludePath['prepend'] !== false) && (($zfIncludePath['prependRealpath'] = realpath($zfIncludePath['prepend'])) !== false)) { set_include_path($zfIncludePath['prependRealpath'] . PATH_SEPARATOR . $zfIncludePath['original']); } elseif (isset($zfIncludePath['whole']) && ($zfIncludePath['whole'] !== false) && (($zfIncludePath['wholeRealpath'] = realpath($zfIncludePath['whole'])) !== false)) { set_include_path($zfIncludePath['wholeRealpath']); } } if (zf_try_client_load()) { return; } $zfIncludePath['relativePath'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../library/'; if (file_exists($zfIncludePath['relativePath'] . 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Console.php')) { set_include_path(realpath($zfIncludePath['relativePath']) . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); }
if (!zf_try_client_load()) { zf_display_error(); exit(1); } }
function zf_try_client_load() { $loaded = @include_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Console.php'; return $loaded; }
/** * zf_display_error() */ function zf_display_error() { echo <<<EOS ***************************** ZF ERROR ******************************** In order to run the zf command, you need to ensure that Zend Framework is inside your include_path. If you are running this tool without ZendFramework in your include_path, you can alternatively set one of two environment variables to for this tool to work:
a) ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH_PREPEND="/path/to/ZendFramework/library"
OR alternatively
b) ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH="/path/to/ZendFramework/library"
The former (a) will make the specified Zend Framework first in the include_path whereas the latter (b) will replace the include_path with the specified path.
echo ' attempted include_path: ' . get_include_path() . PHP_EOL; echo ' script location: ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . PHP_EOL;
function zf_run($zfConfig) { global $_zf; unset($_zf); $configOptions = array(); if (isset($zfConfig['CONFIG_FILE'])) { $configOptions['configOptions']['configFilepath'] = $zfConfig['CONFIG_FILE']; } if (isset($zfConfig['STORAGE_DIR'])) { $configOptions['storageOptions']['directory'] = $zfConfig['STORAGE_DIR']; }
Zend_Tool_Framework_Client_Console::main($configOptions); }